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Did you use a hammer to tap to the next page?


I’ve had mine since 2012 or 13. I’ve thrown it around, dropped it, shoved it into bags, lost it, etc… Still works like the day I got it. Either OP is Hercules or the internals were compromised before this and it finally just gave way.


Mine did something similar when it died. Showed a screen like that and then got stuck in a boot loop. It was a pretty hot day and I had been using it in direct sunlight, so I’m guessing something overheated. But it was also 12 years old.


Same! I’ve got one small mark on the screen that doesn’t impact the reading of the page in any way. It’s also never had a case. Currently keep it shoved in a tote bag with my giant Frank Green waterbottle and it’s got no damage.


Maybe OP is Edward Scissorhands




Lol this actually happened to me too, but not because of a hammer. I had it on my bed and someone put their knee on my bed. I heard the snap sound lmaoo. This was for the Keyboard Kindle though


The way I physically repulsed. I’d cry..


Tears were shed for sure 🤣 And the person was really apologetic, but it still hurt lol. Thankfully it was still under warranty and Amazon replaced it for me quickly.


I'd still talk to Amazon. Sometimes they are willing to help you out. Just tapping on the screen shouldn't have caused something like this. (Any chance someone sat on it?) Even if they don't replace it, maybe they give you an extra discount on a new kindle.


i tapped it on the middle right hand side so i really don’t know. the only other thing i can think is i was reading outside and it was about 27°c so maybe it overheated?


27c isn't nearly enough to do anything to the screen. If it had been left in a car at 50c, then maybe it would just stopped working. I'm guessing it was either a flaw or some hidden damage, like it fell on a corner but was fine until a tap in just the wrong spot.


27 c is not that hot, I read out in the sun in 40c weather and my Kindle is fine lol


Amazon will do a discount for a trade-in. You don’t have anything to loose by talking to them.


It’s definitely old, that’s how my first and third gen Kindles looked and their damage happened while they were simply sitting in a drawer


My city regularly hits 50+ °c regularly so I can confidently say that it absolutely works at that degree. Talk with the Amazon support.


I accidentally put my kindle Oasis in the oven under a baking sheet and heated the whole thing to about 350 degrees F (176 C) (don’t ask - I have no idea how I could have done something so idiotic) and it still works perfectly. It looks a tiny bit curved/warped and it ruined the case it was in but that temp shouldn’t cause an issue for your Kindle itself. 27° C is room temp here in Arizona. It’s not hot.


I don’t think it’s overheating, I’ve left my kindle when it was boiling outside and everything was hot to touch yet still it works perfectly, this is my worst fear- my kindle is literally my baby😭 I hope Amazon does something😭


This looks like a broken screen. You must have tapped it pretty hard to make that happen. You could always trade it in toward another Kindle, but there's no coming back from this.


Unfortunately they just die like this after a while, had three of the older models do this while just sitting on the nightstand


That’s wild to me because I had a kindle from 2012-2021 before I upgraded to the new paperwhite and never experienced that from my old device.


i wouldn’t necessarily call that old considering they’ve been a thing since ‘07


2012-2021 is a long time to have a kindle that didn’t defect as the person above me stated all kindles experience


My experience relates to the very first Kindles aka 1, 2 and the Keyboard. Still, I plan on buying another Keyboard model soon. for me that was the best ebook reader ever, back when Amazon was truly consumer friendly


If you can't get a discount on a new Kindle, you may be able to trade it in, depending on what country you live in. If you can, you'll get $5 plus 20% off a new Kindle.


They should be on sale for Prime Day. The Oasis is 50% off right now. 


I've never tried it, but I've heard from other people that you can stack the trade-in discount with sales.


Now that's interesting... I have a Paperwhite and love it but for how I hold my Kindle the Oasis would be much better for me. I'll have to check it out. Thanks! 


You're welcome!


Genuinely curious, do you have a preference between the Oasis vs Paperwhite? And why?


I have the Paperwhite and truly love it but from what I can tell (don't have the Oasis) the Oasis might be easier for me to hold one handed with the larger side bezel. Also I really like that the Oasis has the physical page turn buttons. I sometimes accidentally hit the screen which turns the page on my Paperwhite when I'm in bed holding it one handed. But it's not a huge issue at all. The Oasis is mostly intriguing right now because it is (or was - haven't checked if that changed) 50% off 


One question, how does the discount thing work? let’s suppose I go 10 days to US, do I have to wait a lot of time for them to inspect it before I get the discount or is it possible?


Sometimes they'll give you the discount right away. Sometimes they have to evaluate the device first. Also, depending on what condition you say your device is in, they may change the amount of gift card credit you get after evaluation.


Good thing Prime Day is right around the corner.


I have had Kindles look like that and was able to recover. If you hold the power button long enough, LED will flash amber 5 times and initiate restart. Did you do this?


yes i did but it didn’t change anything :(


Hi Amazon does a one year warranty and will replace it with in a year if it gets damaged. Try contacting Amazon.


Why does reddit not know what a broken screen is and that there's no fix but replacement. Not to bash on this person but r laptops is full of people asking the same question just like r monitors and tvs


Most people do not understand how electronics work. It's only a broken screen if there's a crack in it. Duh.


Be sure to get a case with a flip cover to help minimize damage. Sorry to hear about it breaking.


My kindle also had a crack screen after 2 months. If under warranty, just go to Amazon online help, they send you a new one. I got a better version one than the one that was spoilt. But I had to wait for 3 months to get it.


you can also get a used kindle off unclaimed baggage for cheaper if you are on a bit of a budget.


any tips of exactly how to do that? 😳


they have a website called unclaimed baggage. i bought a older kindle fire for $15(plus shipping) and it shipped this morning. they have a bunch of paperwhites under $80.


Deku is datchu


Good news is Prime Day is coming.


Reach out to customer support! My PW SE was out of warranty when I got a scratch on the screen earlier this year, and I reached out just to see what the next steps were, and they surprised me and offered to replace it for free; all I had to do was send the old one back.


You've got to get a new one. No repairability in these devices.


You just have to “choose something to read and see it’s cover here”


Easy, just increase book margins


The same thing happened to me 😭 I posted on here for help a few months ago and got some answers. You can return it to Amazon, and they will replace it for free. You just need to talk to customer support. It may take a bit of time, but you should get the new one within a week (or two depending on where you live). When you get the replacement, you will need to send back the broken one. I was given a year, lol Good luck!!


Were you turning the page with a lawnmower?!


Buy a new one


Mine did something similar — I didn’t drop it or anything, it was just old. I contacted customer service to try to troubleshoot it and Amazon sent me a new version. It was so unexpected and kind!


You can order a screen from China, disassemble your Kindle make sure you order the correct screen, you will find the screen name on a label on the ribbon cable. Replacing the screen is very easy


Well on the bright side prime day is just around the corner


I replaced 2 of them with a similar issue


I believe Amazon will grant you a discount on the new one even if this one is long out of warranty. Ask them. In the meantime, you can continue reading on Kindle app on your phone, tablet or computer. Not the same experience, I know, but better then nothing.


Perfect time for an upgrade. prime day coming up. start chat with Amazon for a repair. They will say cannot and offer you some 20-40% off new kindle. Then you stack with inevitable prime day discount. ?? Profit


I’m not sure what to do but I do want to say I hope it’s fixed or replaced soon babe I am so sorry!


This happens to my kindle out of nowhere sometimes. It usually resolves itself after a while if I just keep it turned off and then come back later. It’s super annoying!




I am so sorry, I will definitely call Amazon and get any advised, as others said maybe they will be able offer you a discount on a new one, I think your device has a electronic defects


Did you buy it brand new?


prime days coming up in July. treat yourself to a brand new kindle. you deserve it! 🏆


I remember my kindle paperwhite 6th gen screen cracked (not the screen itself, but the glass around it), i must've dropped something on it I think, but the problem with that was because the kindle uses a front light rather than a backlight the light was shining through the crack meaning the crack was a lot brighter and easily visible


The only time I’ve seen something like this is when my Kindle was in my pocket and was bent slightly, breaking the screen. If you didn’t do anything that could have caused a screen crack (tapping wouldn’t even come close to the kind of pressure you’d need) then I’d consider who else has access to it. Something definitely happened to cause physical damage.


happened to me, less sever tho, just gave it couple good slaps and it went back to normal


Or maybe you just need to update the firmware.


My new puppy chewed through my Oasis at the corner and cracked the screen. Still works but didn't like the cracked screen of course. I simply opened up a chat with an associate and said I wanted to replace it, and they are sending me a new one for a $15 fee. Of course I've only had it for 6 months, but can't hurt to ask.


Are you sure it’s broken? Mine was like that and all it needed was to charge it because it was on really low battery


Also keep in mind, there are loads of cheap, second-hand Kindles out there. Definitely talk to Amazon about this first, but if you run out of options with Amazon, Facebook Marketplace could be your answer.


help you? What are you looking for, beyond thoughts and prayers?


I'm on my 4th Kindle. I seem to sit on them, crush them and one just plain old stopped working. I use mine up to 6 hours a day. Living in Australia it was cheaper to just buy a new one than try to get a screen and repair it. Good luck!


Had this issue with my kindle 7 years ago. They replaced it under warranty


Apparently, some Kindles had imperfect connection between the screen itself and its driving electronics. One of my old Kindle Keyboards died in my niece's overstuffed backpack. OTOH, some other of my Kindles survived all kinds of abuse. The mileage is in the habit of varying... 😁


Get a Kobo


this is why i swipe not tap, these are so fragile. you may need to get the screen replaced


Did that to my first Kindle after sitting on it... It was 6 yrs old so we had lots of use


Buy a Kobo. Screw Amazon.


You can download the Kindle app on a tablet or a phone, so atleast you can still read your book


Contact customer support. I had the same issue with my kindle. They asked me to order a new one and refunded the amount once they picked up the old kindle. Mine was under warranty.


I have replaced the screen on my much older k3 model with a screen I bought in Ali express for about $20 bucks. A year later it is still working great.


I can feel the pain


Trade it in for your next purchase ![gif](giphy|TPaaVxXfRPlPVdtNmS|downsized)


Buy a new one. Its not like you lost a job.


Not everyone has cash lying around. If OP could buy another one, I’m sure they wouldn’t come here to ask for advice.


Hmmm a new kindle or keep the lights on. Eh new kindle of course.


We're talking about a Kindle, right? Not a house or car. What's your advice? Get a better job?


Yeah, no. I’m not going to do this back and forth. OP has been given reasonable advice. Have a good day.


Then be quiet. Respond to the OP. I was answering for responsible adults. "Have a nice day"... The tool of a person who can't defend his stance. Why dont you mail him a check?