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What an absolute dirtbag. I hope the defence forces follow through and get rid of him.


Couldn’t believe how commander said how good and the rest he was, it’s completely irrelevant if he hadn’t been caught on CCTV he’d have lied through his teeth.


The Commander who read from his personel file and then gave his scathing opinion of him?


Couldn't be arsed reading up on why the CO was there and in what capacity either I see. He wasn't giving a character reference. He was there because he's obliged to be. Crotty is subject to civilian AND military law. His career was over the minute he punched the girl. The CO read out statements of fact taken directly from the lad's military service records and could only speak in terms of any personal interaction he has had, which at the CO'S level would've been minimal at best.


>His career was over the minute he punched the girl. Not true, since without the CCTV and witnesses he'd have pleaded innocent the entire time and might never have gotten convicted. Also if it was deemed "over" at some point before yesterday... It would have been good for someone to have let the judge know that the reason for his leniency was fallacious.


That can't happen. Neither can prejudice the others investigation.


Talking out your hole. He was obliged by law to be there and obliged by law to give honest answers to the questions asked of him.


How is he obliged by law ? Genuine question what law demands the army send someone to court to testify to someone's good behaviour


It falls under defence forces regulations. Any custodial sentence or a fine totalling two weeks' wages or more (if I remember correctly) is an automatic discharge, for which reason soldiers are required to notify their chain of command of any court appearances and the unit is obliged to send a commissioned officer to observe and report back on the sentence. As has been said, you'll be given a copy of the soldier's file and the judge can call on you to read statements of fact from it. Things like AF667 annual reports are highly standardised so language like 'exemplary conduct' are literally boxes that are checked by the reporting officer, and generally unless a soldier has highlighted themselves negatively the grade corresponds to time in service as they're worth points in promotion competitions. It's a common enough tactic for defence solicitors to say things like 'my client has a record of exemplary service and as you can see, his unit has sent an officer today as a character witness'. That's bollocks. The officer is there to record and report, nothing more.


I don't have the statue to hand but a commanding officer is obliged to attend criminal trial of a serving member of the defence forces.


This soldier deserves prison, that's for sure & I am glad the defense forces has sacked him. There was another case in Limerick recently when a group of lads (from Tipp in think)gave a homeless man a savage hiding for nothing. They deserve prison too. Why won't judges lock these vicious thugs up. Streets would be safer for everyone.


Coincidentally it was the same judge, Tom O’Donnell.


No coincidence, and it’s nothing new. He’s been letting people get away with it for a long time. [Here’s an article from 2016](https://www.limerickpost.ie/2016/10/06/limerick-judge-warns-against-violence-as-three-walk-free-over-assault/)


Jesus more people that deserved to hear a jail cell door slam behind them. No one seems to be able to hold judges accountable for lenient sentences.


I did not know that. He should have locked them up for what they have done. The victims have to live with the trauma both physical and psychological for a long time. Streets would be a lot safer without these thugs.


The DPP can appeal the sentence. I can this lad doing time. The army is getting rid of him anyway.


Where did you see that the Army are removing him? If true that's brilliant news, he needs jail time but it's a start.




So you don’t convict him because his career in the army would be over? Jesus Christ what is wrong with the judicial system here


Sounds like his career in the army is over anyway. And good luck with the next career, everyone knows about him now.


Given his misogyny and homophobia,his next career will probably be "citizen journalist " where he can join all the other unemployed "patriot " wasters.


Jesus I could actually see that happening. ‘They’re out to get me, it’s all made up, blame the immigrants.’ Those gobshites would swallow it up.


Homophobia ? I only started following the case this week


Probably only doing it after backlash, they were saying like he’s a good chap before


No they werent. They were waiting for the case to finalise before he was court martialed


That's not fair on the DF. They rightly needed to wait for the outcome of the court case before dismissing him. People are eager to bash them without engaging their own brain and thinking what might go wrong for the DF or any organisation that starts sacking people before they're found guilty of an accusation


That's fair enough but his company boss either spoke up for him in court or wrote a letter


Also not really true. He provided essentially the DFs performance reviews of him. The guy may have had no issues at all in work, the DF can't lie in court because they're disgusted by him. When asked his personal opinion he said he was extremely disappointed.




They could only state what their perspective of him was - which apparently was okay. My current manager had a man who was based in the States reporting to him a good few years who was convicted of sexually abusing his daughters. My manager was shocked when it came out and said the scary thing was that he came across as a normal, decent person. Someone's work persona can be very different to their persona outside of work.


If you started speculating about a soldier's civilian criminal cases in your workplace annual reports you'd (a) guarantee that any future attempt to fire him would be upended in a labour court and (b) risk compromising the criminal case. For better or worse, the army is subject to the same employment legislation as everyone else. Now that he's been convicted DF regulations allow them to go about getting rid of him, and that process is ongoing.


Fair enough, I regret what I said now but I’ll keep it up as a reminder instead of acting like I never said it


Fair fucks.


But surely the emotional reactions of everybody online trumps longstanding employment laws and internal regulatory practices?


Yes ridiculous. Limerick Circuit Court seems to be very lenient on assault in general. Look at Kyle Hayes. Even Garda witnesses didn't count in court. Nothing to stop anyone being assaulted these days.


How many people have been sentenced for "assault" in Limerick Circuit Court in, say, 2023 and how do those sentences compare to the rest of the country?


4 people. I was all of them. No one can stop me


Pity the only decided to do something about it until all the attention it received.


[Link.](https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2024/06/21/defence-forces-begin-disciplinary-procedures-against-soldier-convicted-for-limerick-assault/) Newspaper article above. It should be easy to get around the paywall.


Brilliant to hear, thanks for sharing!


Think I heard on the radio the army had started expulsion procedures.


Still important to protest both to show that this sort of violence against women is not acceptable & that how the Judicial system treats victims is not acceptable




Joke's on you, judge! He's going to be dismissed anyway. At least he will face some consequences. Also, his name is now mud outside his own locality. And hopefully a bit there too. The army has initiated dismissal proceedings.


There's absolutely no way the defense forces are going to allow him to stay employed with them... regardless of what the idiot judge thinks. It would be a terrible look for an organisation that's been trying to resolve internal issues around bullying and sexism. All that said, Crotty belongs in jail. I hope there's a huge and aggressively indignant presence at tomorrow's marches.


I'll be there anyway.




No, they sent a representative to give a report to the court outlining whether he had come to their notice previously for disciplinary reasons, what his record in the forces had been, etc. This is protocol and perfectly normal, even when it shines the perpetrator in a neutral or even good light. His commandant \*did not\* volunteer to come forward and give him a good character reference. This seems to be a common misconception. The defense forces did nothing wrong. The judge on the other hand...


So they are obliged to do this?


He was convicted guilty and giving a suspended sentence. His army career is over and tbh his employment career finished in Ireland. No one will hire him. So look forward to supporting him on the social


We’ve supported worse and will continue to do unfortunately. He belongs in jail for some time at least




Future job as a cop with a letter from the parish priest probably.


The army is only getting off their ass because of the backlash, they previously stated their intention to keep him on.


Where and when did the army make any official claim in this regard?? That’s very unusual. The typical response from the army press office in these matters is that they can’t comment on individual ongoing cases.


Citation please.


I think the whole judicial system is a joke and needs massive reform.


It's really frightening at the moment, this country has turned violent assault into a minor "slap on the wrist" offence when the victim's life is changed forever.


Actually only catching up on this today I honestly assumed straight out it was hyperbole or being twisted in some way as there's no way someone would get a slap on the wrist for beating a young woman unconscious, especially when it's a member of our armed forces Nope, it's in fact even worse than that He beat her because she asked him to stop shouting homophobic abuse at someone else And then he went on Facebook to brag about beating her to a pulp ..and when arrested, his initial argument was that he was acting in self defense, until he was shown CCTV footage which showed him that he blatantly attacked her without provocation. Injuries sustained by the victim; a severe concussion, a broken nose, severe swelling, and bruising on both arms, shoulders, head, right upper thigh, left eye, cheek and jaw. She then spent months undergoing further tests in hospital due to the extent of the concussion, with Doctors believing it was a brain bleed. This is only the physical side of the damage. The mental trauma frankly sounds even worse again. Her life has been immeasurably altered by him. The entire justice system in Ireland is in dire, dire need of an absolute overhaul. Honestly can't imagine how the Judge can even sleep at night after handing down nothing for it.


It makes my blood run cold every time I hear her say her last conscious thought was he isn't gonna stop. Imagine your last thought being you're never gonna wake up. That's gotta alter your brain permanently.


Absolutely fucking shameful, depressing and scary.


It's an absolute disgrace, yet another thing to add on the the list of shite the goverement has tried to swipe under the rug for the last decade. Just like The Simpsons: https://imgur.com/a/9AUiJOf


Just to be clear on what happened. He held her by her hair and punched her into her face 3 times until she was unconscious. Then snapchatted it. How the fuck, as a country, can we tolerate a suspended sentence for this? The judge thought this scumbags army career was more important than protecting the women of Ireland.


I wonder if these protestors dragged him out of his house and beat him unconscious would they also only get a suspended sentence!


Are you saying there’s only one way to find out ?


https://preview.redd.it/93lpmhqu2z7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0d0173d78f3d269429d8ce34f7e88b38215c52 Galway’s plan


RTÉ story about the Defence Forces embarking on their own process after the sentence has a link to the fact that he apparently boasted about the attack on Social Media afterwards but the link doesn't work for me. Grim.


[This](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/courtandcrime/arid-41420356.html) refers to his Snapchat boasting about the attack. Sickening.


The judge said he pleaded guilty early yet he blamed her from the outset until cctv proved him a liar. Above all else that statement he made on social media tells you immediately what remorse this man had . Bragging about punching a woman . If the army don’t kick him out they’ve lost all credibility as a protective force


I thought it would be bad but seeing it in black and white is even worse somehow. I believe that even with all the mitigating factors as perceived by the judge, this prick should have gotten a custodial sentence. It was was not some impetuous youthful indiscretion, it was gleeful savagery. Vile enough what happened to this young women all by itself but imagine this psycho was serving as a peacekeeper in some lawless spot with vulnerable people as well.


>Crotty fled when a male passer-by intervened, however his friends remained at the scene. Lol of course he did. "Defence forces"


As a dad of 3 daughters I find this genuinely shocking. A trained fighter could violently beat my daughter & Snapchat it and then basically face no consequences. It’s beyond insane. The bastard deserves significant jail time. Letting him away like this sends an unbelievable message to the women of Ireland.


And it sends a message to the type of people that could attack someone like this. Don't worry lads, the judge will have your back


Totally, it’s truly shocking.


I'll be there


What a bizarre sentence by the judge.


If only the "concerned parents" and their affiliated communities would do the same and protest this case. We all know why they aren't though


Some of the people at top of the "patriot" parties are woman beaters anyways


I saw Galway is at 2pm also!


Will definitely be at the Dublin one


How was this not attempted murder? He only stopped because someone interfered and she was unconscious.




A chara, Doxxing in any form is not tolerated. No linking/commenting to personally identifiable social media accounts or photographs of users without consent. Sláinte


That such a disgusting, dangerous and worrying Predator can sail through our justice system and remain free to scar more lives is so sickening. Fuck this Guy. He should be in a dark damp cell. What a piece of shit. Edit to add: I heard clips of Natasha O'Brien speaking out after and her courage, dignity and sense of justice so badly needs to be publicly supported by society or we are not worth a shit.


Said it years ago on Reddit. We need mandatory minimums for violent offenders.  Suspended sentences can work to prevent someone from getting worse and do serve a purpose. Certain crimes should not automatically lead to jail as that can further a criminal way of life, and suspended sentences and in turn force a better form of living over fear of prison. But absolutely not for violent offenders. Jail time is to show series repercussions for violet acts, but also to remove the person from society and protect others, and sane goes for anyone on a suspended sentences. Should be guaranteed prison time of they step one toe out of line. Ireland does not do such things  How we can allow someone that commits random acts of violence to roam free and not serve jail time. Exactly who are our prisons for, if not this person Only another suspended sentences for father for beating 13 year daughter with pipe.  The fact any judge can say with a straight face. You don't deserve to be in prison is beyond belief. 


Will the “concerned parents” and far righters “concerned about the safety of women” actually bother showing up? A shocking sentence. The country should be rioting. The judge and the person who gave the character reference should be ashamed. He should rot.


For some reason they're pretty quiet about the safety of this woman. Not much noise from them about the 3 lads who got away with beating the shit out of the homeless fella in Limerick. Normally they're very concerned with looking after our own homeless.


There were people on Facebook mentioning a counter protest, for what exactly I don't know, seems a bit braindead


Seriously?? Wtf


If it was a foreign National they’d be rioting!




Be going to the Dublin one. Hopefully Grandmothers/Grandfathers Against Racism will understand.


the judge has a lot to answer for. its his discretion that has made a mockery out of the justice system.


Good stuff,that little scrote will get a sentence review I’d say.jail time imminent.


https://preview.redd.it/1hhrdzoloz7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9203d578c52700eacb1fec7c3e6a4740fb4c7e “Men having a victory”


Buckley definitely has some skeletons in his closet...


What did the judge say in sentencing did he say his reasons where so the lad could keep his career??


Can only assume that the good folks protesting refugees and giving the trans community a hard time to keep our women and children safe will be up in arms and demanding this guy does time...right? Right?


Why is this being made an injustice against women issue rather than a general injustice issue, while the effort is welcome, where was the march for the male victim of Kyle Hayes? or any number of male victims who are assaulted up and down the country every week.


Why didn't you organise it?


No-one is stopping you going out and protesting about that, or organising a rally. Off you go!


well because the victim was a woman? why didn't you organise a march for them if it bothers you


Doubtless there'll be a few people there, outraged that they aren't being centred, for once.


ROSA are the Socialist Feminist network. So the clue is kind of in the name. Feminism only deals with issues that affect women. There's a false belief that this means feminism is inherently anti-male, but that's not true. Fighting for women doesn't mean fighting against men. I agree with you in principle - the sentencing in our justice system lets down all victims; women are not any worse affected than men. And if there's going to be a rally it should be inclusive, not sexist. But I wouldn't expect feminists to campaign for men's rights any more than I'd expect Barnardo's to campaign for better geriatric care. That's not what they do.


Feminism does not only deal with issues which affect women, feminism deals with equality of the sexes - which involves men too, and advocating for the rights and responsibilities of men too. For example: A feminist cause would be the increase of paternity leave for new fathers, bringing maternity and paternity leave close in parity. The result benefits women, who are less likely to be discriminated against in workplace hiring. Feminism is about equality, it's as much about men as it is about women.


I don't know, where was the march for the male victim of Kyle Hayes? Where is the march for the male victims who are being assaulted every week? You haven't been organising them, or did you think they appear out of thin air? Men are randomly brutally assaulted on the street by strangers at a far higher rate than women are, maybe you should get together with your fellow men and try do something about it? Or do you expect the women who have organised this march to do that for you?


I support men's rights to be treated with empathy and compassion when they are a victim of violence but do you care about it when women's rights aren't the topic of discussion?


>Why is this being made an injustice against women issue rather than a general injustice issue, while the effort is welcome, where was the march for the male victim of Kyle Hayes? or any number of male victims who are assaulted up and down the country every week. "I understand women are angry about being overlooked, but can we take a moment to put *men* in the spotlight?" Your comment has so much irony in it that a nice fellow named Koveras has laid a claim to the deposit.


What about ..what about .. take a fucking day off will ye


Actually incredible that this bothers you


Well it just proves his point that the judicial system is equally fucked for everyone and not just misogynistic. Edit: Just to add fair play to the organisers, hopefully, it will make the powers that be, enact justice


take a day off man your life sounds exhausting


You just seem unbelievably contrarian. You would look at a protest for X and say “b-b-but what about Y?”


Spot the misogynist




> Because ROSA are head cases Yeah? Give us an example.




Yeah, but any examples?


In ROSA's case? I mean yeah, just take a look at their Twitter feed. But look, not everyone has to agree with their world view. On this particular case though, I think everyone can agree.


Cheers, I honestly never heard of them before.




> Look at their history, rent a mob of the permanently offended. Give us an example. > But ROSA are not jobs I presume you mean, ‘nut jobs’? Give us an example.




> mysogynistic justice system Whoever wrote that unironically needs to do some reading.


Can that No Justice, No Peace slogan be made illegal please. It should be classified as incitement to violence. The one and only time I’ve heard it in Ireland was the Nkencho protests where “protestors” decided to rampage round blanch attacking innocent people. Besides that the BLM protests. Absolute horseshit importing that crap here.


So in the face of a lack of justice, you now also want to censor people. You're really cool.


100% agree justice wasn’t served and that soldier should have done time. That slogan brings nothing but trouble. Give us what we want or we will riot, attack innocent people and ransack businesses. T


If I hear one more complaint about "importing" things I'm going to import myself.


I do think it’s a bit tone deaf of Rosa to essentially threaten No Peace when peace is the basic foundation for a good society. So I agree with you that their wording could be better given we’re talking about a violent attack, we should make it clear peace is what we want.


The scumbag should go to prison, no doubt about it but the word “misogynistic” is used incorrectly in that headline. If it was a male who had been assaulted it wouldn’t have even made the news, and he probably would have received even lesser of a penalty!


No it's not.


I was thinking this today. If nothing happens when women get beat up for nothing, then what hope is there when men get beat up for nothing. Crazy, scary shit.


The sentence handed out is a disgrace but the title of this poster does nothing to advance the cause of the victim. Threatening the peace is hardly taking the moral high ground...


Wonder who would be protesting if the victim was a man. Like many victims of thuggery are. Probably not these people. Why does everything have to be polarised.




Wow. Angry much? All I did was question why we need a protest against a "mysognistic" justice system as opposed to a "generally dysfunctional" one. Anyways hope you have a great day.


> question why we need a protest against a "mysognistic" justice system The stats for investigations and prosecutions into violence targeting women are radically lower than those against men. Most domestic violence cases don't even get reported, and the Garda do fuck all.






A chara, Mods reserve the right to remove any targeted/unreasonable abuse towards other users. Sláinte


Wonderful to see ROSA have some non insane ideas for a change.


I hate the way people think its a more serious crime just because it was a woman.


He also gloated about it on social media and tried to weasel his way out until he was shown CCTV footage. There is a time and place for discussions about situations where men get less sympathy, but this ain't it son.


I don’t think people are saying that. I consider it an equally horrific crime no matter the sex of the victim.  However, it is relevant context that women are physically weaker than men and therefore more vulnerable to violence. Women are more likely than men to sustain serious injuries from similar assaults and largely ineffectual in self-defence when the perpetrator is a man. 


I'd recommend we stop using his name.  He shouldn't be made any kind of a celebrity out of this. 


I actually think it’s important his name is known - he doesn’t merit anonymity. 


The problem with that is that if we persecute him, he may be able to leverage that for support somewhere down the line. The more people know his name, the more likely someone is to leak his address, the more likely he is to say "tHe WoKe LeFt CaNcElEd Me" on some idiot's podcast and then he finds himself a platform and can promote whatever he wants.  If we don't make a martyr out of him, and the protest works and he goes to prison, it'll just be like "the system works sometimes" and we can move on. Obviously it was bad that he beat up Natasha, but that on its own wouldn't have garnered the support we're seeing now. This protest is being organised in response to the injustice of not locking him up. If we can make a hero out of Natasha for being so brave as to go up against the state after being knocked down figuratively and literally, we can show the judge that there is more justice in putting a thug in jail than protecting a soldier's career. 


That guy should have been seen as a weapon and what he did was attempted murder. He should have got more time for what he did with the training he has. But no, he got no time. His address is already out there.


I would be very happy if he got life and the entire Snapchat group where he said "two to put her down..." was investigated 


Yes, you're right, that whole group needs investigating. Anyone who still talks to this malfunctioning weapon after that needs investigating.


I know there are plenty of examples in the wider world like you're describing (like that Rittenhouse fella), but I honestly can't imagine that happening for him. There has to be *some* angle of defense for that to work, even if that defence is shite. Try to come up with some nutcase's defence of him - it's impossible. The judge went out of his way to protect a man that lied about beating a woman on the street - that's the only way anyone could interpret what happened here.


No we should make sure *everyone* knows his name. In case they ever encounter him.


Hopefully that won't be a concern if the protest does its job. 


Couldn't disagree more. Do you think he'll benefit from having his name well known for this, or something?


The only bad press is no press these days. 








No, help women and make sure it's known.


Yeah he'll be on Dancing with the Stars next year out of this.




I would rather someone get life in prison than die


You're a vile person. Maybe when you grow older you'll see how disgusting it is to wish suicide on a person.


A chara, There is a zero tolerance policy for the promotion or suggestion of the use of violence against others. Sláinte


Lgbt icon, how do we get saint status