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Dude conveniently glossed over higher suicide and suicidal tendencies rates among young female population. And when the lack of female doctors specializing on women's health starts to set in, then it is going to get "interesting". But hey, it is just fEMaLes, amirite? No harm done. It is not like they have their own inner lives, agenda or capacity to understand they slave conditions Taliban keeps them in. Hur Dur. /S


Which also ignores the high rates of maternal mortality and birth complications from women who aren’t well informed on their health


"They should have prayed harder" or insert any women-blaming zealous troglodytes of any abrahamic shade are so fond of using.


Funny, I just watched that episode of Enterprise with a three gendered race that treated the third gender as chattel instead of people, and was thinking it was a very thinly veiled shot at "women shouldn't have rights" idiots.


funny how a guy who calls himself a modern crusader is pro muslim


Bro is a crusader against women


Before reading your comment I thought the article was somebody replaying to point out it's a hypocritical statement.


Funny that a man wanting a divorce is totally fine. Henry VIII famously founded the Church of England so he could divorce is first wife. Because he blamed her for something that was his fault (no sons). Funny how that works out for men


I mean I don't think it was anyone's fault he didn't get a son but go off king


Your getting downvoted, so just in case you don’t understand why- the genetic component that affects what biological gender your child is is largely contained on the male side- somewhat famously, for all his many schemes and wife trade outs, it was (edit- *probably* )his genetics that caused his children to be mostly born female.


(Not the poster you're responding to, but--) Well, yeah, but reproductive issues are not anyone's "fault." The better way to put it would be that the genetic cause was (probably) on his side. If you want to get really pedantic about it, we don't actually *know* that was the case with him as people can have 10+ consecutive girls because of a statistical blip; it's just a theoretical explanation in hindsight. Not that I wish to waste any time or mental energy on defending such a gigantic piece of shit. I'm just cautious about using language that insinuates blame when it comes to reproductive health now that I have several friends going through infertility or experiencing miscarriages. People say even relatively well-meaning stuff all the time that implies fault (and 99% of the time, it's assumed to be on the woman, as it was in Henry VIII's time).


Male humans have an X and a Y chromosome. Female humans have 2 X chromosomes. XY = Male baby XX = Female baby Each parent gives one chromosome to their offspring. The female does not have the Y chromosome needed to make a male baby so she always gives one of her X chromosomes. The male must provide the Y chromosome. Henry the VIII likely had a genetic or reproductive issue reducing his success in giving Y chromosomes. Therefore, technically speaking it is his fault. Fault wouldn’t be an issue except he made a big show of cutting off heads and divorcing women who failed to give him sons. For this, history will always be against him. If he hadn’t mistreated and murdered so many women for something that wasn’t their fault, history would pity him because he had a disease preventing him from getting something he very understandably wanted, an heir to keep his country moving in a positive direction without bloodshed. That being said, none of the science was known at the time and female blaming was a completely acceptable practice at the time. I do respect you for trying to call a ceasefire.


That a very valid point, and you’re right that it’s important not to treat it as a deficiency- I would say though that in this case it’s only a problem at all because of sexism of the time, but that of course isn’t the case for all genetic related effects. Edit- as the person you were responding to, I want to say I think it’s BS you were downvoted for what seems to me to be an entirely good faith comment.


Thanks! I’m guessing people just didn’t read the whole comment before voting on it and thought I was either being kind to Henry VIII or misunderstanding the science. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, you don't get it. The male's sperm is what determines the gender of offspring in mammals. The gender of Henry VIII's children was entirely up to him.


I know how it works, but if you also know how it works you understand it's retarded to say that it's anyone's fault the fact that he had two daughters before he had a son


Ahh well, I did my best.


Tell me please, maybe I'm retarded, obviously I'm not defending Henry 8th, but what mental gymnastics do I need to do to in order to say that it's solely his fault for the fact that he didn't get a son at his first try? Is there a part in history I didn't know where he manually picked the sperm that would fertilize the egg and it was supposed to give him a son? Because of course it's the sperm that can give you a Y chromosome a woman cannot do it but I don't know how you can blame any party for that not happening, it's pretty much a random event and of course at the time people didn't know that because science was more of a suggestion


It’s not solely his fault, but the point is he was switching his wives (to the extent where he **killed some of them**) so that he could have a male heir. And in all probability, he had just as much odds of having a male heir if he’d had several children with his earlier wives than if he’d divorced, beheaded, etc the rest of them. It’s only an issue because he (or rather, the society he was the de facto head of) placed blame for it entirely on the woman, when if there could be said to be “blame” at all it was squarely on him.


The other poster isn't being literal that it was Henry's *fault*, as in his decisions led to all girl children. More so that he was incorrectly blaming his wives when ironically it was *his* sperms' "fault". His wives' eggs had no bearing on the sex of the children. So the fault lies in which sperms were successful, and it was his body that produced them. So it's ironic that he blamed his wives when by any argument his own body was more at fault than theirs. Yes it's a bit of an abstract argument to place blame on his body for the near random nature of which sperm actually succeeds, but you cannot argue that his wives (their bodies) had anything to do with it.


You really are embarrassing. The original commenter was stating that the male sperm decides the gender of the child. So if he was not having male child then it’s entirely a problem on his part, NOT the wives he was blaming. It’s a common sense but it’s clear not common in you


Ofc it was, do you not know how procreation works?


Wait I’m actually confused how that works. I didn’t really learn much about birthing a child


Egg is always X chromosome and sperm is either X or Y. So the sperm decides which gender the baby will be. He blamed his women but if it was anyone’s fault, it was his own


Oh so the coin flip is the father, not the mother. But it still isn’t something you can choose or control or influence right?




So now a thinking question, is it really anyone’s fault, including the man’s/sperm’s if the ending result is a 50/50 with no way to change odds?


I said it’s his fault because his sperm decides even though he blamed 6 different women. It’s not „he has 100% choice“. It’s turning the argument onto him because he was an asshole. Not because he can choose his sperm.


I meant in general not for Henry in that question. I am so not defending Henry


Technically It’s NOT anyone fault, however if a man try to find a “fault” for not having male heir as Henry tried to do then it’s always going to be the man’s fault since women has no control over it. That’s the whole point.


Again, I am not defending him. He is wrong. I’m asking in general. No one blaming anyone


Right? Lol


I mean, it isn't, he doesn't choose what sperm gets to fertilize the egg, this is the most retarded way to look at sexual reproduction and just a stupid attempt to try to attribute guilt in a place where it shouldn't be, on both sides.


I said it’s his fault because he blamed the women. It’s „if it’s anyone’s fault it’s his“. That’s called context. I never said he can literally choose the gender.


Some men are getting triggered cause they can’t accept the fact if men tried to find fault for not having male child, then it’s them who need to accept the fault. They want men to be able to blame women without ever having to take any responsibility


Women have XX chromosomes and being male comes from XY chromosomes which only men have and can pass on. A woman can’t create chromosomes she doesn’t have out of thin air


It's all about possession and control.


Divorce and abortion don't happen often in Muslim dominated countries because they still equate their laws with the laws of a 1400 year old fairy tale. Oh and because of that, women are still essentially property and without permission from men, they can't get divorced and would probably get stoned to death or imprisoned for having an abortion. You are not an autonomous living being on your own as a woman in Muslim countries. You are your father's property first and then your husband's. This is exactly why religion should have absolutely zero involvement with laws, legislature/legislation and criminal punishment in any country.


“Weird” isn’t the appropriate word here—“evil” is.


Not related to neckbeards. This is a r/facepalm circle jerk post. To make matters worse the page in the screenshot is just a bot account to attract followers to monetize


“Sexual harassment allegations”


Because these people are slavers. They believe others should be their slaves as they either have no penis or they don't share the same values. They want to have more things with less effort and project this mentality with mental gymnastics around the reality of their problem for obscure their true intentions. That's why they talk about western values, masculinity etc. We don't need these people.


Pretty funny how no one praising countries like this are lining up to migrate there


Honestly yeah it sounds pretty bad


Because they see women as robots, designed to be of service to actual life forms which is how they see themselves. They have to believe this because it's the only world in which they can be an emotional, physical, and social blob and still be seen is powerful, important, or desirable by anyone. Of course, they can try to be less lazy and selfish and more resilient and motivated, but that requires discipline and leaving their comfort zone. Thankfully, this is not how the real world works, because 1) they can't actually provide for even a small family, much less the masses of kids they imagine. and 2) in the world of the Taliban they'd never even get to see a woman ever again.


MEN don't have to worry about sexual harassment in the workplace? FFS my guy just learn to fucking control yourself


Sounds fucked up beyond infinity...yeah .


Gilead calling , Gilead calling


Was chatting with a Saudi guy last night. Newsflash: divorce and adultery are universal.


Oh man I sure hope a certain group of people would do something about it instead of focusing all of their effort where the problem is already fixed in comparison. Just a thought


Hol'up... Where's the neckbeard-ness in this post?


Ain't neckbeards plastic feminists?