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You gotta get her a tiny bass guitar šŸ˜Š


Human, why did you eat my flies I caught them and they were mine But you ate them, yeah you ate my flies And I cried, but you didn't see me cry


Human, do you even love me? šŸŽ¶


Favorite and only acceptable reply lol!


if shes wild caught, shes going to have babies. if not, she might still have babies or just an infertile egg sack.


Got her from a reptile store


some reptile stores catch wild jumpers and dont tell the customers. u could put her enclosure in a butterfly net for her next couple egg sacks just in case if u want


Iā€™d assume sheā€™s gravid and going to have babies! Pet/reptile stores are notorious for buying wild caught in bulk, and pretty much any wild caught female is gonna be gravid. Sheā€™s pretty!


This ā˜ļø


She's an absolute unit! šŸ¤Æ And equally adorable šŸ„°


I can't help when it comes to knowing anything about her lol but her head is about as big as her body! She is adorable tell her I said she's gorgeous, and don't use Spanx to hide those curvesšŸ¤£


Hmmmm she does have that. "Please Sir... I am with child." Look. Except its CHILDS and and a boat load of um lol.


She needs a lot more than that in there. Lots of coverage and hiding spaces.


Already ordered! Havenā€™t even had her for two hours when I posted this! She was gifted to me and this was one of my slings enclosures who was only a few weeks to a month old and didnā€™t survive their first molt sadly.


Sorry but that enclosure is not safe.




This post/comment appears to reference a dollhouse enclosure. The r/jumpingspiders team cautions members against using dollhouse style enclosures. Jumpers are often found near/on human structures, but dollhouses are not the same as huge human structures This is also different in captivity, where the spider is confined to a small enclosure and cannot use draglines or wind currents to soften the fall. - These enclosure tend to lack appropriate hides - They do not to provide sufficient cover - They tend to include hard/sharp pieces that can cause devastating injuries/death if a jumper were to fall on one - Set ups like these can also cause challenges for hunting - Many of these items are not pet safe, and will not hold up to the humidity/mist needed in the enclosure. - A fall onto a flat surface (or pointed one, or rocks, plastic, toys, etc) can be deadly. - Mosses can be dyed with things that are unsafe for animals, so even though they are appropriate for "terrariums" they are not always animal safe. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/wiki/jumpingspiders/dollhouse/) is more information on this along with some of our recommendations for alternatives for a "cute" aesthetic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/jumpingspiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She needs more stuff in the enclosure especially up top


I just got her yesterday this is my old enclosure for my sling Also donā€™t tell me what to do lol


if you're going to act like people simple telling you how to safely and properly care for a jumping spider *in a jumping spider sub* is bad or wrong of them somehow, you're going to have a really bad time regardless, you should want to know how to keep your pet as happy and healthy as possible "lol" :(


Whose to say I havenā€™t already gotten more items for herā€¦ā€¦.. upon receiving her I immediately ordered things to make her enclosure safe and cozy. I wanted to get her out of the deli as soon as possible. So she DID have more space. She was gifted to me. And kind of sprung on to me. So itā€™s very easy to assume. Without knowingā€¦.. Iā€™m open to advice of course. But youā€™re solely seeing her enclosure on her first day of being in my possession for not even two hours.


you like, really need to understand that nobody was out to get you. i was responding *directly* to you literally telling someone who was trying to help you keep your spider happy and healthy to not tell you what to do - like we are children on a playground rather than people trying to raise healthy spiders. if you're going to post a spider in an enclosure like this, expect people to tell you that it's not okay, as they should, because here we care about the safety of the spiders above anything else. i think it's wonderful that people were letting you know that it's not okay, in case you didn't know, especially since up until like 10 minutes ago, you were serving nothing but resistance, attempted justification and snide remarks in response to helpful guidance. should have been thanking these people for caring all along. i don't know if it was a pride thing or what, but i'm really glad to see that you've changed your tune and are now actually thanking comments that were helpful in the first place and actually letting people know that you intend on changing the enclosure rather than continue to try to justify it which is literally all you kept doing before this. we can all see the previous comments. keep on with that character development and have a wonderful time with your spider.


Lol kewl beans šŸ«˜


Sure, but if you donā€™t want people telling you what to do, then clarify all of that in the post. No one is a mind reader and itā€™s perfectly fine for commenters to assume things based on what youā€™ve given them. This isnā€™t a plastic tub where we can assume youā€™ll be moving her, this is an enclosure that seems to have took some time. That makes people think you wonā€™t change a thing about it, even though itā€™s better for the spider if you do. Itā€™s really easy to just be a pleasant person that talks to people with kindness.


Not that sewious


Shame the enclosure is so small


Its temp until her new one arrivesā€¦ Iā€™ve only had her for two hours when I posted this


https://preview.redd.it/0d5szza3ej9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49032b8eb132ab7904db69e6018e687a5f5a535 Update from this morning.


The coffin that people were so concerned about just to happened to be a spot she felt safe enough to start nesting.


It was literally her only option lol.


And a cozy one. She would have still been in the pet shop in a deli cup if I didnā€™t have her. People really complain about anything.


I would say make her enclosure more natural. Props and toys in the enclosure aren't very safe as the spood can fall on them and get severely injured. (This is a recommendation)


Thank you! Iā€™ve already ordered all of that stuff! Iā€™ve only had her a few hours upon posting this. From some of my previous comments you can see that this was my baby slings enclosure who was only 3-4 weeks old. He didnā€™t survive his first molt unfortunately. I had moss but had removed it after he passed. I kept the enclosure simple so I canā€™t keep and eye on him. It was plenty for him at the time. She was in a deli cup prior to this for about a month from what I was told. So i wanted to get her more space as soon as possible. Since I could tell she may be ready to nest. Come to find out the next morning she cozily started a nest in the coffin.


The coffin was made my a fellow spood lover and owner. Who specializes in enclosure add ins.


She's so cute šŸ˜ Marceline is such a cute name. Pannochka would suit her well too !


Thank you šŸŒ™




She almost looks pregananant, if she's wild caught, congratulations you're gonna be a grandparent! Also you might wanna get some more stuff for her to do on the top of the enclosure so she doesn't get bored, and feels safer! (:


Also for those saying she I going to be be bored and she needs moreā€¦. 1. Just got her yesterday 2. She was living in a deli cup at the pet storeā€¦. So this is definitely an upgrade for her.


Yeah I agree! My girl was in a deli cup too when I got her, and I put her in a temporary enclosure similar to yours in size, but I put things on top for her, she loved it. Regardless though, I think you saying you just got her instead of saying you're getting her a better enclosure/more things up high is the issue people are having. Do be mindful though, all jumpers need things up high, as they spend most of their lives up there. We're all here just to help and offer tips!


She was on top of the coffin as soon as I put her in. She already has a plant that reaches the top. Iā€™m am aware. I did my research prior to getting her.


This is my old enclosure for my sling that didnā€™t make it. I literally just got her yesterday..


Biggest I've seen!


Just realized jumping spiders look like those robots in Ghost in the Shell. Tachikoma they were called.


Marceline the spider Queen šŸ•·šŸŽø


How the hell is everyone else's jumper so big compared to my tiny tiny one I've had for about 3 months


lol! My spider is named Marceline too!


Cute šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ•·ļø


Omg sheā€™s beautiful!!! šŸ˜


The enclosure is too small for an adult


Look at previous comments




Thank you šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ•·ļø


The coffin is so sick hahaha