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In tiny ass screen, with 144p resolution in .3gp format and divided into 4 parts, and downloaded from mediafire.


User flair checks out.


With reactions they purposely overexaggerate and voice opinions they otherwise wouldn't for the sake of making their videos more interesting.


iʼm boring so i watch it with laser focus. if i find something interesting, i rewind that moment and get back on track. but usually, iʼm just either sitting on the floor or resting on my bed and watching it in awe generally (especially if itʼs a mv from my fave group)


in bed through bleary eyes bc i just woke up


Watch it first with no subtitles so I can focus on just the visuals and song, then watch again with subs. Then I watch reactions from my fav channels, usually reactors find something that I missed.


This. Plus get annoyed when reactors miss some crucial detail of the storyline then ask why something is even though the MV just spelled it out for you. Or make a completely different diagnosis on what a video was about even though the video and lyrics made it clear it was this and not that. lol. But for the most part watching people react is fun.


haha yeah that's why I have curated a few reactors that I vibe with, there are a lot of channels who just react to K-pop to get views and aren't actually fans


Yeah same here. Sometimes I’ll watch other reactors I don’t normally just because I’m in the mood to watch more reactions.


![gif](giphy|TirrGVVeFaPWBQx6wO|downsized) i feel ya 🤝


That's just how I do it too 😊


That’s how I do it as well


Sit, open it, watch, close. Generally I'm not a fan of MVs for some reason. I tend to rewatch some dance videos like the ones on Studio Choom tho


I just play the video and sometimes i rewatch it


i call my friends over and we get some drinks and chocolates and we first watch the entire thing really quiet (unless scoups winks or mingyu shows up topless) in one sitting and then we watch the whole thing again rewinding at like the imp catchy bits and stuff and then we analyse the entire MV. Its a 30 mins process and also my fav part of the day.


Basically like this: 👁👄👁 I usually don't react much, sometimes I rewatch the video to listen/see things that I liked


Well they are reactors so they will talk. If I had a camera on me I’d be more inclined to talk lol. I watch quietly generally. Maybe share it with people sometimes.


Reaction creators just tend to hype up everything they review cause they're trying to farm off people enjoyment for a song, I sometimes might watch a reaction creator if I really enjoy a song, but otherwise they're kinda just filler. I often look up a music video depending on what I feel like watching, sometimes I watch it all the way, usually it's just in a tab in the background while I do something else.


Ateez in order of the lore..I watch in korean subtitles since I'm learning korean. I hate reaction posts they disrupt the music when they pause mid song to comment. Just watch the damn mv and comment after. Like the skz reaction vids for Felix on Maniac..ugh hated those


Those reaction videos are not how the vast majority of people watch MVs. They're more or less doing it as a job, and are performing for the public at the same time. That is just incredibly different from how most of us experience MVs.


I have MVs playing all the time, while working, while doing dishes, while reading, etc. So most of the time I'm about half listening to the song itself and maybe 10% focused on the video, which is sort of like pleasant visual wallpaper for me.


Not at all anymore...I listen directly to the music on Spotify 😩💀


What???Why MV'S are like movie, they are part of the song


I don't know, I used to do that, but now that I'm working and hardly have any time, I just listen to the music 😅


I watch the video at 5am before work. Coffee. Birds singing outside. Slight ray of sunshine through the window. I don't pause. I do something else, read the newspapers, check my phone or eat. Then if the artist's one I usually listen to, I listen to the album on my way to work or while I prepare my stuff in the morning. Nobody in its right mind pauses and screams alone. They do it with people or with a possible audience. I mean the video would be quite boring if they didn't do anything interesting bcus let's be honest these reactioners have no talent whatsoever unless we're talking about choreographers that add their two cents or people like Jordan Orme. Even Jordan Orme's reaction is not genuine. The guy watches the video many many times before as he does research and prepares what he'll say about the techniques and edits used in the video. When filming he redoes his reaction mostly to entertain us, because we all watch these reactions for our own feeling of pride when a reactioner reacts positively to our groups. All these reactioners exaggerate their reactions for sure. Some of them were probably very bored with the song, but having an entire fandom hit your videos bring more views so they'll fake and exaggerate their reactions lmao. They pause because they also want a longer video because it earns more money. Some others genuinely react to the videos because they're made for Kpop. I personally fell on Qofyreacts and Melanie Reacts and I watched their journey of being gagged by Guerrilla the first time to go see Ateez at their concerts. It was truly heartwarming.


i don't like stopping in the middle of the mv, unless it's something out of the ordinary. usually if i wanna examine something (like an outfit or something like that, idk) i would wait until the end of the mv and then go back to look for that moment and then pause it. and i watch mvs alone so i have no one to talk to about it lol if i have something to say about it i text my friends / twt about it after i finish watching it


For me, open, watch, close. If i really want to, i'll watch a lot in a row, otherwise i don't really visit them again. I'm more of a live performance kinda guy.


Usually, I watch MVs by streaming them on my different accounts (quietly and focused on listening to the song and tiny details inside^^) I take screenshots of the best part, with and without subtitles (for aesthetic) after watching the MV many times.


I just regularly watch it. But I watch them a lot more often than normal people. For a long time I couldn’t bring my phone into school so while on my bus ride I just opened my laptop and watched kpop music videos that I downloaded till I got to school. well everyone behind me was also able to see me watching the MV but I didn’t really care (watching girl mvs on the bus felt super awkward or embarrassing though tbh, so I mostly watched only boy mvs) So I basically watched the music videos every single work day I can bring my phone again(technically I can’t, but I just do anyway, my mom allowed.) and listen to Spotify through wireless headphones and listen to kpop that way. Sometimes I still can’t use it, so I use my iPad(don’t use laptop for school anymore) to watch music videos on the bus now


I usually watch alone, although sometimes with other people if they want to the first time. The first time I watch I don't pause at all. Then when I go back to watch it again I pause and rewind and pay more attention to the lyrics too.


during it debut promotion I cant watch the MV for at least 4 x day or more for the whole week or month of promotion period I also download it w subs soft sub but back on the 2nd gen toward to late 3rd gen I download the hardsub w rom + english as a multi stan I collect mv and live performance of my favorites


Open it and watch normally. If it's something with a storyline or plot then watch again to see if notice something else. Check other fans reaction and see the theories or references I might have missed and watch again. That's it. I don't usually pause on first watch. If it's just normal mv without plot and them just dancing , then I won't rewatch immediately.


for the first time i really try to absorb it all as much as possible in one go. no pausing. i'm always alone because they drop at about 4am most times for me. lately my ult has had no eng subs on their mvs at all.....so i don't even have to turn anything off. yay /s but i always go back to watch it again to catch what i may not have seen at first or 2nd, 3rd watch. it's hard to pause at the right moment on youtube so i could just dl it and play it at .25x speed in vlc or something to get the right screenshot. or if i wanna make a clip of anything in a video editor


I don’t really watch music videos but lately when I do it’s after I’ve already listened to the song. So sometimes I’ll pause and rewind and analyze things in the video because I’m not trying to also actively process the audio. Like yesterday I was watching the MV for AIMER’s [Somebody](https://youtu.be/TzUgdLsRFjc?si=zLvwbHwTkDUBiWwW) (good song btw) but I’ve already listened to the song multiple times so I could rewind and pause without missing anything. I do like watching reactions to song I like, it’s nice to see the different ways people interpret things in an MV. I don’t care whether or not the reactor talks during the video or saves their thoughts until the end as long as they actually have something to say specific to the MV/song.


I'm gonna be honest I use to watch *a lot* of reactors on youtube, don't really anymore. Why you may ask? It's because I found the reactions very overexaggrated and just fake. Heck there are quite a few reactors who have said to someone in the comments, or private messages that yes it is overexaggrated, because if they just sat there like 🙂🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️ they wouldn't get as many views if they reacted like 😆🤪🤯 Now not all reactors are like this, but I feel like it's come down to views and not really if people like the song(s), or not... I just enjoy watching the video on my 50' TV in my living room, or my phone if I don't feel like searching for on my TV lol. Using the remote to search can take so long 😅


On my first few watches, I will pause or rewind a few times to focus on specific details. I will comment and react out loud, but I'm usually alone so no one hears me. I prefer to watch on my computer, but sometimes the release time is very early in the morning so I don't have time to watch it until I'm at work. In that case, I will watch it on my phone. Also, I may participate in YouTube streaming in the first few weeks for my favorite groups. But after that, I will not re-watch the videos frequently unless they have become a favorite of mine.




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I always want to talk to someone during lol. Id love to make reaction videos just so I can share my feelings about them with someone


im the only kpop lover in my WHOLE friend group and in my family so i just end up watching it alone on youtube. for best experience while watching it i wear either headphones and put it in full screen or when im all alone in my room i dont use headphones and i put it on full screen




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I can't do reaction videos. Everybody loves everything like its the greates song ever. If it's a group in my top five then the video just pops up as soon as it's released and I just watch it.


i watch it all the way through without pausing and i like to put subs on if they’re available since i do not understand korean. i may make audible gasps here and there or just have my jaw on the floor lol but i don’t talk during it either. i also tend to watch it a second time after coming here or twitter to see others reactions.


There are times that I rewind stuff because I saw something interesting (like clues or references and such) or analyze something (especially if the music video is heavily focused on narration.)Other than that, I sometimes skip watching it (more on listening) or watch the live performance of the same song and compare it which is more prefer to me.


first, i watch it in one go with no subs (if i dont like the song i might not finish even one go). usually my face is like this : 😦 the whole time. then I turn on the lyrics and watch it again. then if i reaaaallly like the mv or if the mv has some sort of lore, i would rewatch it and pause and rewind moments. that's it lol.


The first time through, I watch the whole thing - no pauses, no captions. Second time with pauses and captions and sometimes even with parts in slow motion. My whole family likes kpop though so we do a lot of talking during videos after the first watch. And we watch MVs everyday. We have a huge playlist and we take turns choosing. We have occasionally gotten pretty excited over our ults dropping new videos and acted loud and crazy during the first watch but that doesn’t happen on the regular.


Sometimes I'm nervous abt a release and if I'll like it or not so I watch a reaction to make it feel like I'm watching with someone.


I always rewind parts with Baekhyun and Chanyeol and even Suho they’re all my faves from the group. 


Bambi Bambi bambiii


First watch, no subs so I can take in the music video as it’s own thing. I then rewatch so I can focus on the lyrics if they have English subtitles. Used to really enjoy reaction content, but it’s just not something I like as much unless it’s to help me better pick what stands out musically in a track. Also make sure I watch whatever I do see in a reaction video first because it feels wrong not to.


I sometimes rewinded because there were interesting details.


I have the attention span of a squirell when it comes to watching MVs. For me to actually watch it the whole way through (with pausing in between lmaoo) I'd have to find the MV extra pretty or for me to be intrigued by plot/references. However, I generally am able to (mostly) watch the MVs all the way through when it comes to my ults or songs whose MVs I really enjoy.