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That is a spider that will get 4 or 5x bigger than it is now. Befriend it while it is still young and impressionable.


Ughhhh the very first one I saw was hiding in a guy’s slipper and was bigger than my hand with my fingers spread out. Legit made me scream bc I didn’t know about these beforehand Edit: I just found out these things eat friggin GECKOS


They eat Roaches too. So nice to have around the area.


Hakunata matata!


Looks like a huntsman to me, they're fairly common here and can get pretty huge. Harmless though, just don't get too close as they're pretty fast and like to rear up to scare the shit out of you.


I went into the bathroom area while my wife was brushing her teeth one time, and spotted an adult one of those walking around on the wall above her. She doesn't like spiders, and nor do I. It wasn't fun.


I feel you. I got a call from my wife once asking me to deal with a spider. Frankly speaking I didn't expect it to be so huge and my life didn't prepare me for that.


His name is Roni and he's a professional cockroach eater. Very shy, but pretty cool if you connect to him about shared tastes in music.


If he eats cockroaches, he's a friend.


He absolutely does!


I hope he likes Chappell Roan, cuz I can't stop listening.


Just a friendly huntsman. Have a lot of them around my place in Yokohama too.


Huntsman I'm pretty sure. This looks like he's in his third form. Just wait until you see a full sized one. Easily as big as your hand spread out. They'll eat roaches and other bugs, so id just leave it be. It'll stay away from you. But they're unnerving as hell when you see them run. They're so quick lmao


Yeah it ran out when I threw my trash down. I knew I needed a pic so I took one and threw the rest of my trash wherever it landed and dipped. If the building asks why I didn’t properly separate I’ll send them this photo


Hell yeah and you can hear them too. Like drumming fingers lol


Yes!! The first time I saw a huge one, it was perched on the paper window shade. I got closed and it zipped across the whole window. It was so audible, I was dumbfounded it had that much weight 🤣


My first encounter, I was exploring an abandoned hotel in Gunma. Complete silence, not a sound. Suddenly I hear “patapatapata” WTF I look around and it was there up on the wall, arm length from my face. Then suddenly it dropped, made a huge “spat” and bounced “patapatapatapatapatapata” I was petrified lol! Photo is another one in another abandoned hotel, little smaller this time. https://preview.redd.it/clajjcxem1ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e15b0942bf58387d9a941c3a79a76d29391ea7


I'm hard of hearing from birth, today I learned people can actually hear spider's tiny footsteps!!


The first time I saw one was at the gym. I was doing some light barbell curls and looked up to see him staring straight into my eyes. Then he proceeded to do a set of 10 squats with 325kilos on the bar.


Coming from Australia, I'm used to them getting bigger than my hand, but the ones here are so skittish and fast they routinely scare the shit out of me when I'm not expecting to come across them.


Do you ever find them in your home? Or mostly outside? 😰


Encountered three inside across two different properties in southern Yokohama, and a couple residing long-term outside. They seem to come in seeking shelter whenever it rains heavily.


third form??? these mfs have stages like a jrpg boss?!?!?!


A freaking huntsman. Those things haunt my dreamsssssss. During rainy season here in Okinawa they like to make their way in everyone’s houses and surprise you lmao. Amazon prime your soul straight to heaven.


You know I used to think I wanted to move to Okinawa. Maybe not.


Huntsman. It’s said just having 2 of them around can rid the place of roaches. (If they are there, that means there are probably roaches around too)


Huntsman. Large, fast, and scary looking. But also docile and prefers to avoid humans.


hunstman i was so scared of them until i found out they kill roaches and other bugs, so it's good to have them around. they can't see well they follow vibration, if they see you they will run away fast but sometimes they go in the wrong direction so just be careful their name comes from the fact they run after their prey instead of making a web. he is a friend tho


It's a huntsman spider. They are incredibly fast, much like a cockroach, which is one of their main prey.


Huntsman, not a particularly big one. They eat roaches and other bugs. Doesn't make webs. Runs like hell. Won't bother you as long as you leave him alone. Spider friend.


We named ours back in Australia. 


Is it just me, or are the ones here faster and more skittish? I was never troubled by the ones back home, but these guys routinely scare the shit out of me when they start racing around like crazy.


Yeah less chill, but the ones back home were always high up on the walls. Rarely on the floor in my house.


Yeah, that's a big factor too. Seeing them scuttle across the floor like a greyhound is much creepier.


https://preview.redd.it/ghodkavw64ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a829146cc53cd41be97499a387413ae5fc5db6 Just today i saw a huntsman too lol! Creepy but harmless! I had to poke it with my umbrella until it left through the window


Huntsman! They’re all over the place out here in Totsuka. Very harmless albeit intimidating in appearance. This beaut was hanging out on the bricks of my local Sanwa grocery store! https://preview.redd.it/0mk8sxybz0ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=496e6316caca675105eb4fed63306b8a5545ff6b


https://preview.redd.it/a77e804p63ad1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f4fb2dbe3eeda1e2d5cd6ed451d375ac3b6421 Had this one in our House in Yokohama just yesterday. Was a good scare but managed to catch it and get it out using the kid's insect net. They are super fast so it wasn't easy


I had one so big that you could hear it when it moved across the walls.


Those are ashidakagumo, or huntsman spiders. They are huge and long-legged. When they run across tatami, it sounds like fingers being lightly drummed. Creepy! However, they are also shy and harmless. While I think all spiders are venomous, these guys can’t hurt humans as far as I know. They can run down and kill cockroaches, though. So best thing to do is leave them alone. Honesty I've found the best way to deal with them is try and guide them to an open window with a stick. If they hide somewhere you can't nudge them, just wait until they come out again. Once you get used to them they are just your friendly household eight legged puppers.


I’m hoping they’re unable to make it up to my 8th floor room


I would mentally prepare yourself for it, but it is so what unlikely. Especially if your place is new.


I’d get them at my old place every summer … I had a glass window under my bed and I heard it walking hahaha!!… hopefully at the new place won’t be getting them inside but already saw one outside the other day 😬😬


not itsy bitsy


These damn huntsman are really nice but boy, when they run, they do it fast and I swear, YOU CAN FREAKING HEAR THEIR F***ING STEPS! Oh, and they can be at least the double this size, if not triple. Boy, the first time I met one, I remember myself being even more afraid than my (at that moment) GF. And I dealt with snakes, brown and widow spiders, scorpions and so on, for my entire life lmao


If it's not in your apartment, then i say let it be. Huntsman spiders eat cockroaches, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I have arachnophobia, so if it was in my apartment, I'd be calling a friend to come save me and take it out.


It’s called sergeant in Japan. If you see him, it’s good to salute with gratitude. As others said, he eats cockroaches. I want to have sergeant because I hate cockroaches…


Did you ask the spider 🤔


Young huntsman spider. I had one encounter with an adult in my house. I hope it never happens again. Huge, fast and my wife doesn't let me kill them, so I need to take it outside somehow. In Eastern Europe the spiders I've seen are all tiny compared to Japan.


A huntsman. Had a massive one in my garage last year


The type that freak me out! They can bite, but normally run unless it is a female. They also eat centerpeds so keep that in mind befor killing it. But, I cannot live in the same place as these things, so if it is in the house. We aren't friends.


Nobody tell her about the golden orbs coming her way in a couple of months...


Huntsman. It's eating something to maintain that large body, you should keep it that way.


It's the new owner of the house.


I like them. I seen a couple of guys outside a restaurant one time spraying one ….when I told them they ate roaches one dude runs in grabs a bucket of water cleaning it off 😂 harmless and also very fragile. Legs break easily be careful getting them out




The good kind, they eat gokikun


I had two of these in my apartment when I lived in Yokohama. As someone whose afraid of spiders, trying to kill them was a horrifying experience.


Friendly Neighborhood.


In Australia we call these “friends”


Seems to be a huntsman, we get lots of them down here in Wakayama this time of year. They scare the hell out of me but they are professional mukade eaters. So unfortunately they are very scary looking but gentle friends.


Oh shit its Roni! Sup Roni!


That’s your best friend, her name is Crystal. She’s a huntsman. She kills the mukade and you should thank her for that.




That's a regular one


Pro-tip. Google has an image search which is accessible from your phone’s Google App. Get as close as possible and use it to snap an image of whatever you want to identify.


Yeah no offense but not getting any closer


Awwwww but they like pats. *Jk* But for real, if you wanna try and get over your fear of spiders. Try playing with a jumping spider next time you see them. They are quite inquisitive, so if your gentle you can pick them up and they sometimes even chill out and look directly at you. On top of that they are tiny, less than a centimeter, and have short stubby legs which brings down the creepy factor. Just make sure to let them go after! *jumping spider* https://preview.redd.it/bq2ij2ccd1ad1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea61ef16a8a0a3a9fe94dbbcc7664bea3f8a855


Yeah looks like a huntsman, there's one in my house too. A craft little fuck that I named Jerry since he kept outrunning me I accepted my roommate, if I ever see him in my room I'm killing it. But they kill other spiders and bugs. Id rather have 1 Jerry then 100 other spiders