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I actually liked the new chicken. Has a ton of flavor and is crispier to me. And customers will always hate change. Always. My service case was taken out months ago and I still have people complaining about it. These were people that literally never got anything out of the service case, but liked to browse it.


Yo we have customers who bought something ONE TIME, 5 years ago, at a different store, and they still fucking come to us complaining that we don't have it.


About a year after we put our hard alcohol into locked cases a guy complained about it. He also mentioned that he doesn't drink. It literally had zero impact on him.


Definitely better. Tried it before it was released. Ha ds down better.


I dont mind change when its actually for the better but this new chicken flat out sucks


I don't hate change but when something is perfect why try to change it. It's always been the best of all of the chain chicken places. This paprika is so incredibly strong and overpowering that the back of my tongue is numb and there's a strange taste that I can't get rid of for hours. If they want to add chicken with paprika how about just keeping the original and calling this a second flavor, paprika chicken. But give us a choice because to me it sucks!!!


I was planning on trying it one day last week, but then someone found a colony of maggots living in our deli so no thanks. I'm not eating anything from the deli anytime soon. Before the maggots, I would occasionally eat their cooking, but not now.


I think I’m going to regret joining this subreddit 🤢


I stopped getting stuff from the deli because I didn’t like how they often had meat and cheese in the same case. I don’t want my cheese marinating in meat fumes.


Which location????


Not that shocking. From the corporate offices all the way down to the offices in stores, this place is run by fucking illiterate babboons who dont have a clue what their employees need or what their customers want.


Everybody RAINBOW


I fry chicken and its a mess and takes longer to keep the warmer full . and with all the time orders that we get on the weekends and holidays it's a nightmare! Customers that don't like it want to throw attitude at me like I changed the recipe. And when you clean up the mess, looks like clumps of wet cheeto everywhere


It is not crispier like they claim. It DOES taste slightly better. Not a lot, but it is noticeably better. Anyone who complains just doesn't like flavor lol. Or "protein water"


Ah yea the protein water soak straight from the sink


I tried it today. I USED to love their fried chicken....not anymore. The only flavor was a nasty after taste.


This and it smells really bad. Lol


I agree its not bad but i just dont like tge flavor. Frys had the best fried chicken and now they dont lol.


The deli fried chicken meals have been my go to lunch for a long time, but the new batter recipe has changed that. If I want bland, overly breaded chicken that leaves me feeling cheated, I’ll go to Popeyes.


Canes *^


I agree this is the worst batter ever! I used to buy it weekly for my family to enjoy. Not anymore!


I wanted to try it but between this and what my coworkers have said, I don't think I'm going to. I'll stick with steamed shrimp since I know thats good


I thought they used d fish batter. It was nice crispy and crunchy when fresh but really bad after a while. I bought the 4 piece pack, ate 2 pieces with utmost satisfaction, saved 2 pieces for later. The later ones were wet and oily. Not appealing at all.


They had a box of it in our break room today for us all to try. It was meh.


What used to be the best fried chicken, nothing closer to grandmas fried chicken, is now the worst fried chicken on the market. Absolutely horrible! I am a fried chicken connoisseur and I will never buy this again and I have been buying Kroger's fried chicken for decades . Kroger's, had everybody beat now you're the biggest loser. Hate to see you go


I agree! If I didn t know I was eating chicken I would have no idea! No flavor, smells awful and breading tasted like it was days old grease.


It's orange. Batter shouldn't look like that. Our hutchinson location is not getting them crispy either.


yes sir i can attest to that !!! has absolutely no flavor and definately more labor intensive without tht the payoff


Doesn’t smell as good tbh


That’s what I told my wife I said this batter doesn’t have a good smell. It was the last time we bought it.


The chicken is awful now.I got a refund.Been buying their chicken for too many years to remember.For those who say it's crispy,you are getting it wrong.It's crunchy.So thick and crunchy that it actually hurts to chew.Cuts my mouth up.Going to buy Meijer now because Kroger chicken is just not edible.


I HATE it! So does my family. Horrible. We were so disappointed tonight after going to Kroger just to pick up some chicken and my husband came home with this junk! Why would you go and change something that people loved? I just don't get it.


Agreed! My family and I tried it for the first time tonight and none of us liked this “new recipe”. I hope when they see sales decline they change it back!


​ THE NEW FRIED CHICKEN IS DISGUSTING!I have been buying Gerbes fried chicken for over 40 years,it was my monthly treat. I would tell others how good it was. I no longer shop at Gerbes as it makes me irritated that they ruined my favorite item that i have been buying my entire adult life. There are plenty of other stores to shop in my city.


I just bought three containers of the chicken strips from my Kroger in Northern Indiana, and it was the most awful tasting chicken I’ve ever had. The lids were somewhat steamed over, so I couldn’t really get a good look at them, but when I finally opened them up…about 15 minutes later, they were all mushy looking…definitely not crispy. I took a bite, and I can’t say it was a bad taste per se, rather there was no taste. Nothing. I’ve never had a strip so unappealing. I was determined to salvage them since they’re $7.99 a pack, so I added seasoning, olive oil, and popped them in my air fryer for about 10 minutes. They definitely looked better, and we’re slightly more edible, but even that couldn’t save them. Never again, Kroger…never again.


It’s so gross compared to the original recipe ! Totally disappointing


Not even the pieces are recognizable…….




The new fried chicken at Kroger's is the worst ever. Have tried it two different times now. Hate hate. Hate it will not get fried chicken from Kroger Deli again until they go back to the old recipe. Awful!


Yeah, I haven't bought any fried chicken from Kroger since I left my comment on here 4 months ago. I walk by the deli when I'm picking up bread and there are always boxes of chicken still there. However, with the old recipe you couldn't grab a box quick enough before they were gone.


This new chicken is nasty AF, fried hard and ZERO flavor. Don't worry Kroger I'm never buying it again


Omg it's hard to take some of you serious when you say it taste better. This ish is awful and all must not have any taste buds


Bring back the old recipe please!!! It was more of a home fried taste that only Kroger provided and now they have messed it up!! 


Don't waste your money it horrible. 


I like to get the home chef fried chicken about 3 times a month,but this last week it was the crispy recipe. My son and I didn't like it. It was way too crispy and didn't nearly as good as the older batter. Also, the batter was so thick and crispy it just fell off trying to eat it. We had 2 pieces left over I ended up reheating in the microwave for lunch the next day. The microwave softened the batter alot. I hope the either revert back to the old recipe or offer both reg & Xtra crispy. we thought the old recipe was just as good as kfc.


Wife brought that crap home the other night and l asked whats that smell..Kroger screwed the pooch on this one. They were the only ones that had fried chicken that was really good, others were tolerable. I guess l’ll just go elsewhere from now on. Chances are they’ll stop selling it before reverting back to the original. I would like to know why they changed in the first place


Yes, I just got some today and it tastes like old grease and black pepper. I am so mad!


It is crispier and I like it more


Deli guy here, Ugh. As someone who has been written up several times for temping out stuff I didn't have time to get to this just more than doubles the time fried takes. Pros: new recipe IS in fact way crispy and done correctly, tastes good. Cons: 1. batter is reaaally fine and gets everywhere. 2. Breading tub gets super clumpy by the time you're doing later cooks b/c we're supposed to dump the wet chicken, excess water and all, right back into the same breading tub it just came out of. It's like that thing where 19th century families all took baths using one tub of water. Just substitue flour instead of soap for this simile. 3. If you're a lone cook, you've probably achieved a rhythm between roasting whole birds and doing fried stuff. Kiss that goodbye... now everything that is fried is essentially tenders. 4. Takes a minute or two more to come to temp. Not a biggie, this one if you drop it a bit early before giving it the regular time. Experiment with your fryers during your downtime. LOL @ downtime


tl:dr = slows your kitchen down quite a bit. makes a grand mess. Buy orange shoes?


Bring back the old recipe, much better.


I also like the new chicken. It is much crispier and tastier than before.


I just returned the new safety orange, double breaded, deep fried chicken. Rub 2 drumsticks together to start a fire. It's so dry!