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I do all the time to cook for my kids LOL. One bite and swallow of something here and there is not going to hurt you. Spitting it out definitely isn’t going to hurt you. How else am I supposed to tell if the pasta is cooked or their sauces are seasoned properly?


Throw pasta at the wall. Probably should find a way to split the difference on the sauces. Like a bit of Allulose in a low sugar sauce for example. You can then use the sauce on your version of the dish. If your sauce has so much sugar you worry about your macros from a taste, sounds like a sauce I would almost never give my kids if I had kids. This isn't criticism to you, just sharing thoughts.


I’ve never put sugar in a pasta sauce in my life, but thanks for the unsolicited mansplaining, dad.


I only think it would affect you enough to make a difference if you were doing several batches a day or testing a lot of frosting. If you've got an older child maybe teach them how to help on the extra sweet things like frosting and syrups.


Not strange. When I do it, I think about wine tasters and their spit buckets.


Seemed normal until I googled it and it started talking about eating disorders. LOL. I think I’ll be fine.


Exactly, I always refer to it as “wine tasting” haha


I don't think a small taste would really hurt. For me, the hard part is just taking a small taste. I made banana bread at about a month into keto and said never again. The next time I baked it was brownies for a birthday. But that banana bread was the worst because it smelled so good. I plan to bake for the holidays and loosen up my diet. But until then I can't take the temptation.


This week I’ve made 3 batches of cookies and I’m working on 2 batches of cinnamon rolls. Believe it or not, I haven’t eaten any. I think it’s because the scale is moving the right direction. Years ago I came across a saying: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I always remind myself of that. Not that my goal weight is “thin” but that’s how the saying went. Current 177/Goal 155


I went wild last holiday season. Gained 10 lbs but that left quickly when I buckled down again.


The good news is you are a baker and keto. You will one day possibly be a goddess to someone that is gluten free and never gets any treats at get togethers lol. Almond flour coconut flour blend recipes can be better than recipes that only use one. Have fun.


Yesterday I pulled out my tortilla press and made tortillas out of nothing but flax meal and water, and I felt like a total genius.


Here's a good website with lots of information on keto baking and recipes: [www.alldayidreamaboutfood.com](http://www.alldayidreamaboutfood.com)


For most of the past 25 years, I've baked virtually all the bread we eat, the main exception being hot dog buns, because I just can't duplicate the lightness of the ones in the grocery store, nor can I come up with true Chicago-style hot dog buns, even if I put poppy seeds on them. I'm doing mostly keto-friendly baking now, using allulose instead of sugar and trying a variety of keto-friendly ingredients. (I just ordered some lupin flour to test it.) Recently I've started buying some keto-friendly breads, like the L'Oven Fresh keto breads and buns at Aldi. When we can go to a maintenance diet (hopefully this fall), I'll probably resume some regular wheat baking. I don't think the spitting out idea would work for me, but others may find it works for them.


I bake a lot too and taste whatever I make to be sure it tastes right (especially when trying a recipe for the first time). I just make room in my day for the extra carbs. But I never take more than a couple bites.


Maybe if it's a pure sugar thing like caramel but I think for a taste it's not a problem. I would have a hard time resisting.


I bake using nut and seed meal sweetened with monk fruit powder ,lemon meringue cookies , cheese cake, there are all kinds of recipes


I don’t think you are taking into account how your tastes will change if you are no longer eating this stuff. You will overtaste the sugar and end up making stuff that normal people don’t think is sweet enough. So tasting it will be pointless. I think your body is just looking for excuses!