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https://preview.redd.it/w8s489g4th8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ed2a4224f6d8d6cd2ce7027649d1f012c5e596 Bolero, 93% lab by dna with the rest unknown, is a solid 100 lbs here.


The remaining 7% is goodboy, which DNA tests are unfortunately unable to capture effectively.


The other 7% is gazelle legs. That guy looks like he’s got a great 40 yd time.


When he gallops he sure sounds like a horse. He’s 27” at his front shoulders. Definitely one of the tallest labs I’ve seen.


Hank the Tank. A handsome 'triever, radiating charm and intelligence. I approve. Now, give Hank a snack. Extra snacks will slow his growth. 😃


I just asked my Lab, and he said this is 100% true; and he would never lie to me.


“Chips don’t count! My doctor said they have zero nutritional value!”


Maybe switched at birth? Looks like a Great Dane mix.


Yeah that’s what I wanted to say too, looks like he has a bit of Great Dane, not just lab. …. I want to boop his snoot…


He LOVES a good snoot boop!!


Yeah no way is the AKC correct as a purebred. Beautiful dog but I see Great Dane in the face and legs


AKC can only go off of what information is submitted from a breeder. Only a DNA test would confirm if the dog is a mixed breed.


True I worded that wrong but a breeder usually knows or else they were duped too. I would do an embark just to find out as i bet it’s part Great Dane.


That's what I'm thinking. That's almost exactly the weight my dane was at those ages. Gorgeous dog!


Welcome to the club! My dude is a slim 96lbs.


I have a petite, 110 lb yellow lab. He, of course, considers himself a lapdog.


Same 🤣🤣❤️


the bigger they get, the smaller they think they are. whenever it thunders outside, my 4 year old lab sits on whoever's on a couch or a bed. not laying down, sitting upright. the same way we would ask him to for a treat. Thank goodness he only does it when he gets scared, because I feel terrible moving him when he's laying down on top of me.


I would love to see a picture of your petite boy!


https://preview.redd.it/mvhwzgelki8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f8d5d27b299c8836ca9cfd86f7d4346b13d589 Our lab was 17lbs at 8 weeks. He’s now a 94lb lean big boy. His heaviest was 112 but was able to get him down to an ideal weight. Once I saw the paws on your pup, you just know they are going to be yuuuuge.


I just lost my best boy Dennis. Ex autism assistance dog nearly made 15 and he was 40 kg (90 lb ish?) from a prize winning lab breeder here in Victoria, Australia. He had a great life, we aren't used to him not being here yet. Anyway yes labs can be huge! https://preview.redd.it/n9alt4uw0j8d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1bf9b4a25fb340b1aefba4ddf05a88558b4510


💔💔💔 beautiful boy


Thankyou. He was so lovely. Still can't believe he's gone. Gone but never forgotten.


looks like he’s a great dane mix




Weimaraner Labrador, aka, Weimarador, aka 100% sugar content. The sweetest lab known to humanity! https://preview.redd.it/mp42ooqeoi8d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d0600b888ec4e4d2791b389bd69147e5c0b9c6


It a silver


Judging by what I see of the color, it looks more like a charcoal. They're known as a black lab dilute, whereas a silver is a choco lab dilute. We also have a charcoal lab and her dad was a black lab, and she looks just like this. People commonly mistake them for weimaraners given the pale eyes, and there's also been controversy that the genetics for charcoals or silvers came from weimaraners, which is all untrue and unproven. It's just that they're dilute recessive gene and thus get the paler coats. But interesting this silver looks more like a charcoal!


There is always a dilute gene present in silver labs, they can’t be purebred


I don’t know the arguments regarding silver labs but doesn’t a dna test tell you if a particular dog is 100% lab? In this day and age I think you can ignore AKC and just look at lab results.




"...can't be purebred?" Should we believe you or the genetic scientists who find them to be 100% Labrador Retriever? Should we believe you or the breed history which includes blending multiple dilute-carrying breeds with the St John's Water Dog to create the Labrador Retriever gene pool? Should we believe you or the numerous reports of silver labs from many decades ago?


It's silver for sure but silver labs aren't a real breed


I did a double take to check the thread, haha. Are you sure that’s a labrador!? 🫣


https://preview.redd.it/k1lye07c2j8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5fde351fb454bf32c2798810b7456ff7845789 Chomper is 91 pounds :)




Interesting. My silver girl has developed a small bald spot on the back of her head. And after hip surgery last winter, the hair regrowth seems stalled at about 75%.


So your breeder let you take him at 6 weeks His head&ears make me think he has a mix in there. BUT he is 100% adorable! I have had labs end up 65-100 My latest is a 75 pound yellow male at 11 months.His dad is 100,mom 70 So I think he might be 85


That’s not a lab, that’s a whole research facility!


Wait, they make labs that are under 100? I’ll take two of those.


Before joining this subreddit I didn't know they were so commonly large lol My lab was about 57-58 lbs at an ideal weight, 66 lbs at her biggest. She was a field-line so maybe that makes a difference. Her whole litter was small. I met her brother a few years after getting her and he weighed about 65 lbs at an ideal weight.


Same. I’m thinking maybe it’s a selection thing? Americans maybe prefer big dogs and therefore tend to breed the bigger labs..? I’m from Denmark and danish labs are generally like 45-85 lbs. (My own is 51 lbs and perfect! Wouldn’t want her any bigger than that 😅)




Wow - my 5.5 month English is 50 pounds and very thin. I can’t imagine him being able to be healthy and under 70 pounds when he’s fully grown.


My English male lab is 81pds and fit and he’s just over a year


Ha! We keep trying to find 55-70 lb labs. I think they are a myth at this point.




My silver girl is “American” and her mom is/was 55, so we figured she would be close. Wrong. The boy is American/English. Mom is 75, dad is 98, so we knew he would be bigger. He’s the spitting image of his dad, but bigger than both. Apparently, we just need cheerleader size labs in this house.


Learn about British labs. Females are often in the 40s.


you need an american lab!


My lab is pocket sized at 50 lb.


https://preview.redd.it/smv809lm5j8d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7b3bcc299ec1e83db11bfba740326d7248531e1 This is my silver he’s lovely but does have some separation anxiety issues teddy is 10 months I don’t know his weight as he’s scared of the weigh scales


He’s beautiful! They look a lot alike


If you can lift him hold him in your arms and get on the scale, then subtract your weight.


Dang! I think you have a model there! I’m calling that look Silver Steel.


https://preview.redd.it/nov904ihnx8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b3b7e4788d2c9108aadea1769b819fbe4762a9 TWINS


Depends on which line he's from. Show (aka English) Labs tend to be on the heavier side of the weight range while field (aka American) Labs tend to run on the smaller side. Mine is an American and he's around 65 lbs but has long legs. https://preview.redd.it/qbkxn5i1pj8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6b75dd5f5fc2c94e9729e20146ec7f19444f69 On another note, some people in the comments have posted pics of their Lab and a few of them are clearly overweight yet their owners are claiming that their dog is "fine." No, they're not fine. A healthy Lab shouldn't have visible ribs but you should be able to feel them pretty easily. A hunting Lab will put on a few extra pounds in the fall/winter (which is very normal) to stay warm in the cold water when retrieving waterfowl then shed the extra weight in the spring and summer to stay cooler.


People don’t get it. My dog is at the upper end of healthy weight and I get comments about how skinny she is *all the time*. So many dogs, and labs in particular, are overweight and obese that people don’t know what a healthy dog should look like anymore.


Sadly that is very true. I even had a veterinarian say that they were very happy to see a Lab at a healthy weight and to keep up with whatever I was doing.


Excellently put. My vet told me you shouldn't be able to see your dog's ribs, but you should be able to feel them under your fingertips. But if you have to push more than a little bit to feel those ribs, your dog is overweight. -------------- PSA: hello all, if your Lab is overweight, don't worry too much. They'll take low-calorie treats from you happy as a clam, and will empty the bowl of weightloss kibble just like they do their regular kibble. *Looks significantly over at my girl who I have to regularly stop from sampling different flavors of plant fertilizer dirt* They're Labs, not Pomeranians. If they'll eat poo or rocks or dead birds or dirt or whatever, chances are, they'll happily chow down on whatever you give them, even if that's diet kibble instead of their regular stuff. For low-calorie, limited-ingredient treats that I've had good luck with picky dogs and cats loving, here's an Amazon link to a freeze dried salmon treat I like. They're ~2 calories apiece and a bag of a couple hundred of the things is like twenty bucks on Amazon. https://a.co/d/0hOCw52k


Interested to read more about English vs. American. He’s definitely big boned/large/tall, but he doesn’t have that block style head… And I agree! My boy is big but he LOOKS skinny. Downright lanky at this point!


English Labs in the US generally won't have the same level of retrieving drive as American Labs since a lot of English Labs are usually pets/show/service dogs. American Labs were specifically bred to be more athletic (hence the tall lanky look) and have a higher retrieving drive for hunting. That doesn't necessarily mean there are some excellent hunting line bred English Labs out there. Other than differences in appearance and drive, they're all still Labs which means they will do Lab things such as tearing up the trash, or grabbing the nearest shoe/toy/anything soft and carrying it around the house just for the fun of it!


Beautiful big boy, but a see a bit of Great Dane in that gorgeous face. Could you do a DNA test? I guess I could be ignorant, but I don’t think two browns make a grey … my girl is half yellow and half fox red and looks exactly like a mix of the two.


>but I don’t think two browns make a grey The thing is, that's exactly how you get a silver lab. So the common belief is silver Labs are just mixed with Weimaraners, which is true in some cases, but there are full lab silvers. There's a recessive lab gene called a dilution gene. If a chocolate lab had the dilution gene, it causes their color to come out diluted, aka "silver." This gene also causes black labs to be "charcoal" (kind of a deep gray) and yellow labs to be "champagne" (a yellow coat with a slight pinky tint to it). Sadly, the silvers are most in demand, and chocolates are already prone to more health problems, and unscrupulous breeders are inbreeding to guarantee that silver coat.


Thanks so much for explaining, I had no idea


Thanks for this explanation!


They were both registered as brown, but they are a “dilute brown” or silver. (I think that is right? Someone correct me if I am wrong)


Dilute brown isn’t a thing, and definitely isn’t the same as silver (which isn’t a recognized color by the AKC), so it sounds like the breeder was fudging papers a bit :/


Ahhh I see. I read a lot of differing things online! I love him no matter what so not important to me what his breed is, just genuinely curious! Especially with the size. If not dilute brown, how does silver come about? If you know!


He looks like an absolute sweetheart!! The common consensus in lab groups (for most people — some don’t to believe it so you will see differing things online) is that Weimaraners were introduced into the gene pool generations back to introduce the silver coloration gene. A lot of silver labs look very similar to Weims, especially with their distinctive eyes, so I believe it (I have a choco that came from a silver mom before we knew!). I’m not super well-versed in the evidence, but if you search silver or Weimaraner in this sub I’m sure you’ll find a post detailing it! We did an Embark DNA test on our guy, and they give you the traits and genes for coloration — definitely something you could do if you’re interested or have any suspicions that he may not be purebred due to his size and color! Regardless though, you have a lovely (and huge!) boy😊


"Dilute brown isn't a thing, and definitely isn't the same as silver" Silver is the following: bb EE or Ee dd bb is brown/liver/chocolate. dd is dilute. So dilute brown exists. It is silver. If you disagree, can you share what specific genetics you think make silver? Thanks.


I have a silver and she came with AKC papers as a chocolate. It's a recessive gene. Both her parents are silvers.


My choco’s mom (a silver) was also papered, but it’s extremely easy to “hang” papers as the AKC really doesn’t check


"AKC really doesn't check." Oh yes they do, when they have a credible complaint of pedigree fraud. They will revoke multiple generations of registrations, titles, etc. But they got so sick of illogical dilute haters claiming all silvers are not purebred, they announced that allegations of pedigree fraud should be based on more than color. This is because there are many purebred silver labs.


Maybe a Weimaraner Mix. The used them to produce silver Labs.


Do they? Was wondering so …


yup, so it’s not totally confirmed but suspected to have occurred at a point in time which would now be undetectable in DNA. that’s why silvers are not recognized by kennel clubs.


The AKC recognizes silver labs as purebred chocolate labs (which is what their DNA shows they are) and has even stated that allegations of pedigree fraud should be based on more than color.


Went through this was our old boy, Jake….he had an average sized Mum and Dad, and our friends had his sisters who were 60lbs - he just kept growing and he had long legs….was always being asked if he was crossed with a Great Dane - he wasn’t. He topped out at 112 lbs….and he was tall enough to rest his head on a regular table height so we went to a countertop height table 😂 My only advice is take care of his joints - joint supplements early on in age and lots of swimming - I swear that’s how the big man made to 14. Our current guy is “normal” sized - to us he’s 2/3rds of Jake and I call him my little shrimpy even though he’s a respectable 75 lbs


My silver is 110 lbs lol


https://preview.redd.it/z4iun7xfri8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c05db17fa89d38daf98f29af447e94b48d29686 88-92#. Runs everyday like a puppy …. Much larger than my other 3 labs


https://preview.redd.it/l22zu4y4ui8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a424af76774ffe6cfc5dd8246727a4f2c31c0b2 My boy Moose on the right is 125lbs.


Handsome guy! Great name!


Thanks, he's a gentle giant. Loves kids and everyone else.❤️😊


The lab test passes, definitely. It happens. Don’t forget to buy a 60 pound of dog food today, you’ll need it.


https://preview.redd.it/mk0qzt1zfj8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a129c7f26f687260ecd9630c098279d7f5be41 So is mine!! But still a big baby!!! ❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/3v0zdb70ij8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbadd1ac5918f0940f6606f56d13517c1becac2d Almost 100#. King sized bed.


Yep!!! Soooo relaxed 😌 Mine can clear a full sized couch, but so far I’ve kept him out of the bed haha. I’m sure that time will end soon though


https://preview.redd.it/uc86ylmtgk8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a6a4fba45909a5f8f2f63b2e0e70bf148f7ce0 Indy is AKC registered Lab but even my iPhone camera AI thinks she is a Great Dane. She currently weighs 80 lbs.


I LOVE when they have their mouths open and showing their teef like that ☺️


Bc it’s a lab mix and looks like a very good boy/girl


I call my lab a super mutant because he's taller and longer than the average lab and we sit at 110 pounds lol as long as he's healthy, I don't see a need to worry about how much your pup weighs!


What a chonk


He’s gorgeous. I love big dogs.


He’s fine. Enjoy him as he is


https://preview.redd.it/yhbbn3b45i8d1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd066a8276b76722f316167e28d11266434fdb85 Ickle bb Laika at 8 weeks...


https://preview.redd.it/7xx91w185i8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ddb9b5a76080d246a62ffd090256ee56360761f Fecking TANK Laika at 8 Months


Pretty mudpuppy


My lab was 75lbs at 6 months. He weighed in at 100lbs at 8.5months. We have not weighed him since, he’s now a 9.5months old big goofball. https://preview.redd.it/27ydwqaedi8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=884b0e6d91bf6fb85cf19ad2273681144e71ec6d


Handsome boy! My lab/mastiff mix is close to 130lbs, they can be huge!


Hank is a fitting name for an adorable Doggo


https://preview.redd.it/2qf229rcqj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c65b871b096a59ee9027efd58582b3fff52cee5 This child was a chonky 15+lb when he came home at 8 weeks. I swear he was only puppy-sized for a month. He was 98 at 1 year and is 112 now at 2.5 years. But he had big, thick bones and great muscle tone since he was little and has filled out wonderfully. It think you just got a Tall Boi. You might need a new couch though :)


Hahah yes I am trying so hard to preserve my couches but they are barely making it through the puppy stage so a pair of tall/deep couches is definitely in order! He’s outgrown 4-5 beds and 3 crates haha


Hate to correct you but that's actually a horse




My yellow lab was AKC registered and he was 96# at 6 months, no idea about his blood line I adopted him from the humane society his papers were included with his adoption stuff. When he pass at 14 years old he was 134# The best dog I ever had! *


https://preview.redd.it/2au9n8nzjk8d1.jpeg?width=1813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ac40bf9713f60d52281154fed9e37ca3bef341 Our silver lab, Maverick, just turned 4 years old in May! 109 lbs last week at the vet and is slightly taller than my mom’s Bull Mastiff. Only issues are some allergies and not having many thoughts in his brain. He is a happy boy and grew extremely fast as a puppy, too!


Haha we’ve got not a lot of thoughts bouncing around in his too 😆


I had a lab, boxer, pit mix (50%) lab and my boy was 95 lbs at his full grown healthy size.


https://preview.redd.it/mtoy19p84l8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0174d61fab0e2556fd23f4c273365c7d160865c My Lab Hershey is 105 pounds in 2 1/2 years old




https://preview.redd.it/ogfuvh7f4l8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a50b789d8c13525af0b301fe1e44f084152dd77 Ours also got a bit out of control, he's currently between 35-36 kg (77 pounds). He's been a bit heavier already, but we managed to get his weight to a healthy level. He's a chocolate field lab:)


We had a beautiful male chocolate lab named Riley and at his peak, he was 98 lb


Shelter worker here (aka a paid breed guesser and poop cleaner lol) he realllly looks like a dane mix to me! And SO BEAUTIFUL may i add 💖🥰


So interesting!! I can see it a little for sure. Especially with his height and long legs. Thank you! He really is just gorgeous. I call him my supermodel dog haha


Labs can grow this large. He is fine.


Aww! We have a Silver Lab as well! They're so rare! https://preview.redd.it/hgfuumcvlx8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776fe8ac5ff7c3e1cf6923a6d614dc493edd4253


What a sweet sleeper!! They are just so beautiful


Bought the ticket, take the ride.


Our silver is 98lbs, he’s just a big boy. It happens! Our chocolate was 100lbs and wasn’t overweight. Just the lineage they get.


Oh boy! SiLvEr LaBs ArEn’T pUrEbReEd. Is strong here. I’m sure my Charcoal Lab will trigger you ball bags too. That is a beautiful silver Lab. Get over it!


They are SO pretty! I just love my boy and could care less, but man there are some STRONG opinions here haha


https://preview.redd.it/m64n59l2mk8d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f915bc4ab83164c8e633f4bc7bf406844aae8d3 That my girl Freya. Screw the haters! She’s all lab


Handsome boy!


Gotta black lab Great Dane mix and he's 95 lbs of sweet and awesome


I don’t think the AKC recognizes silver labs yet. All the silver labs I have known have been very large! He is such a cutie! Give him hugs and kisses from our fur family!


https://preview.redd.it/ff5hbt6vxi8d1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ff202bb9fb3a6bc48e7c79977252c4c4a8b83d5 Looks like a totally normal silver to me! Cirilla is now a healthy 72lbs. 💜 She is AKC registered too and no weimaraner in sight. Silvers are chocolates bread to show their recessive genes.


Oh my goodness, SO CUTE


https://preview.redd.it/w8qg5rrcei8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec802fbf025fc007869b592165bf6db436f1da3 This dudes hovered around 120 since growing out of being a puppy. It’s been tough to dial his food in because if it’s not skin allergies its ends up causing….very loose droppings. We exercise him and walk him, he’s just always been big. My favorite line from a visitor was “oh my god it’s like shaking hands with a horse!” When he got excited and jumped up on him.


https://preview.redd.it/of1wqgo7hi8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347af3a84e03108fae33b6ef327aab62f5732fd3 My big goofball here went through that too as a pup, winding up around 100 lbs. He’s super healthy even at 11 years old!


Wow! That is a lot of dog.


Sounds like you have a Clifford. Maybe if you stop loving him he’ll stop growing??


Oh man he’s gonna be HUGE! Ha


Big labs are so much more fun. My family and I have had small labs around 65-70 lbs. We have had huge labs that were tall and 115 lbs.


Did you see both parents?


Our chocolate lab that we got when she was 9 years old was, according to her original owner, the smallest puppy. She grew to 100lbs—and the gentlest lady. RIP Molly


Ours was the largest of the litter haha


Pic 4 perfect fart position lol


I’m thinking he might be part horse. This guy is huge.🤪


His legs sure do remind me a baby horse! He lays down with them straight out too, just plops on the floor haha


My girl is currently sitting at 45lbs and just turned 5 months old. This is my first lab, so I have clue what the projection here is but I think she's gonna be a big girl.


Hopefully he grows into those big paws heeehee! Super cute thanks for adopting this soon to be very big boy!❤️




He does have a bit of a droopy face and his eyes have always been VERY droopy I’ve noticed. Enough so that I’ve brought it up to the vet but she didn’t see any issues with them… I’m def gonna do a DNA test for curiosities sake!


You're gonna need a bigger bed. - Guy still struggling with a queen and 98 lbs. of straightarm in the bed


This literally looks exactly like my silver lab when he was a pup. For the record, he is now 5 years old and weighs 105lbs. Where did you get the pup from? My breeder was located in Amarillo, TX.


How cute is the first pic???, 😭😭😭


Our black lab weighs 113 lbs, he’s half English lab & half American lab. Our vet says he’s barrel chested, and his weight is fine for his size! We met both of his parents, and the dad (bigger than mom) was 80 pounds…I think your baby is fine! 💕


Was he neutered early? This causes long legs and it’s harder to prevent weight gain. If not, this is more growth than mine who is 50 pounds at 5.5 months.


Just got him neutered last week!


So sweet that babe


Wow, I thought mine was big when he was 75lbs at 7 months old. Yours is huge!


Hes gaining about 5 lbs a week right now, and no signs of stopping 😳


My lab is 80. Friends silver is around 110, not fat, just tall and normal looking.


My Yellow Lab was a muscled 95 Lbs. Any weight beyond that could, just could be a problem. If your pup starts getting tired and putting on weight and no longer wants to walk then he may have a thyroid issue.


My girl is 100% Lab (DNA test), 28" at the shoulder, and 108 pounds. She's HUGE. https://preview.redd.it/ug41dmp7sj8d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=7866e94480786e9a719d33ee777c925c1d14bd17


Oh my gosh , I miss all of my labs & love looking at all of yours .. they are better than humans !!!


Maybe some cane corso in there? Either way, he's gorgeous!!!


Had a lab growing up. Runt who grew up well. He was very healthy and a big boy. 104 lb, but not fat at all. Just big.


totally thought i was on the cane corso subreddit when i saw this dog as a pup lol, maybe he’s a corso mix?


Aww cutie!


Baby labs don’t last!! ❤️


Lasted a whole day! Ha




Hank still looks like a big baby😍


Yes he is exactly that!! I call him my big baby haha. He loves to cuddle and is scared of EVERYTHING


So beautiful🥰


Boot camp!! With a good trainer it’s expensive but totally worth it!


10000% doing this!


Labs can grow this large. He is fine.


Just a big boi, it seems!


You’re lucky my lab border collie mix stopped at my knee, she’s so tiny, and so cute, but I don’t understand why she isn’t bigger lol https://preview.redd.it/nft6380tkl8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43867532b95f72a76cf8e800000837c7cfee99f


All I see is a great dane lol. I can be wrong and probably am


Id check the AKC rego was legit with the agency themselves. Cos honestly I cant see him being purebred lab. It doesnt matter either way. He is beautiful. You love him. You may need to buy him his own couch is all 😂


He def needs his own couch! We registered him with AKC as new owner of a puppy with his parents AKC information. Both his parents are “silver” (brown? Dilute brown? They are same color as Hank, whatever anyone wants to call that is fine with me haha. We call him silver!) But yes, no matter what he is he’s a good ole boy and we love him BIG!


My boy was 36.5 kilos (80 pounds) today. Has been this size since he was 11 months old. Mom was 69 pounds, dad was 90 pounds. I think he will stop soon.


https://preview.redd.it/kkn2cynjmn8d1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f2a0d309ac0541339ca3bcd3fa47e835ce3e7f While I don’t know his exact weight when we first got him, I will say he grew astronomically fast. He’s almost 80 pounds now, but he used to be the size of your feet! The vet told us that his paws are giant, which apparently tells them he’s gonna grow up quite the chonker. It was hard to believe, he was the size of a chihuahua. He’s six years old now.


I had a Catahoula and he gained 10 pounds a month I carried him until he was 3 months old. Random strangers would stop me and tell me to put him down. My dog started to slow down around the 6 month mark. He still gained weight just at a slower rate.


You brought home an AKC Labrador at 6 weeks? My backyard breeder lab came home at 7.5 weeks and they wanted me to pick her up early because they were sick of having pups in the house. 6 weeks is so early, seems a lil sus. Also I would venture to say he’s got some Dane in him, but my girl’s sire looked like a Dane and weighed 105lbs and my girl and her littermates really do look all Lab. But Hank looks like a great boy 🥰 and only to get gooder as he grows 🥲


My neighbors’ lab grew huge just like yours! He’s almost 100 lbs now. She did genetic testing and I am super annoyed I can’t remember what it’s called, but basically a dog form of gigantism.


Oh wow! That’s crazy. Definitely gonna look into this.


looks like a weimaraner mix !


Sounds about right. My boy is 80lbs and seems to be staying around that weight. His dad was 100lbs. As long as your pup isn't overweight (ask your vet, like you can't feel his ribs, doesn't have a defined waist, etc) he might just be a big lab. Their size can vary a lot.


My male box head Labrador has a dad who’s pushing 120 pounds and looks like a small horse, but is completely healthy. He’s not far behind his dad at 18 months now. He’s also already outgrown my 11 year old lab mix who is 80-85 pounds and shorter than him. https://preview.redd.it/bvaihn1idt8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ca30e5ae8529c045fb086895eba288c12cc9c9 This picture is of him at 13 months old!




Definitely do a DNA test bc even the coloring there's no way he came from 2 chocolate labs. That coloring indicates mixed breed bc labs only come in chocolate, yellow and black occasionally. A grey/blue color is a high indication of mix breed almost guaranteed.


Definitely has Great Dane in him. Big boy


Unless your pictures’ color is off that is a “silver” lab, which would not be produced by AKC registered chocolate labs, because silver is not a natural lab color. Your dog would have had to be bred with a Weimaraner or some other naturally occurring silver dog to achieve that color. His face does have some Weimaraner characteristics. In breeding for this color, you may well end up with a larger than expected dog.


That being said, he is beautiful, and very boopable!


Hank has a sweet face. Start ordering dog food by the truckload and probably going to need a bigger sofa! 🤣


Time for a doggy DNA test! Maybe Hank is actually a horse disguised as a lab... I believe the term is "Great Dane". 😆


Some labs are big boys! There is usually a pretty noticeable difference between show line labs and working line labs as well. There could be a different breed far down his genetic line that had a helping hand as well, but I really wouldn't worry about it!


There's some great dane in his DNA I'd say.


He’s gotta be part Great Dane, you can see it in his face!! Would explain him being so large too!


https://preview.redd.it/6h62n1exdd9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc127dd20ab08b35234e31a586e6a64d4d9c3fd 110 pounds of head and muscle.


Pic 5 is giving strong Weinmeraner features


More to love!🩶🐾


I’ve had labs most of my life. All of the males got between 80-100lbs. It’s normal! Also, your doggo is absolutely adorable 💜