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Pedos will be pedos. There is a reason this person is looking for someone younger. People their own age will see right throigh their bullshit. And this person just isn't smart enough to be able to deal with that.


Technically speaking, he's an Ephebophile. But it's hard to make that distinction without sounding like a pedophile.


pedo is kind of used as a catch-all term nowadays, these guys only get technical to defend themselves.


Let’s just call them all a nonce and be be done with it


>it's impossible to make that distinction without sounding like a pedophile. Ftfy


Yeah I saw that stand-up skit as well.


Distinction without a difference. In everyday speech everyone understands pedophile to mean sexual attraction to minors. Just because DSM makes a distinction doesn’t mean it matters. 


Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him?


A. Most women in the cultures he’s likely to be thinking of did not marry at 12 in “olden times” and the ones who did usually didn’t consummate the marriage until much later (medieval nobles, etc.). The average age at first marriage for women has been in the early 20s for most of western history. B. There’s a huge difference between 18 and 21 (not a big deal as far as I’m concerned) and 16 and 24. Sure, further down the line an eight year age gap might not be as big a deal, but not when the younger party is still in high school.


Historically, 16 and 24 wasn’t uncommon or outrageous if it was a courtship for marriage, even though most didn’t have that wide of an age gap at such a young age. A 24 year old fornicating or using a 16 year old for sex wasn’t acceptable though as relationships were only for marriage. We have to consider that the circumstances have changed and a 16 year old in the 21st century is not the same as one 100 years ago and the life stages are not the same as now that requires more education to function in society.


Outrageous? No. You're right; nobody would have seen that as predatory or pedophilic. Uncommon? Eh...that one's tougher to sort out. At least in 18th and 19th century England and the English-colonized US (my research focuses) it would have been about like an 18-year-old marrying a 20 to 24-year-old today. Acceptable, broadly, but a lot of people are going to think that the younger party is being unwise in marrying with so little life experience. It HAPPENED, but I'm not sure most people thought it was a great idea.


Maybe not for an immediate marriage, but a courtship for marriage within a few years would be almost universally accepted. Marriage with such age gap wasn’t uncommon even if not considered ideal. In fact, Thomas Edison actually married his first wife when he was 24 and she was 16. The times have changed and more education is needed, which puts people into different life stages, so such age gap isn’t compatible with modern social structures as it was historically.


Yeah, dating 16 year olds is weird. Don’t see anything wrong with a 21 year old dating an 18 year old, tho. I’ve been with 19 year olds being 25.


the thing with that though is that as you age your developmental gap gets much smaller. the brain development difference between someone 16 and someone 24 is massive, but in the years between 16 and 19/20 the brain has developed much more, and someone being 5 years older isn't as big of a deal, since brain development is close enough to be nearly negligible. it's still weird for someone in their 30-40's coming after someone any younger than 25, though imo, since the brain is fully done cooking around 25, so someone who's had a fully cooked brain for a decade+ looking for someone without a fully cooked one is kinda...eh, ykwim?


Idk, my dad is twelve years older than my mum and they married when she was like 23, they have a really healthy marriage as far as I know. I think it varies person to person. Some people are super mature at the age of 20, while others are still young, dumb and full of cum at 40. As long as people are adults.


There is actually a very large degree of variance on the cooking of the brain. It happens at different rates first each person. 25 is not a magic number where everyone’s brain is done cooking. It’s just a very roughly estimated average. It can happens significantly earlier or later. For people with ADHD, it is found that their prefrontal cortex not reach its max capacity until often about a decade later if it ever reaches the capacity of a neurotypical person. As a person with ADHD, i’m just letting you know because there is lot of information about the “brain fully develops at 25” figure. Don’t blindly follow anything you read on the Internet.


I also have adhd, actually, and i knew that fancy extra decade thing. i was speaking in generalities so the comment wouldn't be a whole essay and a half, and would be easily digestible for someone who probably didn't know all that extra info. and i know 25 is not a 'magic number', hence why i said "around 25" and not just 25. 👍


Guys who's gonna tell him that the brain only stop it's development around when you're 25yo and the youngest stages of our lifetimes are the ones that are going to have the heaviest impacts on our personalities, fears, etc (edit : if we're talking about older days, older days didn't have internet, older days seemed racism as ok, older days men were usually on wars, older days torture was considered public entertainment, but ig he doesn't know about it, after all, nobody really want to go back to those older days, except him, as it seems)


This is probably a troll.


I can 100% guarantee if the legal age was lower. He’d go lower.


"younger women" about a school girl 💀 these men have no place in society. Fucking nonce.


Painfully obvious troll.