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And you can’t even find this news on Weibo (China sns). A Chinese blogger living in Japan posted about this but the post is now gone.


A Korean factory went boom that resulted in the death of 22 workers Weibo cheers Then the news broke that 18 out of 22 workers were Chinese migrant workers The news got suppressed


No trends on Weibo is organic, it’s all meticulously controlled


*Say it ain't so, Weibo*


That is actually really frightening






The tankies are here lads 🦽


Who did you steal this account from?


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Horrible news, I'm from Suzhou and there are lots of Japanese investments and Japanese people living in the area. There is even a japanese style street [Huaihai Road](https://www.westchinago.com/suzhou-huaihai-street) here.


My great grandma was apparently from Suzhou too! My mom always told me Suzhou women were renowned in China for their beauty. And based on my great grandma’s pictures, I believe her.


On Chinese Internet the normal Chinese hate those Japanese school in China to their guts, among which the Japanese school in Suzhou is the most famous one. Those simple people were taught to hate Japan and they can not grasp the Japanese schools are for Japanese expats who actually come to help Chinese economy. Concerning how often I saw hatred posts against Japanese and the Japanese schools in China, I am only surprised it didn't happen earlier.


https://m.douyin.com/share/video/7298701564473068840 This is insane, they make it seem like Tojo is a professor there.


I don't know why I got downvoted, anyone who doubts what I say should search for "日本人学校" on douyin or kuaishou and see the posts and comments there




I assume the downvotes aren’t getting the joke


It’s probably because joking about China being “west Taiwan” is basically saying Taiwan and China is same country, which falls right into Chinas claim of Taiwan.


To.me it's saying Taiwan is the real China, which doesn't play into their rhetoric.


Yeah except nobody in Taiwan wants China, we want them to chill out and lay off.


Probably another reason it's funny.


I don’t know why you got downvoted. As a Taiwanese, I obviously don’t want to be associated with CCP’s China, but the fact that this joke pisses off tankies makes it worth it.


Kind of, but the other way around


To be clear. I do not recognize the CCP as an authority figure or serious geopolitical player. I see them as a clown show. What North Korea would be if it had money. Taiwan is the true center of Chinese culture and expression. Thus, the poor subjects of the CCP are Western-Taiwanese.


Thats just uneducated of you.


Uneducated? Insulting the CCP and the failure that is Communism is hardly an uneducated thing. Keep simping for authoritative propagandists.


Criticising the CCP and asserting that “Taiwan is the centre of Chinese culture” are two wildly different takes. No one would begrudge you for the former, the latter is pure stupidity. So yes, uneducated seems about right.


Not sure where you have been, but Mao’s Cultural deRevolution destroyed all of mainland Chinas legitimate cultural heritage. Taiwan isn’t under the same boot the mainland is.


The thing is us Taiwanese, especially those of us that can trace ancestry on the island for centuries (as opposed to those that arrived after WWII) are trying to shred our Chinese identity in favour of a Taiwanese one. Just because we can trace ancestry to China doesn't mean we need to cling to a Chinese identity The vast majority of Taiwan identifies as Taiwanese only instead of both Chinese and Taiwanese or Chinese only for a reason.


Or maybe because the joke isn’t funny for the umpteenth time that it’s been told on Reddit


There were a lot of anti Japanese sentiment that resulted in assault and assassination during the first sino- Japanese war and the 55 days in peking period Funny thing is that 2 republic of China military officers were beaten to death after been mistaken as Japanese 🤣


thanks to ccp propaganda to incept hatred in mind


76 upvotes in two hours on this sub after midnight Japan time? Even if the story is true, troll farms need to settle down.


When that ccp propaganda just gets into your head.


We give them anime and this is how they repay us /s In all seriousness though it looks like that dude might just have been crazy, he even attacked the Chinese tour guide lady.


I would say this is likely a hate crime because the bus is a school bus for Japanese students. CoI: I’m Chinese


what kind of chinese


Mainlander / Cantonese


No. Pretty sure he attacks because of his hatred against Japanese. He could not tell the Chinese lady is Chinese, since there are rumor saying all the people in the Japanese school are Japanese


>We give them anime and this is how they repay us Japan gave them anime but Japan was also one of the reasons why communist Chinese won against the KMT though.


Sadly true based on my understanding of that part of the history 😔


it was a joke bro.






But thank the Chinese tour guide who is in a critical condition. Hope everyone mentioned in the article live prosperously (except for the attacker)


You can get stabbed outside of china too


Eeeeh, lots of things to criticize China about but this isn't one of them. Japan has had its share of knife wielder frenzies and in either country they would have done much worse if they had access to firearms like we can in the US. You can live in a perfect society and you'll still have incidents like this.


its because people can't separate their hate of the CCP, its people and their own emotions. they lose all critical thinking once something about China pops up.


Pretty much, especially with so many avenues for radicalism. You can get exposed to the world’s ill beliefs from the comfort of home as long as a secure Internet connection is available.


Yeah, unless this incident is a direct product of our ultra-nationalist propaganda, which is highly unlikely given that in recent years propaganda in China is almost non-existent, right? ...right? Stop just downvoting me. I'm still waiting for your 'but... but every country has propaganda!" kind of argument.


why the fuck would you go to that area of china? you know they hate taiwan, korea, japan, philippines, thailand, and basically all of asia as well as americas.


You know Suzhou is right next to Shanghai right? If anything it makes sense for expats to be based there 🙄




How does this disprove the theory of a targeted attack? We don’t know how the Chinese woman was involved, she might have tried to intervene or the attacker didn’t want her to get away. We can’t say for certain one way or the other until more info is available.


Anti-China trolls are coming in for this.


Boots are back on the menu.




This is some sad news, but not Japan.