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I’ve got a theory about Meg and Jack, but it’s totally made up based on my own thoughts of them. I think they really loved each other when they first met which is why they were married, but once the music started happening and getting bigger, they decided to get divorced because it was too hard to be in that environment and be committed to each other. But I think that decision was more Jack’s then Meg’s. Watching UGWNL and seeing the way Meg acted in interviews and performing and the way she looked at Jack it seemed like she was very much still in love with him during this time. You can tell they cared about each other very much but I think Meg was mainly just following Jack through this wild ride because she loved him and hoped that maybe things would eventually get back to where they were when they first met. Listening to the first season of the “Striped” podcast, it’s mentioned many times that Meg only wanted to play music if it was with Jack, so maybe she was only doing all this because she wanted to be with him. She obviously loved music too and I don’t think she was just being dragged around cause she was just smitten with Jack, but the way the band ended and the various things I’ve picked up lead me to believe this might’ve been the case. The feeling I get the more I read and watch their story the more it feels like a heartbreaking journey of a woman following a man that loves his dream more than her. Thoughts?


Very interesting theory!


that all sounds about right,except I don't think they divorced because they were getting big or anything,they didn't receive really any attention until White Blood Cells and they divorced before De Stijl was even out.


Yeah I meant more just the scene they were living in. Like they weren’t big at that point but they were still doing a lot of shows and touring a bit. I don’t really know what that lifestyle is like but Jack and Meg are good looking people I imagine there were people hanging around and hitting on them even at just those small shows and I feel like it would be hard to be married and see people coming onto your spouse the whole time. If that was the case they probably just got to the point where they wanted that commitment gone so the tension wasn’t there anymore. I’m really reading into things a lot and making this all up in my head but it seems like it makes sense.


oh okay,that's a good point yeah


So funny! I have a similar theory, but it is based more on my obsession with the enneagram. Not that it matters, because whatever their story is — it is theirs and none of my business. But I do like to think about it sometimes out of honest curiosity. Looking at their personalities, Meg seems very much like she could be a 5, and Jack presents very much like a 4. I think that based on his compulsive creativity and moody disposition, that Jack is a true romantic (not just relationally speaking, but in everything he does). Meg is very quiet and introverted, withdrawn, and I have seen it mentioned several times that she is a hermit. She doesn’t seem like the codependent type. There is an interview that Jack did with magazine a few years back where he says it was difficult to reach milestones in the white stripes when his bandmate was apathetic and didn’t want to celebrate their achievements. He got crap for this but later came out with a statement saying that he loves her dearly. I don’t remember which article this is, but you can look it up. I believe that Meg does care very deeply about all of their mutual achievements, but that there is a disconnect in how she displays emotions. Anyone can see how much they love each other, especially in UGWNL. I am sure that behind the scenes there was an awareness of the impending finality, the end of an era, and that would come with many complicated emotions. Again, not that my speculation matters... just my thoughts! 😅


Literally insane of me to be replying to ur comment after four years, but I stumbled upon it and happen to have been hyper focusing on puzzling out Meg’s enneagram lately - and I think you’re totally right. Female fives are so often mistyped! Best wishes from ur fellow enneagram obsessed white stripes fan lol :)


How wild! Cheers!


I never even thought about this aspect, but it definitely sounds plausible.


There was always so much longing in the way she looked at him.


I think that they are great friends with a deep love for each other, then and now. I will never forget how excited he was to announce that she was at the Rac show at Masonic last July. It was at the very end and he was so f’ng geeked, hands in the air exclaiming “Meg White from The White Stripes is here!” Anyway, doesn’t answer your question, I don’t know the answer, but to me they seem to have a deep love & respect & friendship.


Aw man that's really sweet


It really was. I admit that I teared up a bit. I think she was in one of the boxes, to the side of where I was, but I’m not sure. They had a handful of VIPs there.


She was backstage.


I assumed so.


She was in the box with a lot of his family members there also. She was hanging & talking with them before the show and had a sweet hug with Jack's mom. I had incredible seats just to the left of them in the balcony. I think we were more excited seeing her than Jack (almost).


That wasn’t Meg, though a lot of people mistook her for Meg. Sorry, friends, but it really wasn’t.


Really? How do you know. I didn’t see her or anyone who I thought was her, I assumed she was backstage.


She \*was\* backstage. She wasn't the woman who was in the box.


I’m asking how do you know, though?


People we know saw her backstage and we caught a glimpse of her there briefly when Mary Cobra tried to pull her onstage.


Ah ok. I was at the vantage point of seeing stage right, a little room there. I think Mary Cobra came from there, but I can’t be sure bc of the amount of sweat in my eyes. It was one of the best shows I had ever seen.


Is there a link? I didn’t know she attended a gig.


She’s been at several of Jack’s Detroit shows.


No, there is no recording of it that I know of, not released anyway. I thought maybe Meg gave him permission to announce her attending or something as I know she still lives up here and I’d be very surprised if she was NOT at his solo show in 2016. He didn’t announce her presence but he did dance on stage with his mom 😉


Yes, she was at that show, seen by many people (including me) sidestage.


This is far and away my favorite image of these two.


I think it had something to do with her physical fatigue and him being able to move on creatively. Better to go out on top.