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Might as well request ban. Best option is to downgrade to an older version which is story centric instead of discover centric


How do you do that


It's too far gone, you can't do that anymore 😢 (Sorry for necroposting, but it deserves an answer)




Damn it man. I was tired of seeing random LA hoes on mine and this post got my hopes up.


We’re all here in 2024 just wanting to turn the whore shit off so we can share memes w our friends lol


Yep, it's awful man


Dude that dude necrod, he replied to a comment that was from like 2018-2019


Lmao that dudes comment was from like 2018-2019


Saved this post a while ago for situations like this. Copied in its entirety: Tutorial] Downgrade Snapchat to 10.22.2 for old UI / Phantom Lite (iOS 10 - 11) Tutorial I posted this earlier but deleted it due to the issues people were having, I seem to have found a fix for most crashes though. Still no fix for connection issues AFAIK. WARNING: This may still get you banned but I've actually been using it for about a week with no bans. 1. Delete any snapchat tweaks installed if any and download the lastest version of snapchat and sign into your account 2. Add these two repos in cydia: http://alpha.unlimapps.com http://tigisoftware.com/cydia 1. Download "App Admin" and "Apps Manager" from both repos (On iOS 10 downgrade Apps Manager to 1.3.0) 2. Open Apps Manager, find snapchat in the applications list and select it, then select "Backup" 3. Delete snapchat, then search for it in the Appstore and tap and hold on the cloud icon, select "Downgrade" and select version 10.22.2 (If you plan on using a snapchat tweak with this, install 10.18.1 instead and stories will refresh with no problems.) 4. Once snapchat is done installing, don't open it yet. Open apps manager again and select snapchat then select restore and restore the backup you made earlier 5. Download filza from cydia if you don't already have it and navigate to /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/Snapchat/Documents and delete scheduledlenses.plist 6. Open snapchat and you should be logged in with the old UI! If you are on iOS 10 install phantom lite, but DO NOT INSTALL THIS ON iOS 11. If you are on iOS 11 install "SCOthman For Snap (iOS 11)" from the BigBoss repo (Don't use "SCOthman For Snap (iOS 10 - 11)", Upload button is broken) You can also use Snap + by unlimapps, just use version 1.7r-49 not the latest version. Make sure Liberty and NoSub are disabled for snapchat before asking why tweaks aren't working please 🙃🙃


I tried doing this in July and Snap Map did not work, it crashed my app every time I opened it


Delete map_style_0.json and map_style_4.json if you have it


I’m on iOS 12 now but thanks, ill try it if Snapchat still works by then


Really? Snap map works fine for me, although I never use it.




This post is still extremely relevant in 2022


Tell me about it. I wandered here looking for a solution after sitting for 30 minutes and blocking channels. They never stop. Jesus fucking Christ why are there so many. Not a single goddamn person wants to see this shit. I wouldn't fucking care if they just existed there. But NO. I have to see some bullshit the AUTOMATICALLY PLAYS after I finish watching stories. My god. I miss the days where 1) Discover was actually good content and 2) DIDNT FUCKING FORCE ME TO WATCH IT.


discovery page triggers the living shit out of me, it doesent even matter if you "hide" the story u dont wann see or report them, they will allways come back and suggest some fucking "tHiS eGiRl JuSt DiD tHiS aNd ThAt"


Yo I thought I was the only one. I love Snapchat and have been using it since it first came out so Its established as my primary way of talking to friends and family but for the love of God I can’t stand the discover portion. Nothing but click bait and wanna be fit girls showing their ass, which is oddly annoying as a straight man. I’d rather it be like it use to or at least give us the option of opting out of seeing that bull shit.


I really don’t understand the demographic that watches that bullshit. Its honestly cancer on society, the fact that kids use this app disturbs me


Disturbing is an understatement. The shit they throw in people's faces is just straight up cancer. That's my ted talk.


I agree. Pretty scary the amount of misinformation or just weird shit kids are seeing all over


Doesn't matter how straight your are, I don't want to have to jerk off at 2 in the afternoon all because I wanted to see my friends Snapchat stories.


Well no shit lol I don’t want to see any of it. From half naked bitches to the horribly staged “pranks”


oh i 100% agree. just reinforcing your statement and hopefully getting a chuckle or 2


the pranks r so bad they literally drag it out so long before actually doing the prank just to fit as many ads as possible and the climax is always lame asf 😭 i fucking hate the discover page its actually mind rotting


Thank you all for being here today :’)


still pisses me the fuck off. who watches this dumb ass shit


My ex lol


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


Is there a single fucking person who actually wants to see that shit like who the fuck uses discover




I've just deleted mine too, it was so triggering and I'm seriously fed up with it. Social media has become so bad


>comments agree completly


Came here to say just this trying to figure out how people downgrade to an older version


Still relevant going into 2024. I feel your pain. Don't want to delete snap since at it's base it's a pretty good app. Plagued by unending spam. Gotta train the brain to get out of that garbage spam as soon as it sends you to it


Still relevant in 2023…


Bruh same just googled to see if I can get rid of this shit. I like the stories about fast workers, crafts, etc. But for the love of God please stop filling discover with staged bullshit and thots. It's such cancer.


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)




Just about to be 2024 and still incredibly relevant. Maybe even more so. I desperately wish I could use the good features of Snapchat to communicate with friends and not have spam and clickbait shoved in my face constantly. I have ADHD, I’m like the target demographic for this shit because I could mindlessly scroll for hours and I’m trying so hard not to and focus my energy better but I use snap to talk to a lot of people and it sucks having to choose between being able to easily connect with friends and my mental health. Didn’t intend the random rant but damn I’m irritated and was searching all over trying to figure out how to block this. I’m certain it all comes down to money, I’m sure ad revenue and shit from the discover page is a big portion of their profits so they can’t give the option to block it or a lot of people would and they’d lose money. Which sucks cause it would be such a better app if that one thing was gone.


Still here & very relevant


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


as someone who knows nada about coding, how do you even go about using the file?


you would sideload the ipa or id you have a jailbreak you would have to install the deb file. but sadly some functions work as intended for now.


Instagram patched the removing of reels ob the main screen


I've put a feature request on the github, I was wondering if you could implement RemoveSpotlight functionality?


Honestly just fuck Snapchat dude, I used to love having it hacked but after having some features gone I couldn’t deal with it. No matter what you do as long as you got it tweaked you’ll get a ban on Snapchat just saying.


You been banned before? How does sc ban work, is it your phone number that's banned?


The crazy thing is, they purposely allow it to fill these young kids minds with sexual content. Thats their aim. Filthy app.


I made a petition for this. https://chng.it/RWp8tZvSHT come sign!


I so signed this.


Does anyone know how to get rid of it yet. This page needs to stay alive till discover is gone.


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


It's still a problem. I'm gonna quit this app. I don't find joy in using it anymore


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


This is amazing! But, you probably don't have any way to fix this on Android I assume?


Tweaks that modify snapchat will probably get your account suspended


Snapchats failing business model is reliant on discover.. Time to delete and move on


Truly fucking hate what Snapchat has to offer now- if enough people used their “suggestion” section in the settings I’m sure we could get through to someone- really the troops boys


That started to annoy me back around 18/19 when you posted this but now I absolutely can’t stand it. I think I’m going to delete the app as the use I get out of it with my few friends is way out weighted by the trash on the app now. It’s like an ad for internet addiction inside one app it’s awful


What I’ve learnt i have to do is not scroll to that page. Instead I click the stories at the top. And it puts the stories on my front snap page, now I don’t see the other BS. All the ads and rando accounts drive me crazy.


Blocking the channels doesn't work. There's been numerous occasions where channels I've blocked still pop up.. hiding channels doesn't even remove it from your sights half the time..


Same here.. I press ‘hide account’ and I only need to refresh once and it’s back.


Really wish SCOthman worked. Haven’t been able to get it to work for over a year now.


does work ofc


What am I missing? I install and nothing changes at all ofc.


I just found this from a google search. Still very relevant. Looks like snapchat has API available for developers, it would be awesome if it was possible to just make a modified app without discover but not sure that is possible with their API.


so people are saying if you modify the app at all you will be banned Like they have some validation mechanism apparently that checks your apps code to make sure it hasn't been tampered. Probably a good thing I think one option, that is definitely beyond my skill level, would be to somehow block parts of the api call through your router to just not get data about the discover section. Theoretically it's possible but like it could be insanely difficult to do something like that for all I know


Yea i think youre on to something. Have you heard of pihole? Its a rasberry pi project that blocks most ads under your router. Haven't tried it myself but I bet its possible to block snapchat discover section


I doubt they will let you to remove anything, most likely just able to add more useless shit


i fucking hate this shit. bs retericks and un hidable cancer. im so sick of this oppressive pc horseshit. i just want to chat to my mates leave me the fuck alone cuntsss


Rhetoric. You don't seem too bright mate lol




I use swipe texting and it has trouble differentiating between the two. At least I didn't misspell a word I was using to blindly scream about right wing alarmist bullshit






>Rhetoric I always hate people like this, like how do you know english is their first language? Learn to be more diverse you lemon.




You got some serious problems mate.


Sure virgin


Calling people right wingers AND virgins You gonna bring anything elseout of the "I ain't got shi to say" playbook?


I bet you're both and angry about it


Point proven




Good replies don't need so many words. You know you're such an unfunny unlikable dipshit that you went back on your own burn


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Get well soon


Anyways of getting this out in 2022?


I just want something like YT vanced so I can disable the discovery page Because I keep mindlessly scrolling like TikTok, but on TikTok I have a limit, on snapchat I can't do that because then I can't communicate with my friends...


yt vanced is a god send. i always catch myself 30 mins into an ADHD driven mindless-scroll-fest on snapchat, get angry at myself, close the app, just to open it again an hour or so later when I want to respond to a message, and end up on the discovery page all over again. it's almost muscle memory at this point, I need it gone. It's either I lose contact with all my friends on the main app I use to talk to people, or I waste my time and energy reading toxic celebrity culture and reuploaded tiktoks. It's hell.


I have found on reddit a way to block the stories coming from the discover page. It's a regex you can use it with a pi-hole or you can generate all the combinations using a simple python script to use it with a hosts file. Regex: \^(((europe|us)-(west|east|north|south|central)[0-9]-gc(p|s))|app(-analytics(-v[1-9])?)?|mvm|webattachments|aw(s)?|gc(p|s)|gtq6|bolt-gcdn|snapchat-payments-gateway)(\.(sct|api|duplex))?\.(snapchat|(sc-(cdn|prod)))\.(net|com)$ The total number of websites blocked is around 5000ish. So far it's working for me but there is no guarantee that it blocks everything.


Can you elaborate on how to do this I'm a complete novice


Google "how to set up pi-hole" and after that "how to use regex pi-hole"


I have the same struggle 😭


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


Bruh I know this was posted forever ago but I just opened snap & it triggered the shit out of me. Just like the OP said. I could care fucking less about girls with half their clothes off, I’m literally looking for a solution even if it kills me! I hate how snap does that! Jesus Christ.






I would take you up on that. that is my dream to make a new social media without the bullshit. I just need to learn how to program.




Awesome I will try it out! Thanks!


I ducking hate all the dumb sluts on this app can’t migrate away… clearly this is what Snapchat likes.. even after you block a page they show right back up


Want it gone so bad it’s legit so trash




Doesn't look like there's any solutions still :( I've deleted it now because I'm tired of seeing half dressed girls


Can't believe that they recommend the kind of stuff they do to kids.




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And thus the censoring begins, hurray for the commie overlords.




It was sarcasm.


Use /s for that


Can Snapchat please remove the discover page. I’m an adult and use it for coworkers/friends etc but we all collectively hate the discover page. It’s gotta go. Sick of seeing tweeny boppers and clickbait crap in my social media. About to delete. Still relevant 07/2022.


But this cosplay broke the internet! Aren’t you interested?


“Next on Grandma’s House: a questionably legal girl covered in chocolate wearing a bikini” -or- “This cosplay broke the interwebss”


I completely agree with this! snapchat has changed so much and the content on spotlight and discover is terrible. all of it is soft-core porn.


I could go through and hide 50 channels that post soft core, and immediately 50 more will show up to replace them.


Still relevant.


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


Wish I could. It actually infuriates me seeing so many click bait headlines. And the everyday tag line of “cast of “x” shares grim details on “b” “. It’s a fucking scourge and they need to give us the option to never see that toxic trash.


Was considering getting back on snapchat to talk for more ease of trading selfies with friends, but I was immediately reminded of the reason I left this app in the first place... I can't stand this hostile ad culture and thirst trapping.... Does anyone know of any good alternatives for snapchat? What apps are cool these days that aren't going to drain my daily allotment of willpower?


Any updates in 2023???


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


Still here in 2023 desperate for this solution


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


Looks amazing man - do you have any guidelines on how to get this set up? not the most familiar with jailbreaking - do I need to get that sorted first?


It depends on your Ios version. please check if you are able to Jailbreak : [https://idevicecentral.com/ios-jailbreak-tool-finder/](https://idevicecentral.com/ios-jailbreak-tool-finder/) . If you are not able to jailbreak, I could try to send you a Ipa file with the injected Tweak. Then you maybe could use Altstore : [https://senumy.com/ipa-library/altstore/](https://senumy.com/ipa-library/altstore/) . If you are able to jailbreak then you need to jailbreak and then you can install this tweak, I can help you further then.


I'm here in 2023 desperate for a solution too. So sick of being spammed with jailbait girls promoting their onlyfans.


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


made a tweak that makes the annoying shorts blank : [https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover](https://github.com/Ayzzzzzzzzzzz/RemoveDiscover)


Does it work? I dont want a virus.


yes, have a preview there. Its open source on github and you could compile it by yourself and thgen install the tweak or inject it in a ipa, if you dont trust my compiled stuff. Just write a issue on github if you dont know how to do it


How do you install it in your phone? Please help! I don't know how to do all this!


Did you do it?


What about for Android


March 2024. Any solution for someone too scared/shitty with tech to jailbreak?

