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Potentially dumb question, could you get decompression sickness doing this?


No. Decompression sickness ("the bends") is the result of extended periods of time at depth. The pressure dissolves gas into your bloodstream and tissues that comes out when your ascend. This is a function of both pressure and time. Going straight from 0m-40m-0m doesn't give you enough time under pressure to dissolve significant amounts of gas in your bloodstream like it would if you spent 15-30 minutes at that depth. Free divers frequently go far deeper than this* and safely ascend. Decompression sickness is typically only seen in scuba divers and other forced-air dives where they can spend minutes, hours, or even days breathing under pressure.      *ETA: This is the Y-40 pool in Italy, which is a touch over 40m deep. World record free divers can go down to hundreds of meters and come back safely. Without using tech like ballast or boyancy aids, the world record for men is 128m, while the record for women is 101m. Using advanced technology, people have been able to descend past 300m deep and return on a single breath. Though it's incredibly dangerous, decompression sickness isn't one of the major dangers.


I'm not even sure that it's possible for free divers to get it. It's not inherently a length of time issue. It's in part that no new air is added to their system. Tanks of air contain a mix of nitrogen and oxygen, if I remember correctly the bends is the nitrogen being absorbed into your blood stream as a result of the pressure. Even 10m below sea level is double atmospheric pressure. So if you imagine the case of a scuba diver they breath in and some of the nitrogen gets absorbed and then they just take another breath. Free divers have a limited supply as they only have as much air in their lungs as they take down and don't breath out, so it's never enough to cause the bends. So I'm not even sure Guybrursh Threepwood could suffer from the bends. Update Just checked. It's uncommon but they can especially after multiple frequent dives.


Bruh, get outta here with that structurally sound logic... What is this, a forum for nerds?


*Mr. Box* ![gif](giphy|iB6I46FbLRqsLliGpI)


Did someone call? Oh nvm my bad.


It seems to be very rare for "breath-holding divers" to get decompression sickness but has been noted with many deep dives only broken up by short breaks. So not impossible, but not particularly probable.


No. You might drown though.


I'm out of breath just watching this


She's smiling and I was sweating.




Lmfao 💀


When i got to the bottom of a 2m pool my ears feel like they can’t take any more pressure. How does she do it!?


Well, 1) don't have a stuffy face, and 2) equalize your ears as you descend to relieve pressure. Lots of ways to do this. Some press their tongue to the roof of their mouth, some yawn, some flex their jaw. many hold their nose and push their breath into it. You can do it right now and you'll feel your ears crackle and pop.


Oh ok that’s interesting i’ll try 2). But i’m sorry i don’t understand what you mean but 1). Do you mean, don’t be congested?


Yea congestion is super serious in scuba diving because it prevents you from equalizing your pressure and can have some very unpleasant consequences (like eardrums or capillaries in the eyes to rupture). This is why you’re NEVER supposed to dive if you have a cold. And I’m not a free diver but the premise is the same.


Thanks that was very educational


You have a tube that goes from your ear to your throat. If you're congested, that tube gets blocked up. At that point you have air trapped in the inner ear area that can't go out the ear because of the eardrum and can't go out the tube because of the blockage caused from congestion. When you go underwater the pressure outside gets greater and greater the deeper you go. That pressure pushes on your eardrum and the air inside can't escape so the pressure builds up causing pain in the ear. When you "clear your ears" whether scuba diving or free diving, usually by squeezing your nose and gently trying to blow air out through your nose, the air can equalize through the tube with the air in your ear, making the pressure equal and relieving the pain caused by the pressure. Divers generally "get ahead of it" by equalizing at the surface and before the pain is ever felt every so many feet/meters as they go down. This woman probably has a nose plug on so she can equalize without manually grabbing her nose. There are other techniques that work as well, such as wiggling your jaw back and forth, yawning (you probably have done this one during or after a flight), and making a forceful "chuck" sound (I've never been able to do this one).


I'll try this next time I go swimming!


When I realized she was going farther than the “deep end” of the pool at the beginning, and the tunnel she was entering kept going *and going* I started feeling so anxious.


Yeah as soon as I realised there was a tunnel was like "NOPE" and stopped the video


Anyone else try to hold their breath the whole time? I didn’t make it 😞


I can easily hold my breath through the entire video. However, I’m not dealing with the increased pressure, the anxiety of potential failure, and it appears the video is sped up during her descend. I could be wrong on that last part, but she seems to drop quite quickly.


It's sped up for sure


Plus we're just sitting and scrolling reddit. We don't have to physically move as much which takes a lot of oxygen.


That is another huge factor. I can hold my breath in a pool, floating face down on the surface for around two minutes. If I’m actually swimming fully submerged, it’s probably not even a minute.


There’s a really good doc on Netflix about free diving. I can’t remember the name but I can find it if anyone’s interested! Edit it’s called The Deepest Breath. Have a tissue or two around just in case.


It looks like Alessia Zecchini in this video doesn’t it?


I thought the same thing


Nope. I mean, great for her. I’m happy for she found something she enjoys. But this freaks me tf out and I can’t watch. 🙈 also props to the camera person who followed her.




Y-40 (aka "The Deep Joy"), at a depth of 42.15m or 138ft, is the world's deepest pool.


After your mom, ofcourse


Absolutely the fuck not


Is it possible to second hand drown, because I feel out of breath just watching this


Random question: what's the music in this video?


Friendships by Pascal Letoublon


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Anyone know what this structure is? Can't have been made just for practicing, right?


She's nuts but brave and conditioned.


So many things have to go right to make that dive, I imagine. Dammmmmn. And nope.


Right?! One hiccup and it's all over.




Im hyperventilating watching her manage this in a single breadth


Pretty sure I’ve had multiple nightmares involving this exact place. Great, now I know it’s real


I’ve swam to the bottom of a 3m deep pool and I had to exhale completely to be able to conquer my own buoyancy. I could only stay at the bottom for a couple of seconds bc I had no air in my lungs. I have no idea how she did this it’s mind blowing. 🤯


Is it just me or does she look younger afterwards?


My eardrums are sreaming.


*Nuclear fuel rod cosplay looks amazing*


Maybe I'm doing it wrong but I can't just put my arms up/relax and sink, I just end up floating? How does one sink? I want to sink.


Ive seen this pool/facility in several videos now... does anybody happen to know what/where it is?


Okay how come she can inflate her lungs and still sink, while i just float?


*Okay how come she* *Can inflate her lungs and still* *Sink, while i just float?* \- The\_Gimp\_Boi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Does anybody here understand how she didn't equalize her ears?


She has to have some kind of ear plugs in


Oh yeah! I missed it at the start. She's got a thing in her nose. I guess you wouldn't need it on the way back up, just down


Oh fuuuuck that. Nope. No thanks.


oh, oh no. absolutely the fuck not.


Meanwhile I barely go to the bottom of a 15foot deep pool because my ear hurty to much


Stupid question for those in the know. Is compression / pressure different in a tube like that than in the sea at the same depth? Less volume of water around you? That’s a stupid question isn’t it lol


Not stupid at all. The answer is there's no difference if the water is the same density, as it's water above you not water beside you that determines the pressure. Salt water is slightly denser than fresh water, so if this is a fresh water pool then the pressure may be *slightly* less, but that's a different thing. For reference, at 40m depth the pressure is five times what it is at the surface.


Excellent, appreciate that. Thank you !


I tried to hold my breath and my throat started burning. Also realized the descent is sped up. F no


I thought her kitchen flooded and she was going to do a silly reel then it was like Narnia.


How bout no, that shit is nuts


Nope…not doing that !


My ears tell me no at 6 feet


And then there's me, who can barely swim. I could drown in a big enough bathtub.


My ears hurt


You're welcome.


Dumb question: how does she not have to equalize her ears?