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Two young fellas only killed last week on an e scooter đź›´


Is there no enforcement at all?


Ah sure its grand… /s


Enforcement of which? Adhering to traffic lights? Hang on I'll get on the phone to the justice minister to have Garda stationed at every traffic light in the country...


Driving a scooter on the motorway


I didn't watch the full clip. But my point stands. How are we to enforce every law/rule of the road? There's barely enough Garda as it is


Cycling or scooting on the motorway where people can be doing anything up to 150kmh, rightly or wrongly, is farcical. Also blocking the hard shoulder is seriously dangerous. Reporting shit like this increases patrols in the area and might actually stop someone and potentially save their life, as well as reducing speed.


Yeah grand. How is it gonna be enforced? Let's magic up a few hundred thousand Garda so


Eh that's not a motorway


God help us if you having a driving licence.............


Yeah, I thought so too


It's blue signs you numpty what the fuck are you talking about it's not a motorway


Clown Look at my other reply


Bray North southbound? They're not so much dumb than not caring about their actions/do it for the thrill. I've seen them a few times going around that section from just before Bray south to Bray North. Literally going in circles.


Bray North exit, going northbound .




Unrelated but What dash cam are you using if you don't mind me asking? Quality seems really good.


nextbase 522gw


I was driving between Ballybrack and Shankill on the N11 the other day and a lad on a scooter came flying down the right hand lane on the wrong side of the road, for what felt like ages, before pulling off into the central reservation at the next lights where there was a pedestrian crossing. Absolute lunacy.


What is moped doing in the bike lane?


Remember cycling that road as a teenager and I would always go onto the footpath at this point as people would barrel down it in their cars as well. Also remember the grown man physically threatening me for being on the footpath at that age... Edit: the part in the town that is, not the fucking motorway


The only problem with those guys is they will cause trauma to another person who might easily kill them on a motorway.


That scooter is definitely going over 20kmph.


There is no scooter there. We can see a moped and electric bike. L1e-B e-moped cannot use bike lanes and it's max allowed speed is 45km/h.


Know that piece of road well, everyday. It’s the same on the weekend and worse with the racing bicycles folks. Riding on the motorway, it’s just dangerous and their actions not alone if they get in an accident cause serious injuries, it affects who ever is driving as well.


It’s not a motorway until after the turn off for city centre.


Serious question, but if you were to hypothetically clip one of them when you went buy, would you be at fault seeing as they're not supposed to be on the road?


Not even a hi-vis on them.


Up near the vevay road always see lads pull out on them scooters nearly hit one a few weeks back


Making them pay insurance and tax would be a start


Honest question, what exactly does that solve?


Help identify the bodies...


Tax does that? Have we had an issue with this particular problem before?


If it's taxed it'd need to have a license plate, need to be insured, driver would need to have a license themselves, so in a round about way yes.


But what is this solving?


They would have at least been trained and tested on how to use the roads? Potentially have something to loose for not using them correctly.


Tax and insurance means they're trained and tested? Really? Think you might mean licencing


You can't read very well...?


Seems you're the one who can't on what you replied to me about


Enough bloody taxes in this country , are you working in the government? Looking for a pay increase?


They want them to pay emissions tax on something that doesn't cause emissions, how do you not understand?


N9 I want them to pay tax for using a motor propelled vehicle on a public road do you think we just pay tax because emissions it's also for roads it was once called road tax you know before everyone started worrying about emissions that's a smoke screen they use to charge you more while tax for commercial vehicles are cheaper explain to me why that is when it's commercial vehicles that have more emissions it's not about emissions pull your head out of your arse


Tax if for the big Bois to increase their salary each year nothing to do with public services anymore that's all smoke screen


Yes I've explained this thanks


Motor tax doesn't cover the cost of the roads. Most of it comes from general taxation.


Lots of things “once were” but we live in the present and things change. I know this is difficult for you


🤣 not difficult but do you really think they care about emissions awwh bless 🤣


What an incredibly successful whitewash. Honestly thought everyone would see through that one.


Your opinion means so much to me thanks


Roads are paid for through general taxation so motorists are actually costing non motorists money on that front.


Another one who must be brand new thanks for that the anti motorists are out in force today crying about pollution but will still fly of on holidays and fly in the avocado's though yeah thanks for the laugh


Indeed, just wanting to see their logic here


If they caused an accident at least the victim would be looked after instead of them getting of without paying and just carrying on as per usual they might think twice if they've to pay for it


And what's the potential liability from a scooter accident? Are they not more likely to injure themselves than others? I feel most of you have forgot why mandatory insurance was brought in for drivers. Damage potential from a car is levels above a scooter. Personal liability exists to claim against the scooter operator, not absolutely no need to force insurance (or tax) on them. There's a reason pedestrians, cyclists, scooterists etc. don't and drivers are the only ones who do . It's just plain silly and solves nothing


By definition the first vehicle is classified as a moped now. Even more it's a L1e-B e-moped, which requires motor tax, insurance, AM licence etc etc. Just saying.


What motor tax do you apply to a electric scooter? And again, like I replied up above to the person who first said this. What exactly are we solving here if we applied tax and insurance to these?


In this configuration it's a moped, not scooter. And no, I won't go into that debate. I'm just saying those vehicles are now properly defined. That's it.


I get you. I'm just asking what this would solve? We can get stuck in definitions, or see it has a mass less than that of bikes and see it's really not a moped if we engage our brains a second. the point being is we need to see and look at what would work is all


Oh. You were expecting logic in this country? I'm trying to create a project that will introduce a driver licence on anything that has wheels and runs on public roads. However minimal age for e scooters and bicycles would be 10yo and there will be 12-16h course in schools + 2h practical class. It will end with a test after which kids would receive a driver licence. It works in the other countries and I think it's better than "ban everything!" approach.


Plus they're usually underage. And, as we all know, that means they're untouchable anyway.


In your opinion, thanks. I'll take it under advice pedal along there champ you lot really do live in a different world to reality and will always defend actions like this what if they got hit by the big bad car in this video what would you say then blame the car or the driver if they where in a car doing this no one would be hurt if there was a collision at this speed but them on a scooter getting hit even at this speed could kill them and the car driver has to live with that but your OK with the they'll only hurt themselves attitude cop on


It not just my opinion, it's how it works. Go back and look at the history of insurance and see why it is applied. A scooter does not pose the same damage potential as a car. And you've still failed to point out what this would solve? Where did I mention anything about blame or defend anything? Are you reading something different to what I replied and taking your own meaning? I said liability already, and how they are more likely to injure themselves than anyone inside a car for example. So what would tax and insurance be solving here? Are you able to at least answer that? It's honestly such BS. Just because drivers need mandatory insurance, it does not make it some panacea that solves everything else. If these are an issue or a danger, actually do something rather than pretend things that do nothing. Accept they are here to stay, build more dedicated paths than bikes and scooters can use (not just paint on the road). Lord knows we could actually do with more cars off the road, so if someone picks out an electric scooter to use than maybe let's try and provide something that works rather than 'LeTs TaX aNd InSuRe ThEm' like all of a sudden all ills are solved immediately and not just stop it happening


Build more paths for them yeah OK that says it all. Should we put paths on the motorway, then I've never heard something so ridiculous 🙄 as I said pedal along there champ


What do you mean that says it all? Doi you not think they are there to stay? If you actually cared about their safety then this is the obvious call, not BS like tax and insurance that solves nothing. (I note you still haven't said what tax and insurance will solve yet) How exactly are dedicated paths (like we see all over Europe) ridiculous? Who mentioned anything about a motorway?


Did you not watch the video did you not see them going onto the motorway


Yes I know, but that's not what we're discussing. I was on your point about tax and insurance. We all know they shouldn't be there, i thought that was clear to anyone


They're on the motorway!