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Hey, first off you're not at all alone in these feelings. I have scheuremann's and I remember thinking things this everyday between 14 and 19, it's exceptionally tough and it feels like a part of your youth has been stolen. I remember how my family members would freak out seeing my natural posture, or how "friends" would call me Quasimodo in high school, it made me want to withdraw and isolate entirely. I felt the same way about every fabric of clothing, not wanting to be perceived, constantly trying to hold painfully straight posture when my spine just doesn't work that way. I'm not going to say it gets better, because like anything, there's no magical solution and I can't know if you'll ever feel better about it. What I can say is there are people out there who don't care, there are people out there who will listen to you when you talk about how it makes you feel. If you take the steps to build your confidence and try your hardest to stop worrying about it as often, which is easier said than done, one day it won't be much other than a passing reminder to straighten up your posture, or a fleeting thought of embarrassment, speaking from experience. I still often think about what life would have been like if I never had scheuremann's, but I also think about what life would be like if I had good parents and a healthy family system. My point is, these are the cards we get dealt, everyone has their own stuff going on and I promise you, for most normal healthy people, your spine is the least of their concerns, you're just at a tough age right now where everyone kind of sucks and is vapid and only cares about aesthetics, this part I can guarantee does get better. It might feel nice to think of isolation as a coping tool, to hide yourself from the world, but I promise there are people out there who would love to know you, who will love you regardless of some small aesthetic difference. Don't be so hard on yourself, and coming from someone a few years older than you at 24 who has learned this lesson the hard way, don't isolate out of fear, live your life to the fullest you can everyday with a "fuck you" attitude to anyone that actually cares about some minor aesthetic difference. You are valid, your feelings are valid, and there are people out there for you. I'm sorry you're having a tough time right now and I wish I could do more to help, because I sure as shit would have wanted to help myself more at 18. You got this.


This is lovely and you are so wise! I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.


start with schroth, stick to it and build some muscles, your confidence will follow. your back will start to look a little better, your stronger self-confidence will do the rest. it helps from time to time to be proactive instead of going in circles and arriving constantly at despair. it's too self fullfilling. and don't be too hard to yourself, some people will fill that part without being asked or invited into your life. love yourself and be proud of yourself.


I understand how you feel. I have schuermanns and my curve is 62 degrees. People usually don’t notice my curve unless I bend over and even then I don’t think it’s held me back with others. I have lots of friends and have had many romantic partners. Also, you’re a worthy person even if your curve is a billion degrees. You have to immediately dump the “woe is me” mindset, it won’t do you any favors. I’m not blaming you for being this way, I was too. You should do schroth therapy. If you want to start asap go on YouTube and look for kyphosis exercises. Pilates can help. I decided to get into weightlifting and actually improved my curve from 71 to 62 even though I have schuermanns, some of my curve was “regular” weak muscle kyphosis. Either way people aren’t going to care if your back is a bit curved. Please go out and have fun with your life and accomplish things! If you’re struggling badly please also seek therapy.


Having been diagnosed with Schurrmann disease since my teens, I understand exactly what you are going through. We tend to be our own worst enemy, and it’s not helpful. I started going to the gym quite late because I always imagined that everyone would look at me and talk behind my back. However, I discovered that everyone there was really helpful, friendly, and motivated. Almost everyone has something about themselves that they don’t like—whether they're too fat, too skinny, or something else—but it’s the attitude that matters. Try team training; you can always skip or modify the exercises you find too difficult.


You are not alone, many men and women in this sub feel the same way as you do, be grateful of everything you have, wether it be your parents, your pets, your nieces, uncles, friends If they are worth it they won't care about your curvature, you are a valuable, you can feel worthless, is ok, we get it, just keep trying,in the end is worth it Even after all the self esteem issues or the anxiety You deserve to live your life to the fullest. When you feel worthless remember: we have all been there, its ok tomorrow is a new day, there are people who care about you, keep trying, keep fighting as long as you can. We are all gonna make it.


This doesn't sound like postural kyphosis but Scheuermann's (structural kyphosis), this happens very often


What makes you think that?? /nm


You say it to everyone. These structural kyphosis are always a mix between postural and structural anyways. Except for really severe cases, the kyphosis can always improve. So the person effort should be spent in exercises and physical activity, because focusing too much in complains isnt a bad habits for mental health. Every adult has a light scoliosis and tons of structural defects and asymmetries, too. But it s not healthly to focus on them, we cant and we dont need to change them, instead we should focus on reach a functional, strong and healthly body. We will always have a limit, but...who cares? Pain, is not related to a structural change, but instead to the dysfunctions our body have (we can work and address these dysfunctions), and for being inactive, sedentary too. In my point isnt clear enough, remember that there are person without a or some limbs, mutilated etc that with physical activity and exercises are healthly, pain free and strong, too. So (except for high deformity severe cases that require important surgeries) about this point of view, we have 4 limbs, we shouldnt complain.


You are very young and the postural kyphosis has very big ranges of improvements. Exercises really can make huge differences so yes now it s a sad moment, but you ll overcome it, then you should focus on building a solid exercises routine habits, with a solid mind and patience. Swimming, as like other activities actually helps, so you should go to swim. Insecurity is normal, but you ll overcome it. The 2nd big benefit of physical activity or workout routine is that they really increase your self conscious and self confidence. The phrase "walking or running is good for mental health" is true. Remember, we are sort of animals, we need to stay in nature and especially to move. The mental health benefit is something real. I would focus on specific exercises because a very sedentary person needs them (his body has "forgotten" the proper posture movements, erectors muscles are asleep, only specific exercises awake them and rieducate body. Because now body is used to compensate with others compensatory movements), but every activity is healthly and recommended. Thoracic extension and rotation mobility, and Y and T raises, could be done easily. Then with the time a person can progress gradually. I leave the old comment with the exercises https://www.reddit.com/r/Posture/comments/1duoxul/comment/lbie6i4/