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Why cover the cupids bow?


![gif](giphy|J617sNmicdT8U07pdO) It’s very Fran Smith


It's a trending method to make your lips look fuller and more rounded/youthful.


In reality it gives muppet lips. It doesn’t look natural or more youthful, it just makes you wonder if it was a bad lip plump.


Yes this trend is bonkers to me, they all look like 2 year olds that got ahold of their mom’s makeup


Agreed! Plus what’s wrong with Cupid’s bows? I think they can look really pretty, like Rihanna’s defined cupids bow


I get compliments on my cupids bow. It’s random 😂


nothing is wrong with the Golden triangle ratio of faces and what biologically we think is attractive. Cupids bow is a trait that shows youth and fertility . Having good symmetry in your face is attractive in general regardless of your eye/lip/nose features.


honestly it’s just too much filler. I have lip filler and i still have a cupids bow but i get like 0.5 mL every 18 months


I love my cupids bow but I think my lips just need a *little* umph …definitely debating .5 mL. How many times have you got them done? I’m scared about migration but I thought with .5mL it maybe wouldn’t do it?


Pm me. I’m more than happy to share my knowledge. :) And I’ve gotten it done probably 5? 6? Times? I have Volbella. And a great injector.


To me she looks like a 42 year old, who is trying to look younger … I feel like she messed with her face too much & absolutely nothing wrong with being 42 , but when your in your twenties and have millions at your disposal maybe go the more natural route because I shudder to think what she will actually look like in her 40s….


I feel sad for her that she felt like doing all that was necessary but it makes complete sense when you think about the culture she grew up in. Unfortunately she’s a bit botched.


Let’s not forget people talk shit about her every day. People she didn’t even know existed until she saw their comment. My self-esteem about my appearance would be fucked too.


I don’t feel sorry for her at all, are you kidding me? She has caused so much damage to young impressionable girls everywhere, lied for years and still downplays all of the surgeries meanwhile selling her lip kits & products and these young girls HOPE to look just like Kylie.. meanwhile Kylie has spent millions on surgeries and treatments and perpetuates a unhealthy standard, and doesn’t come clean and tell her young fans “yes I spent millions to look like this”


I agree. At her age I looked like a baby. What is she going to look like in her 40s!?! Her face looks like she got a bad facelift. But who gets a facelift in their 20s!?!


I feel like there is a conspiracy to get women in their twenties to do a bunch of cosmetic stuff so they look older, so then you kind of can't tell how old anyone is anymore. I look at 25 year olds and honestly if they're 42.


Wait who is doing the conspiracy is it the plastic surgery industry ensuring they will always have customers bc so many women of entire generations fucked up their faces so young that they will have to possibly spend the rest of their lives up keeping it, fixing it, nipping it, tucking it, just ensuring some kind of facial and body dysmorphia that drives the clients to do more, more, more? Like it’s addictive I hear. Or is it just nasty old men who want an excuse to look less ridiculous with very young sugar babies?! Is it like get them to spend spend spend to look older and more sophisticated and then when they start to see their looks are aging them, spend the second part of their lives trying desperately to spend spend spend to look younger?


I have the same theory!!!


Her dad.


I’m 43 and look better than this


I turned 40 today and was like, “woah I look at LEAST 5 years younger than her!” It was a nice bday gift lol.


I turned 40 today and was like, “woah I look at LEAST 5 years younger than her!” It was a nice bday gift lol.


I can’t unsee muppet lips now


Futurama lips lol


Janice will be proud.




It honestly looks nice if your lips are naturally full. When you add it on top of lip fillers, all it does is highlight any filler migration and that rounded protrusion gives muppets.


I’m sure some people think over lining looks nice. To me it looks horrible. Sloppy and fake, and why on earth would you want to lose your Cupid’s bow? Who thinks fish lips are prettier?


It’s giving her the opposite of youthful in her case. I have some big ol’ soup coolers myself, but even I still have a prominent Cupid’s bow. These lip fillers just make everyone look like a sea bass or trout.


Soup coolers is such a new term for me 😭


It really looks like you don’t know how to colour in the lines!


🤣 this is how I feel about people who REALLY over line their lips in any way.


Every time I’ve had a makeup artist try this on me I look… I don’t even know. Like a muppet? I am offended by my own reflection in the mirror! lol it’s good in theory, but definitely doesn’t look good on everyone.


I love my Cupid bow! I think it gives such character


I love mine too. I always accentuate it with a dark red lipstick. Fuck the trends


In ancient Rome the depth of your cupids bow was indicative of your level of passion!!! I think its funny as an autistic person I guess no one else might that people interchange roman and Greek God names its Venus or Aphrodite (Latin vs. Greek) and Cupid vs. Eros for cupid. Also Cupiditas est radix malorum is one of the most misquoted quotes of all time. Which cupiditas is the LUST for money being the root of all evil, not money itself. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Thank you for sharing. Kylie and family have a lot of Cupiditas.


Its the radix malorum....


Inappropriate comment, but I just want to say it. Khloe should stay away from Tristan’s radix malorum.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Roman's had little winged penis talismans called fascinums, its one of the roots for the modern word fascinate...


You are way more interesting than most


It's so stupid because while it may look "good" in photos where it looks like that's your actual lip shape, in person it would look soooo clownish 😂


Because she thinks it makes her philtrum look shorter, it jist looks bad


Yea she looks a lot better when she isn’t overlining her lips. Like girl I can still see your Cupids bow arch 💀


I’ve never seen anyone irl do this, so I’m genuinely asking: does it ever look natural to draw over the Cupid’s bow like this? Because it doesn’t look natural in these photos, it looks like she put lipstick on her skin. Which is what she did. I’ve seen it on tiktok and under a ring light and filters it always looks… better than this, I guess, but this just looks like she put lipgloss on her face


Someone I went to high school with posted a picture this week. She's 44 and she has this look. It looked bad.


It looks completely crazy - like a Spitting Image puppet. Lip fillers destroy the lip lines, so that’s why they get the fish lips.


Neither have I! I’ve tried it on myself it looked crazy, but I also have much thinner lips and a very pronounced cupids bow. It looked like when a toddler gets into mom’s lipstick.


I have never seen it look good in person. There's girls who swear they're the exception, but in the end you can still see they just ignored their actual lip shape


Honestly, I think she looks great here. Yes she looks 5-10 years older than she is, but so do 99% of young celebs and influencers now. I do hope she starts dissolving the filler soon and embraces what natural features she has left


I agree that she looks good here, but she does not look only 5-10 years older. If I had no idea how old she is I would guess mid thirties to early fourties. I wonder if she could go back to normal and look her age again if she stopped all the fillers and surgery.


I feel like filters have made us forget what real 40 year olds look like.


I guess I'm not seeing what others are seeing. I think she looks like a real human being with actual texture to her skin. She's beautiful. I think it's time people stop being so harsh. Her looks have been criticized for a decade, give this young woman a break.


I think the ‘natural’ makeup look reeeally highlights her plastic surgery. You can more clearly see the difference between what’s real and what’s been altered. It’s just wild that she’s so young and has already changed her face soo significantly via plastic surgeries. Good for her, though, I’m proud of her for wanting to look more like her natural self. She’s beautiful and I hope she goes even farther and starts dissolving her filler all over her face.


Yeah I think it’s a slow process but she’s on it nonetheless, and I hope she sees the more natural she looks the more truly beautiful she looks (and probably feels)


That’s exactly it. She DOES look lovely. She’s beautiful. I see pores in her normal skin!! The problem is that it’s not good enough for HER and she feels the need to constantly hide this real beauty with a million filters. We can see ourselves in THIS Kiley, but that’s now what they’re after. They want us to see unattainable beauty that they “naturally” possess. The issue isn’t that she looks like a real person. That’s the entire point. She looks great. Why change anything!?


Honestly though, while I’m sure she uses filters on her posts, these pictures seem to be in exceptionally high definition. I don’t think you’d see all this detail in an average iPhone photo. It’s like in some reality shows where I guess the camera quality is so good you can see every pore, peach fuzz, drop of sweat, etc. on your television screen can be sort of jarring. In reality that’s not something you’d even notice in person unless you’re standing a foot away from them.


that’s facts


my iphone camera shows every pore 😫


We’re not just randomly judging her. We are commenting because she constantly parades around her looks daily on socials, pap walks, magazines etc but she insists on filtering and editing her looks heavily, mixed with tons of plastic surgery, injection, fillers and weight loss drugs. We are commenting on how different she looks without the filters because she has shoved these edited photos in our face for so long


Exactly! Maybe if she didn’t over edit her pictures the differences in unfiltered pictures wouldn’t be so drastic she’s literally a complete different person on instagram


I think she's starting to accept her natural self now a little? Does anyone think so as well?


Agreed! She looks lovely.


For real, people act like she looks 80 years old. We’d all look horrible in HD and a lot of makeup


I think her skin looks great, I wish my skin looked that good


I agree but that’s the thing SHE HERSELF hides these inconsistencies and warps all the pictures. If her and her delusional klan of a family would just stop airbrushing and doctoring up all the pics then these posts wouldn’t be *news*. They’ve put enough pressure on society about *beauty* and unrealistic standards that the blowback is real and rightfully deserved. IMO


Ever since chalamet she's just exuding happiness, she looks younger (her age), and I've actually seen her smile for the first time ever. She's absolutely smashing it. After years with men far too old, after having to be responsible for a kid so young, I feel she's really coming into her own. Happy to see it.


she’s pretty yes but the fillers and stuff makes her look so old /: when shes actually 40 she’ll look like joan rivers lol


This reminds me of a thought I had about Larsa Pippen today. I was trying to figure out what age her “work” aims for . I only thought about it because I was watching her and was intrigued to notice she looks older than Kim. She’s actually six years older than Kim . With all the work they have both had, they don’t look younger than their real ages - they look their real ages in surgery and procedure looks. I can understand a desire to fight gravity, but not the lack of human beauty that we should learn to see in all ages. I also think I’m as guilty as anyone in being judgmental. It screws with the mind, it really does. How sad to be so caught up in it and as young as Kylie. Human beings all over the world and in vastly different cultures have had standards of beauty and identities. I suppose it’s not a new thing at all.


On traitors 2 when Sandra said she thought Larsa was 10 yrs older than her but they're actually the same age...


I’m watching Traitors- missed that comment. I remember on a Housewives trip someone telling Brandi to be more respectful to her elders . They were referring to Dorinda. Brandi pointed out that they are very close in age. I realize Brandi is very immature in her behavior and Dorinda seems an old soul by nature - but that’s weird to me. I think Larsa gives off an immature vibe as well.


I laughed until I cried when Phaedra said that. I held it together until they panned to the bartender and he was trying to hold his laughter in.


I agree that usually older with work done doesn’t usually look younger, or just looks older with work done.


She definitely looks aged beautiful but aged. If I was her I would lay off the fillers and let it be pared down some but to each their own as long as she is happy lol.


Yes exactly, I personally am almost positive that she has started to take note and cut down on the fillers. Her lips now are just normal big instead ofof uncannily/comically huge like they used to be for years up until recently.


How they filter her and portray her is unhealthy. They need to start doing more of this so ppl can actually see what real beauty is not the fakeness


Agree. Her freckles are so cute.


i didn't see anything negative on her appearance but the comments were so negative! i think she looks gorgeous here. bringing women constantly down for their looks seems pretty old to me in general.


No! Millions of young girls are wanting plastic surgery too look like her when SHE DOESNT EVEN LOOK LIKE HER. She’s been fake as fuck for years and set an impossible beauty standard that messes with young girls heads.


I agree. I saw someone what comment in a different post that they know someone who met her IRL and that she is in fact stunning in person.


I saw someone post that they know Tristan and he said that Kylie is "bad as fuck" in person.


Tristan said this? 🥴


I KNOW! It just makes it worse that Khloe stands by this guy. What is his redeeming quality? That he's a "great dad"? He hates Khloe and disrespects her every chance he gets


I’m so sorry anyone cares what Tristan thinks.


Thank you! People hate on her looks when she does work on herself and when she finally starts to look more natural y’all hate on her too come on. Give it a rest.


I think she looks great! Would be amazing if my non-filtered skin looked this good 😂


I think she looks absolutely breathtaking. Her recent styling is excellent.


agree, she has some not great angles but overall I think she still looks very much like her preteen self. people just don't like her face.


That was my thought as well. This is the first picture I've seen in a while where she actually looks like a human. I don't think people realize how creepy all the filters and skin smoothing make them look.


She is trying to be more natural and all she gets is hate, I don’t see how she can win at this point. She was thrust into the spotlight as a child.


This is my dilemma, I genuinely feel so bad for her. Surgery to fix the surgery just isn’t helping. There’s only so much she can reverse. She can’t win at this point. Decisions she made when she was so young.. It’s really sad.


She needs to get whoever undid Lindsay Lohan’s bad surgeries… she’s the only celebrity I can think of that successfully was able to turn around really botched work


Natural makeup can only go so far. She’s pumped her face full of filler and now looks puffy and older than she actually is.


This is gonna sound dumb as hell bc it’s obv unnatural af but…there’s something so unnatural (almost uncanny valley) about her face and I can’t pinpoint why. I don’t see that issue on her sisters or many other famous people. Anyone else think that?


I think it's bc her eyes still have their natural, youthful quality, but the bottom part of her face looks fake. So she looks young and old at once.


Woah I feel like this is the answer. I just covered the top half of her face versus lower half and either way it’s unrecognizable when it’s standalone features.


Its her eyes to me


Yeah and everyone constantly remarks on how old she looks as if it's the worst thing ever... Then probably go other subs and complain about agism, or mock people like Kim for not wanting to age.


She’s young, she looks old because of fillers


And if you thought looking young was not inherently preferable to looking old you wouldn't point it out. 


Exactly. They bully her in the same ways they get outraged over in other areas of the internet. “Stop telling young girls aging is bad” just to be backhanded and call these women old? 🥴 then they gaslight and say it’s not hating lol it’s so sick and toxic.


I think her looks are a little polarizing, like Sarah Jessica Parker's. It's not a classical face shape, there's something a little different about it that's going to attract many people, and turn off others. For SJP, it's a long face that many call horsey. For Kylie, it's a squinchy quality around the eyes and cheeks that looks somewhat froggy. And when those who are turned off don't understand what those who are turned on see in that face, sometimes they resort to exaggerating and insulting instead of just letting differences in tastes be. But I'm not worried about her. People talking about her makes her money. She's an adult now. I do think it's bananas people are trying to say she looks prematurely aged. Feels somehow in the vein of when people call teens "mature" for having certain kinds of looks.


She’s so beautiful, I just wish she’d stop with all the filler


I feel like the people saying she looks 40+ are comparing her to 40 year olds that have a ton of botox and don’t actually look 40 years old lol


I think people are messed up about what 40 looks like. Most 40 year olds look 30 now. Go hang out in /r/30plusskincare. 40+ Year olds look younger alll the time. Hell, I'm 37 and regularly get told I look late 20s or early 30s,


I chatted w a woman at the gym today, I figured was younger than me (31F) but she had some grey hair, so I asked her how old she was… 47. I was **stunned**


Yeah, I agree. She doesn’t really look like a natural/average 40 year old was has visibly aged or something. It’s more like her face/body is more mature than what you think of an average 26 year old. Her and I are only 3 months apart in age— I am nowhere near this grown looking lol. More often than not (and rather annoyingly so) people will mistake me for a college kid or a teenager. I think that’s normal with most of my age mates as we aren’t far removed— but Kylie often looks older than Kendall when they are photographed side by side.


I wish she would realize she doesn’t need so much filler. She’s only 26 but she looks almost 40. Wrinkles aren’t the only thing that can make you look older. Heck wrinkles don’t always make you “look old”


She's pretty good proof that procedures meant for 50+ year olds should not be done on 25 year olds.


She looks beautiful in 2! Omg! Also I wish they would normalize skin texture because these photos look amazing.


The reason skin texture isn't normal IS because of the Kardashians


Have they played a big part in impacting the beauty standards? Yes. But come on, magazines have been airbrushing models to ridiculous levels for decades.


Thanks for saying this. The kardashians have contributed to standards, but they’re also victims to the standards too


Oh come on. They’ve been using Vaseline smeared on cameras since OLD HOLLYWOOD to make sure actresses’ skin texture didn’t show. Marilyn Monroe had a nose job and a chin implant. Magazine covers were photoshopped before *Kris* was glimmer in MJ’s eye. This shit is olddddd. You can criticize the Kar-Jenners for *a lot*, but they did not create every beauty standard on earth out of thin air in 2010. They are not even close to “the reason” skin texture isn’t shown as it naturally is in the media. They’re a symptom at most, definitely not a cause lol. These comments are supposed to be ~so intellectual~ but it makes you sound like a village idiot with a pitchfork. This comment is just factually incorrect and insane. Lol


We figured out how to manipulate photos the second we figured out how to take photos. I’m being hyperbolic, but not very.


Her whole family is the reason why they are picked apart. They've created this for themselves with the never ending use of filters and procedures.




Every time I see pics if these poor girls, they always look different. Is it so that if/when we see them in the wild we won't recognize them? Their bodies are going thru huge adjustments as well as their faces. Kylie is aging faster than I am and I am in my 50s. Getting all this surgery is having the oppisote effect IMO


It also looks like someone edited this and made the image sharper, in order to make her skin texture more noticeable.


100% because why can we see every single low light in her hair lmao


How old is she? Shes beautiful and looks like shes 30 plus.


I think she’s 26


She looks 40+ if you ask me


She looks mid 30s for sure. It's weird.


I think it’s all the plastic surgery. We’re conditioned to seeing it on aging people, who get it done in order to look more youthful…


She’s 25


26. she was born in 1997


She looks a lot older than she is.


Can we normalize not using filters LOL.


These are great photos of her but I don’t think they are unretouched. I think these are strategically retouched to give the illusion of being unfiltered and unedited photos. I will say that I think Kylie has slowed down a bit on the filler, and if her lips weren’t so cartoonishly large, she would actually look impeccable. I argue nobody would notice the 90 other surgeries she had if her lips weren’t soooo large (in a fake looking way). I think her lips draw more attention to her artificial beauty, and if they were a little smaller we would recognize more of her natural traits. She’s a young woman and a mother who I hope is growing up and learning to accept herself for her children’s sake


It’s wild to see texture on her skin. But tbh it’s a cycle she’s done to herself w so much photoshop so when we do see her naturally it’s jarring. Hoping all in all we kill photoshop and just embrace looking human cause tbh seeing her like this made me feel sm better


The fillers are giving Terri Hatcher.


The fillers are upsetting because she truly is so pretty. She has gorgeous eyes, perfect skin, amazing brows. She still looks beautiful, but quite a bit older.


She looks older


All the filler is doing the opposite effect of what I think she was going for.


Her skin looks great I love the brows too


The fillers are starting to age her alot.


She looks like a wax figure of herself


She needs to leave the lip fillers alone. I think should would look at least 5 years younger if she did.


Does anyone else think she looks kind of like Michael Jackson? Haha


Now let's see her FILLER-less. She needs to stop before it's too late...if it's not already! Once you start, you can't stop. I don't know how she manages to have so much filler in her lips but avoids the filler moustache or the migration that happens to some. She has very little natural upper lip to work with so I do wonder if she got a lip implant?


She looks like Michael jackson


Let me just say that she’s still a beautiful woman, but as much as I want to give her credit for looking great in real life (don’t we all want to?) the settling of the fillers mixed with her actual baby fat (because she’s still so young) are not working well. This is something I predicted years ago when young women started getting fillers and work when their faces weren’t even fully formed. She was very cute to begin with, and I’m sorry she felt that pressure to alter things so young.


her lip folds are so distracting. put down the needle kylie!


I wish she’d just dissolve it all


What are lip folds? I ask in earnest--I can't figure out what you mean and keep examining the pics.


It’s interesting how she tries to keep her facial expression stoic. Because the second she moves her face she looks crazy and overfilled


She seems so painfully insecure


She looks way older than she is


She pretty but the over filled lips ruin it!! I don’t understand why people think this looks good. If you want to get lip filler do it, just don’t overfill them to the point where they look so unnatural and ridiculous.


Michael Jackson


Why did I think I was looking at a picture of Michael Jackson for a minute? I'm so used to seeing her with filters that seeing her without just feels weird. #TeamFilter


It’s giving HEEHEE


Oh hey she’s human


She’s beautiful, in fact I prefer this to all the heavily filtered ones of her. Texture is normal and should be embraced


Everyone looks like Michael Jackson in some way or another!


She’s botched her face, the poor girl.


I (as a breast cancer survivor) wonder how anyone in this family would be able to survive an illness or accident that scars or disfigures their body. I certainly don’t wish this on anyone I was just thinking random thoughts…


She’s had so much plastic surgery it’s scary.


The way it... stretches. It's so unnatural.


uncanny valley


i genuinely thought this was timothy at first glance


She’s done some hard partying and it shows already.


Filler is no one’s friend.


I feel so bad for her. You can tell she would have been naturally beautiful if she didn’t experiment with all the cosmetics at such a young age… now she’s possibly got irreparable damage to her skin?


Who cares?


I am an old ass woman and a good 15 years older than her but good god why does she look almost older than me?! What a wasted youth!


Her skin looks like it has been living hard


She looks hot. Lets be real


She looks damn good


She still looks pretty, I’m sure in real life she looks better than these poorly lit photos. I’ll see pics of others or myself that look a little off bc of the lighting.


I think the more natural look is amazing!!


Why does she hate her cupid’s bow so much?


Omggg.. She has actual pores and fine lines like the rest of us?! 🤣🤣


I think she looks amazing


It’s INSANE how old she looks… she’s only 25years old. She looks 40


I don’t understand people being mad at others for pointing out how different she looks. I think she looks pretty in these photos but she has dug her own grave by incessantly editing the hell out of every photo she posts. This family has set these unrealistic beauty standards but somehow we get the blame for pointing out how different they look off social media and ‘putting pressure on women’. They did this.


I love that she's using less foundation. Love to see those pores!


She looks fine to me, actually better since she pioneered that terrible cosmetic surgery every girl wantd to look 40 at 21.


She’s a beautiful girl. I wish she hadn’t gotten fillers in her face/lips.


She looks good but I don't like this makeup style or "natural style" on her lately, I can't figure out why.. maybe with a different hair style; I think I don't like the hair idk can't put my finger on it.


She looks really pretty


She always looks like she’s smelling something stinky.


She looks beautiful ya’ll are hating. Refreshing to see her without a filter


I think she looks beautiful.


Still looks amazing!!! I wish I looked like that!!


I think she looks beautiful


I just hate what she did to her eyes. She always looks like a deer in headlights


Oh my God it's worse than I thought


Oh wow, she has pores!!




As someone who also struggles with hormonal acne, I love that Kylie and Kendall have talked about their own struggles. Makes me feel a little less alone. I have oral medication to clear it up but right now I am 8 months pregnant and totally rocking imperfect skin.


She looks…. Waxy


Jump scare


She doesn’t look as bad as I thought she would, she’s actually pretty but no where near the picture perfect she portrays on insta