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So I felt less “bloated” in my stomach after the first month - but my stomach was the last thing to shrink. For me it went face, butt, legs and then stomach. Down to 185 from 270 for what it’s worth.


It's worth a lot. Good job!


Arm wings begin to reduce, as well👍


My arm wings bother me more than my stomach. :(


Wow! Congratulations!! I'm on day 4, and spent all day nauseous and in and out of bed. Praying this keto flu passes quickly. I dont remember feeling this as badly last time. I lost 45 lbs 2 years ago on keto and the 'shrinkage' went the same for me. Face, butt, legs, stomach. Lol! I have 100lbs total to lose, but I'm more excited about getting healthy and feeling energetic again. Just gotta give it a couple more days to get back in the swing, I'm sure. Onward! I'm so excited for you and to see all of the amazing testimonials on this sub!


Urgent. Get salt into you ASAP. Drink pickle juice, salty broth, electrolyte drinks. Gatorade Zero is better than nothing but does not have enough electrolytes. While some part of keto flu (brain fog) is from the switch to ketones as brain fuel, most of the nausea, headaches, muscle cramps, and fatigue are simply due to a lack of electrolytes. Read the FAQs about keto flu and electrolytes. Yes, you need so much more than you think. Simplest and cheapest option is to mix salt with potassium chloride, sold as Lite Salt. Mix with a quart of water and lemon juice or sugar-free lemonade. Drink one cup every few hours - don’t chug it all at once.


I read the FAQs last night and started sipping on pickle juice because it was all I had. It has already helped tremendously! Nausea is so much better today. You rock! Thank you so much!!


Ah keto flu.. I know it well haha. So crazy what a sugar detox can do to your body. You got this!


Thank you for your support and motivation! Joy! Yes, I got this! :)


i'm guessing your stomach didn't get to its current size after only 3 weeks, so it's not necessarily going to vanish in 3 weeks either. Have you taken measurements?


**I came here for this**, unfortunately. Much like DEBT , FAT doesn't go away fast, after all it didn't show up that fast did it.... I don't like this response, but, they are correct.


More often than not, truth is offensive. That doesn't make it any less true. But I know the people here say what they say out of love and genuinely wanting to help their fellow man.


Good thing is you don't need to exercise to lose weight. You're doing great and it's likely you're just not noticing it. 16lbs in 3 weeks is amazing. Keep it up! My tip is don't eat more than 20 carbs and don't worry about the rest. 204 in October and down to 153 today with just those rules. Keep it up you got this! Personal note I still feel fat and I've literally lost 1/4th of my weight since October.


Stomach fat is almost always the last thing to go, and unfortunately it doesn’t go away for everyone. Genetics play a huge role in this, you cannot spot reduce fat. Just keep doing what you’re doing, any loss is progress no matter where the fat is actually coming off.


Lost 25lbs and none of it left my love handles 😫


I switched to a diet that mainly consisted of OMAD chicken and after a week there was a noticeable difference.


I’m sure it’s shrinking just not as quickly as the other areas.


Fat leaves your body where it wants to, you can't target any specific area. It'll take time to lose it


I’m a female and EVERY SINGLE TIME I start losing weight, my boobs are like “I volunteer as tribute!” 😫I freaking hate it, but it is what it is. I have accepted that in order to lose weight everywhere else, I have to sacrifice my boobs. Once I get to goal, I will be the president of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee! 😂😂😂


I’ll be your first club member! 😬Happened to me too!


Ditto here! 🤣🤣 Lucky Lane Bryant has great bras and 2x/yr 50% off sales! My husband hates to see them go, too, when I'm solid in keto. But it's sure worth it for all of the benefits!


Oh gosh I hope mine shrink!! I hate wrestling with them day and night 😭


Same! Face, boobs, legs, belly for me! I had no butt to begin with. Lol


I always tried figuring out how when I've never had a butt, that's the 1st place I lose the fat on keto. It's still mind boggling.




Uugh, why is my butt always the 1st to go. A butt that already was non existent to begin with. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Itty Bitty Titties are yummy!


It’s gonna take a while.


In addition to fat, the stomach and belly can be larger because the abdominal muscles have elongated to fit over the fat. You can't do abs exercises to hasten a fix for this. After the fat in the area is gone, the abs will slowly (several months or a year or perhaps more) grow shorter, and the stomach and belly will decrease in size. I'm still seeing gradual shrinkage in my lower belly even though my weight loss is complete. I think I'd need a tummy tuck to get rid of all of the extra girth there.


My stomach fat melted away and who knows how much visceral fat melted off. The initial thing was 4 inches worth of bloating and inflammation! Then 65 pounds left and my insulin dependent diabetes! I reversed diabetes! I’m on Day 168 Being straight up Carnivorous!! Feel great!!


For me it comes off in the order it went on 😂 Never the places you want it to go from first. Keep going, it works!


If you are built like me the belly fat is the last to go. Last time I did keto the love handles didn't disappear until I hit my goal weight (SW 195, GW 165).


My stomach fat is the last thing to go :( please don’t get discouraged! Are you able to do aby versions of crunches? It doesn’t make the fat go faster but when my stomach feels sore I know I’m at least toning/ makes me feel better that I am “doing something” about my insecure area.


Quick loss in your body being so inflamed and dropping glucose and water the first few weeks. Stay the course dont cheat. Bro youre on the path and down real weight. 2-3 more weeks ppl with start noticing. You will feel clothes fit better


This motivated me, so thank you. I haven’t dropped any additional lbs since losing 7-10 in the first 2 weeks out of the 3 1/2 I’ve been on it but I know that was all the water/bloat. My inflammation (swollen ankles/rash on my shins) also went away almost immediately and that was/is enough for me to believe in the power of eliminating carbs/sugar. I was told it would but to actually *SEE* the results and *FEEL* like a new human drove it all the way home for me


Im 10 years in now. Check my previous post. Stay the course


are you able to walk? if you can manage to get in 10,000 steps a day, WALKING, not running, that's all you really need to do exercise wise as long as you maintain a caloric deficit


You haven't mentioned your gender or age but if you're a post-menopausal woman, it will be the last to go.


Took me about 35 lbs (10 lbs overweight now) and 8 months to notice my belly shrinking. And man my thunder thighs are hanging on for dear life. Weight loss is different for everyone, but as a lot of people have said here the belly can be the slowest to go. My arm and face fat went first.


Have you tried taking your measurements? My weight loss has been pretty even over my whole body. Therefore, the proportions don't seem to change massively. It's when I look at the numbers on the tape that I really see the progress.


Exactly. How do you know your stomach hasn't changed? Looking in a mirror is the worst way to know this as your eyes won't see it. Three great ways to track this are 1)measurements with a tape measure 2)Track the fit of a tight clothing item. 3)Take before and after pictures. All of these will help you really assess your progress more so than a scale sometimes.


Took close to a year. You will see back and love handles go first, then stomach


Gz on the lost lbs so far. You can't really pick and choose where your body loses its fat. Even with exercise, it's largely dependent on genetics and different body types. Eventually your body will lose fat everywhere, but at the start it will go where it goes. Trust the process!


The stomach is like a Mother in law that over stays her welcome. It is the first to show up and the last one to leave if at all.


Congratulations on your weight loss. This is a journey and a life-changing way of eating. Keep doing what you're doing and and you will continue to do great.


Sadly, you're stomach is probably the last to make a change. Everyone is different, but for me, I lost fat on my neck, back, arms, thighs, then stomach, in that order. Losing water weight is about 6-10 pounds from what I've read. So, you're at the very beginning still.


Body burns the dangerous fat around the liver and organs first


Keto with IF (18:6) works great for me for belly fat reduction.


My problem is the opposite. Weight is not decreasing but my stomach clearly is. Maybe I’m gaining lower body muscle


After weight loss there is a period where the fat relocates. First place weight loss showed was my face which was not my goal. It took a few weeks to redistribute. Exercise helps too. Stick with it and your stomach will show the loss. Best of luck


You are doing great. Don’t give up. The belly frequently is the last to go, although it is probably shrinking and you just have not noticed it. You got this🙌🏻🙌🏻


After 2 months I'm at 213lb, down nearly 17lb, not seeing any loss in the belly but my clothes are getting lose, managed to almost fit in a suit I haven't worn for many years, so you might not see a difference but others might. You are getting smaller but it will take a while to see it yourself. Good luck


ukhk my belly, more specifically my love handles were the last to go. i reached my goal weight then had to do an additional 6 months to lose them lol.


As I mentioned in my own post, my fat is distributed differently this time around. I weigh less than I did at my highest weight, but my stomach is HUGE. I’m also female and perimenopausal so that may be part of it. Anyway, I don’t have any answers, but I’m hoping other commenters are right! Last time, I did eventually lose all of my belly fat (although I was younger then). Congrats on the weight loss!


Losing weight is a great achievement! Remember, belly fat can be stubborn and takes time to shrink. Keep up your balanced diet and consider low-impact activities like yoga. If concerned, consulting a nutritionist or doctor could offer tailored guidance. Stay patient and celebrate your progress!


The first place fat accumulates is the last place that’s going to lose it. Are you measuring? You should have lost some size there.


Belly fat doesn't go away quickly. Have you taken any body measurements? It's early yet in your keto journey. Sounds like you're doing good with losing weight. What are you eating that you are doing 0 carbs? Are you doing carnivore? Just about everything you eat has a carb. If you're doing net carbs I suggest switching to total carbs. Intermittent fasting is said to help with losing belly fat.


I’m front heavy and it took the full year of my transformation to fully lose it. It was the most stubborn. Be patient


The fact that you don't know exactly how many calories you're eating is the dead giveaway. You may not be eating in the caloric deficit required to lose fat. Find out exactly how much you're eating and track from there.


You’re going to lose weight all over your body. So you probably HAVE lost some belly fat, but you’re not going to see a huge difference right away. Be patient.


Sweating is your best friend. I bought a personal sauna off Amazon. If you have a gym membership use the sauna. If weights are an issue try doing body weighted exercises calisthenics etc.. when you get off crutches get those steps in.


Sorry but 15lbs in 3 weeks is doing to be easy come, easy go water weight. Realistic loss is like one pound per week over time (think 3 months and more). steady as she goes wins this race.


It's true you can't spot reduce fat. But the good news with keto is you lose the visceral fat first. This is the internal fat around your organs. It's not visible like the belly fat over the muscles but it's the most important to lose for your health. Visceral fat is associated with increased risk of heart disease diabetes and other health problems. I. Addition to the mirror it's important to look at your health numbers, Blood pressure, cholesterol etc to get the whole story on your progress.


I understand this completely. I carry my weight in my stomach and hips. Sadly we can't spot reduce, we lose the weight in the order we last gained weight. So it's all leaving from my face at the moment and neck before it will ever touch my abdomen. Keep on you're doing great!


Trust the process. There could be days the inches or scale won’t move. Do weight training, low intensity cardio, high protein and wait. It messes with your head. But stay strong


I recommend intermittent fasting


Patience. Keep calm and keto on


We all store weight in different places (I personally store in my belly, upper arms, and face.) As you move toward a healthy weight, you will slowly start to see more fat loss.


Can you do pool exercises?


First of all good job on losing that much weight in three weeks time-how did you do it? I think my belly has been shrinking from including 10000 steps a day.


I went from 183 to 170, and I didn't notice my belly shrinking. My girlfriend and my family did. The only thing I noticed is that I need a belt more frequently!




Are you drinking Alcohol? if it is the case, stop doing it and youll fell the change


Use an app to do measurements. MeThreeSixty


Did you take actual measurements? Eyeballing it is the worst possible tool for comparison. Your tummy has probably gotten smaller but you just haven't noticed it. Try asking others opinion if you haven't already done so (like a trusted friend or family member).


Sometimes belly fat is the last to go. Keep going and it will disappear.


We usually never lose weight from the body parts we want first. You need to be patient and consistent if you are serious about losing your excess weight, and if you are, then 6months down the road you should have started to see the real results. I wouldn't worry about calories so much, just eat whole foods if you can (nothing overly processed), eat 2/3 meals a day, and eat till you are satisfied (not stuffed) and try not to eat anything 3-4 hours before you go to sleep and definitely no snacking between your meals. If you are really interested in your body and how it processes what you eat, start reading, the first book I read by Dr Jason Fung helped me start my journey of self discovery, health and fitness, which I hated anything like this but boy has it changed me for the better on so many levels. The late GREAT Dr Michael Mosley was also inspiring me along the way as well, good luck to you and your journey


There are numerous factors (i.e. age, genetics..current water weight, elasticity, hormones..) that contribute towards the change of a stomach shape or density of the fat deposits in that region, none are entirely specific to the successful weight loss in the ketogenic diet.


Take pictures of yourself. I did and compared my pictures from when I started to now and was amazed at the difference. Oddly when I use a tape measure it isn’t drastically different. I’m down one pant size but unfortunately the same bra size. Yet, the pictures tell a different story.


Try eliminating carbonated soda/sparking water cause they cause bloating, eliminate processed foods, and do some cardio.


I didn’t realize how much I’d lost until I saw a picture of myself someone else took. Looking in the mirror, it’s hard to see change. Take measurements every week. And compare before and after pics. I bet you’ve lost some belly fat, but it’s been somewhat proportional to the rest of you. Your shape may look similar, but you’ve gotten smaller.


I do fasting too..easy..start with OMAD, then 1 day, two days etc..works great. Just drink water and a bit of salt..all good.


I have made sure to take measurements as well as the scale. I’ve lost 14lb in the past month and over 15 inches including 2.5 inches off my waist. I’m happy with my progress so far, it just takes time. Keep going! 😁


Some people are genetically predispositioned to potbellies lol - at some point women were selecting men with pot bellies (maybe famines are the reason lol) anyways - stick on the diet and it will go


Thank you everyone for responses


Be patient and drink a lot of water


Sometimes starting with just some scissors off the edge of the bed will kickstart results in a problem area.


Walking dramatically reduced my belly fat.


I understand that. So far, I've lost 13 pounds on keto. I wanna lose at least 17 more to get back to where I was. I don't exercise daily but do my best to get some sort of exercise a few times a week. My stomach hasn't shrunk either. I never had a stomach or have been overweight but since I quit smoking & went into full blown menopause a few months later, it's like the weight hit me over night. You can do chair yoga if you have a hard time exercising. Google it! Good job losing all that weight in 3 weeks 👏 You'll get to where you want to be


You just have to keep going! The bits you want to shrink most always seem to be the last to go!


It's so much more than weight loss . It took you years to get unhealthy. Make sure you are eating 35 grams of animal protein at least EACH meal. Sleep, sun , stress and walk.


Cortisol and hormones play a role too. Ever heard of somatic experiencing exercises?


Hi, Also i dont understand the nutritional value on the below . It says 20 carbs but also 20 fibre. So can I eat them? [https://www.oroweat.ca/products/white-tortillas/oroweat-keto-original-tortillas/pack-of-6](https://www.oroweat.ca/products/white-tortillas/oroweat-keto-original-tortillas/pack-of-6)


These are available at Costco for an excellent price. My suggestion is to consider these wraps more along the lines of "emergency" food or a treat. There is anecdotal evidence of these providing more available energy than what is stated.


Yes, they're going to be 2 net carbs each. Total carbs - Fiber - Alcohol sugars. Keep at it, a significant portion of your weight lost so far will be water weight, which wouldn't be just from your belly. Trust the process, keep your carbs low and it'll happen.


Try introducing a 30-36hr fast once every week or 2.


Extended fasting causes autophagy which is the body “recycling” old cells, like excess skin and scar tissue. However, I think that should wait until you are fully adapted to keto. That will make skipping meals much easier.


Ab workout. Plank, crunches, sit ups, ab wheel, etc….




This is not accurate, please read our FAQ before giving advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.


I’d say at 5’6” you got some more weight to go and congrats on trying to get the exercise. No idea what your disability may be but when there’s a will there’s a way


What exactly are you eating that differentiates your Keto from my Carnivore? If you tell me that I may be able to make a suggestion.


mix in some intermittent fasting


To everyone in here saying they’ve lost weight but none in your gut, that just means how overweight you were to start out. Just bc you lose 30lbs, doesn’t mean you’re gonna have a six pack


Means you got a fatty liver


Your calories sound pretty low for your size, maybe you're causing some stress that is elevating cortisol and making the belly fat stubborn?