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99.9%? I'm sorry to have to break the news to you like this. [*You're inbred.*](https://youtu.be/1ayIJed2dn4?t=364)


No its that they lump them in together that has upset me šŸ„²


Not sure why they lump them together. They also lump German and French together too. The genetic groups will give you more clarity. I got 2/3 British and Irish but my genetic groups specify Ireland, Northern Ireland and some of Scotland, and a tiny bit of England.


That's 3/4 British


Well, not exactly. 23andMe shows genetic groups on a map, I got the entire island of Ireland circled, extending into lower Scotland (because you know, the Ulster Scots/Scots Irish), and then Lancashire. So itā€™s pretty clear, when you have ā€œBritish and Irishā€œ ancestry, if that ancestry is more Irish or more British or both. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the average Irish person has some amount of genetic links to Great Britain.


'British' Isles šŸ¤®


ā€œNautical Explorationā€


"Do you have a flag?"


"Nautical Nonsense"




Always wondered about doing one of these, but have not got around to scoping out the data protection and privacy aspects. Iā€™m Irish, but a good bit of French a little further back on the maternal line.




Funny thing is they best of a bad bunch. Waiting for one that comes out at full price with good privacy but hasn't happened yet. Also if you do go through with it just tick box to say do not share with research partners and you have less companies with access to your dna.


>data protection and privacy leaves a lot to be desired.Ā  We're they not the subject of a massive data breach in the last year or two?Ā 


They sell your data to pharma companies and you pay for the privilege. Better pray an insurance company never gets their hands on it


23andMe was hacked and the attackers deliberately went after records about [Jewish people which were then shared online](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/23andme-user-data-targeting-ashkenazi-jews-leaked-online-rcna119324) Don't give your DNA to a company


Use a fake name, new email address, and whatever the equivalent to Parcel Motel is now.


i did this , my heritage and ancestry to see if there was a difference. i got 99.5% in the 23 and me 100% irish, scottish and welsh in the my heritage and ancestry gave me ... 79% irish, 10% scottish, 2% welsh, 9% northern england/ manx/northeastern europe/britanny so tbh celtic as fuck,,..... inbred like most of us hahaha :)


This is what happens when you marry your cousins. I donā€™t care how hot they are.


Jesus Christ, so you are either from Carlow or British. Condolences.


Surely central Ireland would be the midlands Laois Offaly Westmeath type area


They are the cultural heart of the country.


I used MyHeritage and it told me I have 6 genetic groups consisting of 100% Irish, Scottish and Welsh. No English genes at all or any other foreign genetic ethnicity.


Sure arenā€™t they all German really?


Watch out Itchy, heā€™s Irish!!


But pre 1920s your Irish ancestors were ā€˜British and Irishā€™.


Cheers boss, I had thought 23andme were operating in present day. Didnā€™t realise they were pre 1920s. Thanks for that.


Well hereā€™s someone who doesnā€™t understand that ancestry is related to the word ancestors.


These guys have been hacked a few times and all that data is in the open. They were cool when they were a dutch company (??) but were bought out by a yank concern and profit trumps everything. I deleted all my accounts with them as soon as I got my results about 10 years ago


They themselves weren't hacked; individual accounts were compromised because people reused credentials that were stolen in attacks on other services. They did still have crappy practices by not using 2FA, which could have stopped it though. Also, they were never Dutch, they were founded in the US, and were eventually bought by Google.


My Bad, The package that came from them when I applied ( I did caveat it) came from The Netherlands so I made a bad assumption there. Also the 2023 hack exposed over have of their client base. About 7 million users so I don't think that was an individual accounts issue.