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17 May 2024 Spain is not allowing ships carrying arms to Israel to call at its ports, the country’s foreign minister said, in keeping with its commitment to not “contribute to war”. The European nation refused to let a ship carrying 27 tonnes of explosives from India to Haifa dock at the Cartagena port, El País reported. "This is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port," José Manuel Albares, the foreign minister, said in Brussels on Thursday "This will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason: the Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace." [Another source.](https://thecradle.co/articles-id/24935)


Chad Spain


Shame on India


Shame would not even begin to describe it. India is carrying out their own ethnic cleansing, so it comes as no surprise that they support Israel.


It's particularly sad that despite their history of oppression from the Brits, they're still willing to lick their boots. India needs to take notes from Ireland.


Just like Israhell is _forgetting_ about what happened to their people…


Irish person here. Feel like our people’s support is stalwart against colonialism but still we have a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ relationship with whatever the hell the U.S. brings through their section of Shannon airport. Not cool of the government but still probably not worth a mess diplomatically with a nation heavily invested in ours.


I’ve been under a rock when it comes to India. What ethnic cleansing is India carrying out?? Haven’t even heard of this..


The leader of India (Modi) is a Hindu Nationalist and describes India as a Hindu nation (despite being a religiously diverse region). This has amounted to the political oppression of minorities who are predominantly Sikh and Muslim. This has amounted to numerous instances of violent conflict and displacement.


Also, aren’t they occupying Kashmir? 


The word Kashmir is thought to have been derived from Sanskrit and was referred to as káśmīra. A popular local etymology of Kashmira is that it is land desiccated from water. An alternative etymology derives the name from the name of the Vedic sage Kashyapa who is believed to have settled people in this land


That’s super interesting. Off topic, but very cool. 


it is haram for you people


Nothing is haram for me because I’m not Muslim? 


you do not respect the religion of the Palestinians?


Free pok and hand it over to India or you guys might face another 1971


It's a stalemate, 3 countries control it. India, Pakistan and China so when all 3 agree on the issue, something can actually be done


They all have control of some of the region, but the Indian part is definitely "occupied" as the majority muslim population is oppressed and subjugated in the most militarised region in the world. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ranisingh/2016/07/12/kashmir-in-the-worlds-most-militarized-zone-violence-after-years-of-comparative-calm/


all of it is occupied, if we're gonna call it that as the people there want independence. Also no, India controls half of it, pakistan and china control the other half


All of it is "disputed", but the closest thing to active violent oppression mirrored by resistance is on the Indian side of kashmir. Also i wouldn't simplify the complex issue of the will of all kashmiri people across those territories down to "want indepemdance".


well it is occupied since neither of them have officially voted to be a part of any of the 3 countries. Until there's a referendum, nothing can be done. Which again won't happen since India, China and Pakistan are not going to agree on UN's terms all at the same time


I think you forgot the recent protest happened in pakistan occupied kashmir


I do not think the Shias want to live with Sunnis there


That's not what ethnic cleansing means. You should have mentioned his negligence towards the riots in far eastern state of Manipur. His role in the 2002 riots, Delhi riots etc is way more relevant than anything you said. Most victims are Muslims and followed by Christians who you've ignored?


I gave an incredibly bare bones analysis of Modi to someone who doesn’t know anything about it. I don’t understand why you’re criticizing me for the relevance of what I said, because I hardly said anything at all.


Nah fair, I forgot what sub I was on for a sec. I found it too superficial to make sense but fair I get it now. My apologies


My in-laws are from Goa, and I haven’t heard much about Christian prosecution from them . Can you share what you’re referring to?


I'm from goa as well, there's no real large scale christian persecution to say of. But the people you talk about (religious nationalists) don't "hate" on christians but that's because there's not a large number of them (and they hate muslims more) Now that being said, attacks on churches have increased and the rhetoric around them have definitely gotten worse. The conflict in the far east (manipur) is a somewhat ethno-religious conflict. The religious nationalists have not bothered to care about it and not really voiced any concerns over the disproportionate impact on christians there. Christians are also seen as more "sinister?" since there are a lot of christian run schools and universities and people look at the entire religion in a suspicious way (also due to conversions to christianity, which are seen as erasing local culture and a "foreign conspiracy" of some sort in some cases). tldr: rhetoric and attacks on churches have increased but its not likely to be a whole religious conflict since the numbers are not that high and urban concentrated.


are you guys not the ones who led the Portuguese inquisition on India? the audacity to complain about occupation. man the hypocrisy.


1984 sikh riots was caused by Liberal Khangress govt. and pls talk about 1990 kashmiri pandit exodus as well


The elephant in the room is that he facilitated pogroms in 2002 when he was Minister of Gujarat.


And yet the whole world ignores Kashmiri pandit and Sikh genocide which was planned by liberal khangress govt.


I’m talking about Hindu Nationalism, and you keep bringing up 1984 as if it wasn’t largely Hindu people doing the killing. Not to mention the fact that even calling Khangress Liberal isn’t even accurate given the fact that it was a temporary dictatorship at the time.


There is oppression and tensions in lots of part of the country. But many places live peacefully together. Modi have flared up the tensions but they are nowhere near "ethnic cleansing" Any muslim country citizen/ Ukrainian telling you otherwise is just salty about India's foreign policy. Let me tell you a fact, this same people will shut up when their country or countries that they consider "moral" because they align with their interests do the same thing against India. And infact they have and none of them had the gal to speak up.


Meanwhile pakistan's and bangladesh's hindu population dropped from 14% & 28% to 1.5% to 8%.. sikhism was born in pakistan but you won't find any sikhs in pakistan now, there used to be sikhs and hindus living in afghanistan but you will hardly find them now


U see whats happening in India? They have no shame




do not bother do not care keep crying




It ended up docking in Tangier, Morocco. Shame on Morocco!!!


It is Morocco acting stupid as hell.


Sadly …


Why are all these Arab countries so spineless in speaking up against Israel (except Lebanon and Yemen)


Fucking chads, doing your part❤


Good for Spain and remember this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Houthis blocking the Red Sea.


India supporting genocide.




Cry harder


¡Viva España!


nobody points out how crazy it is that they have to go all around africa to get into europe, refuel, and then to israel instead of just directly going to israel… that must be 8-10x the distance.


Based Spaniards


Oooooo lemme give you all my money Spain. The vacation is gonna be tasty, warm and genocide free


Imma learn Spanish one day


Time for Morocco and spain to block entry to the Mediterranean.


This still cannot save Palestinians