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need someone that's not Barnes


Barnes is *serviceable* in the regular season as a 4th option. In the playoffs he’s practically unplayable.


I think HB is really a good bench wing. I think he can play well in the playoff against bench units. We need a real 4.


more players that can score is better 🤯🤯


also, having more players that can stop the opponent from scoring 🥸


I did not know you win games of basketball by putting the ball in the hoop. This is very enlightening!


I [told](https://www.reddit.com/r/kings/s/JgClWyNUjD) bro in here this was likely to happen to the timberwolves over a month ago when he was trying to downplay the need for shot creators on a team. Teams need at least two high level shot creators to get far these days. We def need Keegan to step up in that department so Fox can have another scorer besides him in the starting line up


Keegan is way to timid to be that guy. Whenever he has the ball late in the shot clock and needs to improvise he falls down and turns he ball over.


Timid. Perfect description 


Agree, but few second-year players can be the #3 option on a good team. He'll get there, hopefully this season.


He was in that position a lot as a 2nd year player. I thought he did well at times. He could usually drive and get a step back 15 footer at will.


I thought Keegan improved by leaps and bounds in that department last season. He had a lot on his plate. he was tasked as the best defender, one of the better shooters, had to grab rebounds because HB couldn't. And he was higher on every team's scouting report. And he still figured out how to get to the rim and create off the dribble a little bit. With Ellis on the roster, I think that takes some of the burden off of him. Ellis can shoot when open. He does give up good shots for great shots. He plays great defense and always finds a way to grab timely rebounds.


Everyone talks about how his defense hurt his offense. Well i think it’d be great to even consider him an offensive threat, get another threat in free antennas have Keegan focus on defending.


The Suns have 3 players that can score. They don't have 4-8 guys that can dribble pass shoot defend like the Celtics. That's what is needed.


I agree with the latter half of your comment. But let’s not pretend Beal is still a legitimate threat


This has kinda been the meta for winning a championship for 15 years man lol. Obviously the more weapons you have, the better. Thing is, having 3 go-to scorers doesn’t guarantee you going deep in the playoffs. You need to have the RIGHT guys AND get lucky with health. Look at the Suns and the Clippers…hasn’t worked out well for them at all. I’d argue DEN and BOS have done it a bit differently than the superteams of the past. Both went the distance because they have super clutch stars, but also incredible role players. The days of 1 or 2 players carrying their team to a championship may be behind us.


The reason it doesn't work for the Suns and the Clippers is because they take turns... That is how they play. There isn't good team basketball.


A team full of great glue guys >>> star power. Mavs have the best player in the series but doesnt matter when boston arguably has 2-8 lol


Fox and sabonis, then the kings need to find a consistent third scorer if monk leaves.


Even Domas would be better optimized as the 3rd or 4th scorer, instead of the 2nd


Ya hopefully we like that 2nd or third option this off season. I have trust in Monty and hope he is keeping his playing cards close to his chest. I am slightly worried we run it back again.


Murray and ... practice Free Throws MFs....!


I wouldn’t put Murray in that category yet as a consistent scorer


Have you seen the Suns this playoffs? 2 way guys who can create for themselves and the team is key


I think defense is more important


Jesus man it’s like you didn’t even watch the game… you need depth and defense… literally what Boston has is depth and defense. It’s not 1-2-3-4 star players it’s depth. Anyone coming off the bench with the second unit and provided offense. It’s literally the formula for any championship. Dallas has the defense but they don’t have the depth. Hardaway wide open can’t knock down a clutch three to tip the series. Watch how bostons 2nd team get on the floor and contribute immediately. Tatum in a slump… there’s someone there to back him up so he can play the assist game. Depth and defense.


So have one of the most historically stacked rosters in NBA history. Got it. Don’t know why other teams can’t duplicate this- are they stupid?


Was the Cavs historically stacked? No they had some all stars but a ton of role players. They showed up when it counted and with a bit of luck pulled of a wild upset. Historically look at teams that won championships. Outside of warriors and spurs there’s so many teams that had one to 2 stars and then the rest of the roster are guys that can show up in any possession. Look at Boston this year, Pritchard hauler and horford are not needle moving alll stars but they show up and make plays on both sides of the ball. Tatum has been bad offensively this post season and these guys have been huge for him. They are winning because of those guys.


Kings still need an additional star. Acting like Fox, Monk, Murray and Sabonis can win a ring is foolish. If the season starts and we haven’t made real changes and trades then we have another losing decade ahead of us before they get moved to Las Vegas like the Oakland A’s 


If we upgraded Barnes with literally anyone more productive, we could compete with any of these teams in the postseason…besides Boston and New Orleans.


I love that everyone who has a valued opinion in the NBA, agrees that the NBA is "oversaturated" with talent (hence why they are going to expand with 2 new teams), but we just dont have any of it. #Kings


Monk has gotten seriously overrated. Yall realize he’s below league average efficiency, right? And that’s as a bench player going against other benches.


Monk is playing 26-30 minutes a night while sometimes being the main playmaker in crunch time. He doesnt just play vs benches


He's a 6th man that played the 4th most minutes per game and 2nd for guards. WTF are you talking about


Jrue couldn’t score when he was on the bucks. Monk not THAT good of a scorer. Keegan would have to take a leap in his creation ability


Monk is an exceptional scorer


He’s a good scorer but hes still too volatile to be a 2nd option


To bad the kings play subpar defense