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I thought it was hilarious that Khayla tried to tag along the "comedian" premise when she gave reasoning for her assaulting a dog story lol. Bobby was saying that he had to juice up stories for these shows and Khayla made it a point to insist hers was all an act as well lol. She tries so hard to not make that her identity while also assuring us she went to "med" school pfft


Welp, if he gets canceled he only has Khalyla to blame. Bringing this up now was dumb. Especially now that he's getting more tv and movie roles. No matter what you say to clear your name there will always be a group of people that believes you did something wrong. Some shit you just have to ignore.


Over or under it being khalyla 😅


Khalyla is fs involved in this mess.. she saw him thriving and just had to break him down so he would need her again. Manipulative cunt.


Khalyla has been using reddit burners to bring this up as yet another attempt to sabotage Bobby's career. She's the one telling Bobby to talk about this on tigerbelly and feeding info to TMZ. She's so envious of him moving on without her, that she is trying to find any way to keep him dependent on her manipulation. She immediately started making it about her when she said Bobby tells lies about her as well, playing the victim as usual. Never forget her first appearance on DVDASA and how she brought it up and purposely threw Bobby under the bus. Bobby's entire career has been FUCKED from the second he stuck his dick in crazy. This isn't going to end well at all.


Purely speculation but with this really blowing up and Steve's ex Instagram post about abuse which k liked I wouldn't put it past the vindictive internet sleuth


She has. I always try and figure them out when she visits us, but by the time I call the account out it gets deleted?


when u haven’t been taking ur meds:


I'm sure there's some bible app you can download if you're looking for wholesome content. Last time I checked Reddit is where dredge and toxic meet I hear John 3:16 is a good place to start




I agree, have at it. We're all hiding behind anonymity, there are no winners among this reddit space lol


She can maybe sabotage them both for spite but he is the one with talent and hes kind enough to never unleash on her. If she gets impatient while in a down period snd sinks him then shes sinking herself. Shes likely delusional enough to think she can stand on her own 2 feet when it's her Association with Bobby and a few connections NOT TALENT OR ANYTHING THAT SEPARATES HER FROM ANYONE ELSE AVERAGE that keeps her relevant. She would be sabotaging herself in the long run. Breaking up but still getting all of the benefits of the relationship IS winning and if that's not good enough then shes lying to herself. Part of me thinks the woman's too shrewd and clever of a manipulator/mover to let emotions (other thsn the aforementioned pride as a downfall scenario, jelaousy/spite..) fuck up a mutli million dollar arrangement where SHE was the sidekick but made equals money.


K might make equal money now BUT Bobby was getting more acting gigs and Bad Friends has taken off and is far more popular, profitable and better for Bobby's business overall than tigerbelly. And since K is no longer Bobby's live in gold digger she would no longer benefit from the non-tigerbelly ventures. I expect, knowing this coupled with the fact she has no talent or skills to fall back on, K has at least a couple of options: * risk losing everything since tigerbelly is probably Bobby's least profitable venture (ie probably the first to go if acting started to demand more of Bobby's time) and she no longer has him on a short leash * try to cancel Bobby, knowing it will probably kill his acting career. Sure the pods will take a hit but tigerbelly would most likely continue on and become a top priority for Bobby. As a side benefit, she would be there to support and comfort him in his hour of need, potentially positioning herself to get back together with Bobby's money and securing her future. Knowing K is a lying, manipulating, aging, gold digging, narcissist the second option seems pretty probable to me...


USA Today is reporting on it as well: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2023/04/04/bobby-lee-tijuana-prostitution-comments-podcast-resurface-backlash/11598663002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2023/04/04/bobby-lee-tijuana-prostitution-comments-podcast-resurface-backlash/11598663002/) WTF? This story has been around for years. Why now? Whoever told Bobby to tackle this story head-on is a moron!


Ima go ahead and guess this person is a college drop out who sucks at swimming and has never had to work a day in her life




What did it was deuxmoi That account is followed by Hollywood insiders like agents and publicists and that’s probably where it went from Reddit world to real world. It’s about time. TMZ is probably gonna make it blow up way harder


>What did it was deuxmoi Isn't that the account that Khalyla has talked about using if and when she wants to leak something?


Yes sir


😆 🤣 😂 😹 hasn't it been out as long as he started Tiger Belly? Lol


The "Odd Negotiation" account posting in here is one of K's burner accounts. Of course they would know the source came from deuxmoi since she sent it to them. Never forget Khalyla was saying she was going to send the Brendan Schaub DMs to deuxmoi last year. See for yourself at about 22:45 into this youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0tWMuBxt-o&feature=youtu.be&ab\_channel=GEMReloaded


I love Bobby but when he was on Theo’s podcast he said he fucked a prostitute that was wearing a Hello Kitty shirt. He implied she was under aged and that she was crying so he kept going. Implying that she was under aged is creepy as fuck. Theo thought the prostitute was under aged. Kind of shitty on Bobby’s part. Makes me think different about him. He apologized for a Natalie Portman remark that no on was offended by. Also, lying about being molested.


guilty conscience, and khalylah so happy. she really is in her element when it comes to manipulation. she cant hide how happy she is to be complicit in lying to cover it up. and bobby is down playing his telling of that joke, where there was so much detail and even another celebrity involved in the several recounts. he admits he is tormented for saying it, and his body language and hand gestures signal his anxiety. truly he is tormented, by the exposure more than the deed itself. as we saw through his drama with callen and schaub, he is more invested in his career than his relationships. i hope his conscious leads him to make amends and he truly reconciles with his disgusting behavior. everyone deserves forgiveness but trying to cover it up as a joke that went too far will not do that.


Wait till they find the clip about his underage nude phots of himself and and his friends from San Diego


Why didnt they ever report brad williams?!?! https://youtu.be/0kG1x7_iQHc


He's not big enough to cancel 😉


It's already happened. He just said it was a completely made up story and it went away.


Thats wild. But chris and vryan still have a career so guess nobody cares


I'm sure he'll blame Byran Callahan and Brandon Schwab for this too.


This guy is a human herpes sore. Why do people like him again?


Honestly, if you’ve watched BL as much as I have and actually listen to him, you know he’s joking about a lot of things. Are there truths to many of his stories? Yes. But are there just as many BS and exaggerations? Of course there are. . . that’s the purpose—to make it funny. And most of his stories are funny. I’ve never heard this specific story but I JUST DO NOT believe it’s true. He often jokes about how repulsive he is to women and this is just par for the course. Tasteless story but that’s all it seems to be. I am sure he saw a lot of prostitutes (gross) but those ladies are pros. Doubt they’d show/tell their customers how disgusting they think they are to their faces. If that’s the case, that would probably happen with every customer…and there goes ur business! That’s a joke ya’ll (just in case). LOL.


This is the dumbest shit I ever read, how tf you gonna have an opinion when you didn't even listen to it? What an idiot.


Hot take: this is gonna quickly fizzle out since Bobby’s known for being grotesque and outlandish. He’s also the sole source of the story, a story he’s able to easily explain as a dark joke. I mean he is a comedian after all right? This isn’t at all like other comedians getting called out by women they did some fucked up shit to since he can unilaterally destroy the credibility of his own story by denying its veracity as some sick sordid humor. Even if you think it’s true, who are you gonna ask outside of Bobby? Some burnt out Mexican prostitute (or single working mother) in the middle of Tijuana (if she even lives there anymore) who probably has near zero recall of some shit that MAYBE happened 20 years ago? Fake news


he got away with it yes, but i cant respect that little pedo anymore. its just one of those things for me and alot of people thats just a bit past the line of no return.


You’re ascribing a label to someone you don’t know based on something you literally can’t know. I’d say to touch grass but you probably have some way to self righteously explain why you can’t go outside. Also, this is not an airport so no point in announcing your exit but I see what you’re doing so I’ll indulge you; CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’RE SUCH A GOOD PERSON 🥹


I'm not a good person for my comment, I'm just not naive. People tell on themselves all the time. Comedians tell on themselves all the time just like Delia with the 'cult' jokes, or Callen with jokes about exposing himself to women. I just know disgusting behavior when I see it, and I see naivety in his defenders.


😨 I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize I was speaking with a clairvoyant! Please, tell us, how many women has Daniel Tosh raped? He was for sure telling on himself when he called out that heckling woman by saying how funny it’d be if five guys raped her that second am I right?


You don't have to be clairvoyant man. C'mon, is that the only way to know things? Of course not, sometimes people tell on themselves... Go back and listen to the several times he told this joke.


I have lol the difference between you and me is I don’t jump to believing everything a comedian says as truth 😂 but sure, you’re not naïve. You have a feeeeling and that’s all that matters. I know Bobby’s no angel but I can’t judge someone for something I literally can’t ever really know is true or not


I don't believe everything a comedian says, which is ironically a thing you cannot know to be true or not in regards to my character. So there's a blind spot for ya. Not every joke is true. Fact. Not every joke is pure fantasy, fact. But some jokes have facts in them that are , like Bobby's TJ joke, probably based on some true disgusting event. Ask again how can I know? Because of his character, his body language, and his own words. I don't have to be a virtue signalling clairvoyant to know Joe Rogan is cheating on his wife either, but I'm likely right .. lol.


Well you literally believe everything Bobby says undeniable fact so I can say that, sorry. Everything else in your comment is literally speculation and means nothing


For someone who is claiming to be epistemologically superior, you sure can't see you're own flawed statements. I don't believe everything Bobby says is an undeniable fact. I believe there was a morally disgusting sexual event behind his story, which is mixed with fiction for humor. Bruh he told on himself, people do that...


The only problem is bobby has admitted its a real story. He can claim he exaggerated, but he can't claim its all a made up dark joke.


He literally said it’s a fake story on tiger belly but let’s say it was a real story that he exaggerates. What if he exaggerated how old she was or idk her reaction… kinda makes it an innocuous story doesn’t it lol


I wouldn't say it was fast. He actually raped that child decades ago.


I’m torn between believing it’s a planted story or if it is sabotage. For Bobby to address it so quickly has me hesitant to believe it’s a real take down piece is the sense Bobby isn’t beholden to any studio. So, whose opinion are they trying to sway with this article? Yet, at the same time, in the same episode, Bobby pulled the curtain (imo, too far) back on his comedy process for his audience, just to vindicate himself from an accusation no one is accusing him of.


Ngl, at this point I can see everyone in the Lee circle either being pedos or in the very least sexual predators. Actors LIE for a living and comedians take the piss out of otherwise dark situations for a living. Not common career paths, and that’s because you either have to get by through connections or being a DOG and doing whatever is necessary to get the part/spot and advance. The top 10-15% of these professions gravitate towards really screwed up people usually. THANK UM


Or it could just all be publicity. Humans are drawn to drama. It’s a tool as old as time.


It's possible but given how these types of scandals, or whatever you want to call em, have done some decent damage to the likes of Delia, Callen, CK, etc. I can't imagine inviting this kind of scrutiny on purpose.