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It's both so cool that you've found so many and so sad to think of everyone who's lost their ring!


I lost a gold shield signant ring in 1979 in the ocean. Sydney, Australia. If anyone finds it… My mums friend had just put it on my very small finger.


Consider it a gift to Poseidon.


SpongeBob SquarePants vibes. 🧽


I use to say that to my kids, and each time I would change the order. Like ' Bob pants square sponge' and they would correct me. After the fourth time of jumbling up the name I'd ask them, 'Whats it called again? ' They got so flustered they would say " I DONT EVEN KNOW ANYMORE" Lol.... this was a great memory for me! Thanks Square pants Bob sponge....


Or Atlantis


Same vibes. I lost a family heirloom of a buffalo nickel in a pendant. 😭I've thought of trying to magnet fish in the area. It's a bay so what's the chances? Happened twenty years ago.


Magnets don’t grab jewelry or coins because they aren’t magnetic. You can dive with a metal detector, if it hasn’t sunk too deep. We find rings that have been lost for many years, so always hope.


One time I was snorkeling and found a set of keys in the ocean. It had a little blockbuster card on the key ring that you could still see the numbers on (this was not long after those little cards became a thing) and so we dropped it off at Blockbusters on the way home..lol.


the owners probably got them back bc of blockbuster’s system!! you’re a good samaritan 🫶🏼


This is the coolest snorkeling story I’ve ever heard 🥰


The Sea takes her due. I had a necklace that was taken from me in the atlantic.


The sea will take us all in the end!


There is a great white strutting around down there with a signet nose ring.


While we’re at it I lost a toy tugboat


I always wonder if the bands (most of these look like men’s wedding bands) were thrown into the ocean after a divorce? Idk I like to think people were being dramatic lol


My dad does marriage counseling and once found a giant diamond solitaire on the ground outside his office. No one ever claimed it. I guess the marriage counseling wasn't going so well.


The diamond in my ring fell out and I didn’t notice for a long time so I had no idea where to even start looking. My husband found it on our kitchen rug when he was playing with our dog 🐶


I love a happy ending!


My friend lost his on his honeymoon while snorkeling


I know three guys that lost their rings in the ocean on their honeymoons.


That’s the more logical answer to this…but not as fun lol.


My husband lost his in the ocean on our honeymoon too.


My husband had his ring slip off while washing his hands once so now he's banned from wearing it while swimming lmao.


I threw my engagement ring into the ocean in Santa Cruz lol


Should have sold it.


Def should have but I think it was only around $300 or so (I found the reciept) ....i wouldnt have gotten much for it. Was 8 years of abuse so hopefully someone finds it and it brings them joy.


I threw mine in a busy shopping center and it landed in a bush (we had just left the club and my bf had accused me of flirting with some dude I never seen in my life while I was waiting for him to use the restroom). I was so angry that he would accuse and gaslight me of something so dumb that I threw it right over his head. He went back the next day to find it (even though I told him I didn’t want it anymore, I’m assuming he wanted to return it since it was expensive), and he couldn’t find it. I’m assuming some homeless person looking in the bushes for discarded half used stogies came up on my ring, and had a very lucky payout that day 😂


It might be even more romantic. Maybe a couple who met that night ended up getting married…because they proposed with that engagement ring, which they found after you left, but before your (ex)fiancé returned to try and find it. You gave them the gift of true love!


That’s what we do isn’t though? Find peoples lost things. Granted the ones I’m interested in were dropped by ppl who are now dead but… still! Edit: I’m a metal detectorist


The Atlantic Ocean took the only thing my father ever gave me. A pretty little saphire ring.


Its like that John Mulaney bit about the guy who stole family photos from parties because they’re the ‘only thing you can’t replace’. these were peoples most worn and loved rings. beautiful collection, terrible combined loss


Sad especially to see the ones that were most likely wedding bands.


Lost my whole wedding ring set in a parking lot in Arizona in 2012. Don’t take your ring off to put sunscreen on, folks!


Hold it between your teeth, that way you can't forget it's there.


Or you swallow it… and it could be 6-12 hours till you see it again


Lost my class ring throwing my husband a ski rope in the St. John’s River right after I’d put sunscreen on.


Golly, I lost a favorite ring doing the EXACT thing--- stupid me put them in my lap while sitting in my seat putting on sunscreen... got out and didn't even know I'd walked away leaving behind treasure!




I’m I the only person losing it because you said you lost your ring in the finger-lakes region?


ooo i love the silver one with blue crystal in bottom right corner 😌


The one that’s 2 to the left of it!! 😍


I think that’s an onyx ring, but I’m not sure. It’s really hard to tell what’s onyx and what’s not, but it has these layered stripes in it.


It looks like banded agate to me!


It could be. I don’t know. That’s the weird thing about this. You have to learn about half the stuff you find.


Well the CTR ring is a Mormon thing. “Choose the right” And the rainbow on the left side I got one off Amazon with the rainbow silicone rings for less than $5. I like the enamel better though. I’m scrolling to see where you hunt. I usually go for old civil war a litter because of my location. I did get a holy bucket for hunting on beaches but haven’t tried.


Have you diamond tested it? Could be a salt and pepper diamond!


We run all of the gems under the diamond tester and the presidium gem tester, and it didn’t give me anything solid to go on. But not a diamond.


What kind of metal detector do you use and was it worth the money? I know they are pricey


XP Deus 2. It is one of the pricier ones, but we did research before we bought. Not all metal detectors are the same. They may not have the right frequencies to be able to detect things like gold or silver, or they may not have the depth of signal. Or they may be affected by ferrous soil or other environmental factors. XP Deus 2 is fast multi frequency and has decent depth. We have a place in Arizona where there’s a lot of ferrous soil, and the XP Deus 2 handles that better than all the others, so that was it. I made my husband promise to metal detect until the detectors were paid off by what we found - but that was only like a month in. Then I changed it to where we have to metal detect until we find enough change to pay them off…now that’s done. Maybe I will challenge him to find enough pennies next???


This comment makes me want to invest in a metal detector


Me too. It makes me believe I may have found a new hobby.


It truly is a lot of fun. It’s not all wins. It’s a lot of just cleaning up the litter and being outside some days. I carry a bag so I can put all the bottle caps, shotgun shells and cans in it and show Mother Nature some love. Inspecting all the vintage litter can be fascinating in the right spots.


That still sounds like a fun day! We have about 4.5 acres and have found some interesting things just walking through our woods and property. I could only imagine what a metal detector might unearth. And, perhaps, it's nothing! But what fun! Could even get the kids involved. Let them carry some pails and trowels and help dig up, carry, and clean any "treasures" we might find! Hmmm maybe this will be a family Christmas gift.


Lmao right??


Well now we all need to know the cool other things that you found to be able to pay off a pretty expensive metal detector 😁 we love the story!


Gosh, there’s so much. Why don’t you take a look at my IG where we post the results of our hunts? https://www.instagram.com/werichtreasurehunters?igsh=NW0zYmdnaG5pZ2F3&utm_source=qr


That’s pretty cool and sounds very fun!


Neat! What types of locations do you like detecting at the most?


Honestly I like to change it up all the time. I hate going to the same place over and over, so we travel to different spots. I’m looking forward to going to my grandparents’ cottage (it’s now my mom’s) but they built it in the 1950s - I can’t wait to see what’s lying around there waiting for me. And then I’m headed to France to detect a beach - my mom is going with me and offered to dig. :):):)


This is so cool!!! I loved the TV show the Detectorists and have been tangentially interested in participating. Your post is so cool!!


The one 2 above!!


OP certainly has some killer finds!!


The silver one there is 925 silver and that comes up as aquamarine on my Presidium gem tester


It's crazy how many dudes lost their wedding bands




My husband lost his, we think, doing yard work. It’s probably in a refuse bag in a landfill somewhere.


You should see the haul of wedding bands they find in the Bellagio fountains. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, including your wedding jewelry.


That's hilarious


My dad lost his first wedding band when throwing snowballs at people at one night. They bought a metal detector to find it and never did.


This is why I wear the silicone ring and leave the real one home when we go away😂zero trust I don’t fuck up and feel terrible


I wonder if men tend to opt for a looser fit


A lot of men also aren't used to wearing rings and don't take precautions that women who wear them more often do. Wider bands can also be easier to lose because they're heavier and you can't get as tight a fit as a thinner one. Not surprised to see a bunch of chunkier mens bands here.


Like selling them here or? Cause I love the croissant


The croissant is listed on eBay for $7.80






Where can I see the rest? Do you have anything size 5? I love a lot of them!!


you can click on the link and click on their profile to see the rest of their postings


Are they all on eBay? There are several I like.


If you click the link OP shared, you can click on the seller and see them all.


Is there a 14k stamp on the ring? I didn’t see one on ebay


Damn…I want a croissant now. The pastry, not the ring. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh thank God nothing looks good to me. My wallet is happy 🤣🤣 hope you sell em all!


😂😂😂 You would probably like what I’m NOT selling 🤣🤣🤣


Show us




did you find all of these metal detecting?? where are you metal detecting bc OMG


There’s like 10 gold ones that we purchased. The rest found at beaches and parks. The best jewelry lives at the beach


Second this, if you want to find gold, then the beach is a good place to go. Best place at the beach is when you're standing in the water where waves tumble sand and rocks.


I go to cape cod twice a year and can confirm. Beach is riddled with nice rings, 30 y/o coins. And quite a few bullet casings


Haha. I have a bucket full of bullets - will recycle the lead and the brass casings in January.


Looks like a really nice beach to detect on


Oh yeah they have like 50 public beaches the opportunity is endless.


....I gotta get a metal detector


True that


So many beautiful rings! You have great taste and great luck!


In this life we make our luck. The more we go out, the more we find. But we started with great detectors and good teachers on YouTube.


Thank you! What metal detectors would you recommend to a beginner?


I always say buying once means spending less. The top of the lines are XP Deus 2 (mine), Minelab Manticore and NOKTA Legend. NOKTA Legend is the best bang for the buck esp if you’re looking for jewelry. If you get one, promise yourself that you will go out and metal detect until you’ve paid off your machine with what you’ve found. Then it’s free. ETA: if you buy from Kellycodetectors.com, go to the metal detecting subreddit and get the 10% off code.


Thank you so much, I appreciate that very sound advice!


Lol ur convincing me....YouTube is the best for learning. And I like ur saying about buying once means spending less, partner says the same


I know you didn't ask me, but I'm also a detectorist, and I can recommend Fisher F44. It's a great metal detector for a beginner, very easy to use and superior to other budget friendly metal detectors. Fisher F44 and a garret pro AT pinpointer ( much needed when detecting ) is my recommendation.


Are the metal detector people at the beach territorial? I've always wanted to take this hobby up, but always get a vibe from them when they're doing their thing.


It’s polite to ask if you can detect behind them, but that doesn’t always pan out that well. Most of us just pick a different area of the beach - and it’s best if you can detect in the water (must have waterproof detector) because that’s where all the best jewelry goes and most people don’t like detecting that way, it’s not easy.


looks like you're a fan of a good signet ! i too am a lover of the signet style ring. 💍


Holy smokes


Holy shit I am buying a fucking metal detector ASAP 😂


Dang, if you ever do sell some of these, I'd definitely be interested !!!


😮 I love the peridots




I see my birth stone a few times! These rings are so cool. Each one has a story....the one next to the desert shield, is that the Lord's prayer written on it?


Are these all karat gold?! And you found them all via metal detecting?




Oh God you are so right 😭😭😭 there is like 10 I want hahahaha




Any pink tourmalines or Opals?


I don’t know for certain on the permanent collection. But the strawberry opal ring is pink.


Wowwwww. That top right (boulder opal?) and bottom right (aquamarine or glass?). Love this tray 😍 way to go with your finds!


That top right one is a Game of Thrones ring. Loved it at first dig. The bottom is an aquamarine and I found it at a park where they have jewelry shows.


Depends on rather or not, they're really sterling silver or gold.


It’s so cool that you found all these!


My husband & I have found almost 300 rings this year so far. We weren’t planning on selling any rings but then decided to unload the ones we weren’t in love with that were in decent shape. You wouldn’t believe how many are damaged beyond repair when we find them.


I see many tungsten. Are any actual silver or gold? They’re all super pretty regardless. I’m just curious. Also does all metal show up on a metal detector? Or does it have to be magnetic or not magnetic? What’s the deal with that? Any insight? Thanks in advance!


We decided we would keep most of the silver and all of the gold and platinum. A couple of these are silver. But most are not. Metal detectors will pick up metals within the range of their coil as long as the metal is not mimicking the soil(chains are difficult to find for this reason). Metals do not need to be magnetic. I use an XP Deus 2 and on the beach I can pick up a signal a couple feet down but when I’m in a compacted ground area, I’m lucky to get 9 inches. Cheaper detectors don’t always use a high enough frequency to detect some metals, they also don’t have much depth in comparison to mine-they’d be lucky to get half as deep. So we end up finding more than other people for this reason.


That’s so cool and I had no idea about any of this. Tysm for the response!


How often/how much time do you spend using the metal detector? Do you take materials with you to dig down when you find something that’s not on the surface?


That is so interesting!


Wow that yellow gold brutalist(?) ring in the top left corner is gorgeous! That particular design must have been pretty popular at one time but I hardly ever see one out in the wild, which makes it even more eye catching. You have a great collection here! I think I might have to invest in a metal detector, if only to see if I can find a couple of my own rings that are likely hidden somewhere in my yard 😅


The best jewelry is in the parks. Nothing here is real gold - all plated or base metal I actually listed that one on eBay for $7.80


What kind of parks do you mean? State/federal or just local parks? Are you allowed to just dig anywhere? This is so fascinating to me.. I’ve kinda been looking for a new outdoor hobby that isn’t just straight up exercising (I already run, bike, swim and SUP board and my job is physical) and I live a half mile from the beach in Southern California. I’d love to make a little extra income too! I’ve occasionally seen someone detecting at the beaches, but I’d never really given it a second thought before. This post is changing my mind! That’s so many fucking rings, holy shit. I had no idea people found THAT much of anything - let alone jewelry. Do you have an estimated value of everything you’ve found? And what’s the biggest find you’ve had? I read you said you paid off the detectors in a month?! I feel like I like in the perfect location for this and am super intrigued now… I’m gonna watch some videos


Local parks. It’s not legal to detect in a state or federal park that I’m aware of. We have to look up the park rules for the city we are going to. Most allow digging, but of course you must fill in your holes. We can use a probe for those that don’t allow digging. We put in about 9 or 10 miles of walking and swinging each time we detect. If you are in Cali, you should look up the DigginSoCal YouTube channel. They are right in your neighborhood. Detecting is an accumulation game. You may go out and find 1 toy car and $3 of change and a wheatie. Then you’ll go out the next day and find $12 of change and a silver quarter. Then you’ll go out and find $2, a pocketknife and 8 rings. It’s always different, but eventually as you collect what you find, you have a substantial collection. I also have to caution you, do not go cheap on a detector. That’s a mistake most people make. They buy cheap and then complain that they are only finding garbage or that they never find rings, etc. It’s the detector and the location they detect. Beaches are great for jewelry - but not the best place to find coins. Parks are going to be hit or miss, but they generally turn up more coins. Biggest find? Ummmm…. Just a few days ago I found an 18K gold chain that weighs 21.5g. I’ve also found some pretty valuable coins. Follow us on IG or YouTube and check out our finds. https://www.instagram.com/werichtreasurehunters?igsh=NW0zYmdnaG5pZ2F3&utm_source=qr https://youtube.com/@werichmetaldetecting?si=hSJD_4_gGXrdyYd_


I just followed you!! So cool you’re also in Phoenix area. Now I really wanna blow $1k on the detector and hunt 🤣


Do you try, in any way, to reunite them with their former owners? Like just an open ad asking them to describe the ring? I can see that being super time-consuming though. Just curious.


Yes. When we find a ring, we look online to see if anyone has posted a lost notice. We can guess about how long ago a ring was lost based on what depth we found it at and what type of soil we were detecting and the shape of the ring - not foolproof, but gives us a general idea. If a ring has identifying information, we made a decision never to sell it and to hold onto it until such time as someone claimed it. Such identifying information we would withhold and allow the person to describe it to us to prove their ownership. We’ve managed to locate and return a couple items to people, but these we’ve held for over a year and have no identifying information.


Wow that's really nice of you! I could definitely see it being "finders keepers", but I also know how heartbreaking it can be to lose sentimental things. Right on. You make me want a metal detector lol!


Some have engraved names and dates from weddings etc. I’m one of those weird people that feels like trying to find the owners is just right. Losing a sentimental piece of jewelry is such a sickening feeling my empathy overdrive will make me nauseated. I’m kind of an oddball though, raised in a cult to choose the right haha


Oh I’d love to buy a couple.


Which ones?


lol the Mormon “CTR” ring




Oh the one 7 down on the first column. The sort of detail you would see on a grandmother's ring, love! Edit: interested in link to shop Edit 2: found the eBay shop. Do you plan on posting more?


I will post all of these unless I get offers before they go up.


How do I find the listing


If you search on eBay, just put in “seller:werichtreasures” and you should see all my listings.


Weird. Nothings coming up


If you are not in the US, I think my store is limited to US buyers at the moment. I would have to do something to open up the listings internationally, I think.


in the US and nothing comes up!


Here is a link to one of the rings. Look at sellers other items from there https://www.ebay.com/itm/285856179656?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_ehn2rhbrdk&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_ehn2rhbrdk&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Some beauties in there. All the dust and hair is distracting, though. (Repeatedly use tape on/off, on/off to remove this).


Thanks. Will do


Oooh I like that dainty little silver ring. Far left, second from the bottom next to the yellow sad face!


Those fields full of big stones with peoples' names and years carved into them, well, you're not really supposed to metal detector and dig there.


i’m so mad the aquamarine is gone 😢


Not gone. The one on the top row is listed, the one on the bottom line and second to bottom line haven’t been listed yet.


is that the size 10 one? i’ll keep my eyes peeled for the others since im size 7 👀💕






I like the diamond cross.... at least I think it's diamond.?


Nope - not diamonds. Very sparkly clear stones on a silver tone ring.


It is pretty though :)


It almost didn’t make it into the box…I really like it too.


I messaged you about a ring. Can’t see the eBay post


I had that exact dolphin ring as a teen, lost it aaaages ago, but I doubt that's mine as I lost it somewhere in NB Canada


Same, must have been a popular teen ring! I lost mine in San Diego.


The sad ring is super sad


I would like the crown multi colored stone


The one in the second to last row with the green stone 😍


Yep there’s my husband’s wedding ring.


I just want to read them! See if any are antique or vintage! I love jewelry ♡ maybe thus is a hobby I need to get into 0.o.


Lmao that sadface one looks so poignant


I want 2nd to last row, third from Right. That’d be a bitching five finger ring


Bought a authentic ww2 ss ring from a seller in the Ukraine 🇺🇦,  about 7 months ago. So called experts told me its a reproduction but they are thinking if a different ring. This has the persons name and date etched inside,  silver skull and gold leaves. Bought it very cheap.


Let me know if you’re selling the green gem one down and 2 to the right from The sad frowny face! I can’t stop looking at it


Not the Mormon CTR ring 🤣🤣


20 years ago I lost my scallop ring. 


I like the one that looks like an emerald. Didn’t see it on EBay


Haven’t listed it yet. I think it’s a lab created stone - it looks too clear to be a natural emerald set in 925 sterling.


Perfect! Nice


Are any of them gold or have precious gems?


None have passed my gold tester, so I don’t believe any are pure gold. Some have aquamarines, opals, moonstones, other semi-precious gems. Mostly just bling. There are a couple that have moissanites - I know, because I replaced the missing stones with them.


Gold ring on top with the flowers intereted


Omg that purple teardrop 😍😍😍


The strawberry opal?


What’s the stone in H5? Labradorite or something else?


Looks like a form of tigers eye


Dang I looked on your eBay for the simulated purple opal and it's already gone :(


Where are you selling these :):):)


Wow they’re gorgeous!


Top left is pretty and the other gold one that that has a disco ball texture is gorgeous too. Do you know what sizes these are?


I love the two at the top left! What are the sizes and how much would they be?


H7 is the one that caught my eye




I love the sea creature one!


There's at least 3 that I'm interested in !


I like the bottom left one sitting in the corner! We know they aren't plastic lol


I see, maybe $1000 there, unless there is a real diamond, if you could sell every one, good luck!


Looks like there’s a few David Yurman men’s bands there! I’m familiar with the hallmarks so feel free to DM me if you have questions – you may be able to sell them for more than you think :)


soo cool!