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Alexa play Something by Girl's Day. 


Don't you look into my eyes and lie again 🎶 I'm sick of being alone 🎶


Drop it */slides on the floor/* 


Followed by Expect


Damn, it's banger after banger. 


Those two were elite tracks


Can someone tell the rest of us what Han So Hee just posted on her Instagram story??? Edit: I found on Twitter lmao she basically is saying she doesn’t like people who have lovers and don’t give them any interest. She says that she enjoys Transit Love (the show which btw is a great guilty pleasure show) but she doesn’t enjoy that in her real life. She ended her statement with “it’s fun for me too” She basically was responding to Hyeri ☠️💀


she denied all the allegations Basically saying she doesn’t do things like stealing a taken man. Someone else will probably post a detailed translation buuuut The last line tho seems like a direct response to Hyeri’s story. She wrote ‘it’s funny to me too’


Yeah I saw on Twitter y’all it’s MESSY why can’t they resolve this on Kakao lmaooo but at the same time thanks for informing all of us


It is messy lol. Seems like HSH took it personally she is entitled to but Hyeris post possibly just aim at Ryu but now with HSH post she made it the three of them. She officially dragged her own self into this mess. I’m dead. Also someone said she only denied the home wrecker allegations but not the dating. So they could be dating for real lmao


There's also a timeline made by a netizen how HSH been liking Ryu posts back in 2016. Lmao I love the tea on this. Just waiting for that fan who saw them. If the rumors are true, her role in The World of Married is not acting at all.


Han So Hee liking Ryu's posts back in 2016 doesn't prove that she's a homewrecker (like her role in *The World of the Married*), though, right? Her liking his posts years ago could mean anything...


I feel like you people don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘home wrecker’. Dating someone after they have broken up is literally normal.


Everyone saying “it’s okay to date, they already broken up” you really think HSH magically appeared in his life for the very first time, just a few days after the break up news? this ain't no fairytale. If you followed thru the news and the timeline, why would Hyeri react that way after the agency gave their statement? She could easily ignore especially if the breakup is mutual. Why would HSH get triggered on a story? Why would HSH include the timeline of the breakup in her blog?


Send link xD


She denied the dating


She said she has a boyfriend, though not who. But really, I just can't make myself care about shit like this. People will date who they please, and sometimes cheat. Actors are no different from the rest of us.


Here in the [soompi article she denies dating him](https://www.soompi.com/article/1648847wpp/ryu-jun-yeols-agency-responds-to-dating-rumors-with-han-so-hee) Is this not correct?


Girl.. if you aren't dating him why did you get triggered by hyeri shading and unfollowing him? Way to tell on yourself lmfao


Because in Korea, women get hated on for false rumors. Sohee saw what knetz and Hyeri's post seem to say that she was the other woman. She responded to both knetz and Hyeri.


The guy probably lied to both of them.


sounds very much like a "the girl he told you not to worry about" situation


Thanks for entertaining us I guess haha


She only denied the "transit love", I think it's pretty clear that they are dating


She said that when it comes to people in relationships, she doesn’t even like them, doesn’t even give them space/a chance as a “friend”, doesn’t give any interest to them, doesn’t create any relationships with them, and doesn’t interfere with their relationships. So she’s basically denied that anything happened while he was dating Hyeri, while not commenting on if they’re dating now.


Yes that's why I said she only denied the "transit love". If she wasn't dating him now it would've been to everyone's benefit if she had made that clear too, but she didn't, which is why I think it's pretty clear that they are dating.


Right :) I just wanted to put in a more detailed translation because a lot of people seem confused about what she did/didn’t mention in her insta!


She said she has 'a' boyfriend, but didn't say who.


🎶 it's a mess mess mess mess mess mess mess 🎶


Hyeris post was obviously aimed at him, now Han So Hee basically made it into beef between her and Hyeri... What on earth do they see in this man


It was aimed at him but the ambiguous nature of the post also have cause netizen to implicate her too tho


Best thing HSH could do was just say "I am not dating him" and leave it at that. Hyeri didn't target her or accuse her of stealing her man or whatever but now it looks like HSH got pissed at Hyeri (or mocking her with the "i'm having fun too") for being pissed at him which just implicates her further and makes everyone think they're dating. The convo went from "Hyeri against RJY" to "Han Sohee against Hyeri"


I mean if she's dating him why should she lie? If they didn't get into relationship before they broke up Hyeri's behaviour caused that innocent person gets hit. Hyeri's 30 years old women who for long works in show business. She should be able predict that with her post HSH would be accused of stealing her man whatever she did or not.


I think you're missing the fact that HSH's agency already denied that she's dating him, people are asking why she's triggered by Hyeri shading and unfollowing RJY if she has nothing to do with him. People now think they lied and that they really are dating. Everything you're saying about Hyeri falls under the assumption that there was no foul play involved and she's just some bitter ex, which is something only the people close to them should know. If he did do something bad it's not really surprising that she'd shade him for it.


"Confirming dating" in case of Korean celebrities it is making relationship official. So denying dating doesn't have to mean that you don't have any relationship with someone. Just you don't date but f... (well adults know how to finish this sentence). Or just you don't see a reason to people know with who you are dating even if you were caught F.e. [Hyun Bin denied dating rumours with Son Ye Jin](https://www.soompi.com/article/1383639wpp/hyun-bins-agency-denies-dating-rumors-with-son-ye-jin-sparked-by-crash-landing-on-you-making-of-video) (not first one) and even not year ended when they confirmed relationship. And now they are married and have child. And what I'm saying is that we don't know what happened between them but everything is possible. Because all of them are normal people like us who can cheat but can as well get bitter that their ex long-term partner already found new love. Just I know that we speculate about everything because Hyeri post that was starting point of more bold rumour.


the minute hyeri made that story, sohee was turned into a “home wrecker” and “other woman”, people will still talk but she has the right to speak for herself, she has never been known to take shit silently. someone like kim minhee lost her career over infidelity and she was a huge chungmoro actress, although in her case it was actually true


I don't think anyone minds Han Sohee speaking up against anyone calling her that, it was the last comment that made it iffy since it doesn't make it targeted to the people saying that, it targets Hyeri when Hyeri targeted RJY. It makes it look like she's siding with RJY and mocking Hyeri. I personally think she would've been better off just sticking to the agency denial cause the minute she spoke up people went from focusing on Hyeri-RJY to focusing on her. The ex-gf to your boyfriend/"good friend" makes an ig story saying "funny" and unfollows him and you immediately go off on a rant against her, how did she think that was gonna look?


personally i believe there was no cheating involved - including emotional cheating, bcos she wouldn’t have been so confident had it been in the case but most people have made up their minds and nothing she would’ve said would’ve changed the tide. for years people have tried to get something on her and now that something stuck they won’t back down easily, the timing isn’t in her favour either with the the event from few weeks ago. sohee’s always been the kind of person to say what’s on her mind, if she’s upset she’ll let it show, whether that’s the best approach i don’t know but tbh i do not see anything wrong her statement. i don’t want to speak on hyeri as idk her intentions behind that post, but if i were sohee i would be pissed af but that’s just me.


>and nothing she would’ve said would’ve changed the tide That's just more arguments for why she should've stayed quiet? If anything people would just say she's being overly defensive because it hit home. I too would be angry if people were calling me a homewrecker, but then I would go after the people calling me that and not the ex of the person I'm accused of having a relationship with. Honestly I don't know much about the people involved so I'm not trying to judge their characters or if they did or didn't cheat, I'm just saying what it looks like from the outside. If anyone was in the wrong it was first and foremost RJY but now people are focusing on the girls fighting instead of him.


Nah. Hyeri already started mess. If it was just post, maybe that would be nothing but she unfollowed him as well after news of their dating. We know what everyone thinks. I mean if they cheat together they get karma but if not Hyeri's behaviour hit innocent person and that's on her. At the end she is adult isn't she?


"obviously" it was a one word story, brother. hit dogs will holler, hsh posting a whole response to a story that might not have even been about her looks foolish as hell


It is less subtle in korean imo


"Obviously" because he's her ex and Hyeri unfollowed him right after posting


Yeah, but I think what u/jungjinyoung is saying is that why did Han So Hee have to get involved and reference Hyeri's story? Up to that point, the story was only directly aimed at Ryu Jun Yeol, and then Han So Hee inserted herself into the situation by making a direct reference to Hyeri's story. By doing so, Han So Hee added fuel to the drama fire, imo. Of course she has a right to respond to allegations, but the way she went about this, by responding to a story that, again, doesn't even indirectly reference her...it makes her look implicated in the whole situation, even if she isn't.


According to the article, it was just 1 word: “Funny.”


don't like people who have a partner, nor I give them space, interest, or establish a relationship in the guise of friendship, and I don't meddle in other people's relationships. I like transit dating programs, but they're not a part of my life. It’s fun for me too.” Latest story of han so hee


I’m so confused, what does she mean by “it’s fun for me too”? Am I losing something in translation here?


It is a little lost in translation… hyeri posted saying “재밌네“ which can translate to “interesting”or something of a similar meaning. It can be used when you experience or see a situation and you are being sarcastic about it. For example, if u found out ur two best friends are talking about u behind ur back, u might say that phrase in a sarcastic way to indicate you know about it and also to indicate ur negative feelings in a sarcastic way. Sohee was basically saying she feels the same way, aka “how funny for me too”. If that makes sense.


Interesting, it does make sense but it's a weird way to respond (unless you're close to each other). But if you're not close, then it just sounds sarcastic.


That's why people are saying that Han So Hee is shading Hyeri with her reply, because it's definitely messier in the original Korean 👀


i feel like I’m in r/fauxmoi 😆 I was a fan of this couple but it’s unfortunate if it’s true. Hyeri deserves happiness ❤️


Oh this is messy


Yes, this is getting interesting. Yup.


She just admitted to the relationship 😫


Probs cause everyone connected the timeline https://x.com/thvk1230/status/1768528670657036393?s=46&t=PqyOR7rRLmNhyDzD__4P_A 😭😭😭




Damn imagine cheating on Hyeri. Poor girl. She seems such a lovely person


I hope the mods won't delete this. Posts about this situation is not allowed on r/kdrama.


that sub is so vanilla, i got banned for letting someone know that lee jin wook is a r*pist


I just found out lol. Turns out it is not very well known and how he continues to find work in the industry is disgusting. Thank you for letting me know.


Why is he not in jail


Yeah, i am waiting for it actually. But it turns out nothing until today, even dispatch has released their date photos in Hawaii


i don’t get why this has become a girl vs new gf thing when it clearly this paints rjy in the worse light


Seriously! 1. People shouldn’t care this much about crap like this to start name calling or threaten someone’s life. But 2. If they really want to blame someone, it should not be the women in this situation.


Absolutely!! HSH wrote a whole thesis and he just had his agency confirm. I get that she created the drama with the story but at this point this should look equally as messy from his POV since it is his break up and relationship timeline that is in question yet he comes off as nonchalant and she a hot mess. I hate that women always leave these situations worse then men. She's going to be the *alleged* other woman and get dragged, he will be fine.


I mean she should have let her agency issue a statement too instead of dragging herself. These things are best left alone so it can blow over. If they both say they’re not cheaters and just sue whoever spread rumor, that’d be better than whatever she’s doing rn lol.


Hard to comment on this, it's all speculation Maybe she's upset he moved on so soon, maybe she's upset he's moved on with a friend, maybe he cheated on her etc


I was also guessing she was both still sad and also just wanting to unfollow him now that he might have a new gf


This was the first thing that came to mind. Hyeri, Jisoo and Rose are close friends and I think HSH and Jennie might know each other because HSH has publicly stated that Jennie is her bias. So their paths might have crossed 😬


HSE already met Hyeri's ex while filming something I believe, she has like some of his post since 2016 (if I'm not wrong). EDT : the probably all know each other.


*Yuh, yuh, I'm the draaaaamaaa*


![gif](giphy|k2xL3iDX94vAV1RUkQ|downsized) Dra-ma-ma-ma-ma 🎶


She denied cheating allegations not dating rumour. Pretty sure they are dating.


i hate break ups like this, its sad.


Other thread stating HSH admits and apologizes to Hyeri got locked real quick lol. HSH definitely sobered up and read her own drunk post lol.


Lmaooo honestly very likely 😂🤣


This guy must have the ultimate rizzz pulling the most beautiful girls left and right🤣🤣🤣🤣


Korean Peter Davidson


real shit though , pulling hyeri and then mingling with han so hee is next level shit. to him it’s probably not even a big deal which makes even funnier 😂


He definitely does, watch his psick interview


Honestly, doing in once might have been lucky. But twice??? I need to see what he has going on 😂😂😂😂


I was SOOO confused for a hot second until I realized this is about Han So Hee the actress and not Han Seo Hee the ex-trainee!


I misread the title as Seo Hee and was like "there she goes again...."


For real! But instead it's a whole different type of drama 👀


Alexa play Drama by Aespa


Han So Hee agency should really stop her from replying to knetz. In her statement admitting to the relationship, she said that Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol broke up early 2023. And now, she is backtracking again in her blog comment. She is now saying that she read about the break up on June 2023. Too bad for her the knetz had time to prove her lies because they had receipts of Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol being seen together October 2023.


this is so messy she needs to get off social media and let her company handle it 😭 i feel for her though bc she wants to clear her name. but honestly it would’ve been better if she stayed silent and waited for her boyfriend and his company to make the announcement. bc at least if it’s coming from HIM, he’s be able to explain the timeline better. where is HE???


Whew! I feel bad for Hyeri, she didn’t even have time to process the breakup after dating someone for 6 years. So messy tbh. I dont feel bad for Han So Hee cause girl what… dating the guy right after they broke up… it’s like getting sloppy seconds💀


She brought trouble to herself. She inserted herself in the narrative between the 2 exes. Hyeri's post did not mention any names. It was just purely speculations on the part of knetz at first. But HSH instagram story confirmed it. The news would probably just die down if all parties kept quiet about it.


HSH being reactive - which she should have stayed quiet for now before exposing the relationship and not throwimg a shade to the ex, very careless - this will ruin her.


Hyeri probably asked him about So Hee when they were still together and he probably said they were just friends. Now they’re probably dating, she might think they were seeing each other back then. That’s the only reason I can think of why Hyeri would comment on an unconfirmed sighting of them together in Hawaii (unless she knows something)


She just confirmed she’s dating him. I knew it


I have a feeling hyeri suspected something and the recent rumors confirm it. There may been emotional cheating or he wasn’t as committed. Hyeri seems to imply Ryu Jun Yeol lied


This is my guess. I’m sure he broke up with her because of HSH but he must’ve told her at the time that it’s not because of her.


Her story implies that definitely. Just a single line but it’s something you would sarcastically say to let the other person know. He probably told her not to worry about HSH.




So Hee visited his art exibition the same month he broke up with Hyeri which is interesting. They are definitely dating bcs their reps didn't bother denying and went the YG route.


Just to clarify, it was two days after they confirmed the breakup that she went to the exhibit and days later rumours started about the two of them.


Yeah that was the first time they met though. There were lots of witnesses at the exhibition who can corroborate that. Including people who introduced them to each other. Reporters have already been on it.


They confirmed dating now and hsh is already contradicting with so many statements the Twitter is on fire with the pictorial facts 🥲🤡. And the main thing hsh has been liking his posts and met him through modeling shoot since 2021 ... She claims to have met last year tho .


She also said Hyeri and the guy broke up early in 2023, they were together at Bruno Mars concert in June and still used couple phonecases until September last year so it doesn't add up. Her fans are still calling Hyeri names like her one word was offensive meanwhile So Hee is shading Hyeri and writing paragraphs only to backtrack "apologize to that person" and admit dating. So Hee was the immature one and in the wrong but bcs of her image she'll be fine.


Ik Actually even after concert she had sent him food truck then trip in oct . And as you said the phone cases as well ... The things were smooth till oct .. Han soo hee is playing victim throughout like who are you to say they broke up in early 2023 when there are facts and uk just 2-3 hrs before she went on to apologise on her blog for getting the timeline wrong cause miss heard through media that they broke up in 'june' 🤦... Man she isn't even cordinated with her bf who's the cheater like stop embarrassing yourself.. her fans are like hsh is the sane one to reply back to not take shit then to apologise with heartfelt huge note like dude who told her to create the ruckus and make it difficult for hyeri .




makes you wonder what exactly the pic was for the companies just to confirm they were in fact in Hawaii, how bad was it??




>this type of face What do you mean by that??


irl cackling


Oooooooooh Han So Hee confirmed she’s with him and apologised for her shady IG story 😂


While we obviously don't know what went on in Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol's relationship, I feel both Hyeri and Han So Hee didn't need to air their thoughts publicly. Knowing their actions would lead to the other being dragged by knetz. Having said that, I do believe Hyeri might have acted out as a hurt ex (foolish yes, but kind of understandable). Also there might have been some ambiguity involved in their breakup, be it emotional cheating/unavailability/attraction to another woman, because posting a sarcastic story just because your ex has moved on quickly seems very childish - giving her the benefit of the doubt here. Han So Hee's reaction is more problematic imo because she lashed out very directly at Hyeri - when Hyeri might have been subtly shading her ex and not her. Seemed too aggressive a response when she could have simply stuck to the part about not entertaining committed men. Also her apology and clarification regarding dates suggests she at some level has some insecurities about her relationship timeline. Not saying she knowingly got with a committed man but that she might be defensive because there was some grey area between what he said to her about his relationship and what was the reality. When it comes to Ryu Jun Yeol, I get that he is more responsible about the mess if there has been any cheating involved. But even so, calling him unattractive and questioning what they see in him is maybe a little misandristic? If he cheated, he's to blame yes but what's his looks got to do with anything? Him not saying anything now is probably the most sane reaction amongst all three of them. I do find the timeline icky and am side eyeing him a bit but not to the extent where I'll paint him as a heartless shabby looking Casanova. At the end of the day, people cheat, break up due to attraction towards others, fall out of love with their long term partners, feel hurt by their partners moving on quickly - it's all common, and not necessarily that diabolical. What I found hard to digest honestly was Sohee's reaction the most. Just the tonality of it and her later apology/confirmation of relationship did suggest she was too defensive which gives rise to speculations about how kosher their relationship has been wrt to Hyeri. Which in turn is further harmful for her reputation, so in effect she only shot herself in the foot with her outburst. Having said all of this, I really liked Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol as a couple and am saddened the way it's played out. I also like Sohee a fair bit. However I feel not that favorably about all three right now, most prominently So Hee. None of this merits attacking either of the two women though!


Han Sohee’s reaction is very fast and defensive because it’s obvious her family and friends have told her the same thing when she said privately she’s now dating Ryu Jun Yeol - she’s going to look like a homewrecker and the third party in Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol’s relationship no matter what the truth is. She already made the same argument so many times to other people that ‘no they were really over before we started dating!’ but in the end she is with the guy in romantic getaway in Hawaii only 3 months into confirmed relationship and less than a year from the breakup. That is incredibly fast for a supposedly new relationship for a guy fresh out of a 7-8 years relationship (like legit skipping the talking stage) so it’s obvious people going to raise an eyebrow on the dating timeline. People definitely have warned Han Sohee that her image going to take a hit if the public found out she’s moving so fast with Ryu Jun Yeol and she didn’t listen, that’s why she was extra defensive with the IG post when it actually became true.


Yes I get why she is being so defensive, but that should have been limited to shutting down the homewrecker etc. jibes from the knetz. Aggressively going for the ex of a man she just started dating, in reply to a story most likely not aimed at her, is a bit too much. Not saying Hyeri didn't know her story would cause problems or that she was in the right. But she didn't attack So Hee directly whereas So Hee did. Both were wrong but So Hee took it too far. Understandably she is worried about her reputation because in S. Korea things like these can end careers. Attacking her new boyfriend's very recent ex though is only going to harm her reputation more and not help it. It's both foolish and not a good look on her - going after another woman so rudely/publicly. She realised that hence the apology. But even then her choice of words, 'that woman'...it just doesn't show her in a very favorable light imo.


I hate when people refer to each other in such situations without taking names. Like why can't you just say the name and show some respect? Everyone knows who you are talking about so there is no need to use arbitrary language to address each other. I really want to know if celebrities run such statements with their PR because that was such a bad and all over the place statement. Even I could have advised her better without any training in PR.


![gif](giphy|iCjpFfiSMxWStWSXk4|downsized) All this came out of nowhere within hours of each other and just keep on escalating


Can any loremasters give me a quick run down? I have no idea who these people are or what’s going on lol


So Hyeri and RJ have been together since Reply 1988 aired (A hit drama they both starred in). They've been a known high profile couple for at least the last 7 years. They recently announced their break up in November, although it's not exactly confirmed when the relationship break down happened. Han So Hee is a stunning A list actress, who has starred in hit shows like ‘World of the married’, ‘My name’ and ‘Gyeongseong Creature’. She was spotted at RJ’s exhibition in November two days after the break up announcment. Allegedly, She was also recently spotted in Hawaii with RJ being very friendly with each other. People are speculating that HSH and RJ might have been together before RJ and Hyeri broke up due to the her being at the exhibition. When the Hawaii news broke, Hyeri posted on her page ‘funny’ and unfollowed RJ. HSH also posted that although she finds the dating show transit love ‘fun’, she isn't into things like that in her personal life. Transit love is a Korean dating show where people and their exs stay together for a period, mingle and try to find new love or rekindle their old love. Basically HSH is clearing up the side piece rumours, but isn't exactly clearing up the dating RJ rumours. Also both agencies did not denied the rumours which is what they would usually do in Korea. Instead they asked for people to respect the privacy of their clients, which in Korean terms means ‘Yes, it's true, please mind your business’. The crazy thing is that she was the side piece in the show ‘World of the married’ and you know how crazy knetizens can be. So I'd leave you to make your judgment on the situation. Side note: I enjoy projects from all the actors involved, so I'm not taking any sides. I'm just a spectator in all of this. Edit: Update! HSH confirmed the relationship and apologized for her petty comments. As suspected, she confirmed that RJ and Hyeri’s relationship ended months earlier. So there was in fact no transit love.


She also played the side/secret/unwanted lover of the second lead in Money Flower too. 


Holy shit I’ve been confusing Han So Hee and Han Seo Hee this whole thread. At least it’s not that kind of drama


Han So He's is the actress, while Han Seo Hee is the drama queen.


RJY (actor) and Hyeri (Girls Day idol turned actor) met on the set of Reply 1988 and started dating. Dated for 6/7 years. Break up Nov 2023. Que to yesterday where HSH and RJY were spotted vacationing together in Hawaii. Deny dating to the media. WELL from what I’ve picked up in various places this morning… is that HSH has been kinda hanging around since at least June 2023? Liked his insta posts and there’s some YouTube video of Hyeri going around saying she doesn’t get kk talk messages and according to knetz kktalk is huge if you’re dating in Korea. So knetz are thinking there was trouble in the water back in June. So Hyeri and RJY break up in like mid November and HSH is at his exhibition like two days after the break up. And then yesterday dating rumors happened and Hyeri posted that in her insta and unfollowed so here we are. This is probably a mess since it’s 5am and I’m still having coffee 😭


Didn’t they break up? What else is there to talk about?


Go on pannchoa to read the whole timeline. Looks like he cheated on Hyeri or did a transit love to say the least.


Your comment had me on the floor 😂 as I’m currently waiting for the newest transit love episode to be subbed But damn in all news this is wild, something definitely went down between them T.T It’s none of our biz but I’m hella nosy bc I love both Hyeri and Han So Hee


Now that I saw your comment and read my comment again it seemed like it’s kinda confusing as well lmao. Anyway I liked HSH too but to be honest I always feel a vibe that girly is broken and exclusively into emotionally unavailable men. No healthy girl would actively liking a taken man’s social media posts and openly sending signals like that. Personally if I found out the guy is taken, I’ll stay away at all cost. Maybe it’s just me.


Okay, this is a genuine question, because I don't use social media much these days beyond Reddit: why do people keep quoting her liking his social media posts as "proof" that she is/was interested in him? When I used to use Insta, I would like everyone's posts who I was even mildly friendly with and it was never a sign that I was into someone like that. So why is this a sign of her interest in him beyond passing friendship/acquaintanceship?


I didn’t know she was sending signals was it during when he was still dating Hyeri?? But your points are valid. Idk her that well I just enjoy her as an actress Also Han So Hee has spoken on her IG story, Google translate is making it hard to understand lmao but she basically responded to Hyeri saying she’s having fun too??


As I read, in the article says HSH bought a polar bear spontaneously , Ryu posted a picture said I’m a polar bear lmao 😂🤣 small stuff like that but usually happens between people who has a thing for each other. HSH posted something on her story? I can’t find the translation anywhere


this tweet? The title itself just turned me off reading it. 4 months is more than enough to date someone new. https://x.com/pannchoa/status/1768541585183068549?s=20 Edit: also what in the hell is transit love?


Transit love literally means it transits lol from this one to another right away. It means no time in between these relationships so it implies one was cheating or at least emotionally cheating or emotionally checked out so they break up with their partner to be with the new one. The timeline is in this article https://www.pannchoa.com/2024/03/theqoo-ryu-junyeol-and-han-sohee-who.html?m=1


>Edit: also what in the hell is transit love? [*Transit Love*](https://mydramalist.com/745105-exchange-season-3), also known as *EXchange*, is a very popular dating reality show series! All of the participants go on the show with their ex, and they have to sort out their feelings and decide if they want to get back together with their ex or pursue a new love.




I know the synopsis sounds wild 😅 but the show is surprisingly good, great in fact. It's the best Korean dating reality show I've watched.


The show is good, doesn't change the fact that it is wild.


So Hee was at his art exibition in November, the same month he broke up with Hyeri. Maybe they didn't start dating right away or they did but got caught now.


Proof of him "cheating" being So Hee liking his post from when she was less famous and going for his exhibition? Do y'all interact with people irl? 


The relationship timeline is fishy…..


I don’t understand, didn’t they broke up 👀 they announced that in November. Probably broke up before that. People saying that HSH shouldn’t response are delusional in my opinion, this is her reputation at the end of the day and she would will loose money if that rumor goes too far. Saying that Hyeri was attacking him and not her is funny because she is part of this scandal without her the scandal is nonexistent.


All this over a man 😭


Sometimes we watch a drama and we think "girlies? OVER THIS DUDE??" and then we look into real life and lo, behold.


Over a not really interesting man imo


That man is for the streets. Girls are fighting and he’s over there like 🧍watching everything unfold. Says all we need to know about him smh. 


It's really rare to see kpop idols or actors go public with their personal life drama.hyeri have been in the industry for so long. And she never had a scandal.she also have a really nice and warm personality.it is kind of unlike her to create unnecessary drama. Normally scandals like this could end career. I wonder what will happen. Though Han so hee is at her peak.its not like kdramaland doesn't have better actors.


This surprised me because I thought Ryu Junyeol would end up getting dating rumors with Kim Taeri given how close they are. Han so hee feels so random lol Anyway, the guts of ryu junyeol if he really did cheat 💀


this thread is all over the place 😂 "hyeri shoudn’t have posted snark publicly" vs. "hyeri has a right to her feelings and didn’t technically attack anyone" "sohee inserted herself unnecessarily" vs. "sohee has the right to defend herself☝️" "there’s 0 evidence there was cheating" vs. "it is incredibly suspicious that sohee ever liked a single one of his pics on ig" 😂 like there is 0 consensus which is honestly how it should be because we know nothingggggg i'd just say that anyone who thinks hyeri's "funny" wasn't gonna get junyeol and/or sohee in hot water is delusional... knetz were always going to grab onto that and drag *somebody*, so... here we are... 👀


How many halves are there 😂😂😂


im here for the tea lol😭


this is MESSY. oh god im backing away before i get too invested 🏃


Too late , I bet you’re invested rn


Funny how people are so sensitive about hsh attending his exhibition 2 days after the announcement. They could have broken up way before this we wouldn’t know.


I don't think it's just about the exhibition...it seems hsh and rjy have known each other for a while (since 2016 at least). Since hyeri made a cryptic post, there's a very real possibility that it's perhaps a situation where there was some emotional infidelity on rjy's end or that hsh was "the girl he said not to care about" ... ofcourse this is all just speculation, but I'd like to think that hyeri is a rational human being who wouldn't just randomly make a post unless something wasn't adding up. Not blaming hsh either, coz according to what she claims on her blog, she didn't start dating him until after the breakup. Maybe the man's at fault here -as is in most cases. He probably lied to one (or both) of them either about the timeline of the relationship or the real cause of the breakup or infidelity. Even in best case scenario where there was no overlap: It's very common for people to move on quickly, but to put it in context, rjy and hyeri dated for 7ish years at least. That's a pretty long time, especially in your 20s. If it only takes a couple of months to move on from it completely and start seeing someone new, I just think it's a bit heartless to say the least, especially if it's an acquaintance that you've known pre-breakup.


Wow true drama, in k- entertainment, it's been a long time. 🙏🤩😔


Why are people coming for Hyeri? the dude she dated for 7 years was in a date with her new gf 2 days after they broke up.Thats shady. Even if so hee only made her move after they were over, clearly the dude had an eye for her. Hyeri's message was more likely directed at her ex and was unfollowing him for his behaviour. People trying to make it seem like she was calling so hee names are putting words in her mouth.


do you really think celebrities especially those that have been in a relationship for almost a decade announce their breakup the same month they’ve broken up? it’s more likely they’ve separated months prior to the announcement in november. whether hyeri’s story was aimed at hsh or not, she ought to know that people will make stuff up after being in the industry for so many years. if cheating was involved i would understand, otherwise this is peak high school behaviour.


Thank you! Any other comment outside of this is just being nasty for no reason. To me if there was no cheating involved it’s just hyeri exhibiting high school behavior. Does it suck when your ex moves on fast? Yes but it’s not cheating and it doesn’t make them a terrible person. It just hurts. I saw on another comment people talking about how hyeri has years in the industry and is so sweet so they believe her. But to me I see she has years in the industry and knows what she did with her one cryptic comment . It’s like throwing rocks and hiding her hands. From that one comment people are attacking her ex and calling hsh the mistress. Also we don’t even know what happened on hyeri’s relationship. What if she dumped the guy? Nonetheless exactly if there is no cheating then hyeri is the bad guy bc was petty and shaded someone on Instagram. HSH just rightfully defended herself yet somehow people are bending over backwards to call her dumb, say she outed herself, saying she’s the home wrecker. Just a lot of leaps and assumptions going on. I feel like between hyeri, the ex, and HSH one of them will end up issuing an apology over the matter


What if he actually cheated ?


2 days after they broke up or 2 days after they announced they'd broken up? If it even was a date


>the dude she dated for 7 years was in a date with her new gf 2 days after they broke up What "date"? Han So Hee showing up to his public art gallery with her family?


Han So Hee just posted something on her insta story. i cant understand korean and insta translation is shit


So she confirmed the relationship…. Hyeri’s reaction is totally valid… There’s almost like an unwritten rule that you dont head dive into the next relationship after such long term relationship. So she prob felt betrayed by RJY. (Best case scenario). Worst case was he lied to both of them and got into this messy situation and made Hyeri’s response even more heartbroken. From HSH’s pov this def wasn’t “cheating”. But Sohee’s IG response was quite uncalled for… so I’m glad she’s owning up to it. I know RJY doesn’t owe Hyeri anything atp, but man it’d def hurt to be in her shoes… I hope she’s okay and I hope everyone’s okay. Again, men don’t process breakup like women 🥲


I feel bad for Hyeri man . This must be so heartbreaking and humiliating for her


This needs to all play out in their own Transit Love series. lol


She said I liked to watch the show but I don’t like to be part of the show, so that’s the answer for you 😂


every day i pray for straight women


oh my god this is SO SPICY 😋 i’m thinking that hsh was the girl hyeri was worried about during her relationship with rjy. rjy continuously told hyeri that hsh and he were just friends but hyeri had a suspicious hunch. rjy and hyeri break up officially gets announced. apparently hsh was seen attending rjy’s exhibit (possibly w family?) ~2 days after the official break up announcement. time passes. hyeri sees the news article about the two of them and then their agencies both don’t deny nor confirm anything which we all know what that means! and obviously bc hyeri had a hunch about her before, she feels some type of way and therefore we see her unfollow rjy and post a vague ig story. now based on what hsh is saying, we can assume that rjy and hsh did not pursue anything until after rjy and hyeri broke up. which in this case makes sense as to why hsh is trying to clear her name bc looking like the mistress in korea is not going to do you well. but bc hyeri had a hunch about this, she’s still going to be upset bc she was essentially right about rjy and hsh’s relationship all along. hyeri knew they were eyeing each other and so seeing the news about their relationship just further solidified and confirmed her doubts but also confirmed her insecurities during her rs w rjy too. we obviously don’t know what really happened but i also think more has happened btwn the three of them than we see 🌶️ just a fun lil theory and all speculation based on the info we have! don’t mind me i just like drama and partaking in theories. 🤭


that's how i see it too, of course pure speculation but based on hyeri reaction it's likely to be true. sometimes you just know it in the little signs especially after being with someone for so long (7 years is no walk in the park)


just saw an update to this situation and this theory is looking piping hot 🍵


Where is RJY tho. The longer he waits the worse he looks.


Honestly Hyeri has the right to feel some type a way aboit this, but posting a story was imo unecessary, people automatically started to think that he might have cheated on her so I understand why HSH posted an explanation before things really got out of control. Regarding HSH liking RJY posts I don't really see a problem, maybe they were friends or maybe she was just a fan, her going to his exibition doesn't imply that there was/is anything romantic between them, they're most likely friends.


lol. none of us don't even know what's really going on.


Hyeri literally just posted 3 words?


yeah but people made assumptions immediately that is was about RJY or HSH even though it might've not been so imo it would have been better if Hyeri hadn't said anything


Always liked Han Sohee but this whole thing is pretty yikes on her part..


Reading HSH new story seems to me girly is very immature and spontaneous which will bite her in the arse later. I meant Hyeri is entitled to feel some type of way because they were in a relationship for 7 years. She didn’t even aim at HSH but HSH posted a story, have a dig at Hyeri, which basically says they’re beffing. Girly thinks everything revolves around her. Also, not Ryu but HSH made a move first. Usually the one who is guilty always try to shape the narrative first. They can’t help it.


People saying that there’s no proof Jun yeol cheated, if there wasn’t truly anything deeper than what had been revealed, hyeri would not have posted what she did on her story and immediately removed Jun yeol after. They broke up in November and she had still been following him since then, (so perhaps weren’t on totally bad terms) obviously news of Han seo hee attending Jun yeols exhibition around the time of him breaking up with her and the two going on holiday being all lovey dovey months after hints that something else was going on. She probably knows more to what has been revealed and has more context which is why she posted what she did. She did mention something which hinted that her and Jun yeol had been going through a rough patch for months before they broke up and all of a sudden he’s dating another girl and is going on couple holidays. You don’t go on couple holidays and be all lovey in such a short amount of time dating. If seo hee didn’t say anything I don’t think it would’ve snowballed out of proportion. Posting immature stories in response to a story that wasn’t even about her (but rather about Jun yeol) and posting so many pictures of herself is just embarrassing. Fighting over a man who hasn’t even said or done anything in response to the situation. Evidence even shows that seo hee had been interacting frequently on junyeols posts even as far back when he was still dating hyeri. If you don’t find that weird that I don’t know for you. I’m not the type to ever comment on controversies but this is so crazy.


Based on my friend experience, i do think some flirtation happened when he was in relationship. Maybe they not dating when he was still dating Hyeri, but i bet the flirtation happen during that time and he asked her out after the break up. So, he can say "I'm not cheating, because i only date her after the break up". Similar to what my friend's ex said. 


For some couples I know of, the breakup doesn't happen until the next partner is already pretty much set in place. Especially when it's a safe, long term relationship, that fear of leaving all that history behind is only eliminated by having an exciting prospect lined up. Obviously I'm just speculating, based on the timeline it could easily be what happened here. From Hyeri's perspective that is absolutely is cheating. From HSH's perspective she did nothing wrong cause her new man already left his gf for her. There's always going to be blurred lines in these situations. Obviously a lot of these relationships work out so I wish them luck. I do hope that he doesn't come across a next alternative the moment things get difficult with his new gf.


Yeah it’s a possibility that that is what had happened. And I think that’s what hyeri’s post had been hinting at. I’m not saying for sure it’s what had happened, as once again I don’t know the full story. But if it was, thats really a shame.


I don't understand why people have a problem with Han So Hee possibly dating Ryu Jun Yeol? Just because someone has been in a relationship for a long time, doesn't mean they can't move on fast. I understand Hyeri might be hurt with her ex moving on, but I do side eye her IG post because it makes people unnecessarily speculate about cheating etc.


can’t say two adults in the public eye beefing over a guy on instagram was on my bingo card. Much less these 3 people lmfao. It’s just like high school all over again! Writers are starting this season off with a bang though.


Lucky dude


Moral of the story here, don’t fck with Hyeri, she’s no pushover. She will put you in your place lol


Guy must have saved his country in his previous life... but like dang he is dating Han Seo Hee after Hyeri 😳😳😳😳


I personally think Hyeri is entitled to her feelings about how her ex moves on but she should have gone about it a diff way. We know how misogynistic kmedia is and her posting that literally had people coming for So Hee. Her comment opened her up to very harsh allegations and So Hee had every right to clear it up as people took Hyeri's post as "confirmation" that So Hee took her man and was a side piece. No one deserves to go through  that. Especially since they had broken up since last year.


lol why does she have to care about the feelings of her ex-bf’s new gf? the new couple could’ve easily been more considerate towards her and not gallivant their new relationship out in the open like that so soon after their break-up from an eight-year relationship… but they didn’t nor are they expected to… so why do you expect hyeri to be a saint in this situation and take the high road for what? there is a reason that their relationship went so cold and hsh was probably that friend he told her not to worry about. her feelings are valid and she posted one thing to vent her feelings towards her ex-bf??


This morning, both of Han So Hee and the guy's parties have confirmed they're in a relationship Yikes, after all of that IG reply yesterday


Huh? How is it opposing anything she said in her ig reply?


I still can't wrap my head around the "7 years dating" and "10 years dating" relationships in K-pop. I assume it's career related but also possibly cultural in that the expectations of the woman once she gets married are that she stops focusing so much on her career. But even still... it's not like it's all those years and they're living together either. At least in the West those long term dating celeb relationships are marriages in all but legal documents. Hyeri lived with her family and then finally got a place of her own and by the tours she did, no BF was living there. It's then wild when they go from one of those relationships to one after it and then get married after dating a year or something. That always sends my head spinning too. Anyways, their relationship isn't any of my business. I guess the best you can hope for is he wasn't cheating but he met someone he liked more and as they aren't married, he broke up with the GF and started a new relationship. Classy? No. But if he didn't cheat... I mean that's the difference between dating and marriage. You meet someone you like more when married, too bad. You committed for life. But she/he decided not to get married and this is a consequence. Someone better (in their opinion) comes around and they can end it all with a single sentence. I adore Hyeri but I'm not delusional, for all I know every celeb I have a crush on is an awful partner and vice versa for the female celebs whose appeal I just don't get. So I won't say "omg \_\_\_ is so much better! How could he leave \_\_\_\_ for \_\_\_\_?! What a downgrade!" like I know them both.


Most celebrities in SK get married when they are well into their 30s, Hyeri is 29. It falls onto men to propose and from personal experience they don't really go for "the one" like women do, when they are ready for marriage they simply propose to the girl they are in a relationship at the time. Their breakup was amicable but her post and unfollowing might allude to her suspecting something, either way we don't know much unless she straight up says it.


Tbh 5+ years relationships without living together are also common in other countries too. In my own country, most of my friends, myself included, have been in relationships of around 10 years, some even more. None of us are married, and most of us didn't live together with our respective partners until very recently. Like until a couple of years ago or less for most. Because where I'm from it's common to live with your parents until you're in your late 20s/early 30s, its rare for people to move out earlier. No one sees the point in struggling to pay the bills when parents are usually happy to keep supporting you while you build your life. And this is in Europe btw, and my country isn't an exception, other European countries are like this as well. And I know of several Asian and Latin American cultures too that are just like that. I think perhaps people are so used to having the white North American perspective pushed down their throats (kids out of the house at 18 living with a bunch of roommates to afford it) that the way more common situation of people staying with their families is believed to be a rarity. When it's actually not.


Yeah I've got friends and family that are in relationships for 10+ years before getting married - in a couple of Asian countries the average age of marriage is around 30. It's generally even later for celebrities, since marriage is kind of signalling that you'll start a family, so it's kind of expected that they'll be less active as a celebrity. I've also noticed that if a long term couple breaks up they seem to get married quickly after, it could be that they would know exactly what they want afterwards so things move fast.


Not sure about the breakup part you mentioned since I haven't lived it in my environment. But yeah, I'm pretty sure in Spain the average age for women to get married is at 35 or something of the sort. I am 30 myself, living outside of Spain with my Spanish partner, and we aren't planning to get married any time soon even though our 10th anniversary is this year. And when we get married we'll only do it for tax reasons, nothing else. Many people my age from my country don't see much of a point in marriage anyway, and only go through with it because unfortunately laws are disadvantageous for unmarried couples. Many like myself would avoid marriage if said laws were revoked.


A lot of Korean couples get married because "it's time" to get married. I meet a lot of couples and wonder if they even like each other




So people here read all the facts. To then dismiss everything and write their own fanfiction lol


Hyeris post wasn't even aimed at her and she still inserted herself where she didn't need to be, real classy I feel so bad for Hyeri, she deserves to be able to protect her peace after everything she's gone through without this woman starting beef where there wasn't any


Yes it was. We all know what hyeri was talking about. It wasn’t very classy of her either to be that messy. How is it bad for so hee to clear her name? I can go back to the first article about hyeri’s post and everyone was already jumping to conclusions and hating sohee. So let’s not pretend like hyeri’s shade didn’t hit its mark. Sohee has a right to clear the air and defend herself over baseless accusations. To me it wasn’t cute for a grown woman like hyeri to be playing Instagram mind games . Meanwhile sohee was direct and to the point in saying she did nothing wrong. Pretty classy to me


I agree! Are people really that dense? Hyeri posted something cryptic online and that's when all the speculation about sohee and ryu's relationship timeline rumors came out. If Hyeri hadn't posted that you really think people would be foaming at the mouth trying to figure out if ryu cheated or not? Naw.


Yep yep. I really don’t know how people are twisting it and seeing HSH as immature when to me hyeri was giving very high school behavior .


Ughhhh I’m so sad my reply 1988 couple broke up 😭😭😭😭


damn, the drama…