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Nightmare blunt rotation


It's almost like they're scared to play with each other


“No, I’m right!” - them


They're not playing WITH each other, they're playing OVER each other lmao


Ya know its very important to not only practice scales and chords, learn songs, and keep time with a metronome. But throw that all out of the window if you never played with a live group before. A real live drummer keeping time isnt a robot. The sound levels arent always great. Sometimes you might not even hear how you sound. To the audience you might sound good. But you wont be able to tell. Playing live gives you a confidence that you cant get any other way than playing with other people. A jam maybe a jam. But its also about jamming together. Playing off each other. And understand you aren’t playing YOUR song. You are playing a song. And you cant force what YOU want to play but rather what the song needs. Watching a video like this makes me think of really cocky musicians that practice riffs and scales and speeds all by themselves and never got out and played with people. Sure. By a technical standard they are well trained and skilled. But super rusty or inexperienced playing with other people.


Yeah man


100% I've made this similar point many times throughout the years — even one time in College when I had to go to a Chick Correa Jazz tribute concert for some extra credit and that experience was very much like this video. But my first experience with this was in high school when looking for a new guitarist. There was a friend who had been taking guitar lessons for several years and would shred when they played by themselves, but as soon as he showed up to just jam with us (drums, bass, other guitarist) he looked like a deer in headlights and just couldn't hang. Keep in mind that we were a punk band and self-taught, so it's not like we were incredible and too hard to keep up with, but we also weren't too bad either. A lot of people like this are the ones who took lessons and had a guitar teacher who thought that 80's hair metal was the pinnacle of music, so that's all they would teach them. Some also never learned how to write an original song either because they've never had to improvise and are always too focused on the technical aspects.


Same experience. Had a guy that would play very technical guitar join a dumb punk band we were in. Part of it was that we sucked, but another part of it was that he sucked in a different way lol


I have been playing drums my whole life, in bands and with other musicians just to jam. We would get together and just play. No covers ever. A few of us friends would get together weekly and just smoke weed and jam. Those were some of the best times of my entire 53 years. Once in a while we would lose one of our friend musicians to a girlfriend or something and to find another player, we would hang a flyer at the local music shop or two or three. Every time we had someone say they were a music school graduate, they would come over and not know what the fuck to do. One guy brought sheet music. One guy met us at the local pizza shop and we thought we were just going to eat, then go jam. Well, he didn't bring his rig or guitar. He said he thought we could just talk first. My friend and I had to come up with a plan to get rid of him and we never ended up even eating. Wtf. Just talk? Sheet music to a jam? Yes, music school people. We were all self taught and jamming was the most fun we could have on any given night. So, don't ever waste your time if someone talks about all the equipment they have or how good they are, or where they studied music, because they won't have a jam bone in their entire body.


I have the opposite experience. Guys who were self taught simply couldn't do jack shit and completely unable to jam at all. Their idea of jamming is playing note for note songs they had stumbled through tabs of. I had lessons in school and then absorbed everything I could after that semester. There was the odd couple guys that could play but only because I would compensate the rhythm and chords for their style. Whenever the roles reverse they would freeze up and just stop playing to watch me. "I don't know what to do." Just don't think too much and move with it. But they couldn't, they'd be in wildly different tempo and key and it just never worked out. I'm now at the point that I will literally say let's go in G 1-6-5 or whatever you want and if you tell me you don't know what that is? Go back to your mediocre basement stoner rock and let me actually make music


I’ve recently lost my 2 jamming buddies to becoming fathers. Now me and my wife are getting there too. Can’t wait until the kids are older and we can jam again. We played the same way you did. Nothing planned, no covers. Someone would start a riff or some chords then we would go from there. No better feeling in the world than all connecting on something that wasn’t discussed and feels like you aren’t even thinking about playing. It just happens. Gives me the chills just thinking about it.


None of them want to listen. You need to let the bass and drums find a groove first before jumping in. Everyone who isn’t playing a rhythm part sounds like they’re trying to solo at once. Ego is what’s happening here. Imagine teaching music professionally and then acting like the bassist and drummer need to lock in on your freeform jazz solo.


Nah- just keep playing chromatic lines and you have Les Paul, turn up louder


This is why I love watching and listening to those old timer blues and jazz guys play together. They know it’s all about making sweet, sweet music with each other and together. None of that cocky ego stuff.


Check out bob weir playing isolated live. It sounds like dog shit but bob could fill in gaps you didn’t know were there.


Check out bob weir playing isolated live. It sounds like dog shit but bob could fill in gaps you didn’t know were there.


The one dude holding his eyes closed like *if I don't look at them maybe they will go away*




This is what happens when you graduate from Berklee instead of dropping out to join John Mayer’s touring band.


Is that you, Bob Reynolds? Lol


I wanna run through the halls of my private music college, I wanna SCREAM AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!


Or become a Berklee teacher


Eric Andres band


He went to Berklee too


Wow, fun fact of the day.


Berklee College of Waste Your Money Music


You serious Clark?




I thought this was Tim and Eric before I realized the sub


Bahahahahaahaha this is the perfect comment


I thought this was a shred video at first.


lmao i had the exact same thought. i'm still struggling to believe this is real it's so ridiculous


When he switches the pickups, that had me dying


Ace Frehley




Like when Nigel Tufnel is playing his guitar with a violin… and pauses to slightly tune one of the strings. https://youtu.be/TJL942hg0uM?si=YBcE06Mlb-6u5veG




Yea it is. Pretty cool doing it live. Goes to show how smart these guys are. Damn


It *isn't??*


That’s EXACTLY what I thought.




Wait, is it not a shred video ??? No fucking way


wait this isn’t a shred video? no man cmon no way


I’m still like 50/50 on whether it is or not and which half of you all are joking about it being/not being one


Only Berklee dropouts become successful musicians


Bizarrely true. Like dropping out in the 3rd or 4th grade. You can read, write, and do basic arithmetic. The rest you learn from life kicking the shit out of you. 😂


I’m not a failure, mom!! I’m a *musician*!!


Jokes on you, I dropped out of Berklee and I’m still unsuccessful 😎


Well ya only academically successful students continue to get scholarships. Once the gravy train stops, the self-taught maestros disappear.


Proud dropout here — two years and finished at a cheap state school. Got what I wanted. The conventional wisdom at that time was that Berklee was more for networking than a degree if you were in performance, production, and songwriting. I would’ve finished maybe if I were going, like, mp&e or business. Edit: the networking thing is no joke, btw. I’m from a small rural area and I got linked up with a ton of session work and gigs really fast when I started at Berklee. The people who go there tend to get work in music. At least back in 2002. Who knows, now, with music more devalued than ever.


$70k a year for networking, sign me up


Would absolutely not recommend, though it was a lot less expensive when I attended, I lived off campus, and I got a ton of scholarships because my family is poor and I had good grades and talent. If you have rich parents, go for it. If you have middle class parents, please go to a state school. I promise their music program is way more engaged. Every faculty member at Berklee treated teaching as a side gig and had no interest in being there. They wanted to be playing. Can’t blame them, I guess. But you had to really work to get their attention and the lessons were super disorganized. Lots of canceled sessions too.


I had a lot of professors there who absolutely seemed like they were just there for the paycheck and didn’t actually care. But I also had some *amazing* professors, who actually cared a ton about their students and you could they loved teaching. But yeah I couldn’t deal w that school lol. I met a lot of friends I’m still close with but the school itself was just not my vibe at all


Seems true. Probably because if you're good enough to get into Berklee, and good enough that you can drop out with confidence and find success, then you were probably going to be successful with or without Berklee anyway.


I dropped out after a month and saying I went to Berklee/even putting it on my resume has landed me SO much work. I met the most amazing musicians I’ve ever met when I was there. I felt like I didn’t belong lol everyone was 1000x better than me. But ppl there (in my opinion) also frequently placed too much emphasis on like, ~technical~ playing. Like lots of fills/runs, lots of solos that are just a million notes, etc. I didn’t vibe with that part


Big Thief is awesome though


Did Paul McCartney’s drummer drop out? I know a guy who went to Berklee with him. Guy I know didn’t drop out, but is also not a successful musician.


I dropped out of Berklee, never finished my degree, and now I'm a staff accompanist there.


This cannot be real


What Berklee, what faculty, what jam?


Toe jam


The toe jam hoe jam


Without volume I was picturing one of those videos where they cutout everything and add one bad instrument with halting vocals to match the singer. Not far off with the sound on, not far at *all*


Uj/ people who don’t know music think that sucks. Rj/ this sucks Uj/ this sucks


It's like John Scofield in a K hole.


Wow nailed it


John Scofield in a K hole sounds like something I’d go out of my way to listen to


That’s just Medeaki Martin and Wood with John Scofield


I lol'd so hard I choked. r/Angryupvote


Actually, they’re like sonic Galileos. It will be another 300 years before their musical genius is fully appreciated 😂


You just, like, don't understand it man.


John Coltrane


No this is Patrick


It's like in the *Whiplash* movie when the guy sees his supposed jazz Nazi teacher playing at a club and he's playing the crappiest fake bossa bread and butter elevator muzak jazz you could think of.


Hey guys, professional Whiplash hater here: While I agree with you, that’s actually likely NOT the intended message of the scene lol. From the [script](https://www.sellingyourscreenplay.com/wp-content/uploads/screenplay/scripts/Whiplash.pdf) (page 84, scene 93): “The mere sight gets Andrew’s pulse racing. But he stays put. Watches... The quartet is pacing its way through FLETCHER’S SONG IN CLUB, and Fletcher is playing the final head. He’s exceedingly delicate, gentle with each keystroke, his fingers moving like ballerinas. His playing is soft, subtle, and exquisite. He plays the melody as though moved by it.” That [scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UFG3jBq5ogA) is apparently what they thought “subtle, exquisite, moving jazz” sounded like.


I really like Whiplash, but I wish I didn’t read this comment lol. I always took that scene to be that Fletcher is a very mediocre/below average musician and I love the idea of that saying way more about the characters intensity. If they didn’t change the intention between script and filming, that shit sucks lmao


I love the movie too (it’s a complicated relationship). A lot can change between script and screen, especially depending on which version of the script you have (idk in this case). I think the audience interpretation is more important than what’s in the script.


If his playing in that scene is that of a mediocre/below average musician, then I am fucking terrible.


His playing is good for an average person, but it's bad for a professor at a world class music school


It’s hilarious how it’s lost on everyone that nothing about Whiplash was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. It’s just the cheesy unrealistic crap you get when you get a bunch of Hollywood losers to make a movie about jazz without doing any research.


Whiplash isn’t about jazz. Rocky isn’t about boxing.


The equivalent would be if rocky’s coach didn’t go “you gotta chew lightning and spit thunder” and instead said “you have yo feel the melodic line of each punch. The goal isn’t to hit your opponent’s face, it’s about the phrasing of your fist through the air.”


I assure you that the boxing advice Mickey gives is not actually sufficient boxing coaching for an over the hill club fighter to go 16 rounds with the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world. In the movie his training regimen is jogging, push-ups, not having sex, punching beef ribs in a freezer barehanded, and tying shoe laces around his ankles to get used to not spreading his feet too far apart. Whiplash more accurately depicts jazz than Rocky depicts boxing.


Not even close. Rocky evokes the spirit of boxing very well and is beloved by boxers. Whiplash is about high school jazz bands and show offery. It has nothing to do with hazz whatsoever. It’s a great movie in and of itself though. Just like james bond doesn’t have to be realistic to be cool


next you will tell me bang bus isnt about making love. my world is crumbling bro


I still like that it can be read either way, though. You can view the movie as the story of how a mediocre musician/expert abuser essentially enslaves someone with actual talent and it still works. We never learn whether the student does go on to become “one of the greats”. We only know that he’s a Stockholm Syndrome victim to his teacher, regardless of how good he is. People like that commonly think they’re nurturing talent when they’re just as often destroying it. Regardless of what the filmmakers intended, it’s not actually clear whether the student will ultimately be destroyed before he’s exalted. The movie makes clear one of Fletcher’s talented students has offed himself before.


It’s a shame. Really. That director is a serious talent. He just needs to stay away from “music” as a subject. La La Land also had an abysmal take on “jazz”- made a big poopy dumb movie about it. Babylon was much better


This is why movies with genius characters are so tough to get right. If you don’t have actual geniuses controlling everything they say or do in the movie, they end up doing things in normal/stupid/obvious ways. Show don’t tell is so hard to do with characters that are supposed to be geniuses, and the default is to just have every other character act like the character is a genius without actually showing them being a genius. Anyone with functional knowledge of the “genius’s” field is going to roll their eyes at some point if you’re not careful.


the guitarist switching his pickups halfway through as if it was making a discernible difference and made it sound better


It’s like in Spinal Tap when homie is soloing by bowing his guitar with a violin and then stops to tune the violin.


Holy shit I’m crying


This delighted me 😊 😂


Made me lol hahaha


That's Rick Peckham. Super nice dude but when my wife and I caught one of his band's gigs way back when her statement to me was "I don't get it".


He's trying to emulate John Scofield, but there's pretty much only 1 person who can make that tone sound good and it's John Scofield


I had to find the actual video to see if this was the real audio. It is... Edit: here's the link for any other curious folks. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8U7aHFO9Aq/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8U7aHFO9Aq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Why would they post that?


That is crazy. I thought for sure this was some random summer students but the video description reads:: "Faculty Guitar Quartet led by Assistant Chair of the Guitar Department, Sheryl Bailey, with guitar faculty (from left) David Fiuczynski, Rick Peckham, and Tim Miller perform “All The Things You Are” as a tribute to the 1988 Berklee Guitar Festival with John Abercrombie, Mick Goodrick, Emily Remler, John Scofield. The Faculty Guitar Quartet performance was part of the Lee Berk tribute concert, 25 Tributes: Celebrating Lee Eliot Berk." As if any of John Abercrombie, Mick Goodrick, Emily Remler, John Scofield would be honoured by this!!!!!


Omfg this is what they did to All the Things?! Lmao look how they massacred my boy.


Wow, way to shit on their legacy


I just went to look for it and they’ve removed it, I can’t find it but on the individual guitarists’ pages


Can any of you theoretical people tell me what is the (intended) relationship of that dude's solo to the underlying progression? Like, we can agree that it sounds like shit and is unmusical, but what is he even \*trying\* to do?


Too much brain wrinkles make lame music


They’re just playing two chords back and forth, it’s really not that complicated. Sounds kind of Locrian.


But meanwhile it sounds to me like staring at :20 the dude starts playing some pentatonic, almost Chuck Berry-style lead over the top of it, at least for a couple bars. Then he changes his mind or just loses the thread altogether, I don't know. Sounds like a visit to Guitar Center, just a total shitshow.


They're playing the intro of All The Things You Are in a loop.


I think the idea is that they're trying to be as dissonant as possible. this kind of section is only really good musically in context, so just seeing a snippet kinda sucks ass


So why would they post just this snippet? Are they trolling us?


are they stupid?


He's just being intentionally weird/dissonant. I don't think that's necessarily unmusical or uncalled for, though, since they're doing an extended vamp on a Charlie Parker-style opening section for "All the Things You Are". The whole video at least gives context to the intro: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voo02ulSuBA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voo02ulSuBA) It still pretty out there... but I think that's a good thing. If a bunch of professors were just playing shit straight ahead like it was wedding gig, that would be boring af.


Just guessing but: Chords are Db7#9 and C7#9 so i guess he's trying to play altered scale stuff which is pretty dissonant in itself, but I think hes over thinking the situation to play the corresponding scales of each chord and not just jamming


Dissonance. I learned that’s what you say when shit sounds bad to sound smart. I am drummer.


Proof that guitarists are insufferable


Doubleneck guy is really funny


Strums two chords and turns it WAY down 😂


so much music theory per sq foot here, I think I just went to heaven and died


It reminds me of when Bruce Springsteen comes out with an acoustic guitar and he’s just strumming and strumming. And then there’s some old guy and he’s got a Fender that he’s strumming. And then there’s like some leftfield guitar hero like Jan Akkermann or some shit and they’re all just strumming and strumming. Maybe three more guys come out before Prince’s reanimated copse joins them in a strum.


yea all star jams in pop music have a similar inherent badness as well


my 2 cents for what its worth: this would sound great if it was just the bass, drums and yellow guitar guy. he's def killing it and so is the rhythm section. everyone else needs to shut the fuck up and go shed giant steps by john coltrane.


John Coltrane


Yeah man


Ironically, the drummer is the only guy on stage who is \*not\* Berklee faculty


Tyson (motherfucking) Jackson. Aka baddest dude in Boston.




You need to know what NOT to do, so I suppose there IS some practical value in this lesson 😂


if you play all the bad combinations of notes first, then the only ones left are the good ones [taps temple]


You’re always one note away from the right note. - Mile Davids


There’s a jazz bar in Boston called Wally’s where a lot of the Berklee students play and the professors play in there pretty often too. I’ve been there 100 Times and I’ve never heard anything like this post in there.


Have you heard Jacob Collier jamming with Herbie Hancock? https://youtu.be/eRkgK4jfi6M?t=794


lol when herbie just decides he has no choice but to play the melody


I was waiting for the Jacob Collier comment and this is EVEN BETTER


Jacob Cauliflower explaining jazz to Herbie Hancock like he was a 5 year old 😂


This video infuriates me


I just found it cringingly awkward and uncomfortable


it’s jacob collier that’s the objective


What the fuck


Someone needs to beat this guy up he really needs his ego checked


Charles mingus


Let’s get a bunch of otherwise good jazz musicians together shitting all over each other for a couple hours. Link in bio for tickets


You can’t all play outside the key….


Giant steps


John Coltrane


This is what “learning the rules” does to you. It rots and withers your brain away. Learn to be unrestrained from “rules”, be free like these men.


They are literally playing the changes to Parker’s intro.


This sounds like those old "Creed Shreds" videos. E.g. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ms61I54CeQA&pp=ygUMQ3JlZWQgU2hyZWRz


Such bangers


I’m about to finish my masters at Berklee and am… uhh….. pretty surprised at the reputation this school has somehow built.


Jazz should be enjoyable, intelligent, and well executed. They always forget the first part. And the second and the third…


Here’s the full video : https://youtu.be/voo02ulSuBA?si=17NQz4yiKrq5TPbN The song is actually “All the things you are”.


lol good ole Mr. Peckham. Confused the shit out of me when he was my teacher.


Not Altered enough. We need to flat those flat nines. And double flat the fives!


Is that David Fiuczynski on the double-neck? He did some awesome stuff with Hiromi's Sonic Bloom (he did not do awesome stuff here)


That’s him yes.


His project called ‘screaming headless torsos’ is some super nasty funk, in a good way.


Wow, And to think i studied with dave and sheryl.


Great players… but this vid doesn’t show any of them in a good light.


Double neck dude playing the worst shit go figure


These guys play too much music


I looked it up on Instagram, somehow this is supposed to be "All Things You Are."


I kinda dig this Uj/ I kind of dig this as slchorpy music


I legit didn't think it was bad either. Just kinda nasty, in a good way


Finally found someone else who also digs it. It’s just weird enough for me without becoming atonal lol.


Fuck- I thought it was one of those dubbed videos. It’s truly horrible.


Aural cyanide


When you turn on the jazz station for your friend who says “ugh I hate jazz” and you realize you do, too.


You may not like it, but this is what peak boomer music looks and sounds like.


Not enough power chords.


Free Bird!!! 🙌🏼🔥


Trust me it feels the same for all other disciplines.


/uj I'm sorry i kinda like it am i retarded


Dude with the double guitar looks like he’s about to collapse


This is why white people never topped Bitches Brew. uj/ I loved this. Where can I hear more like it?


Did he really say that?


I just wanted to summon u/johncoltranebot


John Coltrane


works everytime. a love supreme.


A love supreme


sounds like Scofield.


Scofield at home


One dude is like 90 taking lead, one dude is playing a headless, and one is just moving his hands up a double-neck guitar. My expectations were pretty low.


miles davis


Just throw in mike stern to make it all the better.


I like yellow les pauls time feel, he has a nice 8th note. The rest of this is just bizarre


I love the head nods. Like “yup, that’s what I meant to play. I’m the most unique artist here.”


[what is this shit?!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5da342d4-cca2-44d4-8484-5d71f6aa6d66)


Maybe I'm missing something, I hate Berklee but none of this is even all that dissonant. Not the best faculty playing I've ever heard but it doesn't really sound bad


/uj dissonance is fine, but this just sounds kind of lame and aimless? it's like i'm listening to Guitar Center-core or some shit; what they're all playing individually isn't adding up to anything interesting all together. im kind of surprised there's even a couple people in here acting like this is cool and edgy. it's all opinions but this is just way too awkward sounding for me to take seriously. /rj yeah this is shit theyre all just bullshitting over some lame funk beat i fucking hate this, fuck this. time to go listen to some Ornette Coleman Prime Time


Improv is where the heart of music lives in my opinion but it takes a lot of work to learn how to match the different energies and styles and make them fit with one another. These idiots are all about trying to make themselves sound like they found a new note that no one else ever played before rather than LISTENING to what is being put out there. I just know that when I’m improvising the fret board disappears. I don’t think about any scales, notes or modes. I just hear what is there and play what I imagine should go there. To me there isn’t anything more exhilarating as playing with a group of musicians and without saying a word all of you start playing and it’s amazing. That to me is where the psychic communication of music comes in. These idiots are all speaking different languages, all of which are gibberish.


This sounds like a Guitar Center on a Saturday afternoon.


This is what PCP sounds like


All ego no ears


Needs more notes,


i played a gig with a drummer from berklee recently… shit was literal torture bro put a metric modulation on every fucking fill i was going to lose my fucking mind dude why are they like this


Do they not have horn-playing professors anymore


Idk man this shit is fire fr


I took some private lessons with the double-neck guitar guy (his name is Dave Fiuczynski). Brilliant player but he took me down some very bizarre rabbit holes... lots of microtonal stuff that was cool to study but I would absolutely never play out.


For $70,000/year you can learn how to sound just like this


The bassist is great, though.


This is some Tim and Eric shit


You’ve got temu Allan Holdsworth in the corner.