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Is it an allergic or just sensitivity? Does this happen with all rings? I’m wondering if maybe it’s too tight. Also what is it made out of?


https://preview.redd.it/9whpc3jr2k7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e123af755c29461641cbdef89976c8a4c15b50 it only has been happening with this one and very rarely with any other one. It is mostly made out of white gold and a part yellow gold as well. It sometimes turns around on my finger so pretty sure its not too tight. And pretty sure its connected to the hollow parts as its super easy for soap/water to stay stuck there 🫣


You may have a nickel allergy from the white gold alloy.


If you wear you rings 24/7, stop. Your skin isn't getting a chance to properly dry. Take your rings off when you get home. If it's white gold with nickel, get allergy tested for the nickel. If that's what's causing it, you'll need to change metals.


I know you said you're scared to take your rings off but I implore you to try. Get a cute little ring tray for your bathroom and kitchen sink at home (plz tell me you don't cook with rings on 😳) and get in the habit of handing your ring to your partner before you go to the restroom in a public place or carrying a soft cloth bag to put your rings in. They even make necklaces specifically for putting your ring on, google ring holder necklace! Your fear of losing your ring is totally valid but keeping your rings on constantly is going to eventually compromise the ring.


Ohh interesting that it is also not good for the ring 😳. When I need to kneed my hand in food like making burgers or dough I take them off, but further always keeping them on. Guess thats something that my parents influenced as they never in their life took their wedding band off, thats why it makes me first of all feel bad when I take them off, and second the fear of losing them. They were not cheap as one of the rings has my granddads wedding band adjusted and added in it so a lot of emotional value! Its basically 2 connecting rings. I will check how I can ensure to not lose them and do take them off more often. Whished there was a other way but guess for the ring and my fingers thats probably the best... https://preview.redd.it/lfbin02l3k7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a51b237770dc0008dc9afe4da535b9e19373c79