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It's very unlikely. All the planning around plasma 6 has been focused on fedora 40. I've tried the branched fedora 40 and it does not have x11 by default. However, it was recently decided that community members could maintain x11 kde packages if they wish, so there will likely be an option for you once you update. If I was in your situation I'd probably stay on 39 until you can be sure whether you can either continue using xorg with the community packages or that wayland works for you. Then you'll have to decide whether to upgrade or switch to something else.


since it is basically march and 40 around the corner it is very unlikely 6 will be brought into F39. Maybe if it came out mid January. That said there is a copr repo that has KDE6 [https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/solopasha/kde6/](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/solopasha/kde6/) ​ Kinoite and Branched F40 are available as well. F40 brings newer MESA 24 if you are on Nvidia so might fix issues if you dont need to rely on the propriatory drivers from them. Ive ran F40 branched for a short bit and seemed pretty solid for my use case with NVIDIA card even. But i know others mileage will vary. ​ Fedora think said they will might allow x11 still but i havent really looked i havent had issues with wayland personally. https://www.phoronix.com/news/Fedora-40-Approves-ROCm6-KDEX11


What is this COPR repo


To get KDE6 in Fedora 39, since most likely wont be pulled in at this point close to Fedora beta


So I just add the repo, update, upgrade and I’m good to go?


Someone has a copr repo: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/solopasha/kde6/


what is this ? not this in specific but in general


It's a budget AUR for Fedora.


No, Fedora 40 is getting Wayland. And even then, it's simply Wayland by default, you can still go X11.


Random note, but if you use Nobra 39, which is a fedora fork more focused on gaming, KDE6 just dropped. i'm just leaving that there as info since many of use just look up fedora documentation for Nobara updates