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They do know this hurts the working poor and elderly the most right? Yeah the extra 10 dollars a month won’t matter too much to most people but for those trying to decide between heating their home or eating, it’s a problem.


There is also zero way they can say $10. It’s a delivery charge based on kWh - which is based on usage. That number may be an average- but it could/will be much more for some people.


Exactly. You know who lives in terrible apartments that leak hot air to the outside? Poor people. I’m sure the poorest people will see the biggest hikes.


I still don't understand how a foreign company can own a Utility company. And, when there are outages now, they send out hired outside companies to fix the problem instead of NYSEG workers. These companies don't give a shit about how long you are without power. The last time we had an outage, 8 trucks with two workers in each of them sat in their trucks all day and didn't do anything. And, their boss appeared to be around 85 years old. I wish NY would take over this company and make it public. The billing issues alone are terrible. My MIL rents an apartment and got a bill for almost $500 when she pays between $70-$80 a month for over five years. It appears she paid for the entire group of five apartments and still hasn't been refunded her money after 8 months.


My mom used to dispatch the emergency crews years and years ago and after she had an accident they got rid of her position ohhh about 15 years ago I'd say


They wouldn’t be the ones refunding her- if she has a shared meter, that’s on the property owner- they are responsible.


>Residential customers will see an average increase of $9.94 in their bill in November, then an average monthly increase of $8.84 in May 2024, according to the PSC. In May 2025, customers will see an average monthly increase of $11.34. So by next summer an average bill will be $18.78 more per month???? Am I interpreting that correctly???


It does seem to be compounding increases. Yikes.


And that's just for electricity. If you also have gas on your bill, it will go up an additional $7.09 by next summer ($4.96 then $2.13), so an increase of $25.87 per month. (The Voice article made that less clear than the press release it links to does. In the part you quoted, they should have specified "Residential ***electric*** customers"...)


Higher rates, poorer service (their billing issues alone should have barred any increase). Seems about right for NY, though.


I've gotten three bills in the past two weeks and one is a shut off notice because I'm behind, one was a late bill and one is a new bill


Those commissioners, how are they elected?


probably appointments


What a joke


That’s what happens when you shut down all the coal plants prematurely without a real viable alternative


Nobody wants to hear that- but this is actually correct.


NYSEG which has higher rates than most utilities and also can’t seem to bill properly as it is. Yeah this will help a lot