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What a sad day to have eyes and be able to read.


Thats every day on this sub fr


I need a lobotomy now, but for my occipital lobe instead.


My homie, my fella, my home slice... Lobotimize OOP first... with a rusty shovel, it'll do the world more good.


A fuckin problem solver right here!


I didn't read any of it. When I saw what it said as a subject, I immediately knew it was garbage and the person who made the first picture spent more time making it than the combined time he's been alone with a female.


Read the title bit in the first picture and just noped on out, sounds like I made the right decision


Yeah this had me leave this sub. It’s depressing that there are guys like this. Basement dwelling swamp boys with their gross *opinions* or whatever tf this post is.


I’m pretty sure men who were raped by anyone didn’t enjoy it. NOBODY enjoys being raped.


Can confirm.


I'm pretty sure they also didn't say anything because they were scared of not being believed


Then us as men should take them seriously instead of saying “she’s too hot to have raped you”.


That's what I'm saying! Somebody gets it!


Rape is not like a porn video of 2 people just fucking each other, is much worse than that


The women he asked were most likely porn bots roleplaying as women


He didn't talk to women,he listened to podcasts where men told him what women "really think", 100%


“Men hate it far less being raped by a woman.” Okay, #1, absolutely not true. #2, let me go get my friend Big Jim to come stand here, and we can ask you if you’d mind being raped by him. I’m betting you won’t feel nearly the same way. Men suddenly understand consent just fine when it’s put that way.


Whoever wrote this deserves to be raped by an obese woman with a huge black strapon. Maybe they'll change their mind, or admit they enjoy it.


Nah, they need to feel terrified for their safety and absolutely 0% chance for attraction to feel the full effect. Make it a huge bodybuilder who was a victim of sexual assault and wouldn't mind making this guy bleed.




Like, I get what you're saying but no one deserves rape, rape isn't worse because the person is someone you don't find attractive and rape doesn't require penetration.


Totally get that but he's the one saying that it's not bad for men so this would be a solid rebuttal. It would be his ass on the line to prove his point instead of endorsing the rape of women because he thinks it's not horrible.


This subreddit is a cesspool for people to unload their days shit on random people


I allways thought that rape wasn't a big deal, it's just sex right? Who dosnet like sex? Until One of my friends got raped, he was catfish by a girl on tinder, she invited him to her place and when he discovered she wasn't 20yo Sophie but 57yo and 300lbs sylvie she threatened him to unleash her dogs on him if he refused to have sex with her. This was traumatic for him. And he was the type of guy who couldn't keep his dick in his pants but after that he had to go to therapy, he didn't had sex for a year, he even turned down some beautiful girls just because he was still traumatized by what he had been through. Rape is one of the worst thing that can happen to someone


Man I'm glad you learned empathy, and I'm sorry that happened to your friend, but how did you think rape was just sex before? Were you always imagining it was an attractive person doing it so it didn't seem so bad?


Holy fucking shit. I hate the fact that I live in a world where this exists.


Normally I am very anti "ignorance is bliss" mentality. But this sub often makes me feel otherwise....


"I talked to a bunch of women and they all agree with me that rape isnt that bad" This guy is just trolling to make people mad because that's the only emotion he can get out of people.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It'd be their one good deed


Reading this as a rape survivor makes me want to throw up


*Jesus would like to know your location*


Well men are usually raped by men, wonder how he feels about rhat


>i asked quite a lot of them Narrator: He asked none of them.


Goddamn it these were my good seeing eyes


Men like this need to be (redacted to stay within community guidelines)


Nah, just throw em in jail, be done with it.


On reddit à few years ago I saw a sub about guy who were into rape and posted photos, addresses, schedules of their future victims. I remember a dude posting a post with 10+ photos of a girl taken from afar sometimes behind a tree without her knowing. In the description of the post he talked about all the horrible things he wanted to do to her (beat her up, rape, keep her chained as a "pet", film video of her, prostitute her etc.). Most of the guy thought that those girls would have like a Stockholm syndrome and love them. I can't remember the name but I hope it got shut down by reddit.


Well. I guess I'll just go die now. Thought I had lost all the faith in humanity I had. Wrong. You think you hit rock bottom and then realize " Oh shit. I was wrong. People are way worse than I thought. And I already thought they were pretty fuckin awful." I need to go hug my wife.


Regain your faith in humanity, it is thankfully a very, very small amount of people on this Earth that believe this horseshit


Activate the rings.


Remember people, this person votes.


i stg the real privilaged one is the man who made this, he doesnt know what it's actually like to be raped by a women as a man, its not as good as it sounds(if you thought it ever sounded good), this dude is just pulling stuff out of his ass


This is some full blown psycho incel shit right here. You know this guy is so deep in the incel red pill stuff he's no longer just swallowing it, he's putting it directly up his ass. Which is where this whole nonsense idea came from.


No he is definitly trolling rn


I now curse the day I was born with somewhat functional eyes or the ability to read.


Christ humanity disappoints me sometimes.


What the actual fuck did I just read? Monsieur Guillotine needs to return for more than just the wealthy, I see!


Women hate rape because it consists of being dominated, humiliated, hurt, violated and traumatised. Men seem to understand that when it comes to men raping other men.


According to them pussy is cheap and even free yet somehow also claim women hate rape because they get nothing in return implying it isn’t cheap or free. Incels failing to make a coherent idea once again. Women weren’t treated as princesses in previous centuries either, rather as prized property.




I have no hope for humanity


What a sad, deranged little man had come up with this pile of bullshit...


Someone lobotomize me real quick


Sometimes, I wish I was Jared, 19.


What a sad day to be on an artistic platform with this disgusting fuck. Deviant art has really reached rock bottom.


More like Deviant Art is finally true to its name


I'm going to go build an underground bunker in the middle of nowhere just so I can keep the chance of ever meeting this person at 0.


So. He would be fine with being raped himself?


Violence is never the answer, but maybe a small sliver of violence in the form of one quick, tight, slap for the person who made this is helpful.


Who ever reposts and defends this may have never heard of male on male rape. It exists. Not saying that gay men will rape other men but there are that do it. You don't need to be in possession of a pussy to be raped. Just pointing that out to all the lurkers on here. It has nothing do with a "princess" status and anyone who says such is a fucking idiot. I can tell you that one of the leading causes of PTSD in women and children is sexual assault fka rape. One of the reason we have so many skittish women in the world is because they have been either sexually assaulted or sexually abused in some way. This isn't love and this isn't consensual at any meaning. What occured to these people was a violation and a crime. I have talked to many young women at my job and most of them tell me that they are so very aware of these sick guys. I have nothing against young men trying to get partnered up or even landing dates. It is just that most of these neckbeards that defend this shit are porn brained incel losers still stuck in this high school mindset. Also, being against rape isn't misandry. Nobody is entitled to everyone's body. Nobody needs sex to have a decent life. If your dick is dry then it's not my fault and it isn't anyone else's fault.


Men don't have to be gay to rape another man. It's about power and torture, nothing much to do with sexuality. *So keep that in mind, fellas*


Also why does it seem that these neckbeards sound like they have very little to no true interaction with women? It's always Chad this, Beta male that. If it has to do with their personal appearances then why aren't they emulating or adopting these fashion principles? If it's etiquette then why are they not using it properly? These guys don't want to get into a meaningful relationship. It is all about this idea of getting laid. This is what being addicted to porn and constantly bombarded with sexual stimuli does to a man over a long period of time.


We as a species have literally forgotten what the term r*pe means and its terrifying


Mmm.. Yes.. Being a creepy misogynistic shithead is the way to woo m'lady.


Rape is bad


I would bet the majority of people who make these memes couldn't rape a corpse with their 400 pound asthmatic ass. Dudes probably get winded when they last longer than two strokes.


Thought that was Colleen Ballinger for a second


Just because someone is living, breathing and typing shit that doesnt mean they have a brain between their ears, its hard to believe but here we have objective proof.


Well fucking hell. I wish I couldn’t read.


Mental illness. Jesus.


It's almost fascinating, how some people seem incapable of empathising with the other gender. Like I bet if you asked him, how he would feel if he was forcefully held down or drugged and raped, he could name a myriad of reasons why it would bother him, none of them being not getting paid. Yet he cannot look at the issue from the other genders point of view


DID YOU KNOW THAT... Men can be raped NOW YOU KNOW!


Ima replace my eyes… wish I never read this… wish I could use my fist of fury for the person who wrote this though


This is why misandrists exist, and frankly I don't blame them