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i lost my weight before Ozempic was on everyone minds so they thought i was just dying of cancer.


Lol I remember when I lost 50 lbs - I picked up my kid from daycare and one of the women told me she noticed the weight loss and asked “is it on purpose?”


That's actually good that she's thinking about that. So many people comment ignorantly, and you never know if someone is ill, or they are working hard to lose weight.


I had a friend who lost 100lbs due to illness and she *loathed* when people would congratulate her on losing so much weight.


Yeah, it's awkward phrasing but her heart's in the right place.


My doctor asked the exact same question when I proudly asked her if she noticed that I had lost weight from the last time she saw me. 😂




Hahah so true


That’s what I got as well—pitying looks and people asking if I was okay. 😒


What an amazing loss!


Also an amazing win!


It helps to remember that people’s comments in most situations are almost always about them and not you. They want to believe that others “cheated” or took a shortcut somehow because if what it really took is hard work then in theory they could do it too but they haven’t because well it’s hard.


100%. The invent of social media has led to far less genuine social interactions and widespread narcissism. Your real friends will complement you and will have seen your hard work.


I have lost about 35 pounds over the past few months . A few people have noticed and asked if i had lost weight . A little , I responded. I have thought about just going quiet for a second and then telling people in a low voice , "Im sick" Just to see the horror in their face . Then saying , im just on a diet and lost some weight . Thats funny to me


That’s funny you say that because I, 5’7, 46, female, went from 214 to 155 in about 7 months (found out I was type 2) and I had co-workers ask if I was ok, not hey youve lost weight! Or hey what have you been doing? But went straight to is something the matter? It’s weird. I thought about just saying yeah but didn’t want to start a rumor!!!!!😂


Because people go there , thats why i had my demented thoughts .


I will now invoke this, because I already get great pleasure telling folks I lost my leg to a shark in the Gulf of Mexico or an alligator in Florida. I finally give up the truth(blood clots) if they give me the concerned aghast look. Many won't fall for it, so I gotta up my game. So yes, it's funny to me as well!


The older I get the more I agree to this. We are a self centric species that has very low interest the anyone else but ourselves.


Yep. A lot of times I will reply to a comment on reddit with an answer that doesn't meet that specific person's request but the reply isn't for them, it's for the thousands of other people looking for the same solution for mac instead of windows (or whatever the topic is). If I forget to state that context, the person will almost always reply with something snarky because they're only thinking about themselves.


We’re born solely with the perspective of the self so it makes sense.


Spot on! I've maintained a 95lb loss for 8 years and still have family who say I'm not healthy - by morbidly obese family members.


So true! They also may be looking for validation to use Ozempic.


thats fucking awesome. down to 180 from 240 myself. KETO rocks. I sleep less and have crazy energy.


Your weight is pretty much my goal. Im at 250 and wanna get around 180-190. Just started keto last week :)


Congratulations! I lost a similar amount of weight in the course of a year, doing keto and hitting the gym 5-6 days a week. I did take Ozempic and it definitely helped me with my cravings, but I still had to put in the work, turn down foods I love, and workout like a madwoman on the treadmill. I know people on Ozempic who are the size I was, but they lost very little b/c they didn’t diet/exercise. These drugs only do so much; you still have to work hard to loose weight. Let’s both keep it up, friend!


Yeeeesss! I work my ass off and I’ve completely changed my eating habits, this is medicine for diabetes, how the hell is it cheating to treat a disease.


Right? Ozempic isn't cheating, just makes eating less easier. You still have to eat less and operate in a calorie deficit. Many people who take appetite suppressants struggle with it.


Absolutely! I really appreciate the help Ozempic has given me, but I sweat 6 days a week and I still struggle to say no to all the yummy stuff. It’s so hard! I’m so grateful for keto. Keto was the real weapon I think! Good luck on your journey!


Thank you for saying this. It makes me soooooo freaking mad when people say that this class of drugs is cheating. No Barbara, my body was completely messed up and needed to be regulated. I did everything right and could not lose like I had before. This drug changed my life and got me back on track. It was a need for me. Now everything I was doing right is finally working.


Yaasss QUEEN! Congratulations to you! And thank God for these drugs! ❤️


That's an awesome loss! The great part is you get to tell them how hard you worked and how Ozempic had nothing to do with it.


That's great about your loss! I had surgery in January and let me say there has been nothing easy about it. From the physical pain, vomiting, and relearning how to eat to the mental and emotional pain of not having food as a comfort, it is taking therapy and a lot of tylenol. I was on ozempic to get my a1c down before the surgery and threw up multiple times a day. That isn't easy either. People need to understand that any weight loss is hard and stop commenting on someone else's body. Not you, OP. I am talking about everyone else.


100%. There is no easy way out!


People think Ozempic is some easy cheat code lmao no it works bc it literally makes you so nauseous and sick all the time that you don’t wanna eat. It doesn’t magically dissolve food you eat or some shit.


> Sometimes it feels like people immediately assume I took the “easy” way out. I don’t even look down on weight loss meds or surgeries but man does it grind my gears when people assume I didn’t work as hard as I did and still am. I mean you say you dont look down on meds and surgery but your post says otherwise. Calling it the easy way out and implying that people who take the meds are not working as hard as you work isnt a great look. People who take Ozempic for health reasons and for weight loss reasons sometimes work just as hard as you do. I know celebrities have given it a bad wrap but some of us are out here struggling even with taking Ozempic. We dont need to turn this into a pissing contest. However people lose weight, if they do it healthily, should be celebrated. THat said your progress is amazing. Congrats. Keep it up! Im glad you found success no matter the method you use.


Agreed. One of my bosses is taking wegovy. She's also eating low carb, exercising a lot, walking more, and she's told me she knows she has to keep it up for life even if she goes off the shot. Thanks to her hard work, when she was unable to get any wegovy for two weeks, she still lost weight, even though it wasn't quite as much. She isn't taking the easy way out, she's using the tools available to her. I choose not to take it, but mostly cuz I have my own keto groove and the stuff is crazy expensive and in short supply. Also I'm not sure how I feel about taking something that hasn't really been studied for weight loss for very long. I am often willing to be a guinea pig for a good reason, but I'm doing fine without it


I can admit that I was completely ignorant before when it comes to weight loss. Especially when it comes to the issue of weight loss surgery. I used to think and say things like bariatric surgery was the easy way out. You just get your stomach tied off and youre aces. I was grossly oversimplifying a very serious and sometimes life threatening medical surgery. Its something that if not done correctly you can literally die from it. Sometimes even if you do things mostly correctly stuff outside of your control(like infections) can wreak havoc on your body. Not only that but its something you *HAVE* to maintain the rest of your life. I will never be saying anyonje is taking the easy way out again when it comes to weight loss. There is no easy way out. Even with drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy and the like you have to maintain your diet. You have to eat at a calorie deficit to actually lose weight. The biggest things these drugs do for weight loss is curb your appetite.(thats not meant as a dig - thats what my doctor has told me how it works). It doesnt stop the calories that you put in your body.


Exactly. Wegovy or bariatric surgery or keto, the whole idea is to curb appetite. You have to do the work, it just makes it easier. Here in the US they usually require you to lose a bunch of weight before they'll even consider you for bariatric surgery. You can still overeat even after bariatric surgery, I've seen people regain large amounts of weight after finally getting it, because their food addiction was so bad, and also they assumed that having the surgery guaranteed weight loss. Anyone who still manages to overeat (especially the junk) is gonna gain weight even on semaglutide. None of these are magic cures. Keto requires commitment and work too, I don't magically lose weight by eating this way, but there are still people who think that. Make no mistake, broken metabolisms exist. I saw a study recently (forget where but will see if I can find it in the morning) that said the damage that happens to your mitochondria when you're metabolically resistant can take something like 7+ years to heal. It's no wonder it's so hard for the biggest among us to get and stay healthy. As a society, we need more tools to combat obesity. We shouldn't be putting them down. Edit: forgive me, fellow Redditor, but I just saw your flair, and I want to congratulate you on your extremely hard work! Your results are extraordinarily impressive and I know you can do this! Keep going! 😄💪🌟


I had gastric bypass in 2017. Starting weight was 400. I lost 80 before surgery. Lost another 80 after surgery, so I weighed 240. Put 50 pounds back on because I figured out that one can eat small meals and treats throughout the day and get too many calories just the same as if one were eating larger meals. Up to 290. Went on a diet (non-keto) last April, lost 50 pounds. Started keto in February and lost another 30 pounds, so I'm hovering at 210 now but my weight loss is very slow indeed these days. Want to get down to 175, but I'm feeling a little more comfortable with myself now.


Glad you had the self awareness to course correct when you realized! Those are some very impressive losses! You'll get there! 😁 Being comfortable in yourself is everything 😊


Thank you for this. I was prescribed a GLP1 for diabetes (not ozempic). Before I was prescribed it, I worked my butt off and started the beginning of a successful weight loss journey. I have a very careful low carb diet, i workout, exercise, test my blood sugars constantly, and have fought for every pound…. But because I take medication to treat my diabetes (that also happens to be used by others for weight loss) … people assume I’ve not worked to become who I am now. It’s frankly insulting. I am the furthest thing from lazy. I walk to and from work twice a day (includes a lunch trip home) 1 mile each way (that’s 4 miles), i then train for 1-2 hours after work and much much more on the weekend. I am very disciplined and people who are around me daily are very well aware of that. But I don’t tell them this diabetic medication saved my life .. took my levels to normal in almost every facet because they all assume I didn’t work for the weight loss. This is my life now .. I eat and work out for my health. So many derogatory comments on this thread about people who take glp1s. Please stop. Don’t assume you know anything about anyone. To the OP - you have worked your ass off and I’m sorry people don’t just immediately see that. Unfortunately the media and the world today has made it look like there is an easy way to lose weight. But all of it takes work, both to achieve and maintain, and you have done well. Congrats to 160 pounds lost. Keep being you and those who matter will clearly see it’s not medicine that’s changing you it’s your lifestyle. Those things are evident to the people that matter.


>But because I take medication to treat my diabetes (that also happens to be used by others for weight loss) … people assume I’ve not worked to become who I am now. It's like saying using an antiseptic is an easy way out of an open wound infection that one should go through naturally in pain. It's like saying taking an antiviral or an antibiotic is an easy way out of a sickness that one should beat naturally using their white cells. It's like saying getting a wheelchair or a prosthesis is an easy way out of a lost limb, and one should beat it naturally by regrowing it. It's like saying getting a Narcan after an overdose of opiates is an easy way out, and one's body should eliminate the excess chemicals by itself "Oh, but your obesity is self-inflicted!". Yeah, it is, so what? Most things in life are. Tripped while getting out of bed and sprained your ankle? You should have watched your step. Biking accident? You shouldn't have taken a ride. And so on, and so on. Remind yourself about these examples when you hear the "easy way out" or "didn't work for it" bullshit, and challenge those who say it. Medicine and biotechnology exist to make things easier for us, no matter how the condition came to be.


Well said. Except for some of us, obesity was not fully self inflicted. I had lead poisoning as a child which affected multiple systems throughout my body, having a thyroid tumor by age 17 and having to have my thyroid removed, I developed the inability to properly absorb iron, among other things. My metabolic system is a mess. Just to maintain a healthy weight most of my life I had to work extremely hard. Eventually no matter what I did I was gaining weight. I finally just accepted it. I wasn’t sitting around eating bon bons and lazing about my days packing on weight as soooo many people assume overweight people do. Sure I needed a healthier diet - which I adopted. But - I ate no differently and was no less active than my best friend who is rail thin. She often commented on it. You can’t look at a person and know their medical history. Obesity is a metabolic disease for many, and these GLP1 meds are actually going a long way in supporting that fact. But folks will continue to berate and assume and do anything but give grace to someone because of their weight … and what a completely vain and baseless thing to do. I’m speaking in general, not at you, of course, and only to those who choose to use labels such as “easy way” for medication and “lazy” for the obese.


>I had lead poisoning as a child You should have chosen the place to live more wisely, and not picked Flint, MI, you know? Oh, you were a child, still, your parents should have! Everything can be turned to a BS argument of "self-inflictedness". Fuck those who say otherwise and differentiate between "self-inflicted" and "honest accidents". Those who say this BS want to make you feel bad. They win if they succeed. Don't give them that. Just laugh at their faces with disdain. Crap happens, and science is here to help. Remember, you don't need to explain yourself!


I think OP was saying that because there are people who do look down in weight loss drugs. I believe you might be feeling a little over sensitive here. I reread OPs post and I don't see anywhere in it that implies that he looks down on weight loss drug users or that they don't work at it. He was speaking specifically about himself.


We've read two completely different posts then. OP said in the same breath they they don't look down on meds and surgery but they feel people think they took the easy way out aka using drugs(like ozempic and wegovy) and/or having surgery. It def implies they think lesser of doing those things instead of just exercising and eating low carb because they dont want to be thought of as someone who uses those things to lose weight. Im not being overly sensitive. I can read what OP wrote and its full of contradictions..


'easy' was in quotation marks in the original post


Easy is in quotation marks which means it is being used as jargon, not what OP actually thinks


Just because you put something in quotation marks doesnt make a difference. Especially if the rest of your post goes on to say the exact opposite of what you supposedly feel.


Yes it does. That's the whole reason foe the quotation marks.. it represents something.. in this case it represents that it isn't their words but the words of others


Actually, he was using those quotes to specifically point out this isn't his view. But you're wrong. Taking experimental drugs to lose weight is inferior to exercise and diet. IT's the case that in this world with plentiful horrible food, that drug is going to save lives and is a good option for many. It's still important to recognize heart. Doesn't mean people who are recovering from meth, or anorexia or other things, are bad, or failed to show heart. But that's not as good a choice as otherwise. If you can lose the weight with fasting and keto and exercise, particularly with whole foods over junk, that is WAY better. I know it's not sensitive to the feelings of others, and I get your criticism. Nevertheless, it's the truth.


Yeah Im not about that puritanical bullshit. If you can lose weight and become healthier Im not going to begrudge how you do it. No way is better or worse as long as you are not hurting yourself or others. I mean have we gotten so petty that we're dividing weight loss like this? lol No you dont get to say you did it better just because you didnt need drugs to help you lose weight. Some people have medical issues who need those drugs as well just to be able to lose weight. Its not all celebrities taking this shit because their vein and want to lose a few pounds. And again the right diet and exercise is the key even WITH these drugs. They dont prevent calories from going on/in your body. All they do is help curb your appetite so you feel hungry less. You can still GAIN weight and be unhealthy even if you take these drugs.


That's a big if though. These drugs are new. You may have to stay on them forever. They obviously have a severe impact on our bodies. So 'if you can be healthier' is guess. not sure what the benefit is to your cussing me out and insulting me, but the truth is, you're the one who is being puritanical and intolerant... just of a totally different mindset (That nobody can have an opinion about anything, because if something is considered better that is mean to what isn't better). An olympian who is healthy because of tremendous work ethic is *superior* to an athlete who uses performance enhancing drugs. At least that's my opinion. Someone who loses weight by eating wholesome foods, and exercising, has accomplished something impressive. Their discipline will help them on other areas of life!


I reread it, as well. It seems to me that OP is pointing out a flaw in others thinking that they took some “easy” way out, without doing any work, as some uninformed people assume that there are “magic pills” that do all the work for you. The OP directly says that they do not believe that way. OP never said they thought medication (or any other way) is an easy way out.


Then why in other places in their post claim they worked really hard? Implying that those who take meds don't. Their title: Rant - I lost over 160 lbs in the last two years everyone asks me if I used ozempic Then their first line is: No, I worked really hard. Really really hard. That basically implies that people who take ozempic don't work hard. I'm not sure why ppl are bending over backwards to defend this person and only focusing on the quotation marks without reading the whole of the post. They clearly think less of people who take Ozempic and the like for weight loss. Let's say you and I work at the same job. Someone asks me, "hey so you do the same job as /u/ActPlaful right? If I replied, "oh no I work really, really hard." Would you look favorably on that? Probably not. I'm implying that I work hard and you don't at doing the same job when in fact you know you work harder than me bcs you pick up extra assignments.


Agreed I read the original post the same way.


I think that it’s a personal thing for the OP. I also, do NOT look down on any type of supplement to aide weight loss. However, op did not and it hits a nerve when people assume he did. It’s akin to saving and saving and sacrificing to buy a house and then buying a house and then someone asking if your parents helped you out with the down payment. There’s ZERO wrong with your parents helping with a down payment, whatever enables you to have a home right!!! But you might bristle and respond with no, I scrimped and sacrificed for 5 years to save this money. It’s all about the unique individual experience.


OP is still insinuating that they way they did it is better somehow because they didn't take the easy way out. They literally called it that. That's what I have issues with. Just bcs you scrimp and save doesn't make you any better than the ppl who got help from parents to buy a house. You can't just say "I don't have a problem with x but the way I did it was obviously better."


I read those quotation marks as meaning so called, like “…assume i took the so-called easy way out…”. Not to say they think it’s easy. As I said on another post with the same complaint, I think it’s not that this way is more virtuous or higher value than that way, but that people want to be recognized for their achievements, as you would if someone said, “congratulations on your golden globe award” and you said, “Actually it was an Oscar” or a Bafta or whatever. I’m a skier not a skater, I got my gold in Skiing! The complaint is really *see me for who I am.*


Thats not how it read to me. It read to me like "I got my gold by working hard and becoming a skier not a skater" While youre not actually directly dumping on skating you are implying that its somehow lesser than because you feel they dont work as hard as you did. Which is what OP is doing essentially. You have to read what they wrote in the context of the whole post not just focus on the parts in quotation marks.


You’re killing it! Wonderful success and I am happy for you. I am on Zepbound. Still doing keto. I did Keto before and it worked for me but my body fought hard to gain it back. ( lost 80 pounds) I was strict keto for 4 years. ( under 20g carbs). I shouldn’t have to be keto my whole life though to maintain. I have 2 metabolic diseases so it is difficult to take and keep it off. People suck and I am sorry you are not accredited for the work. However, the side effects on this med can be really hard on your body. It isn’t an “easy” way out. You can still out eat the meds and make bad choices. Most naturally thin people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to being overweight. Total lack of knowledge and experience. So they make judgements based on hype news and social media. Don’t let that rob you of your self esteem and hard work. I wish you a wonderful healthy life!


Did you lose this weight for yourself or for other people?


Clearly other people based on this post


Honestly I think this happens because people have had the experience of trying to lose weight by reducing calories/eating a very low fat diet and they know it doesn't work for sustained weight loss in the amount you have achieved (bravo! by the way). And they don't know, or have been frightening away from learning, how deeply transformative a ketogenic diet can be. So, with this experience and ignorance, they assume the only way such a transformation can occur is through a medical procedure (gastric bypass) or medication. Direct them to the recent stories about Ricki Lake and how she resisted her doctor's recommendation for medication and how keto, intermittent fasting, and exercise changed her life.


Well done, don't bother with them. Last time I lost 80+lb all the mothers at the schoolgates said I had had bariatric surgery. I had just worked really hard. I wonder what they though when I out it all back on.


Wow !! What an incredible achievement !! Congratulations !! My previous doctor does not support Keto .. my new doctor does ! I have a dietitian, who also supports Keto . Some people still think Keto is not good …


I lost 130 through diet alone. Very little exercise due to stage 4 osteoarthritis. Nothing about Ozempic or Wegovy concerns me. It's just not a choice I'd make for myself I don't think. The lack of research into the long term affects troubles me. Being slim may have a high price tag using these drugs. I found discussing keto pointless as well. People have their views and they don't have to agree with mine. I just don't discuss it or let their views bother me.


I hear the same thing from people. Congrats on your success!


Remember that you're doing this for you, not for them. The wellspring of life, the spark of who you are when you reflect deeply, your creativity and resourcefulness: these what achieved your success, and these are what give you strength. You understand this far more than anyone who can only conceive that the solution was taken from the world, and not from within. You have gained a richness of spirit and wisdom to see what you can create from exercising your own power, mentally and physically. It is a poverty of mind that leads to a naysayer's inability to imagine this as a possibility. We who know are proud of you. Those who don't know shouldn't be of concern. We wish you well for your continued success ❤️


I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic last year. Before that I had been on lazy keto after 6 months of strict. I thought my rapid weight loss was because of keto, but apparently I was just in DKA. I'm still doing keto but I feel like I'm "cheating" because getting into ketosis is SUPER easy for me... Downside is if I don't monitor blood sugar and ketones I'll go into DKA again and possibly die. Everyone has a shortcut to something but it comes at a sacrifice. You gave up the luxury of eating whatever and whenever you want but you "cheated" by being satiated AND losing large amounts of weight regardless is exercise, you just combined both for stellar results. People envy others success no matter their sacrifices.


They think that you partied with MILFs, like Randy Marsh did.


Equally as frustrating is people assuming that people on the glp-1 medications are taking a shortcut or that it’s easy. It’s never easy to lose no matter what path you choose. My niece is on them and she also has to work out hard to retain muscle and she has also changed her eating habits in order to lose 75lbs.


Just say no, you ate in a calorie deficit without any drugs or surgeries. I wouldn't mention the word keto. If asked for more information on how I did it after saying the above, I would (and do) say "I found if I avoid starchy carbs and sugary stuff, I can stick to a calorie deficit without feeling hungry and without fighting major cravings. "


> no, I worked really hard. Kindly fuck off with that attitude. I ate keto for a decade and was hangry the whole time. I gave up and got big again because the mental strain was too much. Taking a GLP-1 agonist drug has drastically improved my quality of life around food.


I wouldn’t take offence. For most people it would be impossible to do what you did. Of course they are going to jump to conclusions. And once they learn of the effort it took, they will lose interest too. It’s just a shame how they ask. They could just say “how did you do it” without adding Ozempic to the question Maxing results btw!


160?!?!?! That’s awesome! Way to go!


Just wanted to congratulate you. That's not an easy feat.


Vent away, and WOW!!! 530-360! That is such an incredible result! You went hard. You came, you saw and you conquered, truly. Respect.


tell them it's none of their god damn business :D


I don't get the question directly, but my wife gets it within her mom network about me. My wife doesn't say keto to them, she just says "Yeah, he like doesn't eat and when he does, he eats like a rabbit"


I love how people tell me that doing keto is not sustainable or it’s not healthy. Well, they’re eating typical crap diet of Oreos and ice cream.


Back in 2018, I lost just over 90 pounds in 6-1/2 months. I busted my ass, I was doing strict keto and going to the gym 5 days a week and occasionally 5ks or mud runs or just runs in general on the weekend. I did have cheat days, but they were few and far between. Dozens of people asked me what I was doing to lose so much weight so quickly and you know you have to be careful who you tell about keto, so I kept it vague with some people by saying “eating better, cutting out unnecessary sugars and exercise”. You would have thought I told them I sold my kids on the black market, they were appalled I worked so hard and sacrificed “good food”. People are crazy, don’t let them get you down. Congrats on the weight loss, keep it up!


Do you realize they’re giving you a massive compliment?


People are stupid. The more you remember that the easier life will be. "Nope I worked my ass off and earned it" suffices.


Listen I just got my blood work back they're saying everything is great my cholesterol is down My blood pressure is even better I'm losing weight / slowly dropping weight and so many people ask me so what shot are you taking and when I tell them I've take them nothing and I'm doing everything naturally and basically leading more towards keto they tell me I'm doing everything wrong. I just look at them and I go are you not looking in the mirror like look at what you're saying I'm doing wrong but yet I'm doing it and you're not. It drives me nuts because yes I would love to just chow down on ice cream or eat a pizza or do this but you know what it works a lot better if I don't because I feel a lot better than the next day and the following day. It is something you constantly have to work at and when you're a shorty you have to work at it twice as hard. If nobody has said this today I am letting you know I am very proud of you and you have done an amazing job Don't let anybody steal your shine.


Great job! I went from 400 -> 273 6 foot 6. No ozempic either haha


Well done you. You’re rocking it. 👏🏻 I consider those questions extremely rude esp. in a group setting. I either pretend to not hear or answer with a complete non sequitor (have you seen the latest Tom Cruise movie). On the other hand if someone is genuinely interested I’m happy to chat with them one on one. I don’t defend my WOE in a group setting as it’s never gone well - I don’t risk my well being by trying to please someone else.


I'm not on keto. I've tried it a couple of times and could never get the electrolytes correct. Despite that, I've lost 208 lbs in the last year. Luckily, no one has seen me for years, so I won't get those questions. Congrats on your loss!


Who cares if it's ozempic or not. It's none of their effing business. Weight loss is weight loss. It's not cheating it's not a shortcut. Not everyone is the same. It seems the only thing left for people to talk about is others weight. It's not ok so eff off and mind ya own business.


I’m on ozempic because I have this disease called diabetes, you know, the disease Ozempic treats? It’s not a magic pill, you have to exercise so you don’t lose massive muscle and you have to change your eating habits because… diabetes. I’ve been working out 5 days a week with a trainer and eat1200-1500 calories a day with at least 100 g of protein. I lose about 1 pound a week. So I’ve worked hard for my 17 pounds I’ve lost since February. You should educate yourself before putting down people that are treating a disease.


Who cares how you did it or how anyone does it. Obesity should be looked at as a disease. If you used Ozempic to get better than good for you. It’s like saying that someone who just used therapy as opposed to SSRI medication to fight crippling depression is somehow stronger or better. No, some people just require different methods to fight their illness.


I am here! To tell you along with everyone else that your weight loss and your hard work was not for waste. You can always tell people how long you worked at it without telling the actual method. Your body is so much healthier for it. Big proud of you.


Honestly, keto *is* the easy way out -- stable energy levels, delicious food and lessened hunger, all while rocking a calorie deficit.




First congratulations 🎈 I think people’s comments really are a reflection of their own problems in being well and healthy. Your success shows a mirror. If you took the Ozempic etc route, it would make them feel better, give them an excuse to not bother being healthy (too expensive too this too that).


So what if you did use ozempic?? As long as you are getting healthier who cares. 


Ozempic is not the “easy” way out either. Weight loss is really hard no matter the path. Might be better to remind the people in your life of that.


I wouldn't take it personally. First, Ozempic has been all over the news so it's on people's minds. But second, it says more about them than you. It tells you that they'd need a pill to lose weight because they don't have the intestinal fortitude and discipline you do. Take it as a compliment.


360lb and 6’1, I’d feel like an unstoppable tank at that size. A bit more progress and you’d be built like a fridge!


Well done !!!


Congratulations and ignore people.


Good for you, boobliker…good for you


Well done you certainly did. Just to let you know I get the same. Also I’ve lost too much weight I must be ill blah blah blah. Like a sticky donut is going to help eh meh. I feel you anguish you can’t fix people just yourself. Fantastic result keep up the great hard work


Your story is inspiring to me. I only started two months ago.


Awesome Job..👍..


They are projecting, it is what they would have done. You do you. 💕


your results defend your methods. imagine the hubris of someone who tells you how you lost weight wasn't healthy. lol. the ignorance is out there. try not to let it get to you. you are a gd inspiration for taking your life back.


**Congratulations this is amazing !!!!**


Lets go friend, keep it up!


That's how it is. I lost a ton of weight before starting a restaurant job once and when I went to powwow with my coworkers, they laughed me out of the conversation they were having about fitness and dieting because "you're genetically skinny, you wouldn't know anything about what we go through". Actually, I'm not genetically skinny. At all. But okay, have fun being miserable. Congrats!! That's a real accomplishment, you're an inspiration!


Congratulations!!! Before it was ozempic, the assumption was you had surgery. Frustrating, but they keep being told it's too hard to lose weight with diet. And they're right, except for low sugar, low carb! Don't let the turkey's get you down. Eat turkey instead!


Well done man. I know exactly what you mean. You should be very proud of yourself. Personal success and hateful jealousy from others sadly have a positive correlation.


You're doing great. Keep pushing. You didn't deprive yourself food you gained more independence. Keep pushing brother.


I first discovered keto in 2018 and lost 50 pounds in 4 months, going from about 245 to 195. I'm soooo glad that was before Ozempic was a thing, because I'm sure I would've been asked that about 100 times.


Great job!


Who cares what they think? Fuck the haters and congrats!


Weight loss is a slog. No matter how you do it. My friends who have had bariatric surgery have a bad time sometimes. My friends who have tried ozempic have a bad time sometimes. I'm over here with my keto, and I still have bad times sometimes. It's all forever, though. You get do do whatever it is forever. Personally, I think I prefer keto. I can have a bad week and eat everything in sight, and while I might not feel great, I don't get gravely ill. My weight loss mostly was during covid before the ozempic wave hit. I don't know why so many people care, but we moralize weight in our society so strongly. There is a lot of shame surrounding weight and weight loss. You are lazy and disgusting if you're fat. You're still lazy and disgusting if you use tools to help lose it. Even though weight is controlled mostly by diet, exercise is still so prominent in the discussion - because that's the golden rule of weightloss for the industry - eat less, move more - even though it doesn't work for most people. Just keep your head down and ignore it. People are mean.


Basically everyone will always try to find a way that you “cheated” or did something harmful. Oh you used this drug or you starved yourself. It’s never “wow, you worked so hard and stuck to a working routine.”




This is the story I need to help keep me motivated!! Congratulations to you!


You can’t gaf what other people think. You got your life back. That’s all that matters and that’s all you should care about. CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishment and keep up the good work!!


You know if the day just pushed back on all the additives they are adding to our food. Fix it at the beginning not at the end.


Congratulations on your amazing weight loss, and all the hard work that went into it!


Be proud of your accomplishment, and simply reply “no” to their question. You don’t owe them any further explanation. Good job btw!


Honestly, well fucking done. That's a ton of work and you should be proud of yourself. Ignore what others think, you did the grind and the hard work. I hope you keep loving yourself and working on yourself. Be proud, that's an amazing achievement!




I went from 202lbs (2020) to 123lbs (current) and my personal biggest problem is how everyone has to comment on how skinny I am, then proceed to ask me why I'm starving myself. Which I'm not, I just cut out all the pops, extra sugar, started making everything from scratch, and ended up going vegetarian. I supplement my diet with nutrition packed smoothies, lagoons, and other high protein packed items. I haven't felt this great in years and wouldn't go back for anything. It's like don't even let anyone see me order a salad because the comments are ridiculous ASF. But when I was 200lbs NOBODY EVERRRR commented on my weight or what I ate. It's not like I'm just straight bones either, but the way they act you'd think I was. I'm still in size 6 pants and prefer to wear medium shirts. But the comments for me either way are beyond unnecessary. Congratulations on your new found heathier life 🤍! You deserve to enjoy it without being downplayed for all your hard work✨🙌🏽. Sadly in this day in age people forget what actual hard work and dedication looks like when you can just go buy a BBL.


Why do you care what other people think?


I was gunna say, the fastest way I recommend people to lose weight is cut off an arm.   Also mad respect. Losing weight is HARD and every time they ask if you used drugs it's a compliment to your willpower.


same. i lost 90 pounds in about a year and my husbands mom still believes i used ozempic. she’s seen the way i eat/exercise but she still insists its an injection. it’s super annoying.


I read somewhere on reddit that people who lose weight now will be assumed to have taken Ozempic


just carbivore, eating fatty meat will make younloose duzends of kilos without workout. congrats to your hard work


I take my hat off to you. You have done something that is exemplary for yourself and you need to be VERY PROUD of yourself. People think that the shots are the easy way out, but honestly all of it is difficult... and not using the shots is harder. Don't let the ideas in other people's heads affect you. It's not about them, but about how you feel everyday and what you have done for yourself- the dramatic improvement in your quality of life, comfort, freedom to participate, and longevity. Good job!


I applaud you. I couldn't do the first pickle ball!


Yeah people thought I had an eating disorder when I dropped 50 lbs in a year on keto. I was OMADing every other day and had a 4-hr calorie window on the off days, but I didn’t even count or limit calories. Just worked out 6x a week and ate whatever I wanted within the confines I had created for myself.


Does it matter what everyone thinks? I’m on keto(for the umpteenth time) 3ish weeks, I have great energy, I have less body aches, (downfall is my sleep schedule, 3am to 9:30 is perfect but I’m naturally a night owl) and I’ve lost a pant size. I’m losing this weight for me. IDGAF what others say or think. (Previously I lost 50 pounds over 6-7 months coming out of a depression) people have asked me if I have extra drugs (tf?) my friends-the people that matter- know I’m on a diet and why I’m on it, and most importantly support me on my journey. I’ve heard so many rumors about myself when I start losing (or gaining) weight that my friends and I laugh and have inside jokes about the rumors….if someone thinks “I cheated” f them…good riddance to bad rubbish….the people that matter know and that’s all that matters. I’m doing the work and losing the weight for ME, my health and that included my mental health (keto had shown to have positive impact on ADHD) I’m up 30 pounds from where I was at the end of my depression (my now-husband makes amazing food and I can’t stop eating, I Fing love food) and I don’t want to go further so we are both on Keto to loose weight for ourselves and to be here for eachother for longer(we recently married and I told him he has no choice we WILL be celebrating 50 years together)….i guess this is just to say I understand the BS of the accusations of “cheating” with Ozempic but do those opinions matter? Take care of yourself, f judgy people and live YOUR life the way YOU want to….


Hey man, im fucking proud of you. Fuck whatever negative shit people are saying. Most of those clowns could never maintain a lifestyle like you do. Ignore their bs because they will never know the awesomeness of what you do on a daily basis.


Since you mentioned ozempic, I just wanted to mention that the side effects of that drug are similar to symptoms of venomous snake bites. Here is some interesting information on it: [https://x.com/HealthRanger/status/1799890727557824604](https://x.com/HealthRanger/status/1799890727557824604)


Just tell them yes you did.. who cares lol


Why are we celebrating the fact that he’s putting people down for taking ozempic? One other commenter here put it perfectly. This isn’t a pissing contest.


So happy for you!


Don't let that shit get to you. I've met tons of people who when discussion of my weight loss comes up, they mention they did it to by having their stomach stapled, or pills, etc... And while I'm happy for them, ... it is annoying that they are putting some equivalence to what I (we) have pulled off. And in reality, those stomach procedures, cause some serious unforeseen damage. By having a smaller stomach, there is more acid production, they get heart burn WAY more frequently, esophageal erosion, much more gassy in general, and cannot actually eat more than a handful at a time. Personally I feel those people are just weak minded and lazy. They want someone else to fix their problem, not themselves. Give me Keto -> Steak, Chicken, Pork Chops, Ground Beef, Sausage, Eggs, Cheese, yogurt, etc.. and let me lift weights and jog. It is work, ... but it's not THAT hard if you like cooking at least. Regardless, it is infinitely more work / dedication than going to a doctor for a fix of your own lifestyles making.


It's ironic how people would tell you keto is bad but they don't say anything about the usual ultra processed food diet full of candy, pastries, deep fried, sodas and so on, which actually is bad.


mostly likely they are hoping you did so they can ask you about it and maybe use it too.


Congratulations on your healthy lifestyle!!


I’ve lost 35 pounds and I get asked the same thing. No! I’ve been working hard every single day!!


So are people that are on GLP-1’s. I lost weight with keto, regained all + some, and now I’m on Ozempic. Keto is easier & cheaper. So.


Do you use Ozempic? ;)


Looking forward to that next 160!! Congrats and keep it up!


dude, watch the new southpark special, they go hard on that ozempic shit, its fucking hilarious.


also incredible weight loss. I agree, 240-180, just keto and gym.


lol. I agree. Now that they’re known I’m also guessing people with think I took them. Would not because: doesn’t change eating, needed life long, side effects, $ and having to prick self. Feel like ordering one of Dr Cywes shirts that says “Not today Carbs” 😂


Congrats and keep it up! It is true you need the suport not to be put down. I hate people asume what they would do most times not ask and put stories in their head. Don't let yourself be put down to their level. Be the beter choice for you. The road is long and has a lot of haters. Hope you will be back in the future with even better results. Glad you took the lifestile way. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. I am so happy for youemote:free\_emotes\_pack:thumbs\_up


Fuck them


When you lose a substantial amount weight in a world where self control, discipline, accountability and effort isn't fashionable, people assume that weight loss is now only attainable through surgery or medication. When I lost weight, a lot of the reactions were either negative or "out of concern". It doesn't bother me like ot used to, but if anyone was to accuse me of using Ozempic I swear I will fly kick them in the neck, what an insult.


Well done. I feel your pain, also having done the difficult work of a ketogenic diet. I recently read Johann hari's "magic pill" about ozempic, and he brings up a poignant discussion: that ozempic does come off as a "cheat" to those who have, through discipline and education, lost and maintained weight. Sure, we all want to be recognized for the efforts of success, but what's important is that you're much healthier than you were, and likely much healthier than those who shed the weight using this drug. Imo, who better to have compassion for someone who's struggled with their weight than yourself? The environment is so obesogenic today that I hope to cheer on anyone who can be healthier, regardless of what tools they need to do so.


Yeah it's bizarre that taking a drug that paralyzes your stomach is good, but keto is unhealthy (in the minds of haters)


Same here!


Because in their mind thats the only way to do it. Lazy bums


What they’re really saying is that you did an amazing thing that’s such a big deal that they can’t even imagine pulling it off without some sort of wizardry. Just take the win!




Do you have insurance? Because those medications are ridiculously expensive. Keto is much cheaper.


Hey, that’s awesome. Your mind and body are stronger for not taking the “easy way”, and you’ve built habits that will help you continue on this journey forward. I know it sucks, but there are no true short cuts in life. Congrats on the healthier you!


First, GOOD on you losing it yourself. You're ahead of the game as you've learned how to take care of yourself. Second I totally get the frustration. I have been told many times that it's just easier for me to lose the weight when they can't. I quickly correct them explaining that having a will to fast and eat properly with moderate exercise is NOT something that's easy and they shouldn't take a crap on the accomplishment because they don't do what I am doing. It's work until it isn't. You've clearly made some lifestyle changes and have made it your norm.. When they think you have an easier time losing it then pat yourself on the back that you put yourself in a position to make it happen and ignore their nonsense.


“Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.” Well done!


People are so daft. They could simply ask how you did it instead of inferring you took an Rx weight loss drug.


I lost 62 lbs last year & everyone thought I used Ozempic. Nope. 1500 calories a day & low carb. Pickleball & walking 18 holes of golf.


My FIL was almost 525 pounds. Through 3 amputation surgeries that ended up taking most of his leg and atrophy, he got down to 450. He's been taking Ozempic by illegally trading his pain medications with one of his buddies (now he has a prescription so he can double up). He's down to 380 after a few months. I have PCOS and have been working REALLY hard to lose weight. It took me almost a year, but I'm down from 250 to 190. So I'm still chunky and about ahlf way to my goal weight, but I'm not giving up! I'm getting married next year and want to start dress shopping soon! He had the balls to call me a stuck-up fat b!tch. I know it's because I'm doing things the right way, and he took the easy way out, and no one is praising him for his "accomplishment." I'm not saying taking Ozempic is the wrong way to lose weight, but how he is specifically doing it is wrong.


Be proud of your accomplishment ad it is evidence you are disciplined and have proven commitment. On the other hand you will also not suffer from whatever massive side effects, potentially fatal, that will be discovered as more people use these drugs. In pharmaceuticals, and in particular now where the FDA is so massively corrupt, there are always bad side effects. When you alter how your body processes vital functions, there are always bad consequences. Some take years to see.


This is so funny to me. I go to the gym 6 days a week and if I put in all this work to lose weight and people were like "good for you for taking a shot" I would lose it lol. Good on you bro


All that work for someone to ask if you did it the most lazy way possible... 😮‍💨


GLP-1’s are not magic. They just making “doing the work” slightly easier. It’s a tool, not a magic injection. But yeah, spread that ignorance.


I'm ignorant. What's your point. The average person which I am think that this drug is used by people who don't want to work for it. See as you told me otherwise now I know but my TEACHER (You) don't need to be a jerk to tell me that I'm wrong my friend. You could just say, "No you have it wrong and explain to me" So please don't come at me sideways...


Brain rot 😂


I have humility. I'm humble and I am capable to admit being wrong. So what's wrong with me ?


Would be nice if doctors stopped prescribing ozempic for weight loss. I wonder how many people who used it to lose weight actually keep the weight off after they're no longer taking it.

