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There were no card games because they were forbidden by the Pope. Unless I'm mistaken in the game or the developers themselves explained why there are no card games in KCD (correct me if I'm wrong)


They were also pretty new as a concept, only recently arrived in Italy. Our first confirmed reference to playing cards is in the latter half of the 14th Century, but they were all over the place by the mid-15th. In 1403, someone in a city like Kuttenberg would probably have a deck, because Papal (or local) bans on vice only go so far.


You're right, and considering there were a lot of Germans and Italians in Kuttenberg, I'm sure there were some precedents during this time period. It is quite obvious that many regulars in taverns brought with them not only dice but also cards, maybe even thimbles


I get it from WH's perspective, it's just one more thing to add, so I understand why not, but still


Fair enough considering that WH did a tremendous job adding detail no less than in RDR2. The new game mechanic would certainly please a lot of players, but for the rest, I don't think it's worth the effort in this case. Nevertheless, just one more mini game could be really great to have, not only to refresh experience but also to split community for the endless debate about which one is better😁


Damn I didn't know that. Interesting. Wouldn't that create a black market for the same thing? Card game sidequest with legal consequences anyone?


Underground gwent incoming


It is a great idea, especially for such a big city as Kuttenberg. I'm sure there might have been some underground gambling halls for the nobility or merchants. Considering the fact that there were many representatives of different religious views in Kuttenberg, it is quite likely that some could arrange games that were forbidden to Catholics. In fact, this opens up huge potential for the introduction of new game mechanics, such as banking / moneylending, which were gaining popularity during this time period.


What were cards made of back then? Genuinely wondering.


> The earliest surviving cards are from the fifteenth century, and most of these were made on pasteboard manufactured from 3, 4 or up to 6 sheets of paper glued together. Cards were often much larger sizes than today, and the images were either hand drawn or printed from woodblocks or printed from copper engravings. [source.](https://www.wopc.co.uk/the-history-of-playing-cards/)


“Henry my lad, mind collecting some tax for me from the locals at the nearby tavern?”


Henry in KCD1: umm excuse me sir, i hate to bother you but its curfew now, sorry Henry in KCD2: 50 groschen by sunrise or its the stocks for you


That sounds like a harmless endeavour that wouldn’t end with anyone being chopped limb from limb, why not.


They should add the knife game. It gets progressively harder as you drink, and you end up with an injured hand if you lose.


omg yes, might be a quick time event based game but if you had a multi-day injury for losing that would be awesome


Finger-fillet from rdr2?


That's such a good idea actually


An option for higher stakes would be nice, I like farkle it reminds me of dice games I played as a kid but it stops being as amusing when I have 200k groschen and am forced to make tiny bets


Exactly what I was thinking, larger bets would be nice


Collecting loaded dice is always a fun distraction


I was so excited to get some good dice but when I finally collected a few I was at the point where spending couple minutes to get 100 groschen is a terrible and frankly boring use of my time.


There was this fun drinking game back in Watch Dogs 1 that had you pressing a certain key after aligning the circular crosshair into the designated zones. It got progressively harder but there were some interesting rewards you could obtain if you reached a certain level for the game. Maybe Warhorse could implement something similar.


They improved farkle for KCD2. Not sure if it's harder or more complex. I would also welcome more activities. Drinking competition as example.


Did they make it fair? I remember giving up on dice early on because they clearly weighted the odds against you. Clearly an incentive to get weighted dice or whatever, but after playing it a lot in real life, it's really annoying in game.


Farkle is RNG game, maybe behavior of opponents is different and some have lucky die. I would never call it unfair. Once you get your own lucky die, it is easy.


Without the feat or lucky dice, Henry's rolls are below average when it comes to rolling. Not sure how much Farkle you've played with physical dice but I can assure you there's a noticeable difference between real rolls and what the game presents.


You say that but I played farkle irl and my ex rolled a “1,2,3,4,5,6” THREE TIMES IN ONE ROUND.


Clearly she had the lucky die perk


I am not talking about physical game because that can be manipulated.


I would like to play backgammon. They made a prototype for the first game, but it was never realised.


Chess using the in-game era’s rules (nerfed Queen and pawns can’t move two squares in the first move)


Historical immersion is the bread and butter of KCD, so they would need more research on what Tavern games were available in medieval times


Farkle can be harder if you allow it to be more random by not having op dice