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Covid. You have Covid. Get a test and get rest.


Never thought I'd feel relieved to hear that diagnosis but I am. Tested negative, though. Aware the tests aren't working so well with recent variants. Thanks.


The tests can test negative until you spike the fever. My wife got it and didn't test positive for nearly a week before it showed up on the test. I'm quite positive I got it from her and just progressed faster than her because she had a sore throat and other symptoms before me. I don't know why it happens that way for some people, but keep testing and be sure.




I have Covid right now as well. With my at-home tests I had 3 positives and 10 negatives. They aren't reliable at all with whatever variant I've got. I hope you feel better soon!! 




I’ve had two feverish kids test negative for Covid three times in the last two weeks, and then I got Covid. It’s Covid.




When I had it, I consistently tested negative on home tests and rapid tests and only had a positive on a spit PCR.


The Japanese rapid antibody tests have poor and outdated instructions. Eg "blow your nose onto a tissue and swab the goop" doesn't work. So millions of people are testing as false negative then running around saying "it's just a cold" - and spreading. I estimate I've had COVID three or more times since 2020 with countless antibody tests - and had never actually tested positive once until I read the current swab method advice ( including inside cheeks etc). After that, I tested positive about 2 weeks ago. Temperature peaked at 39.5c, aching body, tired, sore stomach. Mostly ok about a week later. So my advice is read up about the most effective current swab method.


I tested positive like 3 weeks ago, but now I still feel headache all the time.




Drink lots. It really dehydrated me (from the high temperature in part I guess).




Sorry no idea what that means


Just wanted to say thanks.


Thanks for the thanks!


It's probably Covid. Depending on how long you've had it and whether you swabbed correctly, you might test a false negative.


So annoying. Four shots and two infections and this may be the third round... but I'm mostly functional, which I should feel thankful for.


You're mostly functional BECAUSE of the four shots and two infections. That's how building immunity works. It's not a shield, it's a system that can process the virus with minimal (but not non-existent) threats to your overall health.




Randomly adding: Caught the latest Covid two weeks ago while traveling to Europe. My only symptoms were a headache and some sinus pain. Didn’t even know I had it until my coworker I traveled with told me to test…luckily recovered well and testing negative now. Back in October I caught some bug (was also traveling) and was completely wiped out and had an absolutely terrible sore throat for 5-6 days and a 39-40c fever that wouldn’t go down even with meds. I tested negative for Covid and Flu 3 times and tested at a proper clinic. Still no idea what it was, but it was wicked bad. Was pretty sure it was Covid but tests said otherwise… Only point is stuff is going around…


Stuff going around is what I was hoping to learn. I have a history of migraine/cluster headache and it's become very infrequent as I've got older... I'd rather not have that problem again!!


Might just be some seasonal cold if you have tested negative repeatedly. Hope you feel better soon. Try to keep hydrated throughout the day.




Hey did you ever find out what you had and did it go away? I have the same symptoms, mostly headaches and some minor sinus issue.


I still have no clue what it was but after a couple of days of Pabron and sleep I was back to 100%. It never got to the point where I felt I needed to go see a doctor (because I unfortunately have experience with absolute banging headaches) but I think I did take a day off work. When it turned, I just woke up feeling fine. And touch wood, whatever it was seems to have given my immune system a good kick in the pants cuz I haven't had a single sick day since. Hopefully you'll get to the same point quicker!


I’m so glad that you recovered amazingly. Your reply gives me hope it will be the same for me too. Thanks for that!


Sounds like I have the same thing - headache for a while, very bad cough, fever for a couple of days and now my throat feels all goopy. Did tests and doc says it’s not Covid or flu though. He literally was like “idunno, here’s some meds, come back if you don’t get better in a few days” I’m betting on a form of Covid that the tests can’t identify yet, and staying home for the week anyway.




People aren't going to like hearing this, but its possible you just have some kinda cold or random bug. Not everything cold related is covid. Point is to find a way to get comfortable and stay healthy. The usual chicken soup and cold medicine, rest and frequent baths. I'd also look into your diet and see if something is off. Might be missing iron, vitamin C, D, or something else. Who knows. I was having near daily headaches for a while and painkillers weren't helping. I decided to take a little more Iron than normal and drink some electrolytes and that cleared it up fast. Sometimes we just get sick. Take care.


Thanks. I've had Covid twice already (after four shots, so reasonably mild) and this time it really did feel like a garden variety flu when it hit - what spooked me was the bizarre series of headaches at the tail end. Being a migraneur (what a beautiful word for an ugly affliction), I think I know headache... but this feels so odd. Totally agree this might or might not be Covid - and that does not matter - I'm just "happy" to find others have had similar weird headaches and I can put it down to something not out of the ordinary. And guess what, psychosomatic effect maybe, or the bug's run its course, but this morning my head feels almost normal. Just a bit like I'm wearing a heavy helmet. Fingers crossed.


dryness affecting sinus?


At the risk of sounding like a hypochondriac or know-it-all, I've got the old humidifier working away all night. Definitely think dryness could be contributory... part of some event cascade including your latest friendly neighborhood respiratory virus 😔


oh well, it takes more than tylenol if it is something serious like covid or influenza. had my share of multiple occurrences of sore throat. I sometimes forgot to fill in water in my humidifier and it is just flashing saying no water and I woke up to 30% humidity and an awful feeling on my throat. well it is winter, mask on and wear your mafura even if you dont feel it is that cold. temp dropping this Wednesday and Thursday.




Common cold? Allergies?


Cold or not, it certainly seems more common than I thought - and that is a relief!


Did you test flu?


Did! Also negative. (But two weeks ago.) I'm guessing whatever it is probably won't show on a test at this stage but might as well test again... thanks.


There is something going around. Everywhere I go people are coughing. At work you can literally see it like dominoes as one person gets sick, then another (god forbid they stay home). Kids as well, if there is no fever over 37.5 they just think its shouganai, even if coughing and sneezing all over everything. Hope you feel better soon.


So weird. I had just shy of 2 weeks of migranes almost 24/7. The kind where you turn your head slightly and it is painful. With Loxonin they were manageable but never went away completely. It was so unusual. Id wake up every morning (had no trouble sleeping either) wondering if the day was going to start with a migrane. More often then not it did. Had no fever, no cough, no cold-like symptoms, tiredness or anything like that. I was on the verge of going to the hospital to get checked out when * poof * just like that they went away.


Very, very similar headache over Friday and Saturday, and I initially put it down to migraine, but since yesterday it's doing this bizarre coming and going. Like when I wrote the post I felt like a rock had fallen on my head... and now I've got a little ache which is kind of fading away (post Tylenol).


So many virus' around. It could be anything. I had a similar issue back in 2008. Wondered about meningitis and all the big illnesses. Had brain scans done and the works. It ended up being nothing - go figure. Hang in there. This too will pass.




Probably Covid. It ripped through my family on new years and everyone had the same symptoms. Took us all out one by one in a matter of days.




Other than covid, it could be allergies or ear/oral infection.  I'm allergic to the tree in my back garden and found out last week it still emits pollen in the winter when it hits a temp threshold.


My sinuses joined the party early on but now it's pretty much just a helmet of pain when it hits. Sure it's a bit of everything all at once...


I can't even count how many times i've had a 37.2 fever with cold symptoms for ~2 days sickness recently.




Partner tested positive as soon as the liquid hit the strip, I tested negative three times despite having worse symptoms. Only way to be sure at this point is a PCR test, or just keep testing with home kits until you get something. Try getting the ones for variants that are from Sept. 2023 or later. Also, test in the morning as soon as you wake up, before drinking anything. You want the most "concentration", as gross as that sounds. For the headache - make sure to not -over- hydrate. Grab 99mg potassium supplements off Amazon for door delivery and take 3-4 in the morning; those literally saved me so much grief.


Thanks! I didn't know about the potassium connection. The good news here is that yesterday was very fine with just one mild headache episode... whatever bug it is seems to be nearly done with me. But I'm definitely checking out the potassium trick, thanks.


I'd recommend magnesium too, but that's pretty pricey. Basically, you're trying to avoid throwing your electrolytes off. Imbalance can cause headaches even if you're hydrated.




Not a home test, a real test. But, you have covid.




Sounds like Covid. I have it at the minute but I only have the aches and shivers symptoms.




Could be hay fever, it's the right season for it. You could try taking allergy medicine for a couple days and see if it helps.


I'm almost embarrassed to say I am already using Allermist (Flonase)... I've thrown literally everything I have at this thing. Like I said, it isn't stopping me from being functional - I just want it gone... and just when I think it's gone, the sandbag pounds my head again. But reading all the replies, it looks like all I need is a little patience.


There are a lot of colds going round




Had the exact same thing. The headaches lasted about a week. Stopped taking headache medicine by the fourth day to avoid developing some kind of dependency. It was terrible. Doctor said I probably had the flu 🤷


That's "great" to know - thanks.


Sorry if that was a downer - get better 👍


What is the demon virus?




Why is this sub so shit?


Sometimes it can just be a cold/bug. I've been dealing with one for near a week now that is either concurrent with a stomach bug or has made its way into my guts. Got tested, no covid or flu. No vomiting, just occasional loose bowel movements, stomach pain, rumbling, and inability to eat much. Mild fever, stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, swollen tonsils. Stay hydrated, get lots of rest, meditate, gently stretch. Hopefully it'll get better soon. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

