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A well-meaning but unequipped man is attempting to help the less fortunate. He goes by Jerry and is well known in the area. Unfortunately this spot is a gathering ground for all sorts of unscrupulous behaviors. The childcare center next door often found drug needles discarded on the sidewalk and parking lots. People seem to come and go after foraging around in the bins out front. The building caught on fire a few months ago and should have been torn down. Somehow the owner who can barely keep his property standing always catches a legal break when he needs one. My conspiracy theory is that a big block developer is backing this endeavor to drive the property values down along this section of troost. Once they have decimated the commercial values in the area they will swoop in to "develop" the area...


I used to be friends with him on Facebook and he would regularly complain about everyone was out to get him. I agree that he's very well meaning but there seemed to be some unresolved mental health issues going on.


He's the main reason I don't use Nextdoor. He would rant constantly (usually with his catchphrase "Hello I'm Jerry 27-year brain cancer guy" or something like that) with the exact paranoia you're referencing. He is unable to take any criticism because, in his mind, he's handicapped and he's "helping others."


That pretty well sums up my experience with him.


Nextdoor kind of turned into a vigilante network.


"SPECIAL ALERT Suspicious person in brown uniform and brown truck going door to door and leaving boxes. Probably terrorist leaving bombs!"


Most definitely did. They banned me because I wouldn’t use my real name. I wouldn’t mind if there were not so many wack jobs on there but with the current vigilantes no way! 😂😂😂


/facebook-level non sequiturs


Used to live near him. He is well meaning, and apparently comes from a super wealthy family (maybe why it hasn't been torn down?), but he also is a hoarder to the point that one time he had me help try to find his missing dog, and it turned out it was under a pile of stuff in his apartment that feel over. He's crazy but a harmless crazy. Wouldn't recommend living near him though.


What was the status of the dog? You forgot to mention, although I can only assume that it met a dark fate


Sorry. He was okay in general. Nothing broken. But I don't know how long he was stuck there.


That dog reading reddit: "Harmless", my ass!!


You hit the nail on the head. Very well meaning guy but he doesn't have nearly the capital needed to undertake such a feat. It's wild that it's been allowed to continue and not demolished.


> My conspiracy theory is that a big block developer is backing this endeavor to drive the property values down along this section of troost. Once they have decimated the commercial values in the area they will swoop in to "develop" the area... This is where the term "blockbusting" originally came from.


They did that shit in the neighborhood that was where the midtown Costco and Home Depot now reside. They’d pay people to just shoot guns in the area.


Is that Hyde Park? I heard it gentrified so quickly.


I learned a new term today


I wouldn't call that a conspiracy theory so much as taking actual facts and applying them here. I live north of the river, and it's as if about 10 years ago some one discovered that North Kansas City is just right across the river from downtown, and they started developing the shit out of it. Lots of shady shit is going on in NKC to kind of lubricate anything that makes that 1% cheaper for out of town developers. So your conspiracy theory doesn't sound like a conspiracy at all.


>So your conspiracy theory doesn't sound like a conspiracy at all. That's what a conspiracy is tho! You should say that his idea is more of a conspiracy *fact*


There's something in the water in the Northland. It's not relatively safe like it was 10 years ago. Not just the violence, but health issues as well. Seems like everyone i know has some sort of weird autoimmune issue that developed over the last few years, and several people have just up and walked away from their cars/homes/jobs etc around the area of I-29 and Barry road. Like, they just go missing after having some sort of mental health crisis.


Lived on the same street as the guy for 2 years (just moved recently) and idk he’s chill. You think the building is wild he has a van that’s overflowing with stuff and then bought (I assume) a short bus that was already getting full when I moved out. I want to commend him cause he LITERALLY dumpster dives and if it’s in the name of helping people then that’s good but yea idk how I feel about him fr


Dunno why someone downvoted you for just shooting straight.


There are graffiti crews that are on the take from the same people. As soon as a building is empty it gets covered in throwies and original buyers back out and the realtors lowball or they just renegotiate terms if they were original buyers to begin with. BK right down the street from this building is one example.


Oh wow, he’s still around? I met him back when Reconciliation did their Friday night meals. I’m guessing circa 2011 or so. Seemed like a nice guy but I only chit chatted with him once a week for a year or two. Sad to see it hasn’t taken off like he’d hoped.


Yes. I dealt with him when someone was accusing him of stealing some cats. He is a nice guy, but sort of not mentally there.


Honestly Jerry is a very nice guy, who like you said is doing his best to help others. When I was working at the animal shelter, his dog Splish was brought in as a stray. We fixed his dog for free, microchipped, and vaccinated him and Jerry was very appreciative. He gets a lot of help from friends from the church he goes to. He's an older man, I think in his 40s? I'm glad that he's trying to help the community. Maybe if others in the community helped with the building it could do a lot more good.


> Maybe if others in the community helped with the building it could do a lot more good. They've tried. If you try to suggest anything slightly different than what Jerry wants, he refuses and acts persecuted.


You really took the words out of my hands. I was literally coming to comment this!!! Excellently stated. 100 percent true!!!


I've entertained that same theory for a while too. I pretty much look at most of those developers as opportunists and corrupt. Paying off opportunist, corrupt politicians.. Sending the displaced to parts unknown, and basically treating it as " I got mine, fuck you".


Wait, you just described the entire republican ideology.


It's not just the Republicans. Democrats do the same shit! Get over yourself! It's the whole reason I don't vote for either party and not once single party. I vote based on MY OWN ACTUAL RESEARCH, and will always vote across party lines when I see a good candidate. You should try it. Having your OWN opinion is truly freeing!


Actually, I was speaking mostly about the last part. I know there is corruption and greed everywhere. But on a fundamental level, those that align more with the Democratic Party tend to view things more globally. They tend to think about how things affect society as a whole because they realize that, as a member of society, they likely stand to benefit from societal improvements, even if they are not a direct recipient. I.e., reducing poverty reduces crime because poverty is the number one predictor of criminality. I may not qualify for the poverty reduction program, but everyone benefits from less crime so I support this idea. Those that lean Republican tend to think more tribally. By that I mean that they look at things from the perspective of how it will benefit their inner circle first, and then assess how it will ripple out. I.e., my family is struggling because our taxes are too high. A program that reduces taxes would also help my in-laws and some of my cousins. Lower taxes would mean more money in everyone’s pockets so I support that idea. In other words, if they tend to look at whether it benefits their tribe directly, be that family, church group, neighbor hood, city, etc. As long as they get their share, others can have some, too. It’s just two different ways at looking at things and why the policies are often so divergent, even when the goal is similar, in this case improving people’s financial situation.


That's your problem right there; you're still not listening. MORE THAN 2 PARTIES IS BETTER THAN "THIS PIECE OF SHIT OR THAT PIECE OF SHIT".


I think your conspirators succeeded in phase I a few decades ago.


You are not wrong! Although the area has gotten a lot nicer the last few years. Quite a bit of troost has been on the up as of late.


Yeah well, one thing I know for sure is that anyone trying to good and help people is going to be criticized by a bunch of people who aren't doing anything themselves.


you taught me Something today


Those articles give you the official background and you should read them, but my take as a resident of the neighborhood two blocks away is this: it needs to change hands or be demolished. Jerry will never fix this up and it's a hoarder hole. It is full to the brim with shit. Garbage. It creates issues for local businesses (ask Dontavious at Equal Minded) and is a magnet for bad shit. During the pandemic, there was open drug use, prostitution, and the place almost burned down (probably would've been for the better). That stretch of Troost lacks any sort of draw like a restaurant or other development. This takes up precious space and only causes problems. Please, for the love of God, let it finally be demolished and redeveloped.


I agree. What I find maddening is that if this building was anywhere near developed property (plaza, river market, main) it would have been condemned and raised by the city already. Someone keeps stopping the city from doing its job and condemning this unsafe property. I think Jerry is a nice guy but he is way over his head.


Neighbors shouldn’t have to do all the advocating but sounds like a large presence at a city council meeting or code enforcement meeting is in order.


It would not surprise me that a certain councilperson for that area that is getting campaign funds from that landlord not to tear it down.


Not unless that council person is being bribed with secondhand clothes and wild mint grown in an alley.


![gif](giphy|8UHwSpCsVrlYsFK8py|downsized) Heard!


If I know who that councilperson is, they are part of the big PAC that basically runs KC.


Guess I wasn’t aware that anyone was running the city. 😂


At least KC Wolf, Slugger, Cheezle the Maverick, and Kasey the Kangaroo could do a better job than we have right now.


Is this the same Jerry that us older folks would remember as Westport Jerry? He moved to the Plaza after his only Westport cheerleader went out of business. He was known to be a very aggressive panhandler.


Nope. Cheeseburger Jerry Mazer is much older, if he's still alive.


Pretty sure cheeseburger Jerry died some years back. Fun fact, he was banned from the Plaza for several years. I met the lawyer who got it done. Unfortunately, the ban expired.


Actually, sidewalks are public property and he won the case. https://www.kcconfidential.com/2011/03/25/today-wanted-dead-or-alive-proof-as-to-the-whereabouts-of-jerry-mazer/ got an ordinance banning bumming on the Plaza overturned. Not only that, the city had to cough up some cash for Mazer’s trouble to settle the case


I think he was required to be a certain distance from shop doors. Damn, I really had forgotten that he’d won that. Explains how he went from bad hygiene to wearing clean clothes after his “shifts”.


That's probably it. If I have dollars, i always give it when asked, or I'll offer if obvious, along with water or granola bar. Every time. 99 percent might not need it, but somebody did.


I figured he must have passed. I would be shocked if he was still above the ground.


Jerry Mazer? Nope - I heard that he died.




I first moved to midtown around 2006. Not sure when I first noticed it but it always had this vibe.


I'm a courier and drive by it often. I've seen people on the nod out in front or on the side more than once.




That's where they stored the 90s after Y2K


Thank you for the hardest laugh I've had in a while


https://www.thepitchkc.com/jerry-crowell-dreams-big-for-his-crumbling-pink-building-on-troost/ https://www.kansascity.com/news/your-kcq/article263925076.html


Articles are 10 years apart with the owner having the same stated goals. Despite all the feel good angles, to me it seems like either a scam, or just a well-meaning idiot. The kind of people who do this to their car are on the same level of nuts. Thanks for providing the articles, though.


Here's another article focusing on the condition of the building itself and the struggle over whether it should be torn down: [https://thebeaconnews.org/stories/2021/05/17/kansas-city-dangerous-buildings/](https://thebeaconnews.org/stories/2021/05/17/kansas-city-dangerous-buildings/)


Thank you for this! I had no idea this existed and I think what he is trying to do is amazing. It's hard work and he will need a lot of help to reach his goal.


As someone who lives in the area I can assure you this is not what you think it is. Jerry is well meaning but he is going to get someone hurt or worse. This building is barely standing and is a beacon for all sorts of nefarious activities. He is a nice guy, but he isn't equipped to even bring his building up to code (it has no roof). It should be torn down and those folks he wants to "help" need to be directed to professional services.


It sucks the truth is often shouted down. For people who live in the area, we all know about Jerry and wish he'd go away. But because of his disability and because of the nature of the work he's *trying* to do, anyone who speaks out against him is often shut down.








They've tried. Many times.


I appreciate where your heart is at, I really do. The unfortunate thing is that a lot of people live there and we have a pretty universal view. Have you ever spoken with Jerry? He's not a kind person to his neighbors. He doesn't seek help and he has no plan. THIS is it. That building is THE reason the childcare center shut down in a time when there is a huge lack of affordable options.


It's a terrible shame folks nearby have to deal with this blight. It and the nearby abandoned properties bring awful people around.


Funny, I thought it was the new oddly correct that was bringing the awful people around.


It is but just a different kind of awful.




He's definitely not nice. Dude tried to run over my neighbor bc said neighbor asked him not to leave garbage on the ground as he was dumpster diving. He also side swiped my car and never paid for it.


All I know is from the new link that was posted about what his dream is for the place.


That article is 10 years old!


And nothing has changed with that place, other than some paint and a fire.


There's a Van located roughly around 37th St and Broadway/Central that I used to pass by all the time while walking my dog that looks like this building but on Wheels. I think it had to do with a Catholic Charity. Idk if the guy lived around there but I'm making the connection. I actually looked up the address on Google Maps and saw that exact van in front of this building on the street so I guess they were connected. I used to see that van every day and honestly don't know how that guy could even drive that thing. It was always packed full to the brim.


Probably the same one Dwayne stole.




Nightmare neighbor


On maps, the back yard looks like it is overflowing with garbage. One would assume that'd be the first thing to do once acquiring a property; get rid of the trash? Especially if it's supposed to be a church...


Went there once and bought a dehumidifier in a pinch several years ago. Full to the brim of stuff, like mentioned above


Used to live near this. Always attracted people that I would prefer not around my property. Multiple times I have seen people passed out in the parking lot. Needles everywhere.


I live about five minutes from here and it’s constantly homeless and street walkers. Most of the time they mind their own but when my kids start asking what is going on. It’s not a conversation I am ready to have. It’s very sad to see all the poverty as lots of people are suffering and at risk of homelessness on one hand I know it’s hard to keep pushing but I am a 7 time felon I have only been out two years and I have a house in my name. I rent. I have a car I have a job it’s not ideal but it pays 23$ an hour. I have a violent case and trafficking drugs so I can not get food stamps I have four kids at home two teenagers and yeah we sacrifice A lot but we are keeping it together I have been out of work for over a month and was blessed to get some assistance. For this to happen I had to put in serious phone calls like all day everyday over the last month resources are bare. Every one is hurting Trying to balance feeling on this issue is hard I know it’s easy to lose everything sometimes one choice away. But I also know it it possible to do good because I am. And life has thrown me major curve balls lately. There are lots of places like this around the city I’m pretty close to prospect and @ 55 th street and you can’t even get out the car at the gas station so many people asking for money I can’t have my kids get out At all hookers and pan handlers and they are aggressive like scare my kids


Good for you for making a better life for your family.


God bless you and your family. I pray that He strengthens you daily, and blesses you and your children. May each step forward be a bit easier.


That’s the new Meow Wolf KC


i think it’s called splash or something, i don’t know the story on it, but i DO know that it’s a prime area for crime. and i mean police crime. this is not at all what you asked, but once as i was driving down troost, i had to pull over right at this place and bear witness as a three policeman ganged up on a presumably homeless man. knees on his back, all three of them holding him down on the concrete. other people pulled over alongside me and came out to stand by me as I was recording the cops. Once a large group of us appeared, the cops seemed to change their mind and got off of this man and let him walk free. insanity. edit clarity


cop watching like this is so important.


Like most things, these discussions seem to lack a lot of nuance.


Looks like a gingerbread house or some I'd look out for wicked witchs


The guy who owns it lives down the street from my boyfriends old place. I believe he means well, but he was constantly digging through the dumpster (even opening up trash bags) and collecting junk to put here. His white van was full to the absolute brim with shit. He had shit stacked on top too. Again I think he means well, trying to gather stuff for homeless people or those who are less fortunate. But highly doubt he found anything worthy of much digging in the trash.


Places like this are always riddled with meth heads and opiate addicts. And all the associated crime that comes with those lifestyles. If that's your thing go for it I guess.


I have a feeling a lot of you who are complaining about the building have not lived in KC long enough or are just now moving into Troost lmao


I'll bite. What do you mean?


It used to be much crazier around these blocks I don’t think you realize how much has changed in the last decade. Jerry isn’t the problem.


I know. I've been here. Jerry was a problem back then and he's a problem now.


Gentrification is likely what you’re biting into.


You may be right, I just moved on troost down the street .. and I’m having to chase junkies off my back porch on the regular. I’m from New Orleans and have been working the FQ for a decade so it’s not like I’m not use to homeless, drugs.. etc.. This is a level I wasn’t prepared for. I thought the pink building looked fun, I kinda love the folk art vibe. I just didn’t know what the heck it was about. Sad that it’s such a negative thing in reality though.




Is that the new PWyc coffee shop? Made the news this week though I think it reopened in April. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fox4kc.com/business/troost-ave-cafe-and-community-services-are-coming-back-home/amp/ Grand opening in 3 weeks


This is what life in LA will do to you.


What in the entire fuck does that mean?