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I liked it. For all the complaining about YG songs sounding the same they’ve actually doing a decent job at putting out different sounds. We’ve gotten ballads (stuck in the middle and dream) standard yg girlcrush (batter up and sheesh) rnb (like that) and now a more lighter pop.


I actually am a fan of the stuck in the middle remix, it brings me back to 2012


"YG song sounding the same" is such an inaccurate statement. discography from Bigbang, Ikon, Winner, and even 2ne1 don't have that same sound overall. it more recurrent with Blackpink sound. ppl probably said that because usually the most popular song from YG group are those loud song like Bang Bang Bang, I am the best, Bling Bling, and Blackpink title track.


Loved it. I think it will do very well. They all showcased their vocals powerfully and that rap line was so good! The only thing I wish was that they transitioned the rap a little more smoothly. All in all, this song is a certified bop.


I like the verses separately but I don't think the transition is smooth enough, especially from the 1st verse to the pre-chorus. Also I don't fancy the way they try to force the word "forever" into the song as much as possible lol it just feels,...weird? Regardless this is my favorite track from them so far.


This is my favorite out of all BabyMonster singles. The late 00's and early 10's dance sound matches them well. This comeback highlights the members well and I can remember a part for each of them in which they stood out. The intro to the middle of the first chorus flows SO WELL. Then the damn "forever" refrain comes in however, I enjoy it as the outro chant. I have mixed feelings on the second verse. I'm a fan of the rap, but just not in this song. This comeback felt comfortable for the girls. It's not forced and is very natural. Love this video. The song will grow on me. I like it now with some less-than-desirable parts, but I cannot wait to see them perform this song live.


i can say that this kind of genre suits them well. it doesnt feel forced


It’s fine. The verses don’t go with the chorus though? Or am I crazy? Also the endings of some of their songs just don’t hit like it’s supposed to for me. Just like another comment said I don’t think their sound is for me. But they are great singers and rappers. Just wished I liked what they put out more.


I liked it more than just “it’s fine”, but the transitions were definitely sort of odd, especially with the second verse.


IMO, Batter Up had the best ending. And it kind of did that only because the rest of the song was fairly empty. Whoever is songwriting for BM needs to realize that the end of the song should feel like a massive explosion, not just a rehash of previous sections or... whatever Sheesh was


Oh man. I’m honest here when I say I actually cringed at the ending part of sheesh. black pink and gidle are great examples of groups that do these types of endings really well.


The song overall is good but it isn't k-pop for me, apart from counted Korean verses, where is the K for k-pop in that song? As a pop song it's pretty decent, but it doesn't feel new, it reminded me a lot of I AM by IVE. Along with Like That; Forever is the best song they have. Sheesh and Batter Up were just a cheaper BP, Forever isn't consistent either, you can't do an aggressive and fast rap in a song that's meant to be chill, I don't know who wrote the rap for this song but clearly doesn't know what rap is about because whoever did that just did it for the clout but BM is a mess and it's the company's fault 100%. About the rap, I've been hearing rap for my whole life in many ways and I can say that alone as rap is mid but for this song is horrible because it is like eating a chocolate donut filled with broccoli. Alone both things are good but not together. I thought YG knew how to write rap.


It sounds different than anything blackpinks released so im happy about that!


The “forrre-e-e-ver” part is my least favorite but I really enjoy the rest of the song!


It's not a miss per se but for me personally something is missing... Aside from LIKE THAT I've yet to hear something that is fully them, y'know?


I don't consider Like That to be fully them, since it's still very much Charlie Puth. Still searching for the awesome dark poppy song with an epic climax that doesn't exist yet.


I see it as since the instrumental was so minimal and the song being moreso about the girls' vocals and delivery, but I agree their unique flavor is missing or rather too derivative currently


I think it's a step in the right direction-- not a song I picture BP ever singing; there were melodic parts that showcased their vocals and rap parts. When I first heard this song, it made me think of IVE but with more intense rap. I liked the individual parts of the songs, but the transitions were a bit rough. Even still, I do enjoy the song.


i feel like it's very Katy Perry dark horse coded, and also an Eva Max song that i can't point out. overall a good comeback but nothing out of the ordinary


Ava Max song might be So Am I, I definitely see the resemblance there.




The chorus sounds like Night Changes- OD


I like the chorus and vocals! I also think that this genre fits them extremely well. I am not a fan of the verses. They feel disconnected from the rest of the song.   Is it just me, or do Babymonster raps always end prematurely? Asa and Ruka’s parts just stop randomly. I swear, their raps are just the musical equivalent of pulling out  Batter Up is the only BM rap I’ve fully enjoyed because it feels complete. I won’t discuss Ahyeon’s rap because that girl honestly should just be a vocalist. 


"... their raps are just the musical equivalent of pulling out" 😂😂😂


agreed and YESSSS ahyeon needs to stop rapping


For real, not every idol needs to be an all-rounder. Singing is obviously what she’s best at 


its nice, just wouldn’t add it to my playlist. i loved asa's intro


Chiquita facials were amazing in this video. I was so impressed by her and this is coming from a ahyeon bias. But yea as what others have said, this song and concept is totally IVE coded. In some parts I could even imagine yujin singing. Overall tho I LOVE THIS SONG. It’s still abit badass but it’s not so in your face like sheesh. I like how they are exploring diff concepts as well.


I also liked the song. I don't think it's my favourite BM song, just because it felt a little too long for me. My personal sweetspot is something like 2:30. It had many different parts in it. I liked most of them very much. I think their vocals is insane and therefore their live acts are fantastic. They are all very talented and although their songs are all good with no misses yet, I'm still looking for one, which grabs me 100% like most BlackPink songs did to me (everything of course personal taste). \------------------- After some hears, I have to revise my opinion: I really like it now very much. Maybe not a 10/10 but near, say 9.5. Very good song!!


I like it a lot better than Sheesh and Batter Up. My only bone to pick is that the second verse feels really out of place. I don’t actually think it’s the rap as much as the instrumentals having no consistency between parts. I’m very curious about what the album will bring.


Has BM turned out like NMIXX? Like they have good decent songs but due to missing hitting a mark during debut it's harder for them to reach gp? Unlike NMIXX they have good I-fans but low K-fans which is reflected in their charts. Just what I have observed.


It's not because it's nir reaching general public is just YG terrible promotion 0am kst release and yet they are not promoting the song that hard look at KIOF even if I don't like their new release sticky but look they charted in Korea despite having 0am kat release as well because they actually promoted the song and GP notice that that why promotion is important. HAVE is the best example how good promotion works


Honestly i feel like promotion just sucks. Sheesh charted pretty good so im sure Forever would too of they actually promoted it. And it's more GP friendly Let's just hope it will rise once the girls start performing since it looks like yg is putting minimal effort (they even have just 65k playlist reach on Spotify which is wild comparing it to other groups who have a couple of millions on their first day)


I was actually enjoying it and thought it was a pretty good song until the rap verse started. I don’t know why YG refuse to get rid of those dated 2016 rap influences. That isn’t going to help Babymonster stand out from, or be competitive with the nearly one dozen or so top girl groups they’re going to have to compete against. I hope their full album is good, because the girls are all talented, and it would be a shame to see all of that talent wasted on a nearly decade old sound, that YG won’t move off of.


>That isn’t going to help Babymonster stand out from, or be competitive with the nearly one dozen or so top girl groups they’re going to have to compete against. I don't really get this take, a strong rap line is exactly what makes them stand out in the sea of girl groups. That and their ability to put on a show. There are plenty of girl groups with good vocalists, including Aespa, NMIXX, IVE etc. There are none with good rap lines among their peers outside of XG who don't even consider themselves K-pop. Prior to "Forever" their last comeback was 3 months ago yet they still had 9.5M monthly Spotify listeners, that's more than IVE and almost as many as Twice. They are selling out fanmeetings in the same Japanese arenas that Le Sserafim (a group with Sakura Miyawaki) are doing this summer. Even on Korean charts, which are their biggest weakness, "Sheesh" peaked inside top-10 on all platforms. And it was with a song that was already polarizing. Their fanbase is very strong and active for a rookie girl group and I'll be extremely surprised if their full album this fall doesn't sell 1M+ copies.


Their rap line is strong, but YG are utilizing them in a way where they take from the song more than they add to it. Babymonster are going to do very well in the short term, there’s no denying that, but I don’t know how well they’ll do 3-5 years from now when they have to compete against 12+ girl groups at the highest level. I can very much see them getting left behind in the future if YG don’t innovate, and make an attempt to change with the times. Itzy were the absolute cream of the crop top gg, but bad decisions in management from JYP caused them to fall behind their peers, and I see the same happening to Babymonster in the not too distant future, once the novelty of being BlackPink’s sister group wears off, if YG aren’t careful.


Do me a favour and go to all their m/v’s and look for the most replayed part lol. I guarantee you it’s the rap parts. No one is not listening to a song cause it has a good rap, but people are going back to batter up or like that to listen to the rap part alone lol. Go look at any reactions to their songs and it’s the same there with the rap parts standing out. You are faded if you think their rap isn’t something that makes them stand out when Asa is by far the best female rapper from the big 4 since Jennie.


I think you're worrying too much too soon. 3-5 years from now, they'll have developed their own style. All of the other groups, especially Le Sserafim and ILLIT, will be in much more trouble by then imo. Maybe start worrying if, 1 year from now, BM is still using "2016 rap." But I don't think they will be.


The girl group space is more competitive than it has been in the past 10-15 years, and with the TBL gg, SM gg, and a possible new JYP gg on the horizon, it’s only going to get worse. I could understand your point if we didn’t have a top gg (Itzy) fall off because of poor management and concept choices in the past few years to point to. Right now I’m not seeing the commitment to musical change that YG were alluding to. It’s possible that things could change by the time we get the full album, but it’s not happening right now, and I don’t see a YG gg that has that same dated YG sound being at or near the top in today’s current gg landscape.


It still feels like doomposting from your end. BM have been doing well. Maybe things will change in like a week, and "Forever" flops, but I doubt that will happen. But yes, the GG space will become more competitive once those other GGs debut.


It is very competitive market but from casting and training perspective BM is luxurious middle size group, frankly it's shocking that such group was made in 2020s in k-pop and it's probably mostly thanks to bad YG managing lol and fact that they gather young trainees at the BP peak. I wonder if SM would keep up with the same quality because already Riize suggests that they start to go with a bit different direction. I'm really intrigued how this group would like. There is of course Nmixx which skills actually are even better than BM but they don't have the same commercial appeal. BL would be probably smaller group, 5 max. Why is this important? Because having good concept is super important in k-pop. But for some time. If you only have to offer concept (unless it's top quality production) you are going to be replaced with new, fresh group few years later. But if team itself is extremely well build, they can easily adapt to changing market. Because trends in k-pop change extremely fast. Few years ago we were nagging about lipsync all the time, today groups comeback with handmics. That's why BM would be fine because they are not only extremely well prepared for this job but all girls come up as ambitious performers and despite that team comes up as harmonious. Again for middle size group that's unique. Plus YG invest into them a lot, I think they are going all in.


YG girl group track record is immaculate in term of career achievement. So, I will believe in that for Baemon too.


I think it's the opposite. People were also saying that Blackpink sound was outdated throughout their entire career. There were the same accusations of not being innovative, but K-pop fans were and still are missing the simple fact - there are a ton of people who like that sound. It was true for 2NE1, it was true for Blackpink, and it's still true for BabyMonster. Of course, the popularity of that specific sound fluctuates, but having that baseline concept to always fall back on is a huge advantage. And more importantly for one or another reason YGE girl groups have practically a complete monopoly on it. BabyMonster can keep experimenting with new sounds like they did with "Forever" or "Like That" and see what works, but no matter what they'll always have something reliable in the back pocket. I don't think ITZY or NMIXX had the same luxury. They still have to rely on JYPE coming up with hit songs and even then it might be not as impactful due to people losing interest. Example: "Dash". While there's always an audience for YGE style bangers, even if the songs are not perfect.


for me, it’s another miss. I really love their vocal tones and abilities but I just fear their sound is not for me :/


I like it! I thought the rapping was going to be out of place but the girls were really really good. Their group is a power combo of vocals, rappers and visuals. Looking forward to their next releases.


MV is cute but why do all their songs sound so outdated??? And I wish they just left the rap parts to Asa and Ruka. Ahyeon is better suited for vocals, she sounds hella annoying when she does rap - as it is she already has so many lines, she does not need to rap.


I don't agree on the outdated part. For me this sounds very unique. I agree regarding Ahyeon. Her vocals are fantastic, Asa und Ruka do a great job rapping. Every member should get a fair part. But I think this song gives everybody enough room to shine.


It feels very artificial to me for lack of a better term. Not because it sounds like bp or whatever. Forever doesn't and I don't care about that either way. I don't know if it's because the song is pretty flat throughout but I felt like it was getting repetitive halfway through despite typically enjoying longer songs. It definitely has a more pleasant chorus than batter up or sheesh but I don't think any part of it stands out to me either, whereas I loved batter up and sheesh so much that I tried listening to it repeatedly despite really disliking the chorus


It's definitely lacking a lot more ambiance and sound details. I think that plays a big role in the song feeling flat. It's a consistent theme with BM songs so far (ex. Batter Up was similarly empty). Another is the specific beat that was used for this song. It's giving 2012-2014 big room EDM, which always felt "artificial." So I understand what you're saying.


Yeah it's mostly the heavy beat that's there for the whole song that made it feel artificial for me. I think part of it is because the visual concept reminds me of early ive songs which are some of the best at building tension and having a satisfying catharsis so the contrast threw me off a bit. I've accepted that their sound isn't for me and is just listening on the off chance that they release a song I like because I love rami's vocals lol


Yup, it kinda feels plastick-y, and it was the exact same complaint that EDM fans had with that type of music. Maybe something less plasticky would have made a huge difference.


I am a pretty recent kpop stan so I'm probably not the most trustful source, but I love babymonster so much. I don't get why people compare them to BP that much. You cannot compare a 4 members group to a 7 members group. They sound very different. I am actually impressed with the fact that each member had their time to shine in each song.


I am a pretty recent kpop stan so I'm probably not the most trustful source, but I love babymonster so much. I don't get why people compare them to BP that much. You cannot compare a 4 members group to a 7 members group. They sound very different. I am actually impressed with the fact that each member had their time to shine in each song.


Choreo looks like mean girls lol.




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It kind of reminds me of IVE I AM so it’s still lacking identity


Cause the director of the mv directed I am as well lol.


I was thinking of IVE's I Want




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The song almost had me until they started singing the word "forever," it sounds really dated and not in a fun nostalgic way It went all downhill from there, I just don't think their music is for me


I am a pretty recent kpop stan so I'm probably not the most trustful source, but I love babymonster so much. I don't get why people compare them to BP that much. You cannot compare a 4 members group to a 7 members group. They sound very different. I am actually impressed with the fact that each member had their time to shine in each song.


I am a pretty recent kpop stan so I'm probably not the most trustful source, but I love babymonster so much. I don't get why people compare them to BP that much. You cannot compare a 4 members group to a 7 members group. They sound very different. I am actually impressed with the fact that each member had their time to shine in each song.