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Your kidney blood test results are basically perfect, so you do not need to worry about any kind of kidney failure.


Thank you. Should i be worried about the Anion Gap Blood test at the latest bloods done? Also, would dilatation of both kidneys be a cause for these symptoms? I


Have you had any urine cultures done? Any fungal infections? Make sure you go see a urologist! One that maybe has familiarity with autoimmune diseases to if you can. Have you had a recent CRP?


Urine sample came back normal, no infection, no protein present, no blood. CRP at minimum <1 due to biologic treatment… I will see the urologist early July but already know that he will be very dismissive and say that everything is fine, don’t worry…how can you not worry when your body doesn’t feel well? How can i explain that?


I have been where you are with doctors not believing me. I was lucky enough to be able to leave NOLA and move back up to the Northeast near family and better medical care. Try to go in there feeling as confident and sure of yourself as possible! Psych yourself up as much as you can. Make sure you have a list of all of your symptoms and all of your questions for them, and ask them how they would proceed in evaluating and diagnosing your symptoms. You want to make sure nothing more serious is going on and that’s reasonable! I wish it was easier to get a fungal culture; you can ask. Have you had a vitamin and mineral panel? Infectious disease workup? Instead of providing them with a diagnosis like failing kidneys, provide them with the symptoms. Doctors don’t like when diagnoses are made for them


Honestly bro it kinda sounds like stress. I promise you stress can cause physical symptoms. I was going through it too. Back pain side pains stomach pains leg cramps you name it. Your brain goes into flight or fight mode which can also trigger fatigue. It may sound crazy but you might just have severe anxiety that causes stress. Try to relax bro, I know it’s probably hard due to your condition but in all honesty the blood work will tell you everything you need to know about what’s going on with you. I’m a hypochondriac I get it I completely do. Going to the doctors every few weeks thinking it was my kidneys. Doctor literally told me you might just be stressed. X-rays metabolic panels done. CBC done you know name it.


May i ask a question, are you skinny ? Because your creatinine levels are a bit low


Very skinny guy and not much muscle mass as due to auto immune condition that afecta joint i find it very difficult to exercise. I do walk every day for 1hr though… Weight 65kg, 1.71m height. Thanks