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Start with the school district. It's probably too late to sign up for summer camp, but districts typically send emails about activity opportunities. School is obviously the easiest place to socialize. What about rec league sports? Those are grouped by age. You can even volunteer to coach or help.


She is interested in volleyball so this might bean option


There ya go.


Volleyball is great. Check out Centerline


Feel free to DM me, a friend of mine coaches volleyball for middleschool/high school girls. 10 may be too young but I can ask her if there is a younger league or if she'd coach someone that age? There is also Eclipse up north, I know the Director and they should have all ages available. It's in door vball, but otherwise if it's sand there's: The river market courts (used by KC Crew), Shawnee Mission Sand Vball, and Volleyball Beach out in Martin City


I 2nd this. Also remember that you don't have to live in that district to use their summer enrichment programs. So if you live in Turner district and find an opening in Shawnee Mission or Olathe, you can enroll in that program instead.


Have you thought about Girl Scouts? Most troops take a summer hiatus but restart meeting in September. BUT If you register your membership now, you can sign her up for day camps and activities at the 2 local Girl Scout camps. Edit: also most levels of scouts now have a cyber security badge that teaches them online safety.


Girl Scouts kept me out of trouble. I practically lived outdoors and learned a ton. I believe Camp Prairie Schooner has day camp right now.


The library has a ton of programs, clubs, and meetups. Also, start with what she likes. Is she athletic? Look at parks & rec for your county. Is she looking for something unique? We have a thriving busker community. There's also a forge/welding club for teens in Raytown. Is she into crafting, reading, or anime? Lots of resources at the library. If she hates everything (valid when you're a teen, esp uprooted), give her 6 assorted choices and let her pick her favorite, IMO.


> Is she looking for something unique? We have a thriving busker community. ...did you just suggest that a 10 year old basically go hustle for spare change?


Yes. Cost of living is going up, after all. Really though, I know several people who do busking stuff for fun (yo-yo, fire tricks, an aerialist) and teach kids to do it too.




Level with her about the VR chat, make sure she isn't being groomed or abused in any way, it really is the wild west of the Internet, so many child predators


That sounds like a horrible place for a 10 year old.




There are lots of summer camps through Johnson county parks and rec and JCCC in OP, I’m sure there are some wherever you are as well. Lots of libraries also have makers space and other classes. There’s also the pools and skating rinks


Check your county rec department for sports camps!


Take her to gymnastics open gym from edge or mercury or something like that


The YMCA facility/pool might be a good option. I haven't been to any of the KC locations, however I used to work at a Y for years and they're usually pretty family centered facilities!


1. Some private schools in the area also have summer programs if you find the public school ones are full. 2. The Jewish Community Center has a great summer program lineup usually or at least they did when I was growing up. 3 and most importantly: you’re doing great, way to catch her before she got herself in a dangerous situation.


Jewish community center still does, and you don't have to be jewish to be a member.


These are some great ideas but I would also suggest looking into internet safety classes for not just her, but possibly as a family as well. 1. It will portray as the family vs the problem not her vs you and 2. I hate to say this, but from your recent posts/comments people can identify where you live and your connection to certain school districts. Everyone could use some guidance for online. [Website with links to other resources ](https://www.ebit.ks.gov/divisions/information-security-office-kiso/training/tips-for-kids) [Safety workshop in Lenxa](https://www.lenexa.com/City-Services/Public-Safety/Police-Programs-Training/Internet-Safety-Workshops)


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


This is a great suggestion. My 12 yo is interested in boxing which is excellent for exercise and also self defence.


All the libraries in KC (KCPL, MCPL at least) have summer programs for kids and tons of events for kids to hang out together and learn or play! ETA: Your local librarian(s) will also be able to help you find more things like this that aren’t library-related. Sports, theatre, dance, STEM, etc!


Thank you much I. Want to say I posted this main post when I was very upset I don’t think I proof read so probably some errors in my text fat thumbs and I was so mad. So update the VE is gone now we are letting her have her phone while in the living room room with us. Only. She also wrote me a report a why age restriction are there. And we went over grooming in detail as much as possible I re approached her today and calmly asked if there was anything that has happened that we could talk about. And also straight up ask her if she’d been approached. Her aditude has been better about the whole thing. I’m glad we are very close. I explained also where my anger and frustration was coming from and that it is my job to get be stay involved I am here to help her stay between the lines and help her to grow. We talked about some of the other thing I saw here and I want to say thank you for all the input with so much information out there on the web. I looked at some apps that I can follow the kids if they are on certain games but at the end of the day the VR is very hard to monitor. We are going to try out some new activities and hopefully it will just be forgot about (the VR) I myself am a recovering addict been to prison a whole bunch seen the very ugly side of some very bad people that might be another factor as to why I take it so seriously but I agree its appropriate to be this concerned my wife. Turned out to be the one to say the vr is not ever available again to the kids she is just as concerned as I am. Was just caught off guard by my outburst. Thanks again and if any one knows of some cheaper or free stuff for the girls lmk I unfortunately was hurt at work I’ve been out since my surgery last week. So things are tight we are managing cost of living but not much room for extra I saw the library has good resources I’ll check that I am glad I have had this time at home idk if I would of caught this situation if not. Our church Christ Community has lots of of stuff for kids I am going to get with the youth pastor I’m sure he has some program ideas as well


I'm glad you're taking it seriously. So many parents in this age just let their children do whatever they want on the Internet and the detrimental effects are very obvious, even in young kids. I would REALLY recommend getting ahold of your local teen/children's librarian. They truly have so many things for kids to do and librarians will know or be able to point you in the right direction for low cost or free events for kids. Getting her outside and playing with other kids her age will help a lot too! On Facebook, there are local "Buy Nothing" groups sponsored by [https://buynothingproject.org/](https://buynothingproject.org/) that could also help you. It's always worth it to ask the people in your area what THEIR kids are doing - it will lead to good stuff for your kids too!


When I was her age Johnson County Community College offered a ton a quality enrichment classes during the summer - I took the medieval castle one several times in fact- probably too late in the season for that now but perhaps keep in mind for next year. Check your local library, they sometimes offer hang outs for kids in her age range based on interests (when I was in middle school they had an anime day, a stop motion class, a Sherlock Holmes one etc) Have you considered Girl Scouts (or Scouts?)? I really enjoyed the structure and volunteering opportunities they provided me and for at least 10 years of my life the summer camp was the highlight of my year, I still look back on it with the fondest of memories.


Kansas City Young Audiences has theater, music, and dance classes RoKC has climbing clubs for children arranged by age and experience Campfire Kids has all sorts of fun activities, as well


4-H is an excellent program for youth, your daughter is the perfect age to start. It’s not just for country kids. She’ll make long term friends, boys and girls, learn STEM, and valuable life skills. I believe it’s free to join. Summer is the best time to participate in project meetings and experience the county fair, though 4-H is a year round program.


Dance class.  MLK park is always pretty busy.  Join the zoo. Chiefs flag football takes girls.  It's a little disorganized and the season just ended. Parks & rec sports for your city.  You gotta support it tho with the play-dates.  KC is a pretty car dependant place. 




We are involved with youth church I have only been going Sundays but I know they at the very least they have a Wednesday night kids service I


Most places will have summer camps too. I know in Lee Summit there are several affordable camps for kids her age.


A simple park bro. Think how we did things as children..


Church, youth group.


Down votes must be the people who wanna talk to a kid on VR lol 


You must be joking. I guess you missed the story about the pastor/groomer.


Stories* it's not just 1 time. If you want to keep your kids away from pedos, keep them away from cults.

