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I think everyone from the area who saw Mindhunter laughed hysterically during one driving scene with BTK where he's driving into a city with mountains in the near distance, and the caption pulls up "KANSAS CITY." "Come on, Netflix, you're not even fucking trying."


https://preview.redd.it/9am0z4hb3s8d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f0b1678db2604c6d6e0597960aa6fc3e9ddecc I don’t understand what you mean /s


Mountains would be SO nice, but go figure our city officials won’t do ANYTHING to make the people happy. Everybody wants this and it would bring in so much tourism money but they’ll never go for it. It makes too much sense.


Can’t put Snow Creek outta business like that!


*Ice Creek


*Dead Brown Grass Creek


Our mayor don’t do shit, won’t even give us mountains, what BS!!


Everyone voted against the 3/8 tax to build a mountain in the crossroads!


Maybe my brain is in a weird place, but I'm stuck thinking about what would happen to Central KS if a mountain range like the Rockies just popped up over night...


It’s right up there with the Christmas Vacation scenes that take place in the mountains. You know, near Chicago. In the 6th flattest state in the union. LOL


And Ozark taking place in the nice, flat woods of the Ozark hills.


And that season that took place in Kansas City, but was shit in Chicago


I figured they drove up to Wisconsin.


The same thing happened in United States of Tara. It is supposed to take place in Johnson County, but the high school has all the lockers outside, and there are palm trees in the backyard. That shit ain't happening here, haha.


WAIT WHAT. I was obsessed with that show and I had no idea it took place anywhere other than California lmao


Yeah they talk about “using k10 to hit Lawrence” and “out to Shawnee”. It’s set in OP!


Yes! At one point, they also mention going to "a Tupperware party over in Shawnee" and the "Johnson County tow lot". Location names may have been accurate, but the visuals were way off base, haha.


I loved that show and this aspect always irritated me about it. I loved that Ted Lasso got the KC bits right. But of course we know why that is.


Wtf til 🤯


I still remember the episode where the entire neighborhood freaked out and hunkered down in a basement because of a tornado WATCH. I was cringing through the whole thing and thinking "clearly nobody involved in this episode has ever set foot outside the Los Angeles metro".


In the movie The Lookout, Joseph Gordon Levitt is a star athlete on the Raytown hockey team


well it was set at a time before they had to demolish the mountains to build the airport in Platte County




This reminds me of the show in the 90s where a meteor flew down from space and blew up a massive dam sitting right outside of KC and the resulting flood washed through downtown. ETA: Made for TV movie in 1997, Asteroid https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroid_(film)


“What is this, Raytown!!?” Overheard a woman in Leawood complaining about her trash not being picked up.


Raytona Beach is where it’s at. Pssst. … you don’t want “it”… unless it’s Harp or Pollards.


The little Chinese buffet across from Pollards is pretty legit. My mom loved that place.


Dunno if it’s still there, “Blue” something or other? Chinese place on 63rd that had some fucking legit sushi and Chinese food. There was a burger place back in the day called Jim J’s that was another hidden gem.


"Leave it to Raytown to out dot The Dot" At a Monarchs game, in a suite full of ex Ratown folks, where some cost evading shenanigans had occurred (all legal, I swear.)


Raytown ain’t got shit on CrimeDot


Who cares what she thinks, she's from Leawood.


This right here is the take


Calling Longview Community College “Harvard by the Lake.”


I’m going to add this to my lexicon, alongside “Raytona Beach.”


+ Camerohead


Man I don’t know one single person that continued their education after Longview. I’ll bet I know 25 different people that have gone there at one time or another, not one has a bachelors. Longview is where education goes to die 


I’m a proud MCC product and I now hold an MBA. We are out here! And can confirm - we totally called it Harvard on the Lake when I went there.


Nice, good work! I’m sure there are people it’s worked for I just don’t know any


I know one 🤣 Taught there for a year and really liked my experience


I'll be number 2 that's been to Longview and then went on to get my BS! Although I was a shmuck and actually got my associates degree there.




The best! During college football season this makes an appearance in our dudes chat about every week. Never gets old 🤣


Camarohead is my all time favorite insult for chiefs fans cuz it’s so fuckin stupid it’s funny


Kansas City misery


Kansas Shitty


I don't think I've ever been to anywhere in the US with city in the name where they didn't make that pun. Oklahoma Shitty. Sioux Shitty. Panama Shitty. The exception may be New York City. I've never heard anybody from there refer to it that way. But I have heard a lot of people from elsewhere refer to New York Shitty.


Even South Park beats that horse with Shitty Walk.


You can imagine the amusement in LA back when “City Wok” first opened. I don’t think I ever went in there without hearing at least one person making the South Park reference.


Yea that’s why I posted it as an afterthought, too easy


I use it most often for Wishitta


You mean wichatitty?


"EWWWWWW Grandview"






Tofundieka b/c all of the fundies/Instagram tradwives that are moving that way.


Might not be the most highbrow, but as a member of the group insulted below, I always get a kick out of it... [https://y.yarn.co/def5626e-18bf-4e33-a15f-c4c6fe9ea05c\_text.gif](https://y.yarn.co/def5626e-18bf-4e33-a15f-c4c6fe9ea05c_text.gif)


“…as there’s a drive in to deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run.”


1. This is hilarious timing for this copypasta, as I am going to the K tonight. Sports gays unite! 2. Sadly, it's not even true. The dating scene here is atrocious, no matter how gay you are.


Had to outsource to Des Moines :(


I also had to outsource to Des Moines and for me that ended poorly


Welcome to Reds live!


Oddly enough, one of the Reds radio announcers, Tommy Thrall, is from a burb of Kansas City.


As a fellow member, I might have to put that on a shirt.


Does anyone know the backstory behind that line? I grew up here but have lived in lots of big cities that historically had a larger and more out gay community than KC, especially in the era that film was made. What made them use KC instead of San Francisco, Toronto, Berlin, or any number of other cities? It just seemed so random.


It's not really making a statement about the sexual demographics of Kansas City specifically. Kansas City would have been the big city for a lot of people building the railroad. That's where the dandies come from; the city boys who don't know a cow from a bull or a mare from a gelding. A cowboy would never have been to Toronto or Berlin. They may not have even heard of them. It would be a poor reference. It also sounds better (based on the number of syllables) to say "Kansas City f*****" compared to San Francisco or Chicago.


Kan-sas Ci-ty San Fran-cis-co Same number of syllables.


You know, you're right. I guess because "City" seems like one syllable. Saying it out loud, though, San Francisco f***** would make more sense.


I think the alliteration of "Francisco" and "faggots" makes it feel unnatural when spoken. Whereas it being spoken as K C F rolls off the tongue a little better.


In the time period represented during _Blazing Saddles_, I suspect people would have been more familiar with Kansas City than San Francisco, unless they were already in San Francisco. Most of the movement of people prior to the completion of the transcontinental railroad would have been from east to west. Railroad workers would have come from the East. Cattlemen were driving herds from Texas up to Kansas and Nebraska.


Kansas City, Missouri, was incorporated as a town on June 1, 1850, and as a city on March 28, 1853. - according to Google. San Francisco was technically established in 1776, but became incorporated as a consolidated city-county in 1856, with the gold rush starting in 1849. However I completely agree with your comment, just adding context.


This is a super cool question. I always assumed it was that Kansas City was the nearest "metropolitan" town that wasn't part of the "wild west" and anywhere with culture naturally attracts the gays (can personally confirm here...). If someone else knows a more specific reason though, I am fascinated to learn!


A gay friend who studied history at UMKC pointed out it may not be an insult against KC, tho the phrase is pejorative. He suggested it comes from the historical (like old west and shit) influx of small town homosexuals flocking to a more libertine, accepting environment. Own it!


(I'm on mobile, so forgive my formatting.) I'm no historian, and I'm not familiar with this film, but I once listened to a talk by a localish professor (Dr. Amber Clifford-Napoleon) that sort of made me think that KC might have had a more progressive/gay & lesbian-friendly reputation back in the day, based on her book "Queering Kansas City Jazz": https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/nebraska/9780803262911/ According to her research, gay people were a huge part of the KC jazz scene but folks have made an effort to whitewash that history, apparently (like a lot of significant gay jazz history was left out of the documentaries "The Last of the Blue Devils" and Ken Burns' "The History of Jazz")... I don't recall all of the details, but she mentioned that 5th & 12th Avenue were a huge (but now overlooked) part of the KC Jazz scene, for one, and there was once a popular club called Dante's Inferno where drag was a huge draw. (All of the servers wore horns and devils tails. The club was made to look like a cave, and little demon statues were everywhere. It sounded rad.) Also there was another gay-friendly club on State Line road called The Spinning Wheel, where the whole club could literally spin. That club had little lights to alert them when the police were coming, because Missouri had laws about black people mixing with white people in clubs. So the club would spin when the police came and all the black people would move over to the Kansas side. But otherwise it was a "black and tan" mixed club! (The term for that type of establishment, during that period of history.) Some notable figures in these clubs... Edna Mae Jacobs was a cis woman who pretended to be a trans woman, to perform in a "sister act" with a man in drag... And there was a popular performer named "Mr. Half-and-Half"! Definitely look into it, if any of this sounds interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if cowboys heard about (or experienced) 😉 some of what led to KC's spirited, gay-friendly Jazz scene.


This is my favorite Reddit comment of the year. Thank you so much for sharing - I am adding that book to my library list immediately!! Do you have any other recommendations for a gay jazz enthusiast?


Fun story, my now FIL said this to me the first time he met me. He thought he was being funny, I gave him a look that made his legit quiver and apologized.


First thing I thought of too. Cracks me up every time. I would love to know if that line was based on anything.


Anything pertaining to drivers from Johnson County


One time I was in Alaska, on a stretch of road where we hadn't seen another car for 45 minutes. Then someone comes up around us and cuts us off. Johnson County plates.


I had this happen to me just south of Seattle on I-5 a couple years back! Californians? Texans? Nope, f’ing JoCo. Unbelievable.


I’ve had this happen in California. Obligatory Jayhawk slur followed, naturally.


lol 😂


Same exact thing, but we were in Portland!


I believed this for so long. But WY county plates are about to over take them lately it seems.


[We are Jayhawkers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWtUL5Rx364)


I miss the Border War and the vitriol it brought. I still hate MU, though just not as much now I suppose.


Same here. The basketball teams have been playing each other as of late, but it’s not the same anymore.


Same, but from the other side.


Ahem, Beakers.


A bit further South but I'm from Joplin. We'd always go 'they must be from McDonald County'


This is truth.


Hey Pittsburg gang, fucking close enough!


Not really my fav local reference, but about three times a year I get "Shottenheimer Polka" popping into my head at random... No one I know in Arkansas heard that "diss song" way back in the day, and no one I know in MO caught that snippet of radio that day. I was TEN and didn't even like football, so why the hell does this song occupy space something more useful could use instead?!


BOTs for Basic Olathe Types.


I live in Lee’s Summit, and my parents often say “It’s like we live in Raytown.” when I don’t clean up the house lol


Louisburg = thrift store Leawood.


Norm Stewart not "spending a dime in Kansas". It was always fun to have Norm come to AFH.


When I was in school Missouri came to KState and our student section roasted him. Right after a time out a student yelled, “Hey Norm, we will see you after the first round of the tournament!” Without missing a beat, Norm yelled at the student section, “I’ll see YOU at the NIT!”


Don't forget "Sit down Norm" and he would not sit down for the entire game.


My dad would adopt this during the competitive seasons when I was a kid. I miss that.


Methany (Bethany) Methsouri Missouri is the Florida of the Midwest.


I hear, and even annoy myself reciting, stupid midwest sayings like “If it wasn’t so windy out…” or “If we didn’t have such high humidity…” or “In Kansas we can have all seasons in one day!” lol 🙄


Methdependence Mo, Crimedotte County KS




Dekinger made the right call.


Lawrence was destroyed a \*couple\* times by Missourians, lmao.


Several years ago some Mizzou fans made shirts that had a photo of Lawrence on fire with the caption “Scoreboard.”


Oooof. the annoying thing is the fact that it was burned to intimidate people into voting Kansas in as a slave state the first time. then the second time like 200 people were murdered. It's not *exactly* something I'd make light of in the context of a sports game.


You and I are agree this. I’m born and raised far north Missourian and while I have many problems with this state, that is way beyond “pride”.


hard agree. a lot of the crap people pulled in this state before and during the civil war was pretty disturbing. I will say that the Lawrence Massacre was led by someone out of state (Quantrill was from OH technically), though people like the James brothers ran with him at one point, and a whole *hell* of a lot of Missourians rode with him that day (including Frank James). They said it was revenge for the prison collapse among other things, but really it was just an excuse to commit wanton acts of destruction and cruelty. Not a point of pride. at all.


The James brothers thing is because the North. I read a while back that their step-father was some sort of preacher and didn’t want to join either side. North soldiers either killed him or wounded him very bad, so they joined not because of slavery or ties to the south but as a revenge against the horrible people that were part of the north that did that. Also from what I’ve read, they agreed with the North’s concepts but then those soldiers committed that act. To that point, I understand. I’d want the other side dead too.


Definitely-- there was a *lot* of personal opinion and experience tied up in the stuff that a lot of people did. It's strange, the James' experience with their stepfather lines up almost identically with that of Cole Younger who was also part of their gang along with his brothers at one point, and had similar experiences. he was from Harrisonville, and joined up with Quantrill/ became an outlaw to avenge his father, who was murdered by Union soldiers. A lot of it was morally gray. But some people (Quantrill and Bloody Bill for example), just really liked killing and hurting and terrorizing people imo. And definitely without a good reason, unlike, say John Brown.


Totally agreed. My home county had a Union fort so we tend to be a bit cavalier growing up with our “we’re morally perfect because we were the north! That means everything south was redneck and garbage!” Then you get older and start reading individual accounts and yiiiiiikes. War is f’d up, but to have it be sometimes house to house? I can’t even imagine. There are parallels to today but I’m not dare insinuating it’s at that level. I gotta say, it’s so nice to have a civil, rational conversation. Thank you for this.


Sad that types who would be pro-slavery today would do the exact same fucking thing.


My grandfather used to call bad drivers Hoosiers. When the basketball movie came out I couldn’t understand why they named it a slur. I thought it just meant idiot or something.


Growing up in Independence, we heard "Spindapendence," "meth capitol of the world" and the like. Kind of can't argue with it with the amount of methheads walking the street lmao


>a lot of significant gay jazz history was left out of the documentaries You tellin me Ellington and Strayhorn weren't just songwriting partners?




August... In Kansas City... It- it's... It's hotter than two rats in a [fucking old sock.](https://youtu.be/GtImIqR5neU)


Clamses City Queefs


I’m originally from Louisiana and I come from a little cluster of 3 cities that are affectionally referred to as the “Tri-shitty.”