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Well, that's just irredeemably fucking awful news. Sad and senseless.


Crime and thuggery are the number 1 election issue for me this coming General. Any party that comes out in favour of building several prisons (or better yet, emptying the prisons out for those charged with victimless drug crimes) and rounding up the absolute dragged up SCUMBAGS by the tens of thousands will be getting my vote. Any party that comes out against raising the age of the Youth Diversion Scheme will be getting my vote. I want the age lowered (not increased to 24 FFS). People under the age of 24 should not be above the law. I want them fucked straight into a cell if they're below the age then the welfare taken off them and their parents. I want parents to be responsible for their teenagers and charged with gross negligence. If you're not Irish then you should lose your right to be here, no exceptions. People with 5+ convictions should not be wandering the streets to terrorise our citizens. Every woman should feel safe to walk home alone at night without consequences which they're entitled to do. I want every scumbag whether they're white, black, brown, foreign, Irish...it doesn't matter...lock them all up and absolutely fucking batter them. 24 hour all night court hearings...line the cunts up and fuck them into a cell. I guarantee the criminality and thuggery will stop overnight. You have to get rough, very rough. And once we have taken back control of our streets then and only then can we start to address the issues that cause this state of affairs. Investing in disadvantaged communities will reap rewards 10-20 years from now. It won't help to stop the violent gangs, the pedophiles, the murderers, the rapists TODAY.


I can understand that reaction. There needs to be an absolute guarantee of consequences. There also needs to be long term work and wisdom put into tackling the sources and reasons behind crime. We have never done that and we see how that turns out. We must start fixing our drug problems in a way that doesn’t tie up the police and courts but instead gets real results at helping addicts. But anyone attacking another person on our streets or on transport has to believe that they will be dealt with and it won’t be nice.


Violent crime and wanton thievery has taken over. Every week there's a serious assault under the nose of store st or Pearse st. and it's not druggies committing the majority of it. This is what people want to see action on. A lad beaten to death in cork. That woman attacked by the soldier. The system is broken.


And lets by honest, scumbags breed scumbags, if they're all in jail should mean the next generation won't have as many


I've always been very left wing politically (still am), but I'd be of a similar mindset to you at this point.


I think it is a left wing position to want to protect your working communities and working people from those with a propensity for violence because its working communities who are bearing the brunt of it. My grandparents were brought up in the tenaments in inner Dublin in the 1920s. They hadn't got a pot to piss in but managed to raise 6 children and even though they were all raised in abject poverty not a single solitary one of them had a criminal record. When the government created the estates in the 70s and my parents were moved to the outskirts I was born in one of the more disadvantaged areas of the city. Never once have I had an issue with the Gardai, I've never hit anyone, never robbed anyone or sexually assaulted anyone, I've never caused anyone distress. I know great people from disadvantaged areas but you have to protect these ordinary decent working people from the absolute thuggery by fucking the scumbags behind bars. There is no contradiction with that stance and being on the left. You're on solid ground there.


>A MAN struck a Canadian tourist “full force" in the face with a "running kick" while he was lying on the ground in central Dublin, it is alleged. I can't understand how much of a gremlin you would need to be to hit someone on the ground like that. Depressing.


That needs to be a murder charge imo. You'd have to know you've a very good chance that person won't get up again, that should count as intention to kill.


I don't see how it could be anything but murder. If he hadn't died it should have been an attempted murder charge.


There might be a very severe suspended sentence coming someones way soon


It’ll be manslaughter


Manslaughter requires no intent to kill or cause serious injury. I don't see how running at someone on the ground and kicking their head is not an attempt to seriously injure them at a minimum if not outright kill them.


He was lost in the moment your honour and thought he was back playing Gaa with his fellow underprivileged angelic friends.


Have you not read their names? I doubt they even knew what GAA is


Well, you wouldn't want to ruin a good lad's career in the army/gaa/chipper!


It'll be that overly lenient judge that will dish out a sentence and it's bound to be 2-3 years at most.


It will be upgraded I’d say. Murder requires the mental element of intent to kill *or cause serious injury*. So as it stands, there are grounds to bring a murder charge


It'll just be a suspended sentence.


This is horrible, something similar happened to a friend of mine, we were in temple bar about 10+ years ago when we were 18. A group of guys and girls started chatting to us, all good, next thing they're throwing punches and swinging glass bottles. It was a bit manic but one of my mates got knocked out with a punch then a soccer kick to the head. It was absolutely brutal and he was absolutely out cold. Ambulance came, he came around, they just laughed it off and made fun of him. It was honestly such a horrific image. Rip to that tourist very sad...


I've been jumped by a gang and kicked in the head before, managed to get up but had absolutely no balance so stumbled a few paces, fell over again and got landed with a few more. A good Samaritan who had been driving past intervened, luckily for me. I dread to think of what could have happened to me and will never be able to fathom what makes people behave in this way. By some miracle , I remained conscious and relatively unharmed ...for which I credit my massive head.


He is going to get some fine for that 😬


We'll get a week of "extra" Garda on the streets in the City Centre and then back to normal. And when I say "extra", there's no such thing. They just get moved from another area, where crime will prosper in their absence.


Apparently there were very few guards around the country at the weekend because they were required in Dublin. There’s just not enough of them. They need to make it an attractive job.


The lack of police was a huge culture shock for me coming back to Ireland. You don’t realise it until you go away and come back. Population of Ireland was 3.8m when I was in primary school, there was 11,640 Gardaí. Now it’s ~5.3m (a 40% increase) and there is 13,930 Gardaí and that number is probably declining. I live just off the city centre (Smithfield) and rarely see a Garda. The area has well known social problems, anytime I’ve called the Gardaí they rarely show. If they do, their options for engagement are limited if only two of them turn up in a squad car. I lived in Spain for a good while. There are several police forces, the ones you are most likely to encounter are the local police, national police and the Guardia Civil. In the suburb I lived in, if there was trouble, you would have three police cars on the scene within two minutes. The fantastic availability and response time made my area a very safe place, even at night. Very little street violence or drugs in the four cities in my locality. If you were acting violently in public, the Spanish police do not negotiate. They beat the living fuck out of perpetrators. There is a different fear factor over there, but it works.


But we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas! /s


Hah! Had me chuckling like a gom


It's pretty mad when you go to other capitals honestly. London, Paris, Berlin, you always see police out and about. With a couple permanently stationed units at the main streets and sights and at public transport nexus points. Dublin? I work in the city three days a week and I honestly think I could count on my hands the amount of gards I've seen in the city center in the last 12 months


A good aspect of the Spanish system is the traffic police only do traffic. They don't come off riot training spoiling for a fight like in e.g. UK, and the mournful way they give you a ticket is a bigger deterrent than the fine.


I wanted to apply, but the possibility (guarantee) of being placed in Dublin stopped me. They are still under the illusion that it’s an attractive job with anyone willing to uproot their lives to live there. And get no extra money for living in Dublin. Imagine working there as a garda and scraping by for the year?! They screwed with the pension, and that was the last attractive thing about the job.


Same shit with HSE, no concept of allowance and then wonder why can't get staff. As much shit as I get in my job, I'd never be a guard, the satisfaction has to be zero at this point between staffing and suspended sentences


Nothing that a few sound bites from Simon and absolutely no action from FFFG will sort things out. Don't worry.


Don't worry, Helen will be out to do a walkaround with armed cops at the weekend


Oh yea, with 3 or 4 high ranking cops who haven't walked the beat in decades, just to show us plebs and tourists it's not a lawless wasteland we have for a capital. I feel safer already


They need a permanent Garda presence in the city centre. Lads walking up and down consistently even just as a deterrent.


Like every other city in other countries. If we could get ones that look competent that would be good too


They need a whole lot more than that. The guards need a massive overhaul and a load of investment. They're threadbare as is and decades behind other EU police forces. First fir the chop would be all senior management, they need to be put out to pasture and experienced guards need to be promoted. A massive recruitment drive, better salaries, opportunities, equipment, training, etc. What we currently have is just the illusion of guards.


I’m learning to drive rn so driving around random routes. There’s so many teens/adults cycling around hoods up/faces covered. It’s a bit like the Wild West in some places


Ironically having more Gardai on the force will make it more attractive for people to join up as it'll be perceived as safer with better conditions/hours. Nobody wants to sign up to being outnumbered by scumbags.


look at how long the whole recruitment process takes. a friend of mine applied. waited six months to hear anything back, this is before any interview or training.


Until the next tourist gets battered/murdered by scrotes. Rinse & repeat, McEntee with her Garda entourage walk up & down Talbot St, something something, increased Garda presence for a week.


Very optimistic to think that the Garda presence actually has an effect on crime. In my experience they look the other way and go chat to the less dangerous homeless instead


Worked to clean up NYC in the late 80s and 90s. Not so much the presence, but actually doing something to stop the scrotes.


This is disgraceful. RIP


As a 47 year old man who’s lived all of my life in Dublin, it’s starting to feel like we’ve hit rock bottom. Since COVID it’s been a disaster.


100%. I've always lived in a rough city centre area, and it was at boiling point at covid. Really big opportunity missed during the lockdown restrictions to really get a hold of antisocial behaviour. Its absolutely lawless in certain areas now. Really wonder what it's going to take to regain control.


"in certain areas" As someone who lives there, where do you think the worst areas are? I'm not a fan of almost all the main Dublin 1 city centre areas - O Connell street - Aston Quay - Parnell street - Abbey street Even Henry Street feels dodgy now Etc


The empty building that was Roches/debenhams has an awning that acts as a cover for tents. A great spot to smoke crack from what i can see. 


I've been living in the city centre since 2017, and yeah I'd agree with those. I'd extend to the whole quays, in particular Aston, merchants, ushers, and eden quay. I also live in Dublin 7 and some of the streets here I'm not walking unless I have to.


I'm just leaving town now with my 9 year old. I had to go to Henry st, I don't feel safe with him there. 30+ plus homeless living there. One man pissing in a doorway. Dealers rowing with clients. 50+ Romanians on Moore St, one man with a ledger that was tallying up the takings of the women and kids. The gards know that even if they lifted one lad off the street, they'd be walking tomorrow with no further repercussions. Anti social behaviour should have consequences. Fear of prison or social welfare/housing cuts. The fact that this is a tourist will get more optics on Dublin and be bad for Ireland, but local people are suffering too. I've been jumped a few times and got off with relatively little injuries. The next time it happens, I've sworn to myself that one of the gang won't be walking home. Mods can we pin the contact details to the TDs, Dept justice and Garda. So that every time we see this we can start blanket mailing them.


All of those Romanians can be deported in the morning under EU law. If you are here for more than 6 months and have not found work you can be removed and all of your benefits cut. The government never implements this law though, for want of offending various (tax payer funded) NGOs and since it goes against their right-on student Union level political worldview. Instead the Irish tax payer keeps funding their anti social behavior and anyone that complains is just part of the “fringe right wing”.


Not to be picky, but they are Roma, they are different from Romanians. Romanians are a great bunch of lads.


I'm from Belfast and in my 60s and have visited Dublin a lot. These named streets have always been scary, hostile to tourists, and rife with crime. If I know, then your guards and the council know it, but there's just no will to tackle it. Believe me. Belfast is getting as bad.


Need more Guards and to that end we need to make being a Guard more attractive.


Need to do actual justice when guards actually do their job by locking these cretins up or actually rehabilitate them. Not just let them off because prison will make them worse which seems to be the current methodology.


Indeed. Suspended sentences are treated like acquittals here by a huge portion of people. I'm strongly of the opinion that a suspended sentence comes with the condition that a very substantial number of hours of community service be performed. And make sure it's highly visible. Law abiding citizens have to see some form of justice being enforced, and other would be criminals have to see that there will be punishment in some form beyond a wrist slap.


Totally agree. But it's rage inducing listening to an incompetent justice minister telling us she's recruiting extra Garda, when we all know that there's probably more retiring and resigning, giving us a net negative figure. And housing costs feed into this, gards can't afford housing in Dublin, housing affects EVERYTHING. Anyway don't get me started lads. Again my motto... The only solution is another revolution. 


I think that there might not be any will or way to regain control. There are out of control areas abroad, granted, not so central but ours might be here to stay too. With some of the factors being global (upswing in drug trade, toxic social media trends, low grade immigration and lower grade reaction to it) mixed with the local (underfunded services, general tolerance for disorder, street addiction) who and how would want to fix it?


> there might not be any will or way to regain control On the rare occasion that I have to go to the office, I see much fewer office workers in the city centre than before Covid. Those people would once be a political force to generate the will to tackle anti-social behaviour (and they would also crowd out the scumbags a little). With many office workers gone, and now tourists becoming scared away from the centre, the decline in footfall in shops may hurt retailers enough to lobby in favour of a livable city. Too bad that they are barking at the wrong tree, but I still hope that when enough of them are forced to close, the rest will switch from lobbying against traffic restrictions to lobbying for stronger Garda presence and powers.


"Community" busting is probably the way to go. Move the tenants out of those areas and knock the current dwellings. Gentrify the area. It's probably a multi-decade project. Shit for everyone, really. There needs to be real consequences for anti-social behaviour. Prison, loss of tenure in social housing, loss of custody of children. The country has bags of cash and a lot of people are being left behind. Drastic measures are needed.


Police presence. Go to any other major European city and there’s police patrolling all over the place. It’s a disgrace Joe! 


I agree. I work in the city centre but live 2 counties away. Since covid, I've been on maternity leave twice. From March 2020, when we went into lockdown until I returned to the office in July 2021, I saw a big difference. The next spell was September 2022 to Sept 2023, and it's even worse now. I tried to walk to the office from heuston on my first morning back in Sept 2023, and I was hassled twice. I get the luas every morning now. In the last 2 weeks alone, I've seen 4 middle-aged women knocking lumps out of each other over crack and money owed. I've seen a gang of 6 young lads stopped and searched by gards right outside the office and they couldn't give a fuck. There was a crack den in an old abandoned house just down the road, but it was eventually boarded up with metal grids. A couple of weeks ago, I was stepping over blood trails on the ground from where the tourist was attacked at the smithfield luas stop. All the scumbags got a fairly easy ride during the lockdowns, and it has gotten completely out of control.


It seems that an awful lot of people just forgot that there are rules you have to abide by in general society. It's scary.


Rules are only as good as their enforcement.


My older brothers where little bastards growing up but they got a hiding off the Garda when they got caught, it seems like the shitebags nowadays have zero fear of the Garda and will actually fight back and once it hits the court it will just get thrown out.


Most of them will never even see a garda in the first place. Those feckers are a rare breed.


I worked and lived near Summerhill in the 80s and 90s. It was shit then too. No consequences. No policing solution and no political solution because it didn’t get votes. There were / are absolute heroes who devote their lives to making the community better and diverting people from crime, but it has never been resourced properly.


One of my friends younger brother got a hiding off a Garda in front of us all. He became a hitman. Still out and about , still a violent scumbag.


29 years here in Cork City all my life, and it feels like we're also on the way to rock bottom, especially since COVID.


dublins not gone to shit, it was always like this as far back as the 80s anyway. a donegal fan got kicked to death after they beat dublin in the all ireland final back in early 90s. junkies robbing kids with syringes in the 90s. that poor italian fella paralyzed from a bottling in pheonix park in the 2000s that fella from limerick beaten to death at a filling station on the docks in the early 2000s i say this as someone from Dublin. it's always been rough.


As someone not from Dublin but who has visited many times over the years, there are noticeable changes to how many scobes and dodgy fuckers are visibly roaming the streets these days. Obviously you know more than me and of course there's always been violence but just giving an outsiders perspective of how the inner city seems much worse to the eye at least (from someone who grew up in a fairly rough Limerick estate)


If you think it hasn’t been increasing more violent and threatening in the last 3-4 years I don’t know what to tell you. We had actual riots last year.


We’ve had riots in every decade… going back to the 1960s. Do people on this sub have collective amnesia about Dublin? Or has Covid just made ppl forget. It’s a shit hole and always has been.


I remember the Donegal fan case. He was described as a gentle giant and was set upon by Dublin scum the night of the match.


Agreed. Ever since Covid, something has changed big time.


First Croatian now Canadian..... A few weeks ago Welsh kid got slashed from mout to ear.... Yep tourist destination for sure....more like Final Destination....rip


The American, who was in a coma and barely survived, the Ukrainian actor, and all the Brazilian Deliveroo drivers are already forgotten.


And the hard working decent Mongolian woman.


Terrible news. The city is really going in the wrong direction. Nowhere near enough gardai and just slaps on the wrist for those few who end up before the courts. I called the local Garda station last week after spotting a young lad with his hood up jumping over garden walls and looking in windows. Clearly trying to break into houses. The Garda told me he’d pass me onto a call taker as there were no cars available to call out. It was less than a 5 minute walk from the station. I was put on hold for ages and eventually gave up. I called back later to try again and was told the same thing. Waste of time. More Gardai. Harsher sentences. More prisons.


I’ve learned the hard way never to ring the station. Always dial 112.


I actually feel sick. Deepest condolences to this man, his family and to all that knew and loved him.


God love him, and his family.


"Bail denied for man accused of 'full force' running kick to the head of still unresponsive Canadian tourist". Please tell me the judge will give the maximum penalty to that shithead.


The judge will give more weight to the mitigating factors than the viscous act itself. No family in Ireland, so jail will be extra tough. Previous good character. Full-time employment. Problem with drink/drugs. Didn't mean it, etc etc. Boo fucking hoo. Throw away the key.


Suspended sentence in 3, 2, 1...


So, what's the breaking point? When do we see resignations and change? It's gone beyond now.


I think we're years past it now, sadly.


From earlier report >Objecting to bail, Sgt Byrne said the accused was with a group of friends at Cathal Brugha Street at 12.40am on the morning of the incident. Mr Dolmajian, who is in his 40s, approached the group and they had a conversation that turned into an argument, Sgt Byrne said.There had been no contact between them prior to this. >One of the group allegedly struck Mr Dolmaijan a number of times and others interjected. The group then made their way to O’Connell Street Upper. >The alleged victim got back to his feet and also went to O’Connell Street where there was another “interaction” a short time later which became hostile. >They were separated and the group stayed on O’Connell Street where Mr Dolmajian again approached them, Sgt Byrne said. >One of the group pushed him and he stumbled and fell, after which Mr Danca allegedly “hit him to the face with a running kick.” This was a “full force blow” which gardai believed was the reason for Mr Dolmajian’s condition.


I don't care how much drink you've had a few punches in an altercation is one thing but a full force kick to the face is fucking psychotic behavior


Makes me wonder what the previous interaction was about. Not placing any blame on the victim whatsoever here, but sounds like the group robbed something off him, whether it be a phone or a drug deal where they ripped him off, and he tried to get it back. Then your man goes back to the group to confront them about being robbed and that's when the fatal blow is struck.


> why the guard did nothing about it. Not sure where you're getting that from? I think that timeline was put together from CCTV footage.


You're right I think, misread a quote from the original reporting as the victim approached the guard after being attacked "Mr McCarthy said that at 12.40am, the accused was at Cathal Brugha Street with friends when the injured party approached him."


Cant speak to Dublin, but Cork is 100% rougher than it was pre covid. Shit loads of scumbags, bums and junkies around now day and night. Not a garda in sight either.


Same with Dublin, no guards and even if they are caught and charged, no serious consequences because god lovd them, havent they had a hard upbringing.


i’m from the north and belfast is the exact same as you described. shithole. see plenty of peelers around the city centre doing the square root of fuck all though


Tbh I find it hard to compare Belfast to Dublin, maybe it's just because I don't be around the city centre at night much these days but when I was in Dublin last a couple of weeks ago, I had about 12 different homeless lads or junkies approach me asking for cash in a 1 day trip. Even at the end of the night outside a nightclub I had a lad come up to me begging for money. I've never experienced anything like it anywhere in the north. The sheer amount of tents too, we were down just after they'd cleared the homeless camps from the city and within a few days there were tents all over the show again


Something has to be done. We need new prisons. My heart is broken over this.


To any politicians out there, I'll vote for you if you can offer rock solid meaningful ways to reduce the insane issue we have with random violence in this country and lack of any police or court system with teeth to deal with it.


Come on Mcentee up off your arse and do a walkabout with your garda escort to gaslight us all.


The Justice Minister has blood on her hands now. It would appear nothing was learned from the riots, the American man assaulted a few months back, and the countless other serious and unprovoked attacks within the city. The justice system needs reform and McEntee needs to resign


She's completely useless. Stealing a living. Harris would have a lot more respect if he cut her as soon as he got in. FG is as much to blame as the useless gom herself. Party of law and order my bollox.


Horrific. Late night encounters like this have freaked me out my whole adult life, and these kind of outcomes are exactly why I don't mix it up with randoms on the street. All it takes is one bad knock to the head and multiple lives will be irrevocably altered. You just don't know if you're up against someone evil enough to kick you in the head while you're down. RIP to the victim.


41. That's so awful. What's happening to our capital city. I would like a zero tolerance government, it's because they get away with every little thing that they keep pushing it to the extremes.


Time to bring in minimum sentences for kicking people in the head.


Fucking hell, that is absolutely atrocious- JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED!!! Poor soul just was on holidays. Sorry you had to mix with the scum of this city. Rest in peace poor soul. x 😔🌹


Fucking awful news.R.I.P.




I am legit sad for the guy losing his life and embarrassed but not surprised it happened in Dublin. I await the justice minister to push for a 36 hour show of gardai on the streets and nothing else. Tragic situation for him and his family


Poor man. ‘Someone will be killed soon’ came sooner than we expected tbh. I avoid the city centre unless I have to go in. The idea that people visit the place for pleasure seems quite odd these days.


The government are really burying their heads in the sand with this, I actually can’t believe that they have let the city get so bad, I’ve lived here over 50 years and would always have defended Dublin’s reputation but I can’t now. We should start by getting rid of Drew Harris and Mc Entee.


Horrendous news. He has paid the price of us letting young people run amuck without consequences for their actions - the land of a thousand welcomes is a distant memory.


Two of the men arrested are 24 and 23, not exactly the feral teens that are the usual suspects


Exactly - proof that a feral teen whose behaviour goes unchallenged can turn into a murderer. Not all but some.


It's a Romanian fella who's been here about 5 years, so not so much a feral local teen


Hey, don't bring facts into this.


Exactly. I'm all for threatening these teens with prison, but what's happened here is not directly tied into that... particularly as both are Romanian.


The perpetrators were from Romania Not that it takes from the tragedy Sickening


Oddly enough this was a Romanian adult with no conviction of any kind. Wonder what made him go off.


Not having a convictions just means he has no convictions. Something makes me doubt he just snapped.


They had an altercation, ~~the man who passed reported it to a gardai while probably concussed which the guard probably mistook for him being drunk.~~ Then the man went back to confront the group who initially attacked him and that's when the fatal blow was struck Bit about approaching a guard is probably wrong. I misunderstood an article reporting it from last week most likely "Mr McCarthy said that at 12.40am, the accused was at Cathal Brugha Street with friends when the injured party approached him." First reading that last week made me think the injured party approached the guard but now reading it as injured party approached the accused


jesus is that what happened? shambolic from the Gardai, sickening. His family should sue the state and gardai.


I know I'm just highlighting the difference between the usual type who has 40 convictions that gets done for this shite


Anti social behaviour has major consequences and in ireland we treat it way too lightly. We allow thuggery on the sports field, we make excuses for sports stars who assult people on nights out, we give suspended sentences for people with multiple convictions, we don’t follow up on fines imposed, we operate a revolving door prison system and our judiciary are totally out of touch with their sentences for rape, assault and life changing injuries delivered at the hands of thugs and scumbags. It’s depressing and I don’t see other major European cities with the same issues. Spare me the alcohol excuses. May this poor man RIP and condolences to his family I ashamed it happened in my capital city.


RIP to the victim  Horrible case all in all 


"We do not have unsafe streets in Dublin" - Helen McEntee, November 2023 as the main thoroughfare in our capital city is literally on fire behind her.


Come to Dublin tourists Get fleeced for pints and food Hotels only cost half a Swifty ticket And you might not get beaten to a pulp


May he RIP. Just so terrible. Justice Minister needs to resign.


I hate to say it but something like this has been on the cards for a long time. McEntee and the Garda really failed here. Likely to have a real impact on foreign perceptions




I doubt people will go out in droves to go 'Scrote-hunting'. Even in the best world possible, the Irish attitude of "Sure, it's grand" trumps everything else


Redditors who have never been in a real fight and have too much anxiety to answer the phone think they’re going to go full Batman on a bunch of scrotes who terrify them. I guarantee you this sub would find a way to take the side of the scumbags too if something like that ever happened. Remember that barrister a few years ago that shot dead a traveller that was threatening him despite numerous Garda calls. Reddit actually took the side of the traveller ffs.


You know, Ive been thinking about this problem for a few years now. It was bad but its definitely worse now. Im foreign, a guest in this country. Im not or wasnt going to do anything or act out in any way. I wasnt going to cause trouble in somebody elses house. That changed when a Croatian man was killed 10 mins away from where I live. Im done getting out of their way. Ive been here for so long that I have an accent and can blend in, something not everyone can do. Like one of my neighbours for example. A quiet Asian lad, who never bothers anyone and is always quiet, which could be a language barrier but it doesnt really matter. 2 guys who sometimes hang out in my estate (they dont even live there) kept picking on him for being foreign. I usually leave my balcony door open during the day, so Ive heard all their shouting and abuse. A few days later I bumped into them. I purposefully pulled out my phone and pretended to have a conversation over it, in Polish. I was met with remarks like "when u goin back home u packie cunt?". I quickly pulled their card and battered the both of them. Havent seen them around since and I dont feel bad about it one bit (I swung first 🤷‍♂️). Another incident happened about a month or two ago. A work colleague was celebrating his birthday in a GAA club. On the way out, we walked ahead searching for a taxi. There was a group of 1 fella and 2 girls. A taxi pulled up beside them and a middle-aged couple tried to get out. Tried, because your man was in their face trying to start a fight. His girlfriend was holding him back. Thats when I get in between the fella and the couple getting out of the taxi. He immediatepy tried to shove me away so I level changed, grabbed his legs, picked him up and walked away with him, lol. He was calling me all sorts but it was when he threatened to get me stabbed, is when I put him down and hit him a slap. He tried to excuse himself by saying "hey bro Im only 17". I told him I simply didnt give a fuck and if u mess with grown ups thrn Ill treat you like a grown up. The shocked look on his face was priceless, then he ran for the taxi. Sorry, not sorry. Some people only understand one language. Edit: Im by no means telling anyone they should do the same, you probably shouldnt. Ive been training martial arts on and off since I was 6. Im quite confident in altercations like that.


I've done the same myself, little scrotes starting on old people, throwing sticks at them and acting like they're hard as nails... You square up to them and instantly 99% of them will back down I wish more people had your attitude, scumbags only get away with being scumbags because noone calls them out on being shit people


Fair play! >scumbags only get away with being scumbags because noone calls them out on being shit people Thats exactly it. I was lucky enough to be brought up in Eastern Poland in 90s. Not sure whether it was a remnant of communism or anti-communism but there was a solidarity between people. Neighbours genuinely looked out for each other. But that might be a small town thing rather than a Polish one. Id rather try and fix this now, so hopefully our kids dont have to deal with the same shit as us.


> and battered the both of them I would have paid good money to see that! 😂 I hope the quiet Asian guy bought you a beer!


Sadly, I'm inclined to agree. It's still shocking, though! I'm genuinely surprised it hasn't yet reached the point of people taking justice into their own hands.


Nevermind taking justice into your own hands, if you just defend yourself you could get more punishment than the lad who assaulted you.


"Scrote-hunting". OK you go first and show us how it's done. 


Wouldn't be surprised if the Canadian embassy issues one of those notices to tourists deciding to visit Ireland. Absolute scum of the earth. We all know justice sadly won't be served here and McEntee just has to go now, enough is enough.


They would be right to. Tourists need to be aware that there is a bad anti social element in our cities.


I am currently planning a wedding for August. I'm from Wicklow, and I live in Canada. Half of the wedding party is coming from Canada. Today I had a few calls from worried relatives asking if they would be safe or should just go straight from the airport to the wedding hotel and then fly out after. Many of them opted not to stay in Ireland and instead are going directly to Europe after the American assault earlier this year, and the price of hotels. This is a prime opportunity to draw a line and end this. Give these gowls the absolute maximum and show no mercy. I'm fucking sick of it.


Such a pointless loss of life. God rest him.


Helen will do another walk with the guards but this time she will look **extra** sombre. That should fix things.


The myth of Ireland being a hospitable and welcoming country is diminishing and we deserve it Fucking dangerous shithole the capital has turned into. Knock it down and build a slum


That clown of a justice minister should immediately resign.


Dublin is fucking horrendous these days. Gurriers, skangers, scrotes, junkies, Roma, boozed up migrants, Swifties, it’s the worst it’s ever been.


Did you just include swifties and junkies in the same sentence of severity LMAO


I did. I’d do it again.


Don’t worry The Concannon PR bots and/or Young Fine Gael interns will be along shortly on this thread They’ll be telling us all how much safer Dublin is versus somewhere like New York All while conveniently forgetting the wild differences in population of said cities Nothing to see here All is grand


This is becoming more and more common. No prisons, no consequences, no deturants. Remember who led us here.


".....news just in, FFG landslide!" 


It’s not a new thing. I got bet round on the regular for looking like a “rocker” in the 00s. Luckily never ended in serious injury but also we just didn’t report things. Nobody cared. So I’m glad we’re caring now.


"Ah boy-iz, Schwaaar ya bleedin rocker ye f@ggot, ya startin on me, c'mere" something along those lines I'm fairly sure, most likely you were minding your own business..


Fuck these Romanian cunts and any other cunts from these shitholes that come here and do this. Fucking seething right now. When will they realize that importing this pondlife does nothing for our society. Import rubbish society becomes rubbish. And before anyone says "our own do the same", yes they do, and they are our problem. We have no choice but to deal with them, we shouldn't have to deal with these social welfare leeches. Fines, sentences that are 10, 20 times harsher. Immigration laws that are 10, 20 times stricter. More fucking guards. No passport no entry. Any convictions, no entry. Fuck the EU at this stage.


We need more gards, more cctv and larger prisons. And mostly judges who will carry harsher sentencing. We can do all we can too to fix socioeconomic issues too, but do at least one thing, to get something done. Crimes gotten during over covid and I feel embarrassed, ashamed and guilty that nothing can be done by our government


Come on Helen, get on your walking shoes and show us how safe Dublin is. Maybe this time ditch the guards flanking you on each side


I just don’t get how our laws are so lenient that scrotes just don’t seem to care because they know the repercussions won’t be serious. We need a real overhaul to our justice system and the Gardaí


Whats the background of the perpetrators??


Our ‘government’ would much rather continue to sell a lie to potential tourists rather than tackle the issues here and make it a genuinely nice place to visit (and live). A really really sad state of affairs and the ‘government’ of Ireland should be ashamed of themselves. Justice. Health. Housing. Three core departments to modern society, and they’re all failing. The people are fed up.


Wait till Helen Mcentee goes on her walks again to give us the all clear. Scum are nothing properly sentenced in this country at all.


Looks like the perpetrators will definitely face a custody sentence now…. Which would be about three to five years if they get Judge Nolan


Judge Nolan is a circuit judge who sentences people for circuit court crimes and who plead guilty early. This fella will be done for murder - which won’t be in the circuit court


Aye, and what some people don't seem to realise is the amount of cases that he does in relation to the other circuit courts, and even the other Dublin judges. He had 31 listings in the courts diary today, the three other dublin judges listed for today had 20 in total. 34 Yesterday, five other judges had 39 listings. People hear about Nolan because he hears the most cases in the country and the cycle continues.


Theres mandatory minimum for murder sentences.


Don't forget the iconic suspended sentence. That's Judge Nolans signature move


Proper Irish names the perpetrators have


Jesus, this is horrific. Absolutely awful.


McEntee needs to be voted out.


cant wait for minister Mcentee to gaslight us about crime not being a problem in dublin


At this stage it's probably better and safer to go to Kiev for a vacation instead of Dublin.


Well, we are now one of those countries where tourists get attacked and murdered. Let's all pat ourselves on the back. Especially those in power and Judges who let scumbags get away with everything.


I feel sick. may this poor person rest in peace. Condolences to his loved ones. I'm absolutely disgusted and deeply saddened. Our little island was never without its fair share of crime but is now becoming dangerously unsafe and increasingly unattractive to tourists.


Second time this year a tourist has been murdered. It will keep happening until we actually tackle crime instead or having our minister taking photo ops with her garda escort.


Absolutely horrific. This should be the line. Hopefully this damages Dublin's tourism and finally the tired spoofers in DCC, Government and Garda management pull their fucking fingers out. Gardai all over the shop last weekend. Any other time, nowhere to be seen. Its a fucking disgrace and there now needs to be a mass movement of dissent and protest. Proactive, visible policing is a deterrent. and its nowhere to be found in the North side of the City. I live here and i'm fucking sick of it. Thoughts to this poor man and his family, a victim of piss poor policy and a dirty scumbag who should see a cell for 15 plus years


Great. Attacking tourists will give us a wonderful reputation 🙄 RIP


Much less discussion in the media than the American lad for some reason


Both charged with only assault causing harm? Should be charged with murder.


That will happen over time. He hadn’t died when they were charged


Will Bellend McEntee be going on one of her sponsored walks with a big Garda presence just to demonstrate everything is grand? If she had any dignity she'd hand in her resignation and piss off. Good old Dublin Shitty


Everyone needs to write to their local politician now. Its a simple Google search. Find your local TD and express your outrage and demand that it brought up in the Dàil . This is their job and they will take it seriously. Here's Matt Shanahan if anyone happens to be from Waterford [email protected]


My heart goes out to them and the family. It’s shocking to think this is happening here. Disgusting carry on.


This should make Irish people furious and angry. In Canada, you can more than likely bump into someone bad and the first thing they’ll say is “oh sorry aboout that” The same can’t be said for Ireland. Sad to see it.


So sad, may the poor man rest in peace. The scumbags that did this should be sent back to where they came from. Helen mcEntee, Dublin is same my arse 😡


When there’s zero prisons being built and the current ones are nearing maxed capacity these scumbags know the can assault who they want and the judges will give soft sentences. If we want the laws to change and want to see justice we need to start building more prisons


The comments here saying we should be ashamed of ourselves makes me sick, this heinous act was done by two foreign scumbags that should never have been allowed off the plane in this country. Are we really gone that far that we can't call a spade a spade ? And I'm in no way saying we haven't got our own homegrown human trash that should be dealt with properly by gardai and judges but as much as I detest the Irish homegrown dirtbags we can't refuse them a life here or deport them anywhere


Poor fella. RIP. The slide of Dublin into the gutter enabled for our political and judicial class is very very real. And it's sad that it's so preventative with the right resources. The City Centre is a very small area. I've seen so much at this point living and working there I've just tuned out. Too many will just disregard.


I blame the justice minister for being criminally negligent in her role. Absolute disgrace, city center is a swamp at this stage still massive lack of guardi courts are extremely soft on crime I wonder how many previous convictions the killer had.


Very Irish names on those agressors.


Looking for this comment. I’m all for assisting genuine refugees and asylum seekers, but so many of these attacks are committed by non nationals. Besides how horrific the crimes are and the awful impacts on the victims, it’s increasing the crime rate and ruining the country’s reputation.


Stop noticing things. 


Nothing will change.


I smell a suspended sentence brewing


Don’t worry, a suspended sentence is on its way to the perpetrator as we speak. By God they’ll be sorry then. /s


It's so embarrassing. What worse is it's getting worse


Well rest in peace our reputation, I'm getting tired of hearing about the riff raff being allowed to run wild..


More prisons, more police, harsher sentences or nothing will change.


At what point will we take crime seriously in this country? How many more people have to get severely assaulted and/or die?


Broken window theory needs to be implemented


Extortionate, dangerous filthy kip Dublin. And I've been living here my entire life born and raised.


Unfortunatelly I am not suprised by this event becaues this shit is keep happening. As long as our justice system hands over suspendend sentences and people know that there is no proper law enforcement this will continue to happen. such sad news.