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Great news.


It’s a good day to celebrate!


Waiting for all the hate comments. lol


Didn’t take long to trigger the nerds… “But…but…we could have had 100 libraries for that amount..”


Why is that a bad argument?


Locking them here for 30 years and making Jags pay for all the overruns is definitely a better deal than we would have gotten under Lenny. Good job, Donna. Wish taxpayers didn't have to pay for this shit but we're well past that unfortunately.


How do we rewind the clock, so to speak?


You really wanna go back to Lenny? 🤣


this dude only looking backwards


“Wish taxpayers didn’t behave to pay for this shit but we’re all past that point now.” Edit: Football stadiums and failing mega company/bank bail outs specifically.


I don't even watch football but I consider the options 1. Have a rising NFL team that attracts visitors during football season, creating jobs and benefiting businesses downtown, while having said billionaire pay half for the new stadium, or 2. Have said NFL team leave the city and an old football stadium behind, and then....raze it like the landing? I genuinely don't see any actual outcome for an old football stadium. I too prefer the billionaire to pay for the thing 100% his damn self but I'd much rather have option 1 over option 2.


You don’t watch football but your name is T-Bills? That’s whatever though. Honestly, I’d be okay if the Jaguars leave Jacksonville. There’s hardly anyone traveling to Jacksonville because of football. If we were to put that half a billion dollars towards creating more fishing spots, better access/amenities to our beaches, quit clear cutting forests and create more trails/activities. I think that’d be a better idea. OR just our public education system. I’d be a-okay with that.


Well I worked at the stadium last year to help pay off my car insurance and will be working there again this year. I can confirm that every game has anywhere from 20k-30k other teams' fans show up and they all aren't local to jax or Florida


How many of those 20k-30k are not from Jacksonville?


Do you think we are personally polling them? I'm sure the ticket office has data that can be gathered but what a silly question to ask


You claimed that you worked at the stadium and that you can confirm 20k-30k of away team fans. I was just asking for more of your knowledge.


My nickname is not related to football... Who's that reference in football? As for spending money, gotta say those are all good ideas. Honestly I don't even think the Jags on its own is some kind of savior for downtown - it's a nice attraction but much more is needed for making downtown a destination even during the football season. I think that's a shame though because you look at many other major cities and their downtowns are cultural hubs with art galleries and theater and music venues. We have some of those but hard to imagine downtown as constructed right now will be more than anything we have now. As for education, I think that's a real danger as our state makes the push for charter schools while trying to kill historically good schools like Fishweir. That's a much bigger issue though.


I do think those two issues are connected. That is, everything is for profit/commodified. Even public education. The little bit of money that locals and regular working class people get is minuscule in comparison to the money made and moved out of Jacksonville. Our city culture shouldn’t be decided by a football team or any other money making venture.


I don't think everything has to be for profit, but if you have things that attract tourists the locals will probably enjoy it too. You mentioned hiking, fishing etc... many people in this city clearly loves the Jags and that's fine too. Like I said think having the Jags is a start but by no means the focal point of this city. It'll only help downtown.


In regards to no one traveling here, you are wrong. Miami, Tampa, NC, and even DC residents travel here for NFL games religiously. The Gator Bowl. Not to mention Fla/Ga.. maybe we can even get the ACC championship back now that we will have a new stadium in the future. The Stadium is a draw. Period. And “creating more fishing spots”???? Dude, what? You think the city should be responsible for more of the million great fishing areas than we already have? Grab a Rod/reel/tackle box and walk less than a mile ANYWHERE in Duval and you can catch a fish.


There should be plenty of places to fish. But they are in reality slim to none, especially when you look at other cities who are proud of their fisheries.


lol yall will complain to complain it’s comical to see


You don’t know what a t-bill is, and you haven’t noticed tens of thousands of visiting fans in town during home weekends? You need to get out more..


Yeah because an experienced life is football.


T-bills - not football. And you don’t have to go to the stadium to see the folks in town for the weekend.


Much rather that. A town center full of stores that locals can barely afford to be in. No thanks. Jax has so much potential for things to do but no let's throw money towards a new stadium, where everything will be overpriced lol Hell Cesar rather distract the people with gladiators than help them.


I mean, your point is flawed as Lenny was fleecing the city in bad deals with the Jags. So to keep it as it was, means you like being fleeced even worse? Lot J ring a bell? Compared to all other stadium deals, this is the most city friendly deal I've seen passed. Charlotte for instance just got fleeced hard today on their own deal.


Never said Lenny. You are inferring that.


Then make a better point. Cause all you say is 'rewind the clock'. And when you rewind it, you go back to the Lenny era and Lot J. How far back you wanting to go?


Holy fuck. There wasn’t a point to be made in the first place. My bad that my comment could be misconstrued as blind yearning for our previous mayor. All I was saying is that I agree that taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize billionaires business locations/ventures in a non chalant way. Sorry for the confusion. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ok. I guess say that then, vs an obscure 'rewind the clock'. I get your opinion and it's valid. That said, compared to other deals -- including Charlotte today -- it's a much better deal than usual. I'd say the city has done well all things considered compared to others, which is better (to me) than doing nothing and letting them walk.


Donna did very well for Jax here. She had to make up for the hiring of that doofus as the head of the DCPS. He was just fired from his last job less than a year in and they didn’t even let him finish out the year. Donna’s were kinda tied, I get that. But IMO she should have at least removed the city’s obligation to fund his retirement. He should be able to do that on his own for what Jax is paying him. And he still gets it even if he screws up like he did at his last job. But I digress. Well done on the stadium Ms. Deegan. Now the residents of Duuuuvaaal can rest with the rumors of Khan moving the team.


The Mayor of Jacksonville doesn’t pick the Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools. The Duval County School Board picks the Superintendent. Jax and Duval are almost the same plot of land, so it is an understandable mistake.


It’s not a “mistake”. Jax and Duval are NOT “almost” the same plot of land. They ARE the same plot of land. Where the f*** you been? The county school board does pick him, but he/she/they/it must be approved by the mayor who has the final say regarding their recommendation. But it’s just that. A recommendation. Don’t even try bro, you’re outta your league here. Donna had the right to refuse him, alter the terms, or reject him. That’s why she is the Mayor. Get your facts straight before you try and sound intelligent.


Baldwin, Jacksonville Beach, Atlantic Beach, and Neptune Beach are all within Duval County but are separate towns with separate governments. The Mayor of Jax has no authority over any part of DCPS. There’s a great book on this called, “A Quiet Revolution: The Consolidation of Jacksonville-Duval County”.


We made it!


Sweet! Great day for the city. Let's hope wirh more development we can host the draft or SuperBowl after it opens.


Laughable for you to think the cities infrastructure could handle a Super Bowl


We did years ago, and it's only gotten better.  That's why we need Khan and other to buy up all the property around the stadium, all those old houses and tiny churches, also we can get sweet hotels and a shopping promenade 


You mean when the city notoriously had to bring in 5 cruise ships because there weren't enough hotels?


That's dope, imagine how sweet it was to stay on a cruise ship them hop off to watch the game.


Build it


I actually dig the result here. While the Stadium isn't an ideal choice... putting the onus on the team contractually may actually cause them to make better training routines and raise performance.


Florida is a hockey state.




Agreed, now tell the NHL we want an expansion team


Actually I'd rather keep our ECHL team. No way I can afford NHL tickets.


So, wait for the complaints when they have to play games at UNF or UCF for 2 years while they’re constructing.


1 year First year of the remodel will be a reduced capacity (40,000) and 1 year of relocation (not fun but necessary.


UNF is not an option, UF is a real option. And it's the stadium in Orlando, is that where UCF plays or do they have thier own stadium?


You’re right, I get the UNF/UCF/UF initials mixed up. LOL UF in Gainesville. It’s going to make a lot of fans uncomfortable with the drive.


Oh no! People being "uncomfortable" having to drive 2 hours to go see a sporting event that they want to see. Oh the horror!


I think you're missing their point, it's not the drive/distance. It's FSU fans in the area I feel he's targeting -- those fans would be rooting for a team in a rivals stadium.


Huh? Fsu fans regularly go to UF games to root for fsu and I'm sure they will have no issue traveling there for a pro team they root for. UF home games are not 100% only gators


Whatever. Some of ya'll just like to bitch and argue for the sake of it. It's like an FSU fan having to play EVERY *HOME* game they go to, in a RIVALS stadium. It's not fucking hard to get the point/joke they were making. There is an understandable degree of awkwardness. I would know this first hand with a family member, having to spend a year in the UF stadium, as an FSU fan for 8-9 games would certainly have an odd feel. Doesn't mean they won't do it, but I get it. No different than if the Jags had to play all their home games in Nashville in the Titans stadium. It'd be awkward for Jags fans to see that stadium as a 'home' field for a year when you're used to a different experience. If you don't get it, then move on.


You're the one bitching and arguing about traveling to see the Jags play for the sake of it as UF hasn't even been announced as the final location. The staff at the stadium will be jaguars team members. Do you somehow think the game day experience won't be Jags focused? I'd have no problem watching the Jags play in a rivals stadium if it was under a 2.5 hour drive. The logistics for your example are outrageous lol.


The articles say Camping World Stadium, which is in Downtown Orlando where they host the Citrus Bowl game. I have a feeling they'll split it between Orlando, Gainesville, and London.


Will not be any more London than already committed


They will still play in London. Those will be the 3 locations for the “home” games.


Didn’t say they won’t play in London. Just won’t be more than 3 games.


No, they will only be playing one home game in London. They might play an away game there too as every team is subject to a London/international game but they will not be taking more than 1 home game away.


I never thought about that


More than likely it would be Camping World Stadium in Orlando.


Hell yeah let’s build it.




The 5 is added on to the existing 2 years remaining so it will actually be 2 out of 7 years but yeah, not ideal.


Trevor is under contract for another 7 seasons, he got a five year extension on top of having two more years of his rookie contract left. And the team will only play one season outside of Jacksonville during construction. Oh well.


So its official now? Its happening?


Technically the NFL owners have to approve it, but that should be a formality.






It's the best stadium deal from a tax-payer friendly standpoint than any other city hosting major professional sports.


Feel like Charlotte got fleeced hard. Tepper is a POS. Of billionaires to have, glad we have Khan.


Wasn’t SoFi stadium entirely privately funded?


Looks like all but about 250 million without accounting for some parking revenue. So my statement above could be debated, but if we get into the finances of a place like Los Angeles, and all the private attractions that will generate revenue there, I imagine much less public funding was required. But, as far as most cities go, the Jags got one of the most city friendly (aka tax payer friendly) deals outside of Hollywood.


As a Giants fan this is great news!


London Jags in 2027


I'm fine with it. It seems the city controlled costs and I'd like to think Shad won't squawk about cost overruns. He will want it to be nice and won't cut corners. Locking down the team is a big-time move for the city. Jax could look a lot different in 30 years and who knows, the Jags could win multiple Super Bowls in that time. This deal will look like a bargain in a few short years. I'm also excited about having an entertainment hub in that part of town. It should help rejuvenate the surrounding area and serve as an anchor for downtown development.


Good for Jacksonville.


> Ahead of Tuesday's meeting, city council members voted Thursday to remove $94 million of taxpayer dollars in funding from the Community Benefits Agreement which would have gone toward renovating parks, workforce development and improving Eastside neighborhoods. Wait so, that money was going to go towards those things but now its just up in the air? Am I just reading this wrong?


Looks like 56m was set into the deal with the option to add more later https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2024/06/21/new-stadium-deal-almost-done-changes-make-sure-local-workers-get-to-help-build-the-new-sports-complex/


Yeah. There's still 56M from taxes AND 100M from Shad, so a total of 156M. I guess the city council felt that 94M could be better spent somewhere else??


Can someone explain how this is good for the city as opposed to reinvesting those dollars into the community? Like failing road infrastructure or better pay for people of lower incomes, or even starting a rent control program? Edit: why the downvotes? It's a simple question.


Republicans would never vote for that.


Yeah, I know. Fucking blows


The problem is that they had a special fund set up in this deal to do exactly that. Some of the council members had a stink that a lot of the funds were not going to their districts. So they came up with a conflict of interest excuse for it to be removed. Yes the jags are here for another 30 years. My question is how it downtown so much different from the last 30?


I love the NFL, but I'll upvote your comment. And this is something people need to explain who are supporters of publicy-funded stadium deals across the country to people who are dubious on a stadium's financial benefit. Publicly-funded major league sports facilities are usually earmarked for spending by local governments. This enables several benefits. The first most obvious is tourism. The next is economic impact. Both the tourism and economic impact leads to massive revenue, whether from the stadium itself or other new businesses that spring up nearby due to the stadium and the team located in your city. Ex.-those very citizens you mentioned who are lower income now could get hired onboard to the thousands of people who will be constructing this stadium (mentioned as a part of this deal between the Jaguars and the city). NFL games themselves average about $10 million in local revenue per game in any city. Oakland, St. Louis, and San Diego no longer have that, and have suffered economically due to the fact (Oakland with decreased tourism and losing In-N-Out, San Diego with hotel tax room deficits, etc.). In the long run, this will help Jacksonville get richer, and make money off of more things then just the Jaguars (massive global concerts, championship events, presidential conventions, international soccer, etc.)


Ok fair point. However, wouldn't also things like NOT criminalizing the LGBTQ community help with tourism?


Lol sorry, dude, but that's outside of my wheelhouse. I just came here to talk about the stadium.


Gotcha. Basically my point is: this is a stupidly unnecessary expense and those monies could be better spent literally anywhere else in the community 🤷‍♂️


Once again, it's earmarked. Earmarked means the government money goes to a specific place. For instance, if you work for a company and they give you a company card for travel, you could only spend it on things connected to company travel. You can only spend it on fuel, lodging, and food and supplies. You can't use that company card can't go to other things, such as souvenirs and such.


Right, so just... earmark it for other shit. But the republicunts and Little Ronnie DeFascist gots'ta have their sportsball


The city of Jacksonville funded this. Mayor Deegan (who shepherded the deal) is a Democrat. Historically, the state of Florida (and Texas and California) don't have state governments contribute to stadium construction. [https://sports.yahoo.com/jacksonville-city-council-approves-775m-in-public-funds-to-upgrade-jaguars-stadium-003908169.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/jacksonville-city-council-approves-775m-in-public-funds-to-upgrade-jaguars-stadium-003908169.html) And these are always bipartisan efforts to build new stadiums for teams in their cities. And, sometimes, for the cities who lost teams, it's a bipartisan effort to lose teams.


I'm not going to pretend to understand the logic, but it just seems like a fuckload of money that could be better spent than a dumb sports field.


Study after study shows that the purported benefits from pro sports teams does not meet the costs. The money would be better returned to tax payers or spent on schools, roads, public museums and parks, and more than on privately owned sports teams.  Let’s face it, nobody will go visit Jacksonville due to the football team save some small percent of visiting team fans and potentially for a Super Bowl/college sports event like the final four. 


Jacksonville has 64 miles of beaches, a bunch of colonial museums and monuments, and an affordable vacation spot most years if folks can't make it to Tampa, Orlando, or Miami. So, yeah, it's got a lot going for it.


> Can someone explain how this is good for the city as opposed to reinvesting those dollars into the community? Part of the deal is setting aside 156M for the surrounding community. Green spaces, restaurants, retail, infrastructure, etc. In addition to that, Ship yards which includes that too, and hotel(s). Might be getting downvoted cause all of this is in the article or easily Googled and answered??


Last time I said it I got 100 downvotes lol. Yeah same question for me. I'd rather keep schools from closing.


Okay, here we go. Maybe we'll be known for more than just "the one with the glass pool".


Heck yea, very exciting!


[Jags Owners' Superyacht](https://www.forbes.com/sites/billspringer/2024/03/29/first-look-at-400-foot-long-superyacht-that-costs-3-million-per-week/)


This would be a great venue to gather up all the gangs in town and watch them battle out their street beefs in front of thousands…tell me this isn’t a great money making idea😂