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"He said that in cases of serious offending, the question of what might happen in the future in terms of Moran future employment was of “limited concern” to the court." TIL judges read the papers 


This is Tony Hunt we're talking about here. He of all judges seems to be way more in touch and regularly speaks well of victims and admonishes offenders during sentencing.


He is also a high court judge who deals exclusively with extreme cases as opposed to someone like Judge Nolan, who is a circuit court judge dealing with the less extreme, first-time offenders.


Nolan dealt with someone with over 100 images of CP and gave him a suspended sentence. Hardly less extreme. That is definite gateway behaviour


It not gateway behaviour. It's an offence and he should have been jailed.


Yes he should , I agree but it’s gateway behaviour for actual sexual abuse was the point in arguing so ergo, yes he should have been jailed as a deterrent


You could argue that the DPP is at fault for not prosecuting the case harsher.


While I think the animal should be banished to a deep dark cell. It is less extreme than actual rape.


Doesn't stop Nolan wreaking havoc.


Nolan is a cancer. They're no excuses for him. None at all.


No, he isn't, and you show your ignorance by saying that.


Yes he is. His mate saying otherwise on reddit doesnt change the fact he's one of the most hated men in this country.


Not his mate, just understand how the judiciary works. He is not one of the most hated men in the country. He is a very well regarded **circuits** court judge who deals with a very certain types of crimes being prosecuted on the **lower** end of the scale. He passes about 40 sentences a week, out of which perhaps one or two of those is appealed by the offender and one or fewer by the Director of Public Prosecutions. Maybe try and read up about things and not just shouting misinformation like an eejit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Nolan_(judge)


That link literally has an entire section outlining his controversial decisions and talks about a petition to remove him so it's odd you'd use this in his defence when the link says the opposite to what you're saying.. Controversies Judge Nolan has attracted controversy for the perceived leniency of some of the sentences he has passed, particularly in the areas of Child Sexual Abuse Material or child sexual assault. An online petition to remove him from the bench attracted thousands of signatures.


Maybe try and stop siding with who allow pedophiles and rapists walk free.


Are you seriously making such a disgusting statement? You are pathetic. Good day.




'less extreme' debatable


The circuit court deals with less extreme cases than the high court. If the case is too serious for the circuit it goes to the high court. That's not debatable.


I mean christ it's a low bar, but credit to the judge all the same for making a point of this as I reckon he did so in hopes of sending a message to his peers far beyond the confines of this particular care.


Lucky for the victim he’s not a county star.


He's a rugby player. Luckily this judge has some common sense and the idiot denied it so there was no circumstances justifying a lower sentence.


If the Crotty case wasn't the subject of discussion you'd wonder what the sentence would be.


Probably the same with Hunt.


Its like "make an example". There are factors in just sentencing, and political grandstanding shouldn't be one, we need consistency.


He isn’t. He’s stating as a reminder to us all what a normal, sane sentencing process looks like, since we seem to have forgotten. 


Absolutely. All those marches worked.


> The judge noted that a character reference for Moran had been withdrawn before today’s sentencing. Hmmmm. Good that they withdrew, but you'd wonder how much they knew when they agreed to give a reference in the first place.


I've never been in the situation thankfully but if someone close to me was accused of something like this and denied it, I could see myself believing them and thinking there has been a miscarriage of justice. If a character witness could reduce their sentence, I'd probably give it.


It could be worse, you could be like Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis sending letters of support to a judge following Danny Masterson's rape conviction. That I cannot understand after the fact.


That woman is so brave to waive her anonymity. Can only imagine the shame she must have felt, but because she agreed everyone will know the name of that prick.


His name is Jonathon “Johnny” Moran. Let’s not have her waiving her anonymity just for us to forget who this bastard is and what he did.


The [details](https://www.pressreader.com/ireland/the-herald-1253/20240620/281505051392030) of this case are absolutely horrific. Bláthnaid Raleigh is a very brave woman to come forward and speak about this.


God... really brutal read but cheers for posting. Gives a good overview of the situation. Can't imagine knowing someone did this and they carry on life as normal, incredibly tough on the victim and the family. Absolute monster. Really glad to see decent length sentences being handed out, as the judge said it doesn't matter a shit what you do in your life, if you end up doing something like this, you deserve to go to prison for a long time and have your name tainted forever.


She did it so we would know who this bastard is and what he did. His name is Jonathon “Johnny” Moran. Let’s not have her waiving her anonymity just for us to forget who this bastard is and what he did.


Dirty fucking bastard. Also...he's 26? He looks 46


Seriously, I was shocked when they said he was 26! It also means he was committing serious rapes at the age of 21 or 22?


His name is Jonathon “Johnny” Moran. Let’s not have her waiving her anonymity just for us to forget who this bastard is and what he did.


>...the man who was 29 at the time of the alleged offences and is now almost 33 years old.


I don't know what article you read, but it says there he is 26 and was 21 at the time of the offence "Jonathan ‘Johnny’ Moran of Tower View, Mullingar, Co Westmeath (26) was convicted last month by a Central Criminal Court jury of two offences, a section four rape of Ms Raleigh and aggravated sexual assault using a bottle in a garden shed in Galway on 21 July 2019."


https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/courtandcrime/arid-41427496.html 🤔


Animal. Time to think about it in jail at least


Good. Hope more judges start handing down long custodial sentences for this kind of brutality and understand they will face public backlash if not 


In all fairness, Justice Tony Hunt has a long history of dealing with the very serious end of offences and being appropriatly harsh. He is often scathing in his sentancing remarks also.


Are we really suggesting 8 years for rape is a tough sentence. Should be 20+ years for any serious crime such as rape / serious assault Plus this guy will be out in 5 or 6 years. The Justice system in this country is a joke


That women’s life will never be the same. It seems very unfair


I think for certain crimes we really should consider bringing back capital punishment


So you wouldn't mind being executed for a crime you didn't commit then? Because if you want capital punishment brought back you're saying that you acknowledge at least some innocent people will be killed and that you're ok with that.


8 isn’t anywhere near long enough. Better than the usual shit I guess.


This headline is chilling, this guy was an student in my leaving cert class back in secondary school, can't believe what the souless monster he became...


Really? Wow. Out of curiosity, and you obviously shouldn’t feel obliged to answer but: as you can remember, did he ever say anything weird about women or sex?


Strangely enough, I can't recall anything specifically said during the leaving cert. He was stereotypically ingrained in the typical sporty lad culture and came off as competitive during sports. Guessing he fell off the deep end and was immersed into a more misogynistic mindset afterwards. Only saw the guy again on one occasion in passing around 2017 when attending a day course at a training center in (Gerrycastle) Athlone. By then, his demeanor and language towards women had changed noticeably. Truly disturbing and sickening what that woman had to experience.


In my very anecdotal experience I've found men who are into the sporty lad culture to often be very misogynistic.  Like in interpersonal relationships they'll voice much more conservative views on women (and LGBTQ+) and when out in public I'll more often be catcalled or otherwise harassed by lads in sports jerseys, particularly if there's been a match on. Now when I say sporty lad culture I'm talking about ball sports with teams, like football. Haven't had the same experience with men into cycling or scooba diving etc.


Great to see this predator brough to justice...how did her brothers keep their hands off him.


His name is Jonathon “Johnny” Moran. Disgusting little man.


Ugly fuckin bastard, makes my blood boil reading all that. May the woman find as much peace as she can - what a brave lady


He tortrured the girl by the sounds of it. Disgusting man.


Then kept his head down and lived his life as nothing had ever happened. Total psycho!


His name is Jonathon “Johnny” Moran. Let’s not have her waiving her anonymity just for us to forget who this bastard is and what he did to her.


Just read what he did do the poor girl, depraved little man. People like him should be branded.


Happened 5 years ago - is justice really this slow? Truly shameful


They're not fast, but Covid delayed this a bit also. To be fair, kudos to an Garda for securing the crime scene so quickly to allow physical DNA evidence to be taken, which I think was a key piece in this case since the rapist pleaded not guilty all the way.


Jesus, can’t believe Covid slipped my mind! Was very surprised to see how quick the Garda response was, glad that the appropriate steps were taken in good time


The passers by getting her to a garda station too, i pray i would be so perceptive but i think most people would have pointed her to where she wanted to go


Its f#cking terrifying that animals like this live among us. What in the name of christ are we supposed to do with young men like this yoke when they carry out such vile subhuman acts? He'll be out and about in four years....if not less.


That rapist Johnny Moran looks twenty years older than he is


Depraved bastard




Jonathon “Johnny” Moran of Mullingar. Don’t forget this fucker’s name or face folks. #shedidnotwaiveanonymityinvain


Is there a rise in absolute sicko's or does it just feel like it. This is f*ckin horrendous. She must have known the guy from home and still he did this....but apparently he's gainfully employed, 1st timer and from a good family(give me strength). All the best to Bláthnaid and hope she can live more fully after this.


I think there's always been a lot of this around, but brave people speaking up is changing how often it gets spoken about, and its emboldened people to report and to waive anonymity when previously they wouldn't have done so.


*six years Don’t know why our papers are absolutely loathe to mention the automatic 25% discount that the Department of Justice gives to all prison sentences, regardless of what the judge orders.


What? Why? Please explain?


It’s called “standard remission” and you’ll be glad to know that the Minister for Justice is extremely proud of, as she describes it, [“the uniqueness of Ireland’s **unconditional early release policy** when compared to other jurisdictions”](https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2024-05-01/199/) (my emphasis).


Huh. I didnt think it was possible to be more disappointed in the powers that be


If she ever tries to paint herself as the voice for women in the justice system - remind her of that. She applauds early release for degens.


Can judges add 25% to compensate?


Strictly speaking they’d need to add 33.33% to compensate


In a statement to The Journal, the club said it was “deeply shocked and saddened” when it learned of the crime committed by Moran, following his conviction last month. If I didn't know or heard whisperings my teammate/coach/friend was on trial for SEXUAL ASSAULT, I would be doing a fairly shitty job as a human.


What in the actual hell did I just read. How on earth could someone do this to another human being. 


Creepy looking nonce. Looks like a right wrong un.


Interesting you say that. I was struck by how fking ordinary he looks in this picture, that you could be sitting near him on the train and not have a clue you were near someone capable of the most monstrous depraved cruelty. Bit terrifying.


Fuck though, lad looks 50 not 26.


Wonder how much a reaction to the crotty case


Minimal enough, Judge Tony Hunt is pretty good for sentencing. He’s no Martin Nolan.


At a guess, very little. I don't think judges are swayed much by public opinion, would be a shit show if they were. At least if they were swayed in some knee-jerk manner.


Not the sentence, but hard to imagine he’s unaware of how his comment about “career prospects” might be interpreted, given the recent controversy.


Good to hear .. I did wonder about it as while I don’t think the judiciary give a flying f@@k what the public think the thoughts of a less glamorous retirement party might !


Look at it, that pathetic Thing.




Not a chance. Different judges deal with different types of crimes and scales of crimes. Noland is a circuit court judge, whereas Justice Tony Hunt is a high court judge who deals with only extreme cases.


It's funny how the people who hate on Nolan so much actually have no fucking clue what his job is and the types of cases he deals with.


There is a real anti-intelligentsia bent to a lot of what the 'silent magority' crowd says. You hear people say things like 'people go to college to get stupider'. People think it's all so easy now, and there are clear cut, easy answers to everything they watched a 4 minute tiktoc about.


How? Nolan doesnt deal with Rape cases.


How would a Circuit Court judge preside over a trial in the Central?


Good. The judge's quotes has Crotty written all over it.