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For me, it has been nine months of nonstop applications. I'm pausing to work on certifications now. Something I'm doing may be wrong, but hell if I know what it is. Are there any resume software or job coaches that you'd recommend (to those who have jobs)?


Swooped And contact recruiters directly. That’s how I have received invites to interviews. Get the LinkedIm premium membership for a couple of months


I've been applying for more than 1 year (4 months before finishing my specialization), +2000 thousand applications, fortunately had one interview. The market is rough indeed


It's a very tough market out there.. I sent out over 1000 applications, changed my CV several times, made #openforwork on my LinkedIn, sent out messages to recruiters and hiring managers etc. You'll succeed if you don't give up, I promise! If you're by any chance located in Europe, I'm recruiting for some BPO roles (customer support, content moderation and some tech jobs). Please reach out to me and I hope I can help!


Finding a job is not not a problem....but finding a perfect job like social mining it is a problem


youre being smoked by ai is my guess. people are applying to 200+ jobs a day now. How much are you applying? landing a job is a numbers game, even for entry level, here use this free tool to save you time on applying [multipleremotejobs.com/pages/plugin](http://multipleremotejobs.com/pages/plugin)