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Keep it lowkey and don’t do stupid stuff, and you should be okay.


you mean like posting that he's carrying an illegal substance on reddit?


The cops really don’t care about a random dude who has a tiny amount of weed. They are so backed up with all the shootings, stabbings, suicides, overdoses etc that a weed complaint is low priority (and they often just ignore it). Don’t drive like a dingus if you’re holding, and you should be fine.


Dont commit misdemeanors when you are committing felonies! Although a couple joints would be misdemeanor possession at worst.


Spare me. These hillbilly self righteous fucks will act like they captured Pablo Escobar if they catch you with weed.


Pretty sure the cops aren’t tracking my Reditt 😂


Not local cops, no — but if you get caught, they’re for sure gonna try to look you up and find evidence to show intent or any other crime they can add on. Lol


*update so I’m here now been here for Couple days and it’s really wild here 😂 lots of people on hard drugs and prostitution don’t think I’m in a good area our coach hasn’t let us leave the hotel much not what I expected at all


Well you’re downtown, so… yeah. That’s where all the crime and general homelessness is lol


Oh yea and always wear your safety belt. Kansas seat belt is priority one and you can get pulled over for not having it on. Learned from experience.


I do everywhere haha it’s just a habit


I hear pot won't even work in Kansas


Just like PornHub


Too soon


I'm sorry....it's never happened before, I'm just nervous


…Just like reason and accountability


you got an award for this brother... well done 😭💀


Can confirm. Lived here for 10 years. Shit just doesn't work.


Only if you are on the yellow brick road does it work.


thats not in Kansas its in Oz


True true.


They still sell 3.2 beer? Back in 1979 I spent 7 months there. Being 18 and from California, it was great having a pitcher of beer with a Godfathers pizza. But not on Sunday.


Nope, 3.2 doesn't exist here anymore as far is I know!


Just don't ask a cop for a light and you should be fine.


😂ok good


Honestly as long as you aren't putting yourself on front street with it most cops don't give two shits.


Can confirm this comment. Dude the cops locked my brother up in Kansas for asking for a light. They put him in Osawatomie hospital. What a crock of crap those people are.


It's definitely not legal, but as long as you aren't driving while smoking or otherwise causing trouble I think you should be fine.


Remember to only break one law at at time. You can speed *or* you can be in possession.


Don’t commit a misdemeanor while committing a felony!


Weed is a felony there? Omg!!!


Idk, Kansas cops seeing out of state tags see a target. I had 1-2grams and papers, got slapped with paraphernalia and possession, first time ever getting any kind of ticket. $1200 and diversion later. I wouldn't risk or if it's pre-rolled make it swallowable haha, but for real, don't smoke in public or carry near someone that can smell a wiff. That's all it takes to spiral. I grew up, lived in and had Kansas tags, so everyone here acting like Kansas is chill when it's really not. The people are chill, but most cops have nothing better to do and they aren't going to be turning a blind eye.


This. You will more than likely get stopped and the KS State Police do not give a fuck about violating the law or your rights (see KS highway patrol “two step”) leave it at home, not worth the risk.


This reaction alone, that's how we know Kansas will be one of the last in the US to legalize


It’s not, unless you have a kilo of it and a scale in your car or something lol that’s just a saying I like to use.


Or concentrate/hash if I remember right


Weed is nothing but a ticket in city limits, most cops don't even care about it anymore. There are alot of weed smokers here :)


It is still federally illegal bud Ps:nice weed pun


In Wichita, I believe it still is. You're probably gambling with your future to have it, but it's up to you if the risk is worth it. Most of KS law enforcement is still vehemently anti- cannabis.


It is NOT a felony unless you have a massive amount.


Ahh, true. However, it is still a criminal charge, not an administrative citation, so it's not like just paying a traffic ticket.


Yeah once the police just took mine and told me that the new law is that a personal amount of MJ is not a big deal in wichita. I even had a sumner county sheriff by the casino not take my weed at all even though they are more strict.


The biggest risk is driving through KS while in possession. Especially if you are coming from a legal state with its plates. A speeding ticket could turn into a serious problem.


This. I'm from Salina originally but live in Michigan now. As soon as I get to Mom and Dad's I switch out to driving one of their trucks so I don't have to cruise around with Michigan plates and a vape in my pocket. No way I'm getting caught in Saline County with legal state plates. Nope, not happening.


This guy gets it! Fully agree.


Don't drive with anything in your pocket. They can search you, but not your car without probable cause. KS cops were chasing a car that came through my work parking lot. They bailed and locked the car. They had the people in custody and STILL could not legally get into their car because they had nothing on them and nothing visible in the car.


People of color definitely beware. I've been on a road trip in a rental with Texas plates out that way and saw a sheriff car do a U-turn on the interstate and roar up until he could see my pale skin, then lose interest.


Thank u for that honesty


A cop trailed my ass with Colorado plates on the highway and came off same exit just to pull me over and see if I was carrying


You don't even need that, they set up checkpoints on the interstate sometimes to stop people at random.


There has never been a checkpoint on the interstate. Fake check points yes, but actually stopping all traffic doesn't happen.


Yes I’ve seen the signs- checkpoint ahead. They’re looking for those who exit I70 after seeing the sign. Cops sitting there on the side road.


Yes that's why I said "at random". And I have been stopped in the flint hills. Specifically for that.


Because that’s what random means


Actually they can’t do that. I have three pts who are highway patrol and they don’t even look for it. They know it’s here and don’t want to do the paperwork, much to KKKobach’s chagrin.


Ah, human nature. When you can’t fix things by appealing to their goodness, fix it by appealing to their laziness.


They basically know it’s dumb to think people a block away from Missouri aren’t buying something in another state that believes in a couple of freedumbz and rites that Kansasistan under KKKobach


Didn't one of the chiefs players get busted for this?


What color were they?


Come on dude.....I'm not going to make this a thing.


Used to have Colorado plates. Got pulled over going 4 mph over... Gave me a speed warning. I wasn't carrying, but it certainly pisses me off.


It’s illegal in the state of Kansas at city, county, and state levels. However, law enforcement doesn’t seem interested in sniffing out cannabis users, only popping them if they catch you doing something else illegal first. So, first, only break one law at a time. Make sure your license, registration, and insurance are up to date. Stay with the flow of traffic or just under the speed limit. Don’t give anyone any reason to pull you over. If you do get pulled over, understand that most law enforcement officers just want to write the ticket and move on. Tickets get money. Arrests take time, energy, paperwork, and mean they have to deal with you for longer. If an officer asks “mind if I search your vehicle?” do not answer yes or no. They could “interpret” that as “yes, you may search my vehicle,” or “no, I don’t mind if you search my vehicle.” Instead, state clearly, “officer, I do NOT give you permission to search my vehicle.” Here’s an article about a common technique highway patrol likes to use regarding stops and checking for drugs: https://www.police1.com/traffic-patrol/articles/judge-orders-end-to-kan-highway-patrol-two-step-tactic-more-training-for-troopers-3iqsGhcT1Gb2IVAN/


I had Colorado plates on my car for months after moving here and I was pulled over more in those few months than the rest of my life combined. They target out of state drivers here and they wanted to search my car each and every time. I never let them and only once did they want to get a dog but the wait would’ve been too long. I never got issued a single ticket, either. They were all stops for what would otherwise be very minor traffic infractions. My tire hit the white line once and I was doing 33 in a 30 another time. Weed is illegal here and from what I’ve heard from friends of mine here, some cops get a raging hard on by finding it. Be careful. Hide it well. And for gods sake, don’t be stupid while having it in your car. It is a jailable. My wife is a correctional officer in a jail here and she sees alot of people come in with small amounts of weed. Also, keep in mind if you bring edibles in, they’ll might try and weigh the edibles and try to charge you based on the weight of the edibles. So a half pound of gummy bears could result in a charge for transporting a half pound of contraband. They typically don’t hold up but the charges are a bitch to deal with and that’s the point. Just be cautions, my friend.


A} Don't bring any. You're not addicted. B} Google the "Kansas Two Step". I don't trust the state troopers.


In the kindest least racist way I can say it, don’t do this if you’re a minority or your friends are. If you got caught as a white person with a few joints it’ll be a ticket at worst. Minority and you’ll probably get jail time (source have friends in the joco area that have had this issue)


Joco and Wichita are wildly different as far as crime/policing goes… Joco is often referred to as a bubble of suburbia. The police in Wichita have actual problems to address as to joco…. Not so much. This is coming from someone who doesn’t mind the occasional joint themselves, grew up in joco and had a parent as a joco police officer.( he was one of the cool ones.. I have friends that have been arrested by him for marijuana and have told me he was the chillest cop they ever interacted with)


> I have friends that have been arrested by him for marijuana Hard stop. Taking their weed and shooing them off would have been chill. The moral of the story is they still got arrested.


I mean you’re not wrong there 😂 but pops is a pretty ethical guy and while back in the day they could get away with having them pour it out and stomp on it… not so much in this day and age. They’ve all got body cams and multi officers per call usually so protocols have to be followed. Had one friend get caught with an ounce of weed. While pops wasn’t the officer who made the official arrest, he was on the call and just talked with the kid and kept him calm explaining the process and that it’ll just be a bump in the road for him.. All I’m saying.. is joco cops will bust you for weed regardless. Wichita cops most likely won’t if you don’t make it an issue.


(Source just trust me bro)


Kansas is one of the few places left that can arrest and charge you with a serious drug felony for any amount. Don’t take risks with Kansas State Patrol.


In the city of Lawrence KS, up to an ounce of marijuana is a $1 fine, but, Lawrence is a liberal cultural bubble compared to the rest of the state.


City of Wichita won't even bother people for little. The City no longer prosecutes possession


Don’t smoke them in your car or while walking down the street and you’ll be fine


It’s one of the states where it is the biggest deal and illegal even though it grows infields everywhere. Don’t get caught otherwise it’s straight to jail.


Where do you see pot growing in Kansas? Not challenging just asking for a friend.


There is plenty of ditch weed in Kansas from hemp farming 100+ years ago.


There’s wild marijuana that grows all over the state. Its nickname is “ditch weed,” you’d have to smoke a bunch to get you high as the THC levels are low but it naturally grows in Kansas.


About ten years ago I went to some kind of celebration at a nunnery that was also a llama farm (I swear that’s how I remember it, I don’t think I’m making this up) and there was ditch weed/ hemp growing EVERYWHERE. This was in Kansas, but I don’t really remember where, because a friend drove. I had my toddler with me and didn’t even notice the weed until I took a photo of my kid holding a toad and went back and checked to make sure their eyes were open in the photo, and then I was like oh there sure is a whole lot of weed in the background of this photo!


By the railroad tracks. Seeds were dropped by the workers who built the railroad. Also, low spots on country roads for some reason.


For a few joints? I don’t think so. A ticket at most, if they are feeling like being a dick.


It really depends on the town. Wichita maybe not, Lawrence definitely not. But if OP runs a stop sign in BFE Kansas with out of state (or county lol) tags he’s going to jail.


Despite it not being legal, cops absolutely target out of state plates. Especially if you’re from Colorado.


I’ve driven to and from Kansas with Colorado plates over 30 times for the last 10 years and have never had an issue with police targeting me. As long as you follow traffic laws and don’t drive like a dick, they won’t harass you. Almost every story I’ve read about cops harassing out of state people starts with the out of state people saying they were going 10+ MPH over the speed limit. I grew up in Kansas so I know how KHP works so that’s why I don’t speed when I cross state lines.


Going east on I-70 west of Colby at 2am, went past two hypos sitting in the median. Got stopped going exactly one mph over the speed limit in a rental. Had half his body in my passenger window interrogating me for several minutes. Asks where am I coming from, where am I going…looking around the vehicle and mostly smelling for weed. No ticket, no warning and he certainly didn’t offer me his business card. Better luck next time pig. Fuck those Facists.


Douglas County (LFK) first offense is a $1 ticket lol


Have you seen the cops in Kansas? OP should be very cautious driving through KS. Just bc laws and regulations have lessened around the country, these old Kansas cops don’t give a shit and will stop at nothing to get your “drugs”.




Yes, straight to jail.


If the joints are rolled too tight….straight to jail. If the joints are rolled too loose…..straight to jail. Too tight, too loose- jail.


Straight to jail, right away.


Umm.. NO. As someone who's been arrested for possession in Kansas, it's not just a ticket. Would be sweet if that's true, but it ain't.


In Wichita? I feel like the small towns are out for blood but in larger cities unless the cops are trying to really prove ACAB, they usually don’t bother. In high school my friends and I had our contraband taken by the police numerous times with no repercussions.


Wichita decriminalized weed in 2022. Not legal but OP won’t go to jail if caught with the joints in Wichita.


Really depends on what race OP is tbh, especially if we're talking highway patrol


Take no chances. You will get your ass thrown in jail for any weed in your possession. Kansas is a dick when it comes to weed. Cops don’t play there


KHP is getting sued over their ["two step turn" policy](https://kansasreflector.com/2023/05/02/khps-two-step-technique-for-launching-vehicle-searches-challenged-on-constitutional-grounds/) which they've been using to pull over cars and search for drugs. I personally wouldn't risk it, especially if you have out of state tags.


You’re fine in Wichita as long as you aren’t hot boxing and driving like a muppet.


I have met people coming through Kansas that have had their cars completely dismantled because there was the faint smell of marijuana. Just don't do it. I moved from Kansas to get away from marijuana oppression. Don't think it's gotten better in the past 7 years either. Definitely don't speed through small rural towns. Podunk cops with very little to do will follow you looking for ANY deviation to pull you over. Looking at you, Scott City. Find a less obtrusive way to smoke, such as vaping or even a bowl over a joint. Don't do it in your hotel room. Definitely don't do it on your car. Find a way, be it isopropyl or whatever, to get the smell off your hands before rolling out.


Just make sure you post the time and route you are taking


What you need to do is bring money and purchase THC-A Marijuana from Vapor Maven or another store. This is real flower and real weed. It is not hemp. Most marijuana has a certain level of delta 9 which is illegal. But some strains have a lower level of delta 9 and a high level of thc-a. When thc-a is burned it turns into delta 9 thc which is what you are looking for. This is a way past the law that the federal government has made. Just come out here and buy it from the store instead of bringing it. It's that easy.


This is a way to smoke weed legally in Kansas. Plus, honestly, the weed is pretty good. 20% to 30% THC levels in the strains at Vapor Maven. They have both Sativa and Indica strains as well.


So where do you get this stuff?


Vapor Maven sells it.


In my hometown of Hays, KS, a prosecutor destroyed a poor veterans’ life. He had severe PTSD and had a card for medical in nearby Colorado. He was busted for pot in Hays and they threw the book at him. They took his kids AWAY from him and into foster care. I don’t recommend traveling with it. Drug busts are a great way for little towns along I70 to shake people down.


Is there an article to share or anything? Putting kids in foster care for first time simple possession would be absolutely wild.




Thank you for this, as expected there is a lot more to it than mentioned. "The communications director for the Kansas department of children and families (DCF) declined to comment on the Schwab case but said that “children are not removed from the home for [parental] marijuana use alone”."


I got pulled over in Kansas with a couple empty dab containers in the back, unfortunately my car is very clean lol so he saw them quick, the cop just threw them away and said not to smoke and drive


Youll be fine. Up to an ounce or 3g of wax/dab is considered personal amounts and it would just get confiscated without any trouble on your end


Be careful on I-70 in west kansas or highway 54 from Nevada Mo to el dorado/eureka


If you have plates from a legal state. I'll bet they look you over twice


*If you have plates from* *A legal state. I'll bet they* *Look you over twice* \- Maximum-Face-953 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


We went to see Tom Petty there and they hauled off people smoking. At Tom Petty! Wichita is the worst. Hard pass.


Was that 10 years ago? He died in '17


Wichita doesn't prosecute for possession of MJ. It's basically decriminalized. If you have a backpack full of flower portioned into 1/4 oz. baggies it's not okay, but a small amount of personal use won't give you problems.


Also depends on if you are a POC. If you’re white, they’ll probably look the other way. You’ll be charged if you’re a POC most definitely


It's illegal, misdemeanor for possession. Just don't be stupid and you should be fine, I'd say a good 15-20% of the population smokes despite the bullshit laws, so you can definitely toke up if you got a place to do it (not your car obviously).


Weed is very much illegal in Kansas, largely because of certain Wichita state legislators.


I don’t know about Wichita but Kansas City is so close to MO it’s ignored unless you’re doing something terrible. They have bigger fish to fry but the rest of the KS is NOT chill. Rural cops are itching to find a reason to pull you over and find something wrong. Same for the nicer suburban cops. They are itching to take down a pot head. Just be smart. Be low key.


Wichita’s city council voted to “decriminalize” marijuana in city limits recently (within the last year or two). Realistically, I don’t think it protects you much, just means you’ll like be sent over to the county courthouse rather than the municipal courts depending on how much you have or if there’s other charges they can pick you up for. I know all of this bc I’m a reporter here in Wichita that covers city hall, as well as substance use issues. Just don’t be silly, and you should be fine. Welcome to Wichita!


The county has no interest in prosecuting minor possession cases.


Police here ignore weed unless you’re obnoxious.




Just be smart about it and ur good. And don't carry all ur js at once. Keep them somewhere safe and only bring one to smoke at a time so if a cops does come too close u can toss it.


Just act like you're at your mom's (assuming she doesn't approve, but also understands you're grown) during Christmas and you'll be ight.


Honestly, best advice yet




I believe this is a state where you have to keep it on the DL


It's legal here in Missouri, but not Kansas yet.


You're fine as long as you don't hot box a hotel room and have a Karen next door. In Lawrence, it's decriminalized and is literally a dollar ticket as long as you aren't caught with more than an ounce or something.


Sort of like underage drinking, it’s illegal at all levels but lots of people still partake. Don’t do anything stupid and keep it lowkey. Try not to get pulled over in possession.


It's illegal here, so don't break the law and get caught.


It's decriminalized in Wichita. You'll be fine if you just have a little. If you get outside of the city limits it is another matter. You can buy Delta 8 and 9 here. It does the job. Have fun in Wichita!


I know a guy who did 8 years of a 10 year sentence in KS for cannabis…this was in the 2000s.


It is still illegal in Kansas, and though it's been decriminalized in Wichita, it's not in the county nor the state. So, as long as you're not carrying a crap ton and making it obvious, you will probably be okay, but you can still get charged if you are busted with it... especially if by a county sheriff or state trooper.


Don’t drive after smoking and try not to smoke it around cops and that’s about it. Have fun!


And also I meant walking around smoking a joint was wondering if that would be a problem


I see a lot of cities mentioned, but no mention of Winfield. How relaxed are they there?


I wouldn't


Never break two laws at the same time and you should be ok.


Don't get caught with it


Wichita decriminalized it within the city years ago.


And the state sued (and won) to overturn that vote


Ah yes, the party of “small government” and “you can’t tell me what to do” strikes again.


The Don't Tread On Me folks love to tread on folks


“Don’t tread on *me*, I don’t care about anyone else”


I belief that’s a direct quote from your Lord and Savior


“Only sometimes step on snek!”


Step on *other* snek


Do you have a link to this? I can't seem to find anything that says it was overturned. [This is the current standing as I know it, which is "decriminalized" by repeal.](https://josephhollander.com/news-blog/wichita-weed-decriminalization-sept2022/#:~:text=On%20September%2013%2C%202022%2C%20the,the%20Council%20repealed%20Section%205.26.) I generally stay pretty up to date on city rulings, so I will be surprised if I missed them reinstating 5.26.010 and repealing the amendment to 5.26.030. The "decriminalized" in quotes is for the lack of modification of 5.26.020


Luckily Lawrence told KKKobach to piss up a flagpole when he told them they COULDN’T decriminalize it.


Just don't do anything illegal while you're carrying something illegal


Lawrence Kansas is pretty laid back as far as weed laws are concerned...


On September 13, 2022, the Wichita City Council voted 5-2 to decriminalize marijuana possession. I can't find any evidence a court overturned this decision, so simple possession of cannabis should be fine. An officer could still charge an individual under municipal ordinance and that would be a $50 fine plus court costs. Or they could charge an individual under state law but the DA might not prosecute. In Lawrence it is a $1 fine plus $63 in court costs. The Douglas County DA won't prosecute for simple possession under state law.


It depends on what you did.




Wichita really is far from Missouri to smoke a joint


The high would be gone before you got back. Lol


Oklahoma is closer and easier to get


Fyi OP will take you to jail for any amount of weed.


Just don’t speed or do anything to make them stop you like illegal turns etc. in the first place. If you see a sign about drug checks on the interstate, don’t pull over or take an exit. That’s what they’re looking for. Have seen this coming from Colorado. Have never seen them actually stop traffic going through.


It’s 100% illegal here but as long as you aren’t being dumb you’re fine. Smoke in your car or at home but keep the smell to a minimum and if you’re in your car have some ozium or right guard or something to cover the smell just in case. Just keep them in a container in a bag as well. Cops don’t have permission to go through personal belongings without probable cause. So unless the bag and car smells like weed and they explicitly say so then they have no right to search. Same with the trunk. Without probable cause they have to respect your wishes of privacy and consent to search.


I don't think I would do that.


Yeah, i probably wouldn't....but you do you, especially if you want to risk spending more time here. KHP is constantly on the primary and secondary roads in and out.


I wouldn’t be driving just smoking a joint when I leave the hotel


Come to Missouri. It’s legal


Will be stopping there for a night on the way to Kansas I’m going to KS for a competition with my sports team




No one cares except for cops and Karen's.


They will prosecute you if you get caught. You’ll feel like a real criminal.


I’ve made several trips now to MO for weed. The best thing I learned is not to break two laws at once. Drive the speed limit or 5 above and you should be perfectly fine.