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Dr. Eric Westman and Amy Berger have an excellent book called End Your Carb Confusion that can walk you through how to formulate a maintenance diet. It is really very useful. Congratulations, by the way :)


Purchased on your recommendation. I lost 57 lbs in 2019, gained back 25. And, crazily, I can’t remember exactly how I did it. I stopped tracking bc I have OCD, and it was ruining it for me, but once I figured out what to eat, I was ok not tracking. Then I kept trying to restart and kept getting sidetracked by all the new “keto”stuff out there and never got back on track. Hoping this book will help. Thanks!


Congrats! That's awesome progress, my dude! What's next? You'll find some information in some of the pinned FAQs on this sub. But, you could adopt a "maintenance" level of keto by bumping up your carbs to 50/day. This will give you some leeway to enjoy more types of foods you may have missed since starting Keto. You may also find getting off keto entirely and just paying attention to your diet will help you maintain your weight. I'm pushing 50, and feel just like you - I cannot, under any circumstances, be a big guy again.


>I feel great on keto, good energy, cleared thinking, my sex drive is through the roof! >but do I stay on keto? Sounds like you answered your own question. Why wouldn’t you keep eating the diet that makes you feel amazing? I started keto in 2017 and never stopped for the same reasons and more (and as a bonus, it’s been a piece of cake maintaining my weight loss), best thing I ever did for myself.


A maintenance plan, and keeping an eye on your weight going forward once you're at your goal/being willing to adjust. Don't freak out if your losses seem to plateau while you're building muscle, since the density of muscle is higher and you can be at the same weight but losing inches. This happens to a LOT of people as they build muscle; same weight though pants get looser. You can know this intellectually but still get frustrated if you're just looking at the pounds/kg.


I plan to spend the majority of my life in ketosis. Every month there is more quality evidence of its benefits for mental health, neurological conditions (epilepsy, parkinsons, alzheimers), cardiovascular health, and metabolic health. [Just this this week there was a case study](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/ajpcell.00694.2023) showing a guy with Type 1 diabetes has been keto for a decade and is now waaaaay healthier than most people with type one diabetes.


That is the journey i am going through!! 107 to 85. Currently 99 I hope poeple have some tips


Yes, you stay on keto. Keto is not a weight loss program it is a healthy way of life, the proper human diet as Dr Berry calls it. Weight loss is just a side effect. If you're feeling so good why would you go off of it. Just keep doing what you're doing your body is not going to make you wither away from losing weight. Keep eating enough proteins and fats and you'll be just fine. Some people try reintroducing bad carbs and the brain fog and aches and pains start coming back.


Congrats on your progress! I'm very close to goal and having the same thoughts. My loose plan is to stay keto, but increase my total calories. Once I figure out the maintenance calories, I'm going to start seeing what my carb limit is, within that calorie number to still stay in ketosis. Increasing things like berries and nuts and veg. If that makes sense. I am strictly under 20 total carbs, so I might try net carbs at first? All of this will require me to start tracking again. Which I haven't done for the last 3 months.


If you're wanting to put on some muscle, don't stress too much about the scale number. I'd rather gain 3lb of muscle mass than 3lb of body fat, even if that means I go up 3lbs on the scale.


Hello! I would also suggest checking out r/ketogains for ideas about what kind of lifting to do and how to adjust your diet for body recomposition while in keto.




Why did you say your weight in kgs but your loss in lbs?


so people like americans can understand how much that is?




Americans know how to use google don’t they


let’s face it, most people don’t bother to convert different units. op just wanted to make himself clear for everyone around here


It’s 20kgs if you are struggling with the maths 🤣