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I remember the interview/clip or whatever with her in the silver dress. They def were smaller then. What I'm wondering is how on earth do their bodies handle so many surgeries & recoveries? Not only would it be so exhausting, but can't be healthy in the slightest. I've had 3 c sections over a 15 yr span and a hernia operation. I cannot fathom all of thr things they have done. Even if you can recover in luxury, the body would have to get so worn down espec repeatedly over time.


"What I'm wondering is how on earth do their bodies handle so many surgeries & recoveries?" I am wondering the same. Maybe they have less invasive surgeries than most people think. I would think that most of the stuff they have done are minimal invasive injections (such as Botox) or transfer of body fat. And a lot of pics we see of them are extremely photoshopped.


That has to be it. My father had a knee replacement that didn’t go well and had 7 surgeries in 18 months on it and a couple of the last ones were with a plastic surgeon because the original incisions would no longer heal. Like the plastic surgeon came out to tell me that though it had been 8 weeks since the last orthopedic surgery, when he unwrapped his knee he could see the knee hardware. The body can only take so much.


Nooo. Stop. Because I need to have knee surgery, but if I won't be able to dance again, I'll stick to being crippled. That sounds terrible. Shit, I've had 13 years of corrective surgery on my cooch and I'm not looking forward to my upcoming one.


My mom is 84 and just had knee replacement surgery and honestly she was fine! We iced her a couple times a day no pain! Do it! It’s worth it


Yeah I think it’s mostly fat transfers! Their faces are definitely SURGERY surgery bc filler and botox can’t make *that* big of a difference. I live in LA and know quite a few girls personally who have gotten fat transfers to their boobs. it makes *a lot* more sense that the K’s boobs fluctuate with their weight if they’re doing fat transfers, than “she got new implants! she got her implants taken out! she got new implants!”


Umm don’t our boobs fluctuate with our weight/body fat % in general? As well as hormonally?


yes lol but theirs get disproportionately bigger imo. if I gain 5-10 lbs my boobs don’t change so much that people think i got implants


Mine do but I'm a tiny person. Hell even during my cycle I go up almost a whole cup size with swelling


Fat transfers are extremely invasive and dangerous. I wouldn’t call that minimally invasive.


For real! Removing and replacing the implants would be way less stressful on your body. And a c-section is in no way comparable. In a c-section you’re cutting through and then stitching like five layers. Removing or replacing implants you’d be back to day to day activities in a couple days. Repeated fat grafting would be so much more invasive.


How do they have time for all these surgeries and be secretive about it? For example, I though nose jobs basically gave you black eyes, but no celebrity is seen with that but it's so obvious their nose has changed.


I guess they just hide for a month or two. Most rich celebrities live in large mansions with gardens, so it should be easy to not be seen for a couple of weeks until wounds from surgeries are healed.


Yep and they have a stockpile of photos to post on socials so no one realizes they’re hiding out


Ans they pre- tape everything too




I’m pretty sure they all keep a back catalog of ‘photo shoots’ and vacations they can dig through and post when they’re recovering so it would be hard to tell. I think Kylie did it when she was hiding her pregnancies.


I learned recently about a modification called a liquid nose job, where they aren’t undergoing surgery. There are so many technological advancements that they do without going under the knife.


So I had a Juvederm/Relastyn liquid “nose job” about ten years ago. It makes a slight difference and there is literally no down time it is like getting Botox. One of those things where people ask “did you lose weight?” They can tell something is different but can’t quite tell what In my opinion, Khloe and Kylie had to have had more than this done.


Ooh, I've never heard of a "liquid nose job". That is fascinating!


It’s basically just filler for the bridge of your nose to create a straight profile (works for people who don’t like their bumps but not for people who want to alter the overall size of their nose).


I had a Septoplasty/rhinoplasty after I crushed my nose in a high school basketball game. I did not have full black eyes, just some purple bruising in the corners of my eyes closest to the nose. It was gone within a few days. I only had to wear this little “cast” that just sat on my nose for a week. I was surprised at how quickly things healed but I was also 18 and healthy at that time. I would imagine the older you are the more the down time is and I’m always surprised that celebrities don’t seem to hide out after these procedures.


I had a similar procedure in my 40s and also healed up really quickly. Some residual swelling but within 1-2 weeks you couldn't tell.


There's been a procedure in Europe for years called ultrasonic rhinoplasty that was approved by the FDA in the US a few years ago. It SEVERELY reduces tissue damage and bruising.


I’m sure they are using various ultrasonic treatments to heal from X, Y, Z regularly. If we are unlucky/lucky enough to get into PT for some sort of injury…we are lucky if they use that damn machine once or twice lolol. I’m sure the K’s have a freakin lab and medical wing of their mansion for regular therapeutic treatments that commoners will rarely or never experience.


Bc they never leave their compound. They have everything they need there including a sound stage, photo shoot set up. Their nail/hair people & personal trainers come to them. They have multiple nannies. They basically work three months a year when they film.


How? ![gif](giphy|6E38CyixCI0ne)




Right?! I need to have a hernia operation, 6 months postpartum here. Thanks for the reminder lol. Hope yours went perfectly well!


There are probably so many therapeutic super drugs out there that us peasants would never know about because they aren’t covered by insurance. Rich people like to do things in the realm of having IV rehydration stations at special events like multi-day weddings, to aid in hangover recovery, for example. They p can afford all the finest stem cells and advanced therapies.


If you have a good doctor, a boob job is minimal down time. I had to force myself to take it easy after mine, bc I felt like 100% 3 days after surgery. But youre not supposed to raise your arms for like 2 weeks. Or workout for a month.


Yeah um, that wouldn't be a problem for me lol


It’s not really the doctor- but the patient. Everyone heals differently and has a different pain scale. Most are like you and want to do more than they should. And the first augmentation will be worse than others. After that the space has already been created and recovery is simple


I don’t think they get as much surgery as people think. People forget what a well tailored outfit/push up bra/padding can achieve. They have access to the best in fashion, they can get even their every day clothes custom fitted and made to accentuate and exaggerate everything.


If you see the paparazzi photos of them in broad daylight they look MUCH DIFFERENT than they do in their photos or even on the show. I don’t understand how Kim’s bottom fits in designer clothes that do not have bigger sizes. I’m telling you that’s a size 14 bottom with a smaller waist so she must get her sweat pants altered 👀


For sure! With her cash and with how much she cares about image, I’m sure every piece of clothing she has is tailored to her needs! Hell, half of what makes a piece of clothing look good is just that it fits properly.


Correct me if I'm wrong but you're supposed to change them every like 10 years or so. So maybe he time was up and she decided to take them out?




“ You have no idea the physical toll three vasectomies (in their case boob jobs) have on a person “


Snip snap snip snap!




Best comment😂💀


Who knows at this point. Maybe their asses and chests are inflatable and they can adjust sizing with an app on their phones 🤷‍♀️😅




Love this! ^


The future is now


Bro I think digitally adjustable boobs would SELL I would love to be able to adjust per activity and outfit


LOL Well…..The technology essentially exists for dicks tbh. But…that doesn’t mean something similar exists for breasts…. because we know that improving boners is a medical industry priority…..and anything specifically women’s care…..is not. Also the on-demand breast augmentation would be purely cosmetic while erections are….I guess “necessary”.


Like a damn Sleepnumber


Remember Skipper Barbie? I think this is how they do it 😂😂


Reminds me of when Britney Spears hosted SNL. They made her chest inflatable. At the time in the tabloids there was talk that she had gotten implants.


She went smaller bust with the Dolce & Gabbana campaign. Designers don’t do big boobs fashion. 😑


I know exactly what pic you're talking about. She was really thin during that time so maybe they shrunk a bit.


Same I can picture that pic!! Of course you lose boobs as you lose weight but I'm sure she got an explant as well


I suspect it may have something to do with their love of extreme retouching. Our perceptions of them are so warped because we seldom see the real them.


I sometimes wonder what *their* perception of themselves is, especially since they constantly lie about what procedures they have had done - even when it’s totally obvious. They seem to believe that their friends/ lovers/ fans wouldn’t like the real them, and only like the fake cosmetically-altered versions. The more they keep morphing themselves with surgeries, the more they probably feel that way. It seems like they think they have to keep going under the knife to keep up with whatever is considered trendy this year. Kim says she’s never gone to a therapist, but anyone who has had that many cosmetic surgeries should seek therapy IMO.


All I know is that Kylie definitely got hers done recently. She’s lost so much weight and her tits are still huge. No woman with two kids has naturally perfect tits like hers


Didn’t she speak publicly about not liking her boobs post kids and regretting doing them before she got pregnant? She would’ve definitely got them done again like most moms do. She does want more kids though so who knows. Edit: for the people with comprehension issues, “done *again* like most moms do” means that of the women who have boob jobs, the moms will get them done again after kids. You can’t get your breasts done *again* if you didn’t have them done to begin with. In no way does that imply that most moms have boob jobs. If I said 50% of married women get divorced, that doesn’t mean 50% of all women are divorcées. That means of the women who have been married, 50% of them will get divorced. 🤦🏾‍♀️


“Most moms” don’t get their boobs done after kids. Maybe you mean most “celebrity moms”? Not trying to sound bratty with this comment


Most moms who have their boobs done prior to having kids get them re-done.


It’s called a “mommy makeover” for a reason- it targets all the areas changed by pregnancy. I had one without kids, because losing weight makes your tits deflate and ab muscles separate and looking like a melted candle made my skin develop rashes. The thing that leaves me scratching my head is that (at least for mine) I ended up losing even more weight once the skin is gone, does they even give their bodies time to settle before determining if they like the results?


Regardless of kids, isn’t it kind of safe to assume that when we start some sort of cosmetic medical intervention with out bodies that it is simply a good rule of thumb or best practice that it is not a “one and done” situation? Assuming we are introducing foreign matter, like ink, fillers, silicon, saline, botox, etc. I think if someone gets a breast augmentation, they should plan and budget that they will need at least one adjustment down the road, and having it need to happen after the major changes induced by gestation, birth, and nursing, makes a lot of sense to me. Shit, I have my brows tattooed (bladed now) and I have to get that shit done twice a year. That isn’t normal at all apparently, my body just absorbs or rejects the ink at a fast rate. Bah.


Most moms get plastic surgery? What are you talking about? lol


English is confusing to a lot of people but the word again means of the women who have had plastic surgery once before… you can’t get your boobs done AGAIN if you didn’t already have them done.


Just admit you worded it poorly. It’s okay. It’s not a big deal.


Mosey on down to Texas there’s a booked and busy plastic surgeon on every corner with med spas in between


"like most moms do" - lol


“Done *again* like most moms” that means of the 100% of moms who have boob jobs before they had their kids


They definitely look fresh


What part actually affects the breast morphology more? Is it the production of milk/swelling or is it the abuse from the tiny dictators? Both? Could tissue trauma be minimized by using a pump? Or is it kind of a no-win situation? 😬


It's the swelling and deflating. I exclusively pumped for 6 months and just lost a lot of volume once I was done.


Oh interesting! Thank you for explaining :)


They all have that body contour as well. No one looks like that.


I think they’re incredibly low for fake boobs tbh


It’s crazy how they can constantly do this. It’s not right. Like noooo one should be doing this. 


It can truly depend on body type and there people lose weight. I went from 150 to about 118 and my DDDs went to full B cups. Then I got pregnant and 14 month PPD I’m just starting to lose weight again and I’m down to a DD. I gain and carry all my weight in my face, breasts and stomach.


Me too


I mean unsure without seeing them, but also I everyone I know with implants usually has to have them redone or removed at some point so always possible, I didn’t know Kim had breast though just butt 😂 but the butt is so obvious


I’m guessing they had a meeting and decided it was time to be skinny




I think they all got medium sized implants when they were curvier and that why they look smaller now that they’ve lost weight.


This makes the most sense


Kim has said in the past that she uses tape. And at this point she has mastered it.


Lorry Hill has several YouTube videos about what she speculated they have had done. Definitely taken out butt implants.


It’s not implants. It’s a BBL, which is a fat transfer. You can get a reduction, but also your but will shrink and grow whenever you lose or gain weight.


I'm a big fan of Lori Hill's YT channel. She has multiple vids on what surgeries she thinks the Kardashians have had at different times & does a nice but thorough eval..


Absolutely. She is excellent.


I don’t know did you see her walking into court in that episode where she is doing jury duty? It looks like she still has her butt implants in but just really skinny now.


I believe Lorry suggests she has downsized them. They look ridiculous...no one is that skinny and keeps their butt. Khloe's look bad too.


I just randomly saw a video of her on tik tok with abs (when she is wearing braids, where Khloe is telling her why would she walk out with her abs and make them feel bad 😆) and yes I agree now, totally downsized! It looks like she wearing a hula hoop under her pants. Not to say she looks bad, it’s just crazy that this woman says she has only had Botox.


When you shit so much money out your ass that you can do whatever you want


Maybe she wears push up bras from Skims


Kim got on Ozempic and lost weight.., it’ll come off their boobs/ass.. then got off and gained some weight back.


I think they all lose and gain weight so often and the boobs do shrink when that happens even with implants


My friend has a BBL and it gets larger and smaller as she fluctuates in weight. Idk if boobs are the same though lol


They fluctuate, too, due to natural breast tissue.


I honestly think they got Smart Tits and Ass and probably have an app on their phone they can just deflate and inflate


Hey Google, increase right boob 10%


i be confused cuz of changing sm w every set of pics & events


I've been wondering if Kim had ribs removed to make her waist look tiny. I've read about fetish models doing this procedure.


I don’t know how much is actual surgery or weight loss. Normally when you lose weight, you lose breast tissue as well because it is mostly fat. But with implants, you are going to get thinner and more muscular but your breasts will stay just as large. I think at least with Kylie, that is the case. Now how any of them appear in clothing can have a lot to do with what they are wearing under it and how they use contour to accentuate the breasts. So you can wear boob tape that gives you a lifted look like a push up bra and then use contour to accentuate the cleavage and along the top of the breast. Or, she could go braless and use not use makeup to accentuate her cleavage and she could look quite a bit smaller - no surgery needed.


I mean even Kim at some point posted a bikini pic and it looked like something was poking out by her ribcage. They do photoshop a lot and does not matter if they say they have not done a surgery. Nobody «happens» to have their facual features change overnight, because of living a good lofesttle and working out? Kim did say she hates to work out. I believe Khloe works out look at her shoulders. Until recently I thought Kendall never had surgeries but I can’t be sure now 😆


Kendall’s definitely had face surgeries. She’s had a nose job, probably a bleph, and her lips done at least. You can see it in old and newer pics.


I believe that they never got implants but fat transfers. So that, they can add & remove as much as they want. Furthermore, fat transfers work in a way that it will grow or shrink in those areas due to weight fluctuations. Edit : just remembered that it was alleged a few times that at least Kim got some ribs removed to have a tinier waist.


I'm hoping they'll read this and pay for my much needed boob job🤣


I think so. I think they have access to the best surgeons and care/recovery treatments. I also think they will continue to look worse as they age and continue all of these modifications. In unaltered or unfiltered photos of them they look so much older than they are (especially Kylie and Khloe).


Even boobs with implants will get smaller with weight loss. The implants are still covered with the same fat layer that breast tissue is covered with.


I think they have magic boobs and butts. They're Small one day and big other days. I'm confused. Must be magic


Shape shifters


A lot of people do plastic surgeries under local anesthesia. I do think that helps. Else the impact on the brain to be under general several times a year seems….extreme.


I think she just lost a lot of weight. Even with implants they get smaller and bigger with weight gain.


I don’t know if kylie had to get them redone, not exactly the best choice to get them done and then have 2 kids, I would have waited until after I was done having kids but if I was kylie I would want to keep my reputation and be a hot topic.


Maybe they just lose weight? And certain bras can make your boobs look a certain way.


Maybe it’s their skims. I saw one bra comes with a fake nipple lewk


Yew they have stand ins


Honestly push up bras and different outfits can have my tits looking like completely different tits. I feel like it’s not that confusing…


It’s like a zipper opens - they put them in and out.




Alien technology for sure.


Well you see she owns a company that makes bras that give the illusion of big tits


Please stop giving them your attention.


do you know how losing weight works?


Kim’s boobs are real. I mean her pics from when she was like 12 confirm it.


Real boobs don’t look the same at 12 as they do at 40+.


They don’t shrink 😂 I think I would know. Yes what you wear can make them look bigger or smaller but not to where ppl would think you took your implants out


Lmao natural breasts definitely shrink and grow throughout life for various reasons, but okay


My boobs grew as I gained weight.


You’re right. I’ve had big boobs my entire life so I clearly have no idea what I’m talking about and never took the pictures of myself to even notice


lol when I was 12 I was 160 pounds fitting into a D cup. I’m 24 now weighing 115 and can fit into little girls bra sizes. They absolutely do shrink when you lose weight




What do you mean…they don’t shrink? That’s insane. They are literally made up of mostly fat. When you lose weight as Kim did in silver dress era..her chest definitely shrank. I have had 2 children and have been every size from an A to a D cup and back to a B. Boobs definitely shrink and grow as one gains or loses weight.


And who cares


All the Kardashian sisters have real butts. I think only Kourtney has breast implants.




I used to the think that too when I was young. Then I went down a rabbit hole & figured out she did have them. The crazy thing is Kylie got the exact procedures done at the same age as Kim as well! Kylie only recently admitted her boob job though. I personally think she admitted it because she was going to get them redone and it was going to be a lot more noticeable