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Nope, each fight have the same level of around the world fights, being 4 levels i believe, but the tourney go only to level 3 or something like that, and imagine you are level 0 in the start of the game and level 3 is around 8-12 of each combat ability.


What level are your combat skills at? Once you get to like 12-15 in the skills you're using, tourneys become silly easy


It feels like that but you just gotta get henry better. Go train with bernard, in my opinion once you can beat Bernard in real combat, you can probably win the tourney. You can also cheese the tourney guy by just clinching them and kicking them back into a corner, then continuous clinch and smash on head. Master strikes will also almost guarantee a win.


Thats not cheesing that means you have higher strength so you character is already exped


Gonna guess you don't know master strikes yet. Train up with captain Bernard until you unlock it, it'll make 1v1 fights much easier.


No. They’re just better than you.


Henry isn't a fighter or swordsman, he's a blacksmith. That's why he lacks skill, so you gotta keep practicing and leveling up your skills. It does take a while.


I have 350 hours in this game and the biggest issue I see besides master strike spam is that it’s incredibly rare to lock an enemy into chain strikes. I was fighting Ulrich. He got me into an unblockable chain strike plus a combo 3 times. Literally couldn’t do anything. Yet when I got him good and he was staggered and I wailed on him he just master strike or block from a stumbling animation. He was less than half health too. What’s the point of making enemies stagger if they can immediately recover? It just gives the player a false sense of safety when attacking


So you dont cheese the fights by doing some cringe perfectly timed stunlock.


Yeah I do lol. Guilty. It’s not only rhetoric easiest but also the fastest