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You mean the jocks that peaked in high school and joined the force as a means to hold some of that bully energy in their sad adult life are not setting a good example?! ![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g)


Hey! As a former high school jock I take offense to the implication that I would ever become a cop. Ive got better morals than that, thank you very much.


Lucky, usually they just hit the cherry’s and blow the intersection… it would be different if we all thought they were going to combat some type of real crime


The ~~jocks that peaked in high school~~ **Band/ROTC kids the jocks bullied**, based on the two kids in my class who I know are cops now.


10 points for you! I'm gonna stick to my original comment as it's a more realistic scenario. Cool anomaly you go there tho!


Well, it’s better than the all too common sight of them turning on the sirens just to blow through a red light then turning them back off.


I'm a transplant, but I've been here 20 years. The first time I saw this, I was amazed. Now I am just like oh yah - this guy's going to run this light with his lights on and then turn them off. It's total B.S.


Oh you're not a KC native so you are excused from knowing that they are above the law.


Back in high school, I would always stop at QT on 150 and 291 on my way home from work. The Greenwood and Lake Winnebago cops were notorious for doing that when they were leaving that QT.


I have to deal with Greenwood cops daily. I refer to them as Deputy Dispshits.....been pulled over twice and they just seem so Paul Blart Mall cop😂


Most cops are closer to Nick Frost's character in Hott Fuzz than they are to Simon Peg's character




Should, but nobody holds them accountable.


Who will police the police?


obviously the police are the only ones that can best police the police.


yea the cops are shit drivers around here, extreme speeding no lights, using lights to bypass signals and signage, i mean hell i got video of someone breaking into a neighbors house and they didnt even want it ok then


Probably only had one donut left at the Dunkin Donuts.


Probably the same cop you see in a sideshow 😭😭


90% of KCPD staff looks like they should be guarding the entrance to a shopping mall instead of on the streets “protecting and serving”




I'm in Quality Hill and they like to turn on and off their sirens so they can skip lights, so fun!


Look, Im with you guys 100% but they have a ridiculously hard job for ridiculously low pay. And the way the system is set up is that it is way more rewarding to pull over law abiding citizens and ticket them for minor infractions , ( speeding, plates, left turns) than it is for them to face criminals….. this is not the officers fault, it is the fault of the legislature and the system they work in every day. I am not for de-funding the police… we need to be talking about re-funding the police, re-allocating resources to the places we know are causing issues. I would support a bill that disallowed police officers to ticket or detain anyone driving to and from work… even if those people are in the system… they have to work to pay their debts to society… police should be there to catch CRIMINALS that’s it


Starting salary for KCPD is 68K a year. Veteran officers can pull 6 figures with the new pay scale. The issue is not pay.


They started doing traffic stops now?


Oh, you sweet summer child...


Yes, I know logic is ridiculous


You’re not even arguing the point on hand. I’m not sure you understand what the post was about. This post was about PO breaking the law and you just went into a tangent about how police need more funding. Two completely separate issues. Dumbass


Brother, it's been a while since my formal logic courses at college. But unless they've updated it in the last 15 years in a way that they hadn't for the past few millenia, that ain't logic.


Lmao. So having a shit job means you can just ignore laws now? 75% of the city should be entitled to blow through red lights then


They do


“Their job is hard so they should be able to do whatever they want” is the most dogshit take I’ve ever heard


(catch criminals) theres part of the problem with your thinking, REACTIONARY, they should prevent crime (yes still catch criminals but they dont prevent crime anymore), the main issue is they dont do their job they are only reactionary and act psychotic. and blaming legislature for cops being unhinged is damaging at best. ive spent my whole life being told all this is up to the discretion of the officers their hands are not tied. ive never seen someone pulled over for any lane misuse or even running red lights in front of a cop but ive seen it all happen pretty regularly but of course they dont react to that stuff because they do it too its normal for them. now to surmise im probably an unhinged radical but this is just my mini rant


Policing has \*never\* been about crime prevention, and never will be.

