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My mother has been impressed with the weight loss, but she says it’s wrong because I’m starving myself. i do keto with OMAD I have to remember it has nothing to with me. She eats very unhealthy and also eats emotionally. To say this way of eating is working would be to question her belief system of how food and diet works. And she just isnt in a place to do that. So just keep doing what feels right and what your doctor is also saying looks good.


KETOMAD! I did this for a few months without a change in activity level. Went from 104kg (230) to 78kg (172) It was brilliant 🤙🏼


Thats so amazing! My insulin resistance and PCOS makes it a bit harder for me but progress is progress


The main thing is that you feel good!!! It wasn’t long term sustainable for me. I’m such a foodie. But it helped create the body I wanted! I didn’t maintain my low but I kept ALOT off and feel sooo much better for it. I’ll do it again at some point for another few months. It’s a nice reset and helps establish long term routines and healthy relationship to food especially carbs & sugar.


One trick with ketomad, is myself, I usually eat my omad at the end of the day, but when you get to that end of the day, you can make it a 24 hour plus fast. You get to the end of the day, take a melatonin and just sleep through your scheduled meal, and the next day in my experience, I wake up and generally aren't that hungry, and can go all the way to the next night omad, but I'm sure everyone is different. But, for me, this is an easy way to drop fat when you kind of stall out on weight loss.


Great advice!! I love a nice long fast. I do a 36-48hr fast once a month especially when I’m feeling like a fatty 😂 I always ensure to work out fasted as well, it’s kinda a ritual for me. If I’m fasting I’ll do a work out.


I only workout on a fasted stomach too! It keeps my workouts a lot more energetic.


I’m in the south, and if you haven’t eaten in an hour, somebody is gonna try to give you a biscuit. I’m tired of having to practically yell at people to make them stop, so I feel your pain. More than I’m worried about the lie, I’m worried about maintaining the lie. At most, I would have gone with pre-diabetic. I can’t criticize. I’m so tired of fighting off well-meaning biscuit bearers, I kinda wish I’d thought of it.


I have a shirt that says "no I do not want a biscuit". it finally got the point across at family gatherings.






Just throw the biscuit somewhere after it's handed to you.


Hahahaha I immediately imagined chunking it at the back of someone’s head. I’m always nice but I hate seeing food go to waste. There are people who get very insistent, and it’s not a one-time issue. I think OP may be dealing with the same thing. There’s a point when you question whether it’s generosity or sabotage.


it's always sabotage


I know right? People are just jealous that they can’t be so disciplined.


If you chuck it enough times, they'll hopefully get the picture.


Ah the old throw the steak at the window trick....


throwing a steak is wasteful, throwing a stake is deadly to a vampire, throwing a biscuit is for the greater good (the greater good)


You have exquisite taste in films, sir


Referencing the old lore for those uninitiated: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/3im341/tifu_by_throwing_my_steak_out_a_window/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Lambert's Cafe, Home of the Throwed Rolls ... i kid you not https://throwedrolls.com/


Been there a few times… great place and yes that’s the “claim to fame”.


I drive past it whenever I’m headed to my place in Gulf Shores. I can testify, it’s real.


There's a great bit in Righteous Gemstones where they keep handing Kelvin carby food like a cupcake, and he puts it between two napkins and angrily smashes it. I cheered.


Give it to the dog


Oh sure, traumatize the dog with carbs


Bring a shrimp tray to the potluck and they'll leave you alone, and you'll have shrimp.


I’m obviously in the wrong frame of mind tonight. I immediately thought, “Or stay home. With the dogs. On the couch. And eat shrimp.”


If you have a cat and a tray of shrimp, I'm pretty sure thay you can get it to clean the bathroom. It will do a terrible job, but the enthusiasm is impressive.


Same. In Mississippi. I thought my family was gonna disown me last night when I ate my steak and skipped on the macaroni and cheese, potatoes, and bread.


That ain’t right. We eat all our taters in the south. ;-)


> “well-meaning biscuit bearers” 🤣


Mind your own biscuits


I will absolutely find the opportunity to use that line in the future.


I have celiac and I’m low carb, and no one is owed an explanation of why I eat the way I eat. It’s just how I eat. I’ll tell someone why only if I feel up to it. But no one is owed an explanation. I would never tell someone I had some medical condition that I didn’t, but I can honestly say my medical professionals have told me to eat this way.


Also coeliac and on keto. I’ve found it quite an easy transition! Also saving a fortune not buying gluten free alternatives of carb heavy food. If someone mentions it in a judgemental way (‘oh I’d miss bread so much!’) I remind them I’ve been missing bread for a decade. Normally shuts them up.


Tell them the truth, which is eating carbs makes you feel like total dog shit and keto is the first diet you've ever tried that makes you feel like a normally functioning human being. If they can't understand that, then fuck em.


This is good. Thanks. 


I’ve had them nag at me incessantly, but they never forced me to eat anything because I always said “no thank you” and they weren’t strong enough to hold me down and physically shove it down my throat. I just feel like a lie of that magnitude can really backfire down the road, ya know? 😆


Agreed. Nobody can force you to abandon your diet; they can be unpleasant, but it’s not within their power to stop you from following keto (unless you’re a dependant).


I can totally relate. I do the same when it comes to booze. I’m a recovering alcoholic since 2010 and if someone really can’t take a no or starts annoying me with „oh come on, one glass of champagne, you just have to, a toast to the newlyweds!“ I will come up with some nuclear pills I need to take and that’ll kill my liver in a week if I consume only one drop of alcohol. If they ask back whether that is likely I will respond that it’s just as likely as me drinking makes a difference regarding the outcome of the marriage. I prefer to not discuss keto things at all. Where I come from Keto is widely believed to be some sort of meat and cheese diet and people who eat that way will die early from a heart attack. They say if you want to lose weight you should eat equally mixed macros and count calories and if you don’t starve and be hungry all the time you’re doing it wrong. I’m tired of this discussion. I didn’t even start this to lose weight in the first place, I was just hoping to feel less sick. Which I achieved miraculously only one week into keto.


> Forcing me to eat carbs, sweets and drink beer They’re forcing you, huh? Weird. You don’t see a lot of aggravating assault with a Twinkie.


The most horrendous of violence is not physical. Trust me. 


If people need to be lied to in order to behave themselves, then that’s what they get. I wish more people were widely educated and deeply curious but most of the time you have to stretch and find something they already know how to relate to before you can get a concept across. That’s life. I just hope your illusion doesn’t go too deep and get you into trouble. Like what if a friend starts dating someone who has type 2 and that person asks lots of technical questions, or you just feel bad about posing. But short of those complications: fuck it, tell the stupid people in your life whatever stupid shit they need to hear.


I do shit like this all the time. Never act like I have money, play stupid, act like I'm always working, say I'm always tired, say I don't have a life.


"Well meaning" people may ask once or twice and then they stop. There are some others who want to see you fail, and they try to nag you into submission. Its not just about diet, you see them in other areas as well. Like with alcohol, they say one drink is not going to kill you, with cigarettes, just have this one cigarette with your friends. Shit like that. We have a very cheap family "friends" who refuse to feed any protein like eggs and meats to their guests. They put a table full of cheap carbs like pasta and rice and they act like eat it or starve. Guess what, haven't been to their home in two years. This is how it is with people, but I get it. I should be an adult, and put my foot down in stead of lying to them about a non-existent condition.


Good for you on not seeing them in two years. You can't choose your family but you can cut ties with them if their mean, self serving, narcissistic people. As for friends, no one who does this to you is a friend. Especially the alcohol and cigarette bit. You tell them no thank you, and they shouldn't even question you. Find new friends.


Make up some bullshit like ‘my doctor says I am possibly pre-diabetic & wants me to change my diet’ it’s a little less drastic and unlikely for you to get caught out down the road.


For a lot of us I would imagine it is like this. Is for me.


Exactly if you’re overweight & have a responsible doctor they will counsel you on some sort of diet, mine certainly did.


That's what I would say. "Thank you, but doctor said I need to watch my blood sugar". Close enough without claiming you have a disease. Then when you have an occasional non keto food, they're not likely to jump on it, or you can more easily explain it away.


When people asked me what prompted me to lose weight I say I had high cholesterol & a history of heart disease on my mum’s side of the family, which is true. I don’t get questioned further.


That's actually part of what made it important to me. My mom and grandmother both had triple bypasses in their 30's, and were extremely overweight from 30's on, and I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. I quit smoking 5 months ago and started seriously watching my diet. Down 15 pounds and blood pressure the other day was 130/80! (Down from 160/92)


I've told the same lie. It's just easier. People shouldn't tell anyone else what to do with their body. Period.


I love that ! I do love a little private secret :-) I wish I'd done that but my lot know perfectly well I'm not going to get diabetes. What bugs me is that nobody ever says well done, or anything good about it- but they feel the need to update me on every pound they lost and how their diet AND fitness is going. When I reply with my weight loss or fitness it's like, no response! Can't be seen to 'encourage' keto. Or congratulate someone on losing weight in such a radical way. The fact that I persevered, leaned loads, completely changed my diet and foods and cook fresh for every day, whilst still being vegetarian, it took 10 months to lose weight and basically at 51 I got back to a weight I was at when I was 30 for the first time in 20 years... Not a single word from anyone.


vegetarian keto? how is this possible? is your diet all vitamin pills?


Hi :-) it's a lot of work and no it's not much supplements - but it's all about cooking from fresh to make alternatives... So a veggie keto person has loads of almond, coconut, psyllium husk, flax and lupin flours, which are low in carbs and some are very high in fatty acids, protein or vitamins :-) We rely on keto veg, spinach, avocado, broccoli, courgette, egg plant, cabbage and many more, we even use spring onions instead of white onion just to cut down on any carbs possible. I use protein powder to make waffles, pancakes and health bars using seeds and keto nuts and keto home made maple syrup! And 100% black chocolate with powdered milk and plant sweeteners - it is luuuuuusshhhh. I have to do batch cooking as I can't cook every day, saves time etc. I take supplements magnesium, but more important for me is potassium and sodium, but I believe potassium these are needed for most keto diets :-) I never looked back, even though it was a long learning phase - because it feels so much better and gives me jedi strength over what I want to eat and when- no cravings, and less hunger, plus finally losing weight which had been impossible to lose from my usual ways when I reached 50yo. It's quite well known to have veggie keto diet :-) just takes a bit of re learning all the nutrients as there's a risk of being deficient in many. So I track all of them with cronometer app, but don't need it now as got to know all my meals :-) Thank god for Quorn Protein powder Tofu And cheese :-)


It’s frustrating when people don’t respect your wishes, decisions, or lifestyle choices. This sounds just like situations where people say they don’t drink and the only way to get people off their back is to tell them they’re a recovering alcoholic… It’s sad that people can’t accept “no thank you”


Family sucks but no real friend would do that. I’d cut it back to pre-diabetic at least. While not diagnosed you probably were.


Honestly no-one knows unless I tell them. When we go out or when we eat I can easily find ways of avoiding carbs without drawing attention. If they ask I just tell them Im trying something new and leave it at that.


I’m sorry you have to deal with food pushers. But unless they are literally holding you down, no one can force you to eat. It’s frustrating, but tell them no firmly but forcefully and walk away if necessary.


I get it. Good idea, actually. It’s crazy how the people that are supposed to always have our backs get when they see the results on us. My mom always asks, is that healthy. As opposed to being 300 lbs, high blood pressure, and pre diabetic? Yeah. Eating nothing but protein and fats in a 4 hour window each day is healthy. At least it is for me. Then comes any , and every holiday. She buys me a huge bag of candy, and says, I wasn’t sure if you were still in your diet or not. Very frustrating.sometimes.


I have a problem even with my partner.. he does not have diabetes , so he always offers me sweets and carbs .. I always have to say no… I have reactive hypoglycemia so low carb is important for me .. hypo is scary.. Healthy people don’t understand those who have ailments…. I will keep my Keto even I am on travel. He told me that I should forget about diet during traveling .. but I have a lot of concern . I have developed food allergies aw well . Bananas, tomatoes and macadamia nuts.. they make me really sick for several days.. avoiding tomato is hard in Italy .. Do you know any dishes do not have tomato??


Do what works. I had this happen at times- they keep harping at you. Just be healthy.


I have gotten headaches related to sugar withdrawal in the past, so I tell a similar story, that sugar gives me headaches so I have to avoid it. Of course people respond "this is not much sugar" when it's like a bakery item lol.


Ok, there is a few of you who are pushing back on the idea of "Forcing". When you are visiting friends and family and they keep pestering about just a slice of cake, or small drink, or a little sweet that bought from an exotic store etc. it gets fucking annoying to go through that back and forth. Often times its a room full of people against me and some people even get upset when I say no. To my credit, I never once went against my diet in spite of all that weirdness, but I do find it a lot easier to tell them a white lie and end that conversation immediately. I have even started putting whatever they offer in my plate, hang on to it all evening, and leave it in the sink so they know I am serious about this shit. They may be pissed off that I wasted that so-called expensive item, but screw them, my health is even more expensive. So yeah, no one force feeds me or gets physical with me of course, but it is a tremendous burden to push back against a mob of people demanding you eat garbage.


Grow some balls (or ovaries) and just say it with conviction and be very forthright Not rude. Just honest and polite.


Not mad at that. Don't know if I would go to this extreme. But I swear that every time I am trying to buckle down and get my mind right, my mom shows up with soda, donuts, cookies, etc. I swear she just knows & she is on Wegovy too but refuses to let ice cream and soda go.


When she loses most of the precious muscle she has she might realize why she should’ve stayed away from the ice cream and soda and upped the protein.


She's over 70 so she doesn't care. Lol. But it's clear she is stuck in her ways because she does the same with my kids and says she read up on it.🙄


So sad, after 60 it’s very difficult to gain muscle again, if she falls it makes for easier breaking of bones and is so damn important. It makes me sad that people don’t care about their health besides the number on the scale, sugar is detrimental to your health and muscle is so precious, if you lose “weight” that could be muscle and/or fat, we want to lose fat not just any kind of weight. That’s why protein is so absolutely important to maintain muscle mass. Also with Wegovy it can be 30-40% muscle lost, it’s so sad. High protein, Low carb would be the best way to maintain muscle and lose fat


I will let her know. We don't get along well so she may take it or leave it.


Ben Bikman has some great info on it. He’s a PHD scientist


A video called “GLP 1, Mounjaro, Wegovy & Ozempic: How These Affect Weight Loss & Metabolic Health | Dr. Rob Lustig” on YouTube is also great. The risks of weightloss drugs out weight the short term benefits, a lifestyle change is what is needed. Stomach paralysis and muscle loss are both very dangerous, we have not seen long term data at the doses they’re administering but it’s very profitable. I lost 65+ lbs by doing low carb and once I am metabolically more flexible I can handle a bit more carbohydrates. So many of us are overfed and undernourished, the best way is to eat nutrient dense food and not starve yourself to weight loss, but heal yourself so your body can burn fat leading to fat loss.


You dont need to explain yourself or give excuses. No is a complete sentence. When ppl nag me first few times Im nice and polite then I start getting mean, like "no i dont want your shitty food, gtfo away from me" eventually they get the picture and if they are trying to undermine you they dont need to be around anyhow so it kinda solves two problems


My ex and his family were horrible towards me about this when it came to food. In a 3 year span, I gained 65lbs and in January 2022, I began my health journey. By April of that year, I had already lost half of that weight just from eating more whole, natural foods and walking 2-3 miles a day. I remember my ex-MIL telling me how “sickly” I looked and that I “shouldn’t lose anymore weight”. Whenever we’d go out to eat or host dinner, she would get SO triggered over the fact I would be eating extra vegetables or not going for the sweets. But then again, most of that family is overweight and there’s a slew of health problems (heart disease, diabetes). It’s all projection from them. But it’s whatever. I lost half of my body fat and am in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. And the best part is I’ve found balance; I still enjoy small treats here and there, but in general stick with the 85/15 rule.


When I started back on this a couple of months ago I knew there might be some issues with family. I ran into my doctor at an event (his wife is a good friend of mine) and told him I'd gone back to healthy low carb eating and I was going to blame him if anyone questioned me. He laughed and said go ahead. Which is good, as I am going to be staying for several days with other family and the wife has some really nutty and very outdated ideas about food and supplements, she has a giant basket of pills on the breakfast table every day and eats soy "ground meat" and other stuff, so I will just say I had some health problems (totally true) and my doctor has recommended this way of eating to fix them (kind of true).


Grow up and stand up for yourself. Using a chronic condition many people struggle to manage is just not cool.


How can they force you to eat carbs, sweets and beer? You mean they hold you down and force a tube down your throat?


Broccoli and chicken is the way to go


Even better, tell them you got Crohn’s disease.


I think this is brilliant, because maybe it plants the seed for people to AT LEAST stop eating so much sugar. I was at a house dice party last week...next to her coffee pot, set carefully together in a rack on the counter, FIFTEEN full size, various flavor bottles of Torano sweetener! With the hand pumps and all! Only she and her spouse live there! The amount of sugar in her house was almost shocking....but they don't really realize the damage it does, sadly.


I had a friend like this. We are no longer friends.


I have Type 1 diabetes and low carb has been close to miraculous for my health overall. Yet people *still* will question the diet and sometimes don’t back off when offering stuff and you politely refuse and explain why. At some point all I can do is to agree to disagree and say “yeah, works for me” and dismiss the conversation.


They refused to respect your boundaries so you did what you had to do! I had somewhat of a similar situation. Your health comes first.


I tell people that I'm allergic to whatever it is they're trying to get me to eat. When they ask what happens if I do, I say it makes my thighs swell up! While they are contemplating that (or laughing), I walk off.


That’s a good one!


I seriously encourage you to change your environment then. If claiming you have a serious disease is the only way to make the people around you respect your *dietary choices* then these aren’t the people who deserve to be around you.


The point does not come across, especially with family or close friends. Like you could be telling them about gluten, inflammation, this and that yet for the weekend plan they'll cook you a gargantuan pasta bowl lol. Pasta, bread and flour are deeply ingrained in our habits.


Make it awkward just keep refusing, if they keep offering keep refusing. They will soon give up.


I’ve seriously considered doing this.


I have chronic GERD (20y+) and digestive issues. So I allways revert to that. I say if I eat that I’ll be up all night. And many times I am, and most people who see me regularly have seen me totaly underslept. But funny thing is, people now think I’m very unhealthy, suffering, and am « slim » because I can’t eat anything. But the truth is, I’m very fit (strong, low body fat), especially for an office worker in his 40s who also has a chronic health issue. And it is the diet that helps me to function, strenght train and be fit despite the disease. But doesn’t give anyone a reason to think I know anything about nutrition, even though I’m in way better shape than then, DESPITE having a big handicap. It is what it is.


Whenever someone questions my fasting lifestyle and choice to eat keto, I ask them to speak on the matter once they’ve done an ounce of research themselves. You’ve not fasted a day in your life and you have the audacity to lecture me??? Pffff please walk away.


I kinda like this idea


ugh the judgement you can get from people when trying to better your life is exhausting. I am so sorry you are going through that!! it will be okay, just keep doing you. Only you know what's best for you!!


I have autoimmune hepatitis, trying to eat keto/carni… mil knows my health issues but insists on forcing alcoholic drinks on me at every get together. Doesn’t matter that stage 3 liver disease is wreaking havoc… some people are clueless op.


Yes, I've done this with co-workers. Some think I'm dying because I won't have cake. But if I say I'm dying (or sicker) because of cake, then I get helpers or they just are not as motivated to shove junk at me. I get a question sometimes, instead of a directive that I eat the cake. Some ask if it could help them. Some ask if certain foods are okay for me to eat, before offering. But a couple of year ago, there was one person who insisted she knew everything about diabetes T2. I had to point out to her she was not a diet expert and she was not doing well, because she's taking the insulin because she's having waffles and syrup everyday. Her visceral fat was major, but I didn't want to say anything about that. She hated me until she transfered.


No one can force you to do anything. Stop letting people rule your life. You are doing what's healthy for you, that's the extent of their interest.


I have lost 140lbs so far. When I tell them it was Keto I always hear, better be careful. So now I just tell people I buy bigger clothes and it makes me look like I have lost weight. It doesn't work so well when they say I see you lost weight in your face.


Actually getting diagnosed with Type 2 is what started my Keto journey 2 years ago. Since I've lost most of the problematic weight, my numbers have dropped back down to the pre-diabetic level (I just can't seem to get under the "pre" level into the "normal" range). But, I never tell people that part (other than my wife) for the very same reason. You're not alone.


Sounds like bad juju


That’s brilliant!!!


It's fucked up to fake a disease. Grow up and stand your ground. If they don't respect your lifestyle, cut them off. How dare you claim an illness you don't have.


Umm, how old are you? When you say forcing you, do you mean holding you down and shoving it in your mouth? Maybe it’s at gun point? Maybe it’s just me, but my guess is you may be a gen-z? Millennial? Definitely not a Gen-X that’s for sure. I’ll be honest though, I didn’t read your whole post so maybe you were kidding? Did they pour beer down your throat? Hhmmm? I was diabetic for over 12 years and taking 2 shots of insulin a day. No one gives a damn if you’re diabetic! They’ll offer rice, cakes, cookies, and ice cream knowing that you’re diabetic! You better believe that cause it’s true. So now that you know that, who are you going to blame for your poor choices in nutrition? It’s funny to me that it’s someone else’s fault that you are eating garbage, unless the physical “forcing” is real. Let me ask you this, if you had finally got off of being addicted to dope and were finally clean, would you still hang out at a trap house? Would you still hang out with your old junky buddies? I suppose you might if you weren’t serious about getting clean and staying clean. A lot of people will say it’s not the same thing. I say, really? How would you know? I can tell how I know, anyone else you should ask. What drugs were they on and how long? As for me? I’m a human of excess, if one’s good then more is better and I can say it usually is, depending on what you are looking for. I have yet to find a mind altering substance that I didn’t like or used more of. I never truly got addicted to anything until I hurt my back for a second time and then it was painkillers for 15 years!! I’m telling you this because making a low/no carb/sugar choice in your life is in my belief more important than making the choice to not do drugs. They’ll both shorten your life, but one can be done in front of and with everyone you know and don’t know! Eating crap! There’s no shame in it and you don’t have to hide it. Drugs at least have a stigma and social limiting factor to it. I’m gonna go now and read the rest of your post, but I hope that you can get a hold of yourself and do the right thing for YOU, not for anyone else. Day 162 Carnivore


Not to offend you but do you have an issue with assertiveness? Because I don’t want to shock you: if you are over 18, NO ONE can “force” you to consume anything you don’t want to. So I really can’t imagine what you mean by people forcing you to eat carbs and drink beer! Practice this magic three word phrase in front of of the mirror until it feels natural: “No thank you.”


Great idea


if they don’t support or understand no they don’t care about you and don’t deserve your truth or lie kcko


As an ex-diabetic, carbs and sugars, standard American diet WILL HIT you hard do do plenty of damage to your health, but you know that already, don’t you? That’s why you eat the way you do, right? So what’s really going on here? Are you that weak? Are your “friends” not actually your friends? Are they just acquaintances? Do you need better friends? Family? Also I have to ask what’s this forcing to eat look like. I already wrote you a book so I will stop here, as I can go al day. Sounds like you’ve got a bit of introspection to do and figure out what you want from life and how much effort you are willing to put into getting that which is yours!! Stay safe