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I always ask this, cause I still remember returning league after a break years ago, locking in Karthus mid as usual and then getting flamed because 'he's a jungler' and ofc my initial reaction was to just laugh because it just seemed so absurd lol


I dont get it either when or why he became a jungler and i never even took a break it just happend for whatever reason xd


When was the last time you saw Karthus mid in ranked? For me he's a jungler over mid just due to his fast clear and r


like season 7 or 8 or something? but I find it abnormal why he can't be rebalanced for mid while being a midlane champion for like almost a decade


he's a mid laner specifically because of half the game ago


Blame Karthus bot for his gutted lane viability, his E mana refund has been nerfed so many times over the years that laning is borderline unplayable unless you’re hard smurfing and can cheese a kill before going OOM Fast clear speed is only half of the reason he jungles, it’s mostly because junglers get passive mana (this is also how they gatekeep other people into Jungle like Xin Zhao or Trundle before he got buffed into top) Similar thing happened with Seraphine mid, they shoved her into support jail just because they couldn’t control her 55%+ WR in the botlane Like sure you can cure Karths mana problems with lost chapter/tear/Catalyst, but without mana early you’ll just get run down while barely being able to retaliate if the opponent kites


He's been a jungler ever since Malice used it in scrims was consistently 4 levels up on the enemy junglers.


he got alot of nerfs that made his laning much worse and he's really good jungle now


Karthus was a mid laner, but between season 3-8 he had like a 1-3%\~ pickrate. He was normally in the bottom 10 least played champions because he suffered against almost every match up. Telegraphed abilities, mid range, no mobility or hard CC. Unless you were good as him, he was destroyed by the mobility creep that slowly leaked into the game, as well as how power farming/longer laning phases became less and less a thing, and was largely left forgotten by Riot as a whole. He only started to make an appearance again when the Dark Harvest rework came into the scene sometime in season 8 I believe, but even then he wasn't super popular. Riot moved him into the jungle like they do with many AP champions they don't know what to do with. Morgana, Brand, Zyra, Taliyah etc. all got updates to make them junglers for some reason, but they all found or still have comfortable homes in other roles as well. Karthus now is primarily balanced for jungle, which means they aren't really 't improving his weak solo lane performance, and with every nerf (like this last one) it only makes it worse.


Karthus has always been a jungler what are u talking about


Someone hasn't been in the game for long 😅 Watch Champion Spotlight for karthus and any game/guide before season 7/8 and you'll see a ton of mid karthus videos. You'll only start getting Karthus jungle around season 7/8 as it was around this time, especially 8/9 where it was pretty much solidified(when I rejoined league actually) that karthus is now jungle.