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If you’re a fan of music, you will not be disappointed in Khurangbin. They are simply amazing live.


Upvote this comment if you think OP should go see Khurangbin, downvote for dogs edit: the choice is clear OP


Lots of music fans hate jam bands fyi


Fans of songs hate jam bands


If someone is a fan of music it doesn’t lead to a conclusion that they must like the same shit as you no matter how confused that may make your drug soaked brain


You’re a dumb shite that enforces the stigma that you need drugs to like improv music. Kindly GFY 👍🏼 Cry some more


It's really not that serious my dude. You don't need to resort to personal attacks.


Nah that was fair, you’re being a clown lmao


It's slander though. I don't even do drugs, I'm just this dumb naturally


Not sure why this comment got so many downvotes lol I know exactly what you mean. I love jam bands but most do not capture the essence of a “song” that resonates with the average listener.


Quality of music over quantity of it. I love jambands but I personally find Khruangbin’s music miles better than DIAP/PPPP/Frasco’s. If the music is better, that’s what matters most. OP says they haven’t seen Khruangbin before and they know they’re not a jamband so I don’t think the fact that they don’t jam matters much in this case. They also say they’ve seen DIAP a lot, so checking out something new, in my mind, is the more adventurous move. I would have missed out on a lot of amazing times if my only bar for choosing certain shows over other shows was whether or not they improvise. Not all jambands triumph over non-jamming bands for people who are “fans of music” as you seem to suggest. That should be pretty obvious if you think about it for more than 5 seconds.


Sure, I love bands that play catchy songs too. But if I'm seeing a band live, a jam/jazz band will almost always be preferred.


That is your personal preference and that’s cool, but just because a band isn’t a jamband or jazz band doesn’t mean the only other things out there are acts/pop groups “that play catchy songs” as you say. I have been seriously moved by classical performances, danced harder than ever before to pulsating beats at electronic warehouse sets back in the day, found an appreciation for more cinematic, avant garde art rock performances and experimental performances where the music is fully instrumental but still manages to tell a deep story or is coupled with film or performative aspects that expand the experience or involves the audience in a different way than just being there while a band improvises. I found that there are lots of psychedelic/indie/post rock bands that also rely heavily on group improvisation that is modally completely separate from the jam or jazz worlds. Many world music shows where the repetitive drumming or chanting can entrance you and allow you a deeper experience of sonic nuance. Soundbaths where you lay on pillows on the floor with an eye mask on and let sound wash over you and push you into a meditative state. All of these are unique ways to perform and experience music and they are all potentially life-changing for true lovers of music. Also, a lot of times what I find to be most lyrically appealing in terms of music is outside of the lyrics written by a lot of jambands, and the lyrical aspect of music is really important for a lot of music lovers and can be central to someones deep connection with music. My point is, there is plenty of music to be fulfilled by within the vast amounts of other types of music/live shows, and I’m glad you seem to have found your niche of what you really love, but to assume that jam shows are always the better option for true music lovers is robbing yourself of a lot of really great musical experiences. Improv is exciting and I have loved it my whole life, but there are endless other ways that shows can also be musically fulfilling, exciting, and moving, and there are other forms of improv outside what exists in the jam & jazz worlds. Music lovers are just that: lovers of music. This defies genre or the absence or presence of improvisation, and everyone’s separate tastes are valid.


It’s a terribly shallow take to say that the end all be all of “music” is a jam show. I love a good 30 minute type 2 jam. I also love a 2:00 hardcore banger. I love music.


End It or Mindforce brah


Why must jamband fans insist on acting like jam is the pinnacle of music when truth be told nothing creativity ground breaking has happened in the scene in like a decade…which is fine it’s still fun I still love seeing all these bands but objectively there’s wayyyy more sonic exploration going on in other scenes and if you like music you owe it to yourself to see some other shit going on right now


The natural course of evolution is jam band scene to global dance jam music - all the sounds from everywhere - never ending talent 😇


Because creating music live and on the spot takes a lot more knowledge and skill than playing the same thing every day. I like other genres too, but jazz and jam are objectively harder to do well


You are obviously not a musician. Writing a good song is much harder than "jamming". Which is why the highlight of most mid tier jamband shows is a cover.


No it doesn’t. Doing the same exact thing every other jam band has done for the last 50 years doesn’t take any skill. I suck at music and could jam aimlessly for the next hour. Coming up with something new and different that sounds like no one else is what takes knowledge and skill. This does not require any jamming at all.


Whatever you say, my dude!


You're the same person who asked in an Umph group who Sturgill Simpson is, so maybe start listening to more genres of music before you start making blatant statements about it


It's just a question that Jake and I both had. Are you suggesting Jake doesn't know anything about music either?


Wow you are an ignorant mother fucker aren't you? UM actually covers Sturgill, and Jake has actually talked about his love of country music and Sturgill Simpson.


Sorry, it wasn't Jake. It was Ryan, but same point. It was a joke. Maybe smoke a joint, you seem a little tense https://2nu.gs/4blq8h8


It’s all just modal jamming. Nothing really groundbreaking going on. Sure still fun when it’s really on but I think it’s much harder to write a good tune and develop a unique sound…if it wasn’t we wouldn’t have a million generic sounding jam bands with weak song writing and the same sound that’s been around for 30 years


Shhhh I ended up going to dogs and had the time of my life hung out with Sam and got a pic with Andy!


This perspective is mind-numbingly asinine.


Please explain


Firstly, music is subjective, so there’s that. You’re basically saying that this color is better than that color, because that’s your opinion and who else could possibly disagree? Following so far? Then there is the notion that “jambands” are the apex of musical achievement. I love The Disco Biscuits, but there is a reason why they cover a bunch of classical composers on The Classical Set. Let’s take metal as a genre for example. It is extremely nuanced like electronic music, where it has infinite sub-genres that have their own distinct characteristics. Many, many audiophiles and music nerds LOVE metal! Just go ask my buddy Kevin Scott who plays bass for Gov’t Mule, or my other bud Duane Trucks who plays drums for WSP. Those dudes don’t listen to jambands, they listen to lots and lots of metal, jazz, and other random stuff I can’t properly identify. In 2011 at Smiths Olde Bar in Atlanta, I introduced Duane to Tame Impala, and he absolutely loved that shit. So for you to sit there and act like you speak for the entirety of music fandom is ignorant at best. It’s all good, and to each their own.


I was in the Billy strings sub once arguing with an idiot who said that no one who knew anything about music could possibly enjoy pop music. Literally Billy strings loves pop music, he’s a friend of post Malone and he was posting recent about Billie Eilish too. Jam band fans (lots but not all) can be infuriatingly narrow minded. That said probably fans of a lot of music can be.


We all exist in our own little echo chambers, which makes sense. That said, one of the things that makes the jamband scene a little different is how it takes influence from all genres and styles of music.


Yea! Hence this guy getting downvoted to oblivion lol.


Hmm, I disagree


Well, no shit Sherlock.. That doesn’t make you right.


Yes it does


It appears that we are full-circle back to my comment about you being mind-numbingly asinine. Congratulations bud! 👏🏻


Wait, are you really stringer bell?


I saw Khruangbin live and got bored, but my girlfriend absolutely loves them... So to each their own. I would prefer to see dogs personally, but this also takes in to account that Khruangbin plays bigger venues(which I enjoy less), much more in demand and much more expensive band to go see.


I saw the 2 shows in Vegas. Both different sets and a lot of improve and jamming. They are 3 of the most talented musicians out today and pretty damn special.


hate to break it to you, but “jam” music isnt the last stop on the music train. thats usually jazz, blues, bluegrass, or symphonic composition


Jam bands aren’t everyone’s…jam. Sure, some artists/bands may play some of the same music about the same as their studio, but there are a lot of them that do some improvisation on stage. khurangbin is one of those bands that is able to change things up, and keep on going, but I’m not sure they’re technically categorized as a *jam band*


Can’t even stand by your own words and opinions eh?


To me this isn't even close. Dogs is a good bar band, Khruangbin is on their own level with a very unique sound. I mean they're playing SPAC that kinda says it all.... Anyways, see you at SPAC!


Yeah I agree I know they’re not on the same level. I just really love dogs so that was initially my first option and then my buddy was trying to convince me to go to SPAC so I just wasn’t sure what to pick. He also loves dogs which is why I was like “wait what are you sure you don’t wanna go?”


You should definitely see Khruangbin, but personally a couple of times is enough 😉 Great unique sound, but not exactly “dynamic”


I second this. Khruangbin doesn't really jam and their setlists don't vary much. If you like them they are worth catching once or twice but they're definitely not a "must see" every time they come through.


I absolutely love listening to them on my headphones. I was a little bored at the show I saw.


They're like psychedelia desert elevator music 😜


This is such a spot on take.


Just go to Khruangbin. You’re much more likely to catch another dogs show in the near future. 


yeah i say khruang as well and i am going to see them tonight in philly




I understand they aren't in the same place as khruanbin but to say dogs are just a "good bar band" is ridiculous and there's no way you've ever been to one of their shows


I just saw them like a month ago in a small bar where small bar bands play. They sounded like a slightly better than usual bar band that could jam slightly better than the other bands that play there.


They literally play bars, I saw them in one a year ago. They can rip when they jam but they aren’t very dynamic and their songs leave a lot to be desired.


I've seen them multiple times in multiple venues, hell I saw them in Iceland! They literally did a 2-night stand at a bar near me earlier this year and I skipped because they don't do it for me. They're good, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see them again. Maybe they'll grow in the future but they don't have it for me. Great for people who like them, but they got a ways to go still.


My suggestion would be to see Khruangbin because you’ve never seen them. New music is always exciting


If you haven't seen Khruangbin yet I would check them out. I am on the fence if I would see them again since the show I got seemed pretty much identical to their other shows they have put on streaming platforms. It seems like they kind of play the same show all the time. They are good musicians with a unique sound, the crowd is a mix of jamband fans and essentric hipster type college kids. Not really a jamband but still worth checking out.


Quick question: I heard their shows are 45-60 minutes long. Is this true or did I mishear someone?


I think it was like a 90 minute set. There was an opener and it was at westville music bowl in New Haven which has an early curfew since it is outside in a residential neighborhood. It was also hot as fuck out, they must have been dying in their wigs and outfits.


It’s definitely around 90 mins


Seems as if I was mislead. Thanks to the both of you!


People are saying shows this tour are about 2hrs.


If you’ve seen Khruangbin before, there’s very little true need to see them regularly - their sets are very very premeditated and they aren’t what you would consider a true “jam” band based on how exact they run their sets day after day (seen then 6x, twice within days of eachother and everything - from teases to gimmicks - were exactly the same). That being said - if you’ve never seen them before, it is one of the grooviest vibes you’ll ever experience. I licked a heroic dose of MDMA and saw them open things up at LockN after the crazy storm ripped through the fest on day 1 in 2019, and it was the closest thing I’ve ever experienced to seeing god. Dogs fucking rocks live but it’s all a matter of preference - which in a super over-simplified comparison comes down to vibes vs. shreddage


I don't get all the love for Kraungbin. We (everyone I know) literally race to change the station when they come on. It's elevator music. I must be missing something. Have fun with your ears!


That Pigeons, Frasco, Dogs bill is basically a mini day fest. Don’t get to see that often in the jam space.


Yes, these are two different genres of music. I have seen both several times, but the Pigeons, Frasco, Dogs lineup is going to be a mini fest and super stoked to all three together for one price. But……..


Yeah, surprised people in a jam subreddit are recommending a non jamband over a great jamband line up


I think we are using the phrase "great jamband line up" very loosely.


Bar bands vs an international act, easy choice


Dogs in a Pile is a good jam band! That’s all I have to say about that


Khruangbin puts on a pretty lackluster show imo. Studio recordings and live performance are identical. Not a bad show, just not what I wanted I guess. Dogs in a Pile absolutely rips. Would recommend Dogs for sure


I agree with this statement re: Khruangbin


The whole ticket with Dogs sounds like a lot of fun. If it was just those 2 I’d say Khurangbin. But this really depends if you want to experience some new music or not.


I believe DIAP/AF/PPPP Also play in Rochester so why not both? 🤷


Unlike dogs, K won’t change their show up much even year over year so see them once


I would go to Khurangbin, they just have such a cool and unique sound. I've been wanting to catch them for a while actually and haven't had a chance to.


You've seen Dogs, haven't seen Khurangabin. Seems like a simple choice to me.


One might even say it would be the same answer if you’ve already seen Khruangbin multiple times and never seen DP. Khruangbin by a mile.


Honest question. Does Khruangbin actually jam and mix up their setlists and stuff that is typically associated with jam bands? This isn't hate for them, but I've heard they basically play the same songs every show and their jams are all pretty similar. I haven't seen them so I'm curious if it's true.




They usually play pretty much the exact same set each stop of the tour with a couple costume changes thrown into the mix.


They mix up their set lists more than this sub lets on but they’re not really a “jam” band. But the folks saying the show is the same every time are wrong. Source: I’ve seen Khruangbin 5 times including consecutive nights.


When I last saw them for a UW fundraiser in Raleigh they did jam a bit in the second set. If my memory is right they did some Hendrix and the like and it was good. They mixed the jams in with their own stuff. They are talented and do a solid show.


https://youtu.be/CHy3Yg7zJ68?si=mjwO6uzn45l0OV8X It takes a minute for them to get on the same page but when they do...


See Khru, then see DIAP.


It depends what mood youre looking for...Frasco is a party and Khruangbin will be chill mellow and groovy. Also, if you skip the SPAC show, Khruangbin is playing 2 nights in September at Forest Hills Stadium if you are able to make it down. I am a huge Khruangbin fan but I will be missing SPAC due to Strangecreek and I am not mad about it bc SPAC blows if they oversell the lawn like they have been.


fwiw this show will not be oversold at all. Khrungbin is big but not 25k people big, it won't be anything like the D&C shows last summer. Pretty sure there are still some pavs available on TM.


D&C shows in 2021 and 2023 were AWFUL lol and yea youre right... I suspect it would be like JRAD or Goose's (maybe even Phish's) last shows there but I can't gauge how big Khruangbin really is. I just havent enjoyed being there like I have in the past. Next show on my list there is Tyler Childers and I know its gonna be a shit show


Yeah I was able to get into last year's D&C N2 show pretty early and was basically on the rail of the lawn and it was INSANE going back into the crowd... JRAD on the other hand was a delight, I got a balcony ticket for $12 day of the show and there was so much room to dance, loved that one. I do have a pav for this show, usually it's not a big issue as long as you have chill neighbors but I'm definitely more of a jam fan so I'm interested to see what this crowd is like.


JRAD's SPAC show was by far one of my favorite nights on the lawn I have had in a very long time. SO much room for dancing! a $12 balcony ticket is wonderful! Nowadays I feel like PAV is the way to go ! I have only been in PAV for TTB and everyone was sitting and I was pissed lol I think and hope the Khruangbin crowd will be up and grooving though. Have fun!


Variety is the spice of life. If you've seen dogs before and have never seen Kbin. Go Kbin. If you had seen em both then I'd say follow your heart.


I personally would be more excited to see Dogs, but Khruangbin is badass, just depends on what you’re into and what kind of vibe you want. Personally though I’d rather see a Dogs solo show as I’m not particularly interested in Pidgeons/ Frasco and since you’ve already seen Dogs multiple times I might lean towards Khruangbin.


Another thing to add I’ve also never seen frasco or pigeons, I missed frasco at peach in 2022 because I was at a different stage so idk it’s hard to decide.


Dogs in a pile ripppppppp


I hope the SPAC show was great for you all. But the Dogs/Frasco/PPPP show in Utica last night was one of the best shows this area has seen in years. It was a great night


I ended up going to dogs. Twas a good choice, pigeons was also amazing, first time seeing them.


I am a big Khruangbin fan and just saw them in Philly last night. I think everyone should see them live once, that being said seeing them on this tour was not my favorite live show of theirs. First set they played their entire new album front to back and IMO the new album is a step down from their previous material so felt like it took a little while for the show to get going ln from my point of view. they also do not “jam” much live - only 1 or 2 songs last night had any additional solos beyond their studio versions. I know bringing the jam band perspective to a different band/genre isn’t entirely fair but I was just thinking how much meat they were leaving on the bone last night by not jamming and ending songs right as they seemed to be building into a nice groove (this is just my opinion obviously). Definitely something to be said for seeing new music but if you are a huge Dogs fan I think you should see them to avoid the risk of disappointment/FOMO if Khruangbin isn’t what you were hoping for or expecting. I also took psychedelics when I saw Khruangbin in 2022 and did not last night so maybe that’s why I liked the show more the first time 😂


It seems to me like a lot of musicians do themselves a disservice by trying to avoid the label. Like "oops we can't let this go any longer, wouldn't want to be stereotyped as hippie music!" I run into this a lot on the local amateur level too. If the groove is grooving and music calls for it... don't be scared, keep playin.


I don't understand. You can't enjoy a non-jamband show?


Khruangbin live is potentially a spiritual experience so that's my recommendation.


Go to Khruang, way less opportunities to see them than dogs. Show grooves nonstop, won’t disappoint.


Dogs/Frasco/Pigeons will be a much more fun show. I saw Kbin a few weeks ago and while I enjoy their music when studying or on road-trips, I found the show to be pretty boring.


I do not get Khurangbin. The whole reverb soaked garage rock aesthetic isn’t even remotely jammy or interesting to me.


I'm with you. I feel like I'd fall asleep at a khruangbin show. Afternoon at a festival could be nice, but listening to that past 9PM I'd be zzzz.


Absolute party in a live environment


It's absolutely background music at a party


My brother in Christ I burned through my drink tickets a long time ago. I go see music because of the music.


That’s not exactly what I meant. Congrats on your sobriety. The music is a party. Totally different vibe than their studio sound. Also when the other options is DIAP then Khruangbin is a no brainer


I get the impression that there fella meant party = dance floor vibes rather than “this is fun music to get fucked up to. Personally, I just love me some Dogs in a Pile, so I’d be there, but sometimes Khruangbin just hits that sunday morning kitchen jam note like no other.


I exactly get the whole “Sunday morning kitchen jam” thing, but that still isn’t a big credential for me in a live setting.


Same. I'm a female bassist so I want to love Khurangbin but I just haven't been impressed with anything I've heard. Open minded to recommendations though.


Have you listened to their album Ali? Its both Khruangbin and Vieux Farka Toure on the album. Tongo Barra is my favorite track


Have you heard Mohini Dey?


But don’t you love it when they go dingdingdingdingdadingdadingdingdingding?


Wish I did. 🤣


Me too lol my housemate has the dingalings on ALOT


Thoughts and prayers!


This is a wild take on Khruangbin. Reverb-soaked garage rock? Are we listening to the same stuff?


World music inspired indie rock? Call me a traditionalist, but jams with no jamming ain’t Jam.


Oh for sure, I don’t consider them a jam band at all. I’m with you there. World music inspired indie rock is much more accurate IMO than reverb-soaked garage rock though. Just didn’t make sense to me at all.


K H R U A N G B I N They are on an entirely different level than DIAP, PPPP, Frasco


Maybe a hot take here-- but Khurangbin played near me recently and they're super cool and vibey, but it's Khurangbin. I think they're awesome, but If you've heard their songs, it sounds like Khurangbin. Not much to differentiate. Maybe I'm wrong and they're going hella type 2 these days? Heady jams? Dogs In a Pile travels with their own lighting designer. The jams and get-downs are really fun, and their song choice switches up nightly. It's a great show and really fun in the smaller venues they're playing for now. Great energy. Don't sleep on the Dogs! That said, at least Dogs will post their set on Nugs, which you could listen to after you vibe out at Khurangbin. You're good either way!


Dogs also post everything on bandcamp if you don't want to use nugs.


Do you do drugs? Do the Frasco party. Do you not do drugs? Go see Khruangbin. (TBH I'm a huge Dogs head so I'd be in Utica eating mushies w the boyz)


My friends that like Khruangbin do drugs so I'm not sure that this tracks. Also their music is made for psychedelics.


Dogs by a million


I was pleasantly surprised by Khraugnbin. I like their studio stuff but I was blown away by the live show when I saw them last month. The guitarist can shred and I love their physical and sonic aesthetic. However, I go to all types of shows, not just jam, so that’s not usually a deciding factor for me. If it’s important to you that they do a lot of improv jamming, go see Dogs. Khraungbin is far and away the better package and show at this point though.


if you've never seen Krung go see them


10000000000% khruangbin


Khurangbin is a much better band in my opinion but they are very different.


Dogs In a pile. I love khurangbin but it's the same vibe throughout the show. I just started listening to Dogs in a pile so I really want to see them


Dogs 100%


Dogs in a Pile is just another jamband...definitely pick Khruangbin!


Khruangbin, hands down


100% Dogs I've seen both and Khruangbin gets a little bit monotonous after a while and their performances aren't as long whereas Dogs has some really unique jams


Love both, seen both multiple times. It doesn't compare. Go see Khruangbin and thank me later :)


The bar band or the band touring the world....hmmmm....


Yeah but the band that’s touring the world is just playing their album so that’s why I’m unsure


Yes because as we all know, the more popular a band is the better their music is. They're a great band to see once, but dogs are much more talented and put on an amazing show


“Dogs are much more talented” 🤣🤣🤣




Khruangbin is on a different level right now. On stage they just ooze that they know it too. Playing with a swagger that comes out beautifully. However, sometimes their songs can get into some quiet spots (which is mesmerizing tbh) but that is when you’ll notice the chompers are fucking out of control. Other than that, I can’t wait to see them again at the Greek in August.


Yeah I haven’t been to an outdoor show yet this year and I just feel the need to rage, and idk if I can really do that at khurang. I feel more mellow vibes from them.


I havnt seen khurangbin in quite a while. The three times I saw them years ago was really really fun, but all the same show pretty much. Still amazing. But if you’ve seen it before it might not give you something new, if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it.


Utica will be super chill and a great time. Saranac is always a good time. Great little venue with everything you need. SPAC can be kinda crazy. Long hike to show, oversold lawn. Expensive drinks. I’ve done both ALOT. All things equal, I’d do the triple bill at Saranac.


I've seen dogs twice now. the first time was good. the second time was a snoozer. Khruangbin was great live, but unfortunately they played the same set every night that tour, which takes some of the magic out of it for me personally.


You will likely find two very different crowds at those two shows. Both fun, but in their own way.




If you want tickets to khruangbin, I’ll sell them to you under face. Nice seats under the pavilion.


Khruangbin by a mile. Not a huge fan of either personally but I’ve seen both live more than once and it’s not even close


I'd see Khruangbin since you've seen dogs a bunch already. Change it up dude.


Why is this a Q


I saw the dogs/frasco show in Tampa, it was so much fun! Khurangbin if you’re looking for some more like chill appreciation of art vibes


Khruangbin is awesome live. Great show.


Might even the same league bruh. Dogs are a bar band. Khrangbin are major league


Khurangbin. Go. Enjoy!


Khruangbin put on a good show, you should see it once. But you only need to go once because it's basically the same exact show every time


Khrangie for sure. They are lights out.


You spelled the correct answer wrong: Khruangbin


No choice- Dogs/Frasco/Pigeons!! All three bands are great friends with each other and based on the Dogs/Frasco show in Tampa a few weeks ago, they sit in with each other’s sets. I should have taken the next day off, I was sore and exhausted…TOTALLY worth it!


I haven’t seen anything like Khruangbin so I definitely think you gotta see that. But dogs/frasco/pigeons will be so much fun, I dare say MORE fun. Too bad you can’t see them both.


Maybe khurangbin sounds completely different live, but I couldn'tget into the studio versions at all. So it would be an easy choice for me Dogs/Frasco/Pigeons.


I would personally do the dogs/frasco/pigeons show 100% but I've also seen kruangbin already and it's basically the same show every time with some minor variations. It's good but they aren't a jam band. It's worth seeing once or twice but dogs Andy and pigeons sounds like such a fun show. All of them love to have fun on stage and be theatrical and I can only imagine it will be a wild show


I go where Frasco goes.




For me its Dogs. I have seen Khruangbin a couple of times they are talented and their sets are pretty chill, but not always what I seek in a live show.


This would be a tough choice for me. I love Khruangbin and I think they have a really unique sound and I think their live shows are really cool to see. So if you like their music they are definitely worth seeing at least once, they are very talented and the live shows are like an upgraded version of their studio material. That said, they will play the new album for the first set probably and some older songs for the second set. I’ve seen them 3 times now, 1 outdoor show and 2 indoor and I think indoor venues serve them better. I’ve only been to SPAC once and I was pretty far back and it felt too separated from the music, so if you go there try to be closer to the front. The Pigeons/Frasco/Dogs tour sounds super fun and I would love to see that if it was in my area. All those bands put on a great show in their own way and I imagine they’ll be doing some stuff together. If you’re looking for a more upbeat party vibe that’ll definitely be a fun day. I see there’s also a date for the Pigeons/Frasco/Dogs on 5/31 in Rochester, if that’s not too far for you to go. And Magic Beans(one of my favorite bands) is playing an after party show for that one. I guess it comes down to how much you like Khruangbin’s music and what type of vibe you’d prefer to see for the show. I think Khruangbin is more musically talented but you might have more fun at the other shows and that’s basically a touring mini jam fest, like others have said is a rare thing.


Depends if you’re after vastly overrated hipster vibes, or unbelievably cheesy jamband vibes Whichever you choose will be fun though






I am seeing khruangbin 4 times this year. that's all I need to say


hijacking Khruangabin vs JRAD? Bonnaroo conflict is killing me


Personally I’d be at JRAD and I wouldn’t think twice (and I like Khruangbin for the record, but JRAD is one of my favorite bands to see).


I would start at Khruangbin if you've been to a JRAD show before and move along if it starts to bore you (I haven't ever been to Khruangbin, but have heard amazing things). On the other hand.... JRAD is freakin fantastic and would see them 10/10 times over a lot of other acts.


never seen either but i think i gotta go JRAD for the dancing


Definitely Dogs! And you'll get to see Pigeons. Easy choice for me.


I got my tickets to SPAC! I’m so hyped. Not just for being at SPAC and seeing Khruangbin, but also for their opener John Carroll Kirby. FWIW, there was still a ton of tickets left that weren’t the lawn for not too bad of a price. Wherever you end up, have a great show!


Love them both, I’d say go to khurangbin if you haven’t been to a show


Khruangbin fucks hard. You’d love the show.


Dogs, unless your a really big fan of the one Khurangbin song they’ve been playing nonstop since they formed


Man, folks love khurangbin huh?


I only know people everywhere and august 12


Khruangbin simply for the fact you haven't seen them live yet.


Khruangbin, no question. Those guys & gal are fucking amazing.


Dogs/Frasco/Pigeons is better than Khraungbin but Khraungbin is better than Dogs in a Pile. Can't miss either way. Khraungbin will be more of a concert and the other will be a party.