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They passed by an ambulance, it's on video


Well, you see, the ambulance also didn't have room đŸ€Ą


The ambulance was indeed KHAmaaasss


The ambulance was the Hamas HQ, the IDF destroyed it.


since the ambulance is meant for life saving purposes, the hood is just not suitable for strapping on a live human. Obviously the IDF is just helping out /s truly, fuck the israeli defence forces. Seriously, if you give the same amount of training, funding, tech and equipment to the Houthis, the taliban, al Qaeda or the daesh, they would function very similarly to the IDF


The difference between the two is that IDF has better equipment, lies a lot and the west believes it


Injured by who? 😆 what a joke, why do they even lie at this point


The Neanderthals who still support this genocide will cling to anything that helps them sleep at night.


Rude to our benevolent Neanderthal ancestors. 


And sadly, many people believe the lies.


Many *westerners Lately I became friend with a german guitarist on some social media platform and I just realized westerners fall for the most ridiculous shit being said on the internet as long as its hateful enough to some enemy the media framed or another race or religion. The guy shared some crazy stuff against Arabs and muslims, and I was curious to check the pages and the accounts related to similar content. I realized my image as an Egyptian muslim is just all the shitty stuff media feed them plus a deeper layer of pure racism that is whats left after the colonialism era. And I’m sorry but this is the case for most of westerners in media and social media. Its almost the official stance of the western world against the other inferior nations to their superior identities. Colonialism proves that the average western soldier will commit the ugliest atrocities without feeling guilty or ashamed. Return to his country proud and teach his kids that we kill them, take their land and resources because they’re evil and backwards.


I noticed how much right wing crap social media algorithms flush into my feed recently. The most outrageous and silly claims disguised as professional news(although not really professionally made with AI voices etc.), stuff that's only supposed to stir up tension, and the people eat it up. It's always funny to me how the people here look at Russia and China and say "they are all indoctrinated sheep's and believe everything they are being told, and then aren't much different with their own news.


I'm a westerner. I met a life long friend back in 1986 from Libya. He came here for college and stayed. He opened my eyes to things and perspectives through many conversations over the years. I'm thankful for that. My husband and I have hosted students in the 00's from Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, and Morocco. All wonderful people that we stay close to even though it's been years since we were together in person. Among my western friends, I am the only one who truly sees the zionist colonizers for what they are. I am the only pro-palestinian.... it's depressing that many western people don't see the reality. People are conditioned to believe that Isreal is in the right side of history... the government pushed that, the major media pushes that.... not many question it. And the genocide being committed right now is soul crushing and obvious but they don't see it or care. I'm sorry for that.


For those reading, the man said his skin was burnt from the heat of the jeep, and beaten when found even though he was injured.


The man says diffrent


Sure, let them lie and get away with this one. What about the other million war crimes?


Lol story changed


If they are the most moral army they claim to be, they’d offer him a seat at the back at least.


C'mon man... There was no room on the back!!! /s


Imagine how dumb you have to be to give this explanation. Palestinian agreed to be on the hood cause I put a gun to his face and told him to. 👍


Imagine how much dumber you would have to be to actually believe it.


And their supporters eat that shit up.


If that was really the case then one of the soldiers of the most moral army should have volunteered to be placed on the hood


Yeah, if they had any decency at all, or at least an eye for PR, one of them would have leapt at every child’s dream and ridden on the hood, if that was the case. 


Injured guy yelled becuaw the hood was hot from the engine.


Yeah and that guy agreed to jerk off for Homelander.


Israel supporters be smoking on some good kush if they actually believe this obvious lie at face value 💀


More like crack or meth, kush wouldn’t fuck you up that bad.


I guess soldiers walking hasn't been invested yet.


The lies reveal one thing: they are actually ashamed!


That’s not even a jeep, is there no end to the lies? Israeli propaganda machine can’t tell a single truth to save their lives, it’s a sickness.


Honestly, I prefer riding on the hood. It’s much more comfortable, Mr IDF. If you could just tie me quite tightly it will vastly improve the experience. Thank you Mr IDF.




If he agreed himself he wouldn't be struggling